The Ellen G. White Letters and Manuscripts: Volume 1


Chronological Index of Ellen G. White Letters, Manuscripts, and Publications

DateAddressee/TitleFile NumberPage
Dec. 20Enoch JacobsLt 1, 184585
Feb. 15Enoch JacobsLt 1, 184696
Apr. 6“To the Little Remnant Scattered Abroad.” BroadsideMs 1, 1846101
Apr. 7Joseph Bates (“A Vision.” Broadside.)Lt 1, 1847112
Apr. 21Eli CurtisLt 2, 1847118
May 30Publication of A Word to the “Little Flock”  
July 13Joseph BatesLt 3, 1847124
Aug. 25Elvira HastingsLt 4, 1847133
Nov. 18, 19Utterances During VisionsMs 1, 1848134
Dec. 18“Scattered Remnant”Lt 2, 1848138
Jan. 17The SealingMs 2, 1849140
Jan. 18Our Duty in View of the Time of TroubleMs 3, 1849145
Jan. 31“To Those Who Are Receiving the Seal of the Living God.” Broadside.Ms 4, 1849147
c. Mar. 6Elvira HastingsLt 2, 1849154
Mar. 11Affliction of Sr. HastingsMs 7, 1849156
Mar. 22Leonard and Elvira HastingsLt 4, 1849158
Mar. 24The Open and Shut DoorMs 1, 1849160
Apr. 21Leonard and Elvira HastingsLt 5, 1849164
May 29Leonard and Elvira HastingsLt 8, 1849171
DateAddressee/TitleFile NumberPage
June 30Synopsis of E. G. White's VisionMs 6, 1849177
August“Dear Brethren and Sisters”See The Present Truth, August 1849, pp. 21-24 
Sept. 23Remarks in VisionMs 5, 1849181
SeptemberGilbert and Deborah CollinsLt 7, 1849186
September“Dear Brethren and Sisters”See The Present Truth, September 1849, pp. 31, 32 
Jan. 9The Need for The Present TruthMs 2, 1850188
Jan. 11Leonard and Elvira HastingsLt 18, 1850190
Jan. 28A Copy of E. G. White's VisionMs 4, 1850192
Feb. 18Phillip and Nancy CollinsLt 4, 1850197
Mar. 18Leonard HastingsLt 10, 1850199
March“My Dear Brethren and Sisters”See The Present Truth, March 1850, p. 64 
Apr. 15 UnauthenticatedSee Appendix A 
April“To the ‘Little Flock’”See The Present Truth, April 1850, p. 64 
May“Message to Eli Curtis”See The Present Truth, May 1850, p. 80 
July 29A Vision the Lord Gave Me in OswegoMs 5, 1850203
JulyTo the Church in Your PlaceMs 5a, 1850208
Aug. 4Harriet HastingsLt 8, 1850211
Aug. 15Stockbridge and Louisa HowlandLt 12, 1850215
Aug. 22A DreamMs 6, 1850220
Aug. 24A Vision the Lord Gave Me at Brother Harris'sMs 7, 1850222
Aug. 24A Vision the Lord Gave Me at Brother Harris'sMs 7a, 1850228
Aug. 24UnauthenticatedSee Appendix A 
Sept. 1Prudence BatesLt 14, 1850232
SeptemberA Vision the Lord Gave Me at Sutton, VermontMs 14, 1850236
Oct. 23A Vision Given on October 23, 1850Ms 15, 1850242
Oct. 23UnauthenticatedSee Appendix A 
DateAddressee/TitleFile NumberPage
Nov. 1Reuben and Belinda LovelandLt 26, 1850248
Nov. 27Church in Brother Leonard Hastings’ HouseLt 28, 1850252
November“Dear Brethren and Sisters”See The Present Truth, November 1850, p. 86 
DecemberMary NicholsLt 31, 1850261
Dec. 13Reuben and Belinda LovelandLt 30, 1850263
Dec. 24Utterances in VisionMs 10, 1850268
Dec. 25Vision at Paris, MaineMs 11, 1850270
Apr. 1Reuben and Belinda LovelandLt 6, 1851274
Apr. 7“Eli Curtis”See Second Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Apr. 7, 1851, p. 64. 
Apr. 27UnauthenticatedSee Appendix A 
May 18Opposition to the SabbathMs 5, 1851277
May 18, 19Samuel RhodesLt 10, 1851282
June ?Believers at Paris, MaineMs 9, 1851284
June 21Time SettingMs 1, 1851286
June 23Testimony Regarding the Company at Camden, New YorkMs 2, 1851288
June 23Testimony Regarding the Company at Camden, New YorkMs 2a, 1851290
c. June 24-26Stockbridge and Louisa HowlandSee Spiritual Gifts [vol. 2], pp. 149-151 
June 29UnauthenticatedSee Appendix A 
July 21Abram and Caroline DodgeLt 4, 1851292
July 21“Experience and Views.” “Dear Brethren”See Second Advent Review and Sabbath Herald Extra, July 21, 1851, pp. 1-4 
July 27Leonard and Harriet HastingsLt 7, 1851296
Aug. 11Harriet HastingsLt 3, 1851299
AugustPublication of A Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White  
Oct. 19Chandler and Eliza PrestonLt 1, 1851305
Nov. 12Stockbridge and Louise HowlandLt 8, 1851308
DateAddressee/TitleFile NumberPage
Dec. 14Robert BarnesLt 5, 1851317
Dec. 21Abram and Caroline DodgeLt 9, 1851319
Mar. 14Extracts From Sr. White's Vision in Ballston, New YorkMs 2, 1852322
Mar. 18The NationsMs 1, 1852325
Apr. 16Stockbridge and Louisa HowlandSee Spiritual Gifts [vol. 2], pp. 160, 161 
June 2Brethren and Sisters in JacksonLt 2, 1852328
June 10“To the Brethren and Sisters”See The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, June 10, 1852, p. 2. 
August“Dear Young Friends”See The Youth's Instructor, August 1852, pp. 6, 7 
SeptemberExtract Regarding the Latter RainMs 4, 1852332
Oct. 25Dear FriendsLt 4, 1852334
October“Beauties of the New Earth”See The Youth's Instructor, October 1852, pp. 12, 13 
November“Dear Young Friends”See The Youth's Instructor, December 1852, pp. 20-22 
Feb. 17“To the Saints Scattered Abroad”See The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, Feb. 17, 1853, pp. 155, 156 
February“Keep the Sabbath Holy”See The Youth's Instructor, February 1853, p. 37 
Mar. 1The Character That God Requires in His MinistersMs 2, 1853340
MarchAddition of “Notes of Explanation” to A Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White, pp. 1, 2.  
Apr. 14“Dear Brethren and Sisters”See The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, Apr. 14, 1853, p. 192 
MayMary ChaseLt 10, 1853342
DateAddressee/TitleFile NumberPage
May 26Anna WhiteLt 2, 1853349
June 2A Vision Given at Jackson, MichiganMs 1, 1853352
June 23Extracts from nonextant letter to Robert and Eunice HarmonSee Spiritual Gifts [vol. 2], pp. 182, 183 
June 29Church in Jackson [Michigan]Lt 3, 1853365
June 30Alfred and Adaline PearsallLt 4, 1853370
July 2Vision for Commandment KeepersMs 3, 1853372
July 2Extract From a Vision Given at RochesterMs 4, 1853375
July 5Abram and Caroline DodgeLt 5, 1853377
JulyExtract From a Vision Regarding James WhiteMs 5, 1853382
Aug. 3Abram and Caroline DodgeLt 6, 1853383
August“Dear Brethren and Sisters”See The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, Aug. 11, 1853, p. 53 
Aug. 24Cyrenius and Louisa SmithLt 7, 1853387
Dec. 3Brother PierceLt 11, 1853390
Dec. 5Sister KelloggLt 9, 1853394
Dec. 16“Exhortation to the Young”See The Youth's Instructor, January 1854, pp. 5, 6 
JanuaryPublication of Supplement to the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White.  
Feb. 12Reproof for Adultery and Neglect of ChildrenMs 1, 1854399
Feb. 12Testimony for Churches in New York StateMs 3, 1854408
Feb. 19Courtesy and KindnessMs 6, 1854417
Mar. 10Harriet StevensLt 1, 1854421
Apr. 11Brother and Sister PierceLt 2, 1854423
AprilTestimonyMs 4, 1854425
April“He Will Come Again”See The Youth's Instructor, April 1854, pp. 28, 29 
May“To the Young”See The Youth's Instructor, May 1854, pp. 37, 38 
DateAddressee/TitleFile NumberPage
JunePortion of Vision Given at Sylvan, MichiganMs 5, 1854427
c. JuneA Vision Concerning the Children of the Jackson ChurchMs 7, 1854430
July 12Alfred and Adaline PearsallLt 3, 1854432
JulyJohn and Mary LoughboroughLt 7, 1854434
c. JulyBrethren and Sisters at Bedford [Michigan]Lt 8, 1854438
July 25“To the Young”See The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, July 25, 1854, p. 197 
Sept. 19“Duty of Parents to Their Children”See The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Sept. 19, 1854, pp. 45, 46 
Dec. 16Brethren and SistersLt 5, 1854442
WinterMary LoughboroughLt 6, 1854446
May 5FragmentsMs 3, 1855449
June 12“To the Church”See The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, June 12, 1855, p. 246 
Aug. 26John AndrewsLt 1, 1855451
Aug. 26Vision at Paris, MaineMs 2, 1855454
AugustHarriet StevensLt 2, 1855458
October“Watch and Pray”See The Youth's Instructor, October 1855, p. 81 
DecemberPublication of Testimony for the Church, [No. 1]  
c. 1855FragmentsMs 1, 1855462
Jan. 1Elsie BelowLt 9, 1856467
Jan. 10“Communication From Sister WhiteSee The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, Jan. 10, 1856, p. 118 
Jan. 21Harriet StevensLt 8, 1856471
Jan. 24Brother and Sister LovelandLt 2a, 1856478
DateAddressee/TitleFile NumberPage
c. Jan. 24Louisa HowlandSee Spiritual Gifts [vol. 2], pp. 199-202 
January“The New Year”See The Youth's Instructor, January 1856, p. 5 
c. JanuaryDavid LamsonLt 10, 1856482
Feb. 21“Extracts”See Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, Feb. 21, 1856, pp. 166, 167 
February“Thankfulness, and the True Object of Our Affections”See The Youth's Instructor, February 1856, p. 13 
March“Watch and Pray”See The Youth's Instructor, March 1856, p. 21 
AprilCharles and Rachel Ann SperryLt 11, 1856772
c. May 27Testimony for David Arnold, Alexander Ross, and OthersMs 2, 1856486
May“The Lord Is Good”See The Youth's Instructor, May 1856, pp. 37, 38 
June“‘Search the Scriptures’”See The Youth's Instructor, June 1856, p. 44 
July 15Stockbridge and Louisa HowlandLt 1, 1856490
July“Jesus Says”See The Youth's Instructor, July 1856, p. 52 
August“Salvation Through Christ”See The Youth's Instructor, August 1856, pp. 62, 63 
AugustPublication of Testimony for the Church, No. 2  
Dec. 9Vision Given at Round Grove, IllinoisMs 1, 1856495
Dec. 24Friends at HomeLt 4, 1856501
Dec. 24Henry, J. Edson, and William C. WhiteSee An Appeal to the Youth, pp. 40-44 
c. 1856Merritt Cornell, Dan Palmer, John P. KelloggLt 6, 1856503
DateAddressee/TitleFile NumberPage
Jan. 28Anthony and Aschsah BurwellLt 1, 1857509
Jan. 30Harriet StevensLt 12, 1857512
AprilPublication of Testimony for the Church, No. 3  
JuneLack of Appreciation of the MinistryMs 1, 1857517
July 12Elon EvertsLt 14, 1857521
July 19Samuel RhodesLt 8, 1857523
July 24Testimony for the Church in Central New YorkMs 2, 1857526
Oct. 8Uriah and Harriet SmithLt 3, 1857531
Oct. 8Uriah SmithLt 6, 1857534
OctoberSylsbre RumeryLt 9, 1857538
Oct. 21Anthony BurwellLt 2, 1857542
October“Jesus Calls”See The Youth's Instructor, October 1857, p. 76 
Nov. 22Elon EvertsLt 5, 1857545
Nov. 26“‘He Went Away Sorrowful’”See Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, Nov. 26, 1857, pp. 18, 19 
November“It's Natural”See The Youth's Instructor, November 1857, p. 84 
NovemberPublication of Testimony for the Church, No. 4  
Dec. 31“The Future”See Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, Dec. 31, 1857, p. 59 
c. 1857Stephen PierceLt 15, 1857550
Mar. 2Henry and J. Edson WhiteSee An Appeal to the Youth, pp. 42-44. 
Mar. 3Mary LoughboroughLt 1, 1858556
c. MarchAzmon WoodruffLt 2, 1858563
Apr. 15“A Warning”See Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, Apr. 15, 1858, p. 174 
April“Bereavement”See The Youth's Instructor, April 1858, p. 29 
Sept. 9Publication of Spiritual Gifts [vol. 1]  
Oct. 21Brother and Sister —See Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1, pp. 204-209 
DateAddressee/TitleFile NumberPage
Dec. 27Testimony Regarding the Work in Vermont, New Hampshire, and MassachusettsMs 2, 1858567
c. 1858John and Mary LoughboroughMs 3, 1858575
Jan. 1Diary Entry for Jan. 1Ms 2, 1859579
Jan.—Mar.Diary Entries for Jan. 1 to Mar. 31Ms 5, 1859581
Apr.—JuneDiary Entries for Apr. 1 to June 30Ms 6, 1859616
July—Sept.Diary Entries for July 1 to Sept. 30Ms 7, 1859637
Oct.—Nov.Diary Entries for Oct. 10 to Nov. 20Ms 8, 1859651
Jan. 4Leonard, Sarah, and Emma HastingsLt 1a, 1859662
Jan. 5Friends [Joseph Benedict family]Lt 13, 1859664
Feb. 21Stephen and Almira PierceLt 31, 1859666
Apr. 14John NaramoreLt 18, 1859668
Apr. 28“The Sinner's Trials”See Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, Apr. 28, 1859, pp. 181, 182 
April“Little Ellen”See The Youth's Instructor, April 1859, p. 32 
May“Be Lovely”See The Youth's Instructor, May 1859, p. 36 
June 21John ByingtonLt 2, 1859672
JunePublication of Testimony for the Church, No. 5  
c. June/JulyJohn ByingtonLt 28, 1859676
July 9Cyrenius and Louisa SmithLt 32, 1859683
c. JulyThe Case of Sister CransonMs 4, 1859686
Sept. 1Robert and Eunice HarmonLt 3, 1859688
Sept. 2William PeabodyLt 4, 1859691
Sept. 6Henry WhiteLt 5, 1859695
Sept. 6William C. WhiteLt 9, 1859701
Sept. 15William C. WhiteLt 6, 1859703
Sept. 15Jane FraserLt 8, 1859705
Sept. 15Henry, J. Edson, and William C. WhiteSee An Appeal to the Youth, pp. 65, 66 
Sept. 20Henry, J. Edson, and William C. WhiteSee An Appeal to the Youth, pp. 47, 48 
DateAddressee/TitleFile NumberPage
Sept. 20William C. WhiteSee An Appeal to the Youth, pp. 48, 49 
Sept. 24William, Bruce, and Andrews GrahamLt 7, 1859710
Sept. 24Proof of the Call to the MinistryMs 1, 1859714
c. Sept. 24The Cause in VermontMs 1a, 1859719
c. Sept. 24Lewis BeanLt 20, 1859722
c. Sept. 24D. T. EvansLt 21, 1859725
SeptemberWilliam C. WhiteLt 10, 1859727
Oct. 4Mary Ann ChamberlainLt 19, 1859729
Oct. 4Henry WhiteSee An Appeal to the Youth, pp. 50, 51 
Oct. 10Daniel PhillipsLt 22, 1859733
Oct. 12FriendsLt 30, 1859735
Oct. 15J. Edson WhiteLt 11, 1859739
Oct. 22William C. WhiteLt 14, 1859 (missing) 
Oct. 28Samuel RhodesLt 16, 1859741
Oct. 28Friends at RooseveltLt 17, 1859746
Oct. 30Henry and J. Edson WhiteSee An Appeal to the Youth, pp. 53-56751
December“From My Diary,” “At a Business Meeting … ,” “Friends in Michigan,” “Aged Pilgrims,” “Money for the Poor and Articles of Clothing”See The Good Samaritan, December 1859, pp. 5, 6, 8 
1859Vision for James WhiteMs 3, 1859751
c. 1859Brother TLt 1, 1859754
c. 1859Brother M and WifeLt 15, 1859756
c. 1859William PeabodyLt 27, 1859758
c. 1859Early Experiences in Meeting FanaticismMs 9, 1859761
c. 1859Early Experiences in Meeting FanaticismMs 10, 1859767