The Ellen G. White Letters and Manuscripts: Volume 1


Lt 1, 1854

March 10, 1854, Rochester, New York 1EGWLM 421.1

Letter to
Harriet Newall Stevens.1
1EGWLM 421.2

Portions of this letter are published in Ellen G. White, Manuscript Releases, vol. 5, p. 436.

Letter to a close acquaintance containing mostly family news. 1EGWLM 421.3

Dear Sister Harriet:

I have just received a letter from you.2 We were glad to hear from you, but my health is so very poor [I] can write but a few lines now. I have been almost entirely confined to my room since we returned [from] our last three weeks’ journey in this state.3 Was unable to sit up but a few hours in the day most of the time on the journey, have done nothing like work for six weeks. Disease of the heart is making rapid progress upon me, and unless I soon regain some strength of body and soul to rise above my fearful and threatening disease, I cannot continue long. You may inquire, Has Sister White given up to die? I answer, No. I still hope because others wish me to, and my faith is increasing that the enemy will not be permitted to triumph over me. But I have been sorely afflicted and have been brought very near death's door.4 1EGWLM 421.4

We had a special meeting appointed to devote to the special purpose of presenting Brother J. N. Andrews’ [John Nevins Andrews] case to the throne of grace, pleading with God to rebuke disease upon him and restore him to health, that Israel may not be led to mourn his loss. Sorrow upon sorrow will come upon us if he is removed from us.5 1EGWLM 422.1

We also have covenanted to pray three times a day and make Brother John's case a special subject of prayer; also to strive to cultivate deep piety in our own hearts that we may grow strong in faith and be prepared for the events which are just before us, the time of trouble. 1EGWLM 422.2

Thank you for your kind letter. Do not wait for me to write and answer every letter, for I am too feeble to write much. My sickness has been very discouraging and wearing. I will try to keep you apprised of my state of health. You need not think because we do not write often that we do not wish to hear from you. Our time is occupied and we are even pressed. But poor me—[I] am punished with sitting and lying, doing nothing. 1EGWLM 422.3

You must excuse all bad writing for I am writing on a trunk in my lap. Anna [Anna White]6 was glad of the communication for the Instructor. Be of good cheer. Much love to each of the children. In much love. 1EGWLM 422.4