EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)


Miracle worker, Miracle workers - Missionary field, Missionary fields

Miracle worker, Miracle workers

Miracle worker, Miracle workers, Christ is the great 2SM 54

Christ is the mighty DA 533

disregarding God’s law, warning against 2SM 49

men behind whom Satan will stand as, in healing disease 2SM 49

Miracle working

Miracle working, work of Christ’s followers is to embrace far more than AA 22

Miracle-working power

Miracle-working power, Christ’s, sanitarium patients are to behold CH 242

souls won to truth by Ev 544

devils exercise, in last days GC 553

do not wait for, to arouse church to life and activity 5T 725

God’s, efficiency given to His word by COL 64

points of truth attested by CW 52

tell children about CT 124

testifies to truth SDA hold 1SM 208

when world will recognize, among SDA 7BC 940

great deceiver’s, in healing disease 2SM 50-1

lives saved from fires in Battle Creek by 8T 102

manifested through spiritualism GC 590

many people led by, to accept truth CT 468

marked manifestations of, in near future 7BC 976

of Christ’s grace, creation of new heart reveals 9T 152

Satan prepared to deceive world by his 2SM 21

Satan will sweep whole world by 2SM 51

Satan’s, healing of disease by 7BC 911

Satan’s mighty, manifested in world Ev 249

Miracle-working spirit

Miracle-working spirit, gone forth to deceive whole world 2SM 49

Miraculous conversion

Miraculous conversion, Paul’s AA 247; 6BC 1059

Miraculous deliverance

Miraculous deliverance, Israel freed from Egyptian bondage by 1T 288

Israel freed from Philistines by, in Samuel’s day SR 191

John saved from pot of boiling oil by AA 570

Paul and Silas freed at Philippi by AA 218

Peter freed from prison of Herod Agrippa I by AA 152

Miraculous favor

Miraculous favor, God’s, toward Hebrew slaves in Egypt PP 272

Miraculous fire

Miraculous fire, Solomon’s sacrifice consumed by, at dedication of temple SR 194

Miraculous flow

Miraculous flow of water ceased for Israel at Kadesh PP 414

Miraculous healing

Miraculous healing 2SM 345-8

Hezekiah’s PK 341-2

of consumption, by prayer 2SM 347

of the sick, by men under influence of devils 7BC 939

remedies should be used in prayer for 7BC 938

why SDA establish sanitariums instead of praying for Ev 594; 6T 441

Paul exercised, in Ephesus AA 286-7

EGW’s, at Healdsburg, Calif. 1SM 54

why God’s people do not see, in all cases MM 13

woman spared from death by 2T 273-4

Miraculous manifestation, Miraculous manifestations

Miraculous manifestation, Miraculous manifestations, not proof of genuineness of religious ideas advocated MB 146

not proof of genuineness of religious work MB 146; 2SM 48, 100

Scriptures will never be superseded by 2SM 48, 100

Miraculous passage

Miraculous passage, Israel’s, over Jordan PP 613

Miraculous power

Miraculous power, alone, people of different temperaments can be brought into unity by 9T 194

Christ exhibited no, during stay in Nazareth DA 74

Christ will pity and save by Ev 518

Christ’s, evidence that He was Son of God Ev 302

evidences of God’s, in creating and sustaining universe 8T 328

false teachers claiming, sign of last days DA 631

God’s, Israel delivered from enemies by 2SM 412

philosophical theories that will not admit 7BC 906

seen in Paul’s conversion 3T 429

magicians and sorcerers claimed, before destruction of Jerusalem DA 631

Noah’s ark preserved during Flood by 3SG 66

Scriptures have been preserved by SD 190; 1SM 15

Spirit’s, convicts men of sin AA 120

Miraculous presentation, Miraculous presentations

Miraculous presentation, Miraculous presentations, Satan will work with 4BC 1153

Miraculous release

Miraculous release of Paul and Silas from Philippian dungeon AA 217

Miraculous restoration

Miraculous restoration, Nebuchadnezzar’s, after seven years as maniac PK 522

Miraculous result, Miraculous results

Miraculous result, Miraculous results, simple remedies produce 2SM 347

Miraculous shaping

Miraculous shaping, of affairs of ruling nations PK 385

Miraculous spring

Miraculous spring, in desert, Israel quenched thirst from PP 424

Miraculous testimony

Miraculous testimony, God gave, at Christ’s death 5BC 1108; DA 753

Miraculous victory, Miraculous victories

Miraculous victory, Miraculous victories, whenever ark of covenant appeared PP 584

Miraculous way

Miraculous way, Hebrews led from Egypt in AA 315

Miraculous work

Miraculous work, child-preachers’, in Scandinavia GC 366-7

God’s, designed to turn Egyptians from idolatry 3SG 238-9

of healing, Christ relieved the suffering by 2SM 54

why men today cannot work as Christ did in 2SM 54

Miraculous working

Miraculous working, Spirit’s, SDA experience attested to by 1SM 205

Mirage, Mirages

Mirage, Mirages, advantages which Satan presents are CS 155

world’s delusive and flattering, class chasing after TM 271


Miriam, death and burial of, in Kadesh PP 410

envy and murmuring of, against Moses PP 426

gifts of poetry and music bestowed on PP 382

healed from leprosy by Moses’ prayer PP 385

Israelite women led in song and dance by, at Red Sea PP 288-9, 382; 3SG 236-7

jealousy of, against Zipporah PP 382-4; 4aSG 19-20

life of, lessons from PP 410

Moses’ sister PP 243, 288; 3SG 236; SR 106-7

position of leadership held by PP 382

prophetess 3SG 236

prophetic gift bestowed on PP 382, 385

self-control and tact of PP 382

smitten with leprosy 3BC 1166; PP 385-6, 396; 4aSG 19-21, 27

watched over Moses in ark of rushes PP 243, 382; 3SG 180-1; SR 106-7

with her music, enlisted in God’s service COL 301


music of, talent God used for a special work RC 319:2


Mirror, cannot cleanse a person 7BC 935

God will present your sharpness in trade before you in 3T 250

need of looking into, to discover your defects 4T 59

See also Law of God; Looking glass


boasters of holiness do not have, to see deformity FW 43:4


foolish pretenders have not looked into TDG 40:3

strength to overcome for those looking into OHC 117:3

law is,

reflecting human and holding up correct likeness FW 31:4

showing defects of character TMK 295:2

to reveal sin RC 55:4

reflecting glory of the Lord as RC 20:3


Mirth, children’s, do not deal severely with CT 113

mistaken for happiness by many FE 422

senseless, recreations should not be scenes of AH 493

untimely, demoralizing tendency of Ev 642

See also Hilarity


Misapprehension, Christ endured, at home DA 326-7

do all possible to remove cause for MH 485-6

persons injured by SD 90

persons who suffer, at home DA 326-7

See also Misunderstanding


exposing student, is wrong; they learn criticism 1MCP 190:2

Miscalculation, Miscalculations

Miscalculation, Miscalculations, managing brethren should not be forsaken because of 6T 463


Mischief, restless spirit naturally inclines to CG 33


words of, and cheap talk, Christ does not lead one in 2MCP 577:3

Mischief-maker, Mischief-makers

Mischief-maker, Mischief-makers, church members who become MM 138

seconded in evil work by others 5T 241

Misconception, Misconceptions

Misconception, Misconceptions, human nature is liable to MH 483

leaving interpersonal, on a suffering mind TDG 19:4

work of Ellen White in meeting 3SM 70:3

Misdemeanor, Misdemeanors

Misdemeanor, Misdemeanors, among Negroes, generous consideration must be shown toward 9T 223-4

comparatively light, youth treated severely for TM 426

trifling, should not be treated as grave sins FE 68


Misdoings of others, do not make capital of FE 279


Miser, grasp of, clinging to possessions with 1T 350

who heaps up treasures here, what happens to CS 23


Miserable, man at peace with God and fellow men cannot be MB 28; 5T 488

Miserly greed

Miserly greed, world is cursed by CS 139

Misery, Miseries

Misery, Miseries, accumulated, fills world 2T 381

around us, do not close your eyes to WM 118

cumulative, from generation to generation 4T 30

daily, consequence of unhappy marriages 5T 122

depths of world’s, Christ knows GW 38

footsteps of sin followed by 2T 303

God never intended that, should exist COL 370; 6T 273

God’s plan that we should co-operate with Him in bringing, to an end Ed 264

hopeless, Adam’s sin plunged race into SD 11; 4T 293

human, God does not delight in AH 513

life’s, aid in relieving and softening COL 417; WM 22

as dark and cloudy now as of old WM 22

man who would have, when peace and happiness were at his command 1T 697

most of evils causing, might be prevented MH 380

multitudes in, who worship at shrine of idols PK 185

nine tenths of all, would end if men would keep God’s law Te 164

of married life, God is not pleased with 1T 695

pure love prevents 4T 138

result of disobeying God’s law SL 76

Satan is author of PP 378; 4aSG 15

sin is source of PP 522; 6T 404

world is filled with PP 68

world is not all 5BC 1087; PP 600; SC 9-10

world is perishing in 6T 445

world’s: cause of and remedy for DA 824

is universal 8T 169

Satan loves to see AH 72

See also Adversity; Affliction; Calamity; Distress; Hardship; Misfortune; Pain; Persecution; Sorrow; Suffering; Trial; Trouble; Wretchedness


Christ reached the depths of, 1MCP 184:3

to break slavery TDG 124:2

Christ was active in relieving all, brought in faith TDG 249:3

courtesy neglected contributes to HP 180:6

half of life’s, created by frowns and unkind speeches OHC 229:4


for one at peace with God and others HP 35:3, 249:5

in obedience RC 305:4

labor does not bring; hardened conscience does TDG 33:3

marriages often bring; God is dishonored 1MCP 297:4

money spent for wrong desires is reason for, in world RC 266:4

Satan creates all possible TMK 284:2

useless and selfish life is HP 229:2

Misfortune, Misfortunes

Misfortune, Misfortunes, advantage taken of another’s, God notes 3T 513

complaining of, talk continually of God’s mercies instead of SD 116

earthly treasures easily removed by 2T 185

friendship affected by 1T 12

God charged with neglect of cruelty because of AA 481

God charged with neglect or cruelty

needed UL 289:6

persons suffering, provision made in Israel for PP 531

poverty may be result of 6T 278

taking advantage of another’s, God’s law forbids PP 309

registered as fraud in heaven PK 652

warning against MH 187

world’s greatest 4T 522

why God permits some men to suffer TM 287

See also Adversity; Affliction; Calamity; Difficulties; Distress; Hardship; Suffering; Trouble

Mishael (Meshach)

Mishael (Meshach), Daniel’s companion See Daniel’s companions


Misjudging, of character, man given to 5T 478


Misjudgment, persons injured by SD 90

See Judgment (human)


Mismanagement, sacrifice of human life through, is dreadful 2T 386

Mismove, Mismoves

Mismove, Mismoves, gospel worker who fears he will make, duty of 3T 14


Misrepresentation, debases soul LS 325; TM 466

God despises Ev 132; MM 127

God’s people who suffer MB 31-5

malicious, Pharisees constantly pursued Christ with DA 333

of commandment keepers in legislative halls and courts of justice, in final conflict GC 592, 608

persons indulging in, confidence cannot be had in TM 466

persons who suffer from PK 437

Satan used, to oppose Christ’s doctrines AA 553

Satan’s, against truth Ev 160

weapon used by enemies of gospel against truth AA 179

will grow into open rebellion 5BC 1106

See also Detraction; Falsehood


Misrepresented, Christ is acquainted with all that is, by men MB 32


“Miss,” use of title of, instead of “Sister” 1T 634


Missals, burned in France GC 276

Mission, Missions

Mission, Missions, Christian’s, is high honor and sacred trust DA 357

men can fulfill life’s grand, only by accepting responsibilities FE 83

mothers entrusted with greatest, given to mortals SD 252

SDA, to world is not to serve or please themselves COL 142

SDA must not turn aside from their definite, to side issues FE 123

world-wide, Christ’s followers have been given MB 42


gifts for fulfilling, through glorification of Christ TDG 341:3

result of, ever before Christ TMK 368:2

work not cheapened by God’s appointed UL 371:4

See also Missions; Tasks; Work

Mission, Missions

1. Foreign

2. Home

3. Miscellaneous

1. Foreign

attest to growth of God’s work LS 195

blessed results of 6T 28

burden for, can never be laid down till whole earth is lightened 6T 29

call for means from America CS 89

calls for money to advance, respond to CS 249

church members should be deeply interested in 9T 49

conduct, in connection with the ministry CH 557

conf. officers should arouse churches to give to 6T 446

funds for, when there will be no lack of CS 37; 1SM 82; 6T 450

gospel workers in, thorough Christian characters needed as FE 112

home missions and, Paul combined Ev 554

hundred faithful workers needed in, where now there is one FE 488; 8T 229

influence of, work in homeland is greatly blessed by 6T 27

liberal giving to, does not atone for neglect to set right example in home AH 318

little attention given to, during 50 years before 1792 GC 287

means for, can be obtained by sale of SDA periodicals CH 435

med. miss. work in, importance of MH 145-6

needs of, needs of work in homeland should be comprehended while attending to 5T 723

parents interested in, duty of AH 318

some, are destitute of most meager facilities 6T 450

start, right GW 461

success of, ensures advance in home miss. work GW 465

support ChS 221

support of, frequent appeals needed for offerings for 9T 55-6

how to raise funds for 9T 114

unprecedented growth of, after French Revolution GC 288

work for TM 300

work in, God has placed in His people’s hands means for CS 47

work of, church members should study how to help 6T 29

young men should be trained to establish and superintend 5T 392-3

See also Mission field

2. Home

call for thorough Christian characters to be workers in FE 112

calls for money to advance, respond to CS 249

chain of burning light should extend from, and belt world CH 36

church members should be deeply interested in 9T 49

conduct, in connection with the ministry CH 557

foreign missions and, Paul combined Ev 554

funds for, how to prevent lack of 1SM 82; 6T 450

help needed by, as much as by foreign missions TM 300

hundred faithful workers needed in, where now there is one FE 488; 8T 229

money greatly needed by CS 89

support of, when there will be no lack of funds for CS 37

sustain ChS 221

work in, God has placed in His people’s hands means for CS 47

work of, church members should study how to help 6T 29

3. Miscellaneous

city See City mission

discipline that should exist in 1BC 1108

establish, for Negroes 8T 137

established after camp meeting Ev 432; 6T 74

establishment of, how to provide for Te 29-30

financial wants of, earnest appeal re 5T 733

gospel, should labor for the rich and the poor GW 436

gospel workers of experience needed in FE 113

handicapped for want of means 6T 391

how to economize means for gospel work in 5T 205

intelligent women should have charge of domestic arrangements in CH 449

invest means in establishing 9T 58

languish because means are absorbed for fashion and display MH 287-8

modern, Spirit used men and women as pioneers in establishing AA 53

must be sustained 5T 465

new, must be opened CW 170; 5T 465

obstacles will be met wherever, are established LS 305

power of, secret of 7T 170

question appropriate for all persons connected with MM 144

SDA, carried on Christ’s heart ChS 243; 7T 298

small, should be established in many places 6T 432

should teach people to do miss. work 6T 432

support of, church should become agency for CS 47

how to raise funds for 9T 114; Te 29-30

training schools needed in connection with Ev 107

unconsecrated persons connected with, cause gospel work to become mere form 5T 566


built on Christ; genuine work LHU 123:7

desire for distant, when not working at home RY 68:2

fit children for UL 118:5

home and foreign, sacrifice for, blessed RC 202:2

home, seek sinners through HP 329:2

ideas for, with underprivileged SW 27:1

individual conviction for, instead of being sent SW 91:4

indulgence uses money that could be given for Con 60:1

institutions for health are all to be TSB 247:2

may be one’s own neighborhood UL 264:4

money for, requested by Ellen White, as directed by God RY 96:2

mothers have RC 184:6

neglecting, for abandoned part of vineyard SW 35:1

people rise from degradation through SW 27:0

power of, by heaven’s law of receiving to give HP 317:5

where people know not the truth; baptism with the Spirit LHU 123:6

work of, baptism of apostolic spirit for LHU 123:6

financial security needed when going away for RY 68:2

See also Fields, foreign

Missionary, Missionaries

1. Foreign

2. Home

3. Self-supporting

4. Miscellaneous


1. Foreign

America cannot supply enough, for other lands FE 203

American businessman supported, in China GW 466

Australian school should train youth to be LS 374

befriended by heathen who have not heard God’s word DA 638

chief aim of, is to win souls to Christ 6T 427

co-operate with Christ and become SD 274

ecclesiasticism’s response to Carey’s (Wm.) desire to be sent as, to heathen COL 79

essential instruction that schools should give to CT 534

facilities and means must be provided for MM 330

faithful, angels will be with GW 469

family of, size of AH 165-6; GW 459

God calls for volunteer, to carry truth to other nations 3T 404

God’s cause should come first in eyes of AH 166; GW 459

heathen lands affected by intoxicating liquor before arrival of MH 339

hero’s courage needed by GW 469

how discouragement and suffering should be met by GW 469

how perplexity and trial should be met by GW 469

life of, intercession of savage in war council has saved SD 364

martyr’s devotion needed by GW 469

message to WM 162

must be sent out 4T 479

with message to world CS 55

need(s) to: enter field before they are compelled to cease labor CT 416; FE 359

follow leadings of Providence 5T 392

gratefully accept every help and facility offered them 5T 392

know how to adapt themselves to peculiar ideas of people TM 213

know how to economize AH 165; GW 459

learn to adapt himself to country’s customs and climate GW 468

needs to be: close Bible student GW 469

often in prayer GW 469

willing to leave even wife and children when necessary AA 370

willing to venture something 5T 392

needed CH 33; LS 205; 3T 204

not all believers can go as 9T 30, 55-6

one SDA, in wide field of foreign missions in 1875 3T 404

person who would be true, must first be missionary at home MYP 143

pioneer, noble efforts of AA 598

EGW sent to Australia as 1SM 102, 104-5

plea for TM 398

to enter into unworked regions LS 335

practical, many consecrated youth should be fitted to become 9T 79

precise course to be followed by, do not mark out TM 212

prepare to be 6T 428

redeemed heathen will greet, in world to come ML 353

savage who ministers to need of SD 364

selection of GW 459

send out LS 212; 5T 732

sending of middle-aged ministers as 5T 392

SDA are to become, for Christ MYP 227

truth should be preached by, in guarded and careful manner 3T 204

some believers to serve Christ as, in islands of sea WM 111

support of: church members may unite for GW 466-7

several small churches may unite to provide GW 466-7

tithes and offerings should be used for CSW 135

train, in many countries 6T 137

volunteer, needed to go to other nations LS 205

wealthy believers should help send, into regions beyond CS 133-4

willing, needed 3T 94

women in heathen lands as, need to know how to minister to the sick CH 389; MH 146

working in heathen lands, likened by Isaiah to ensigns PK 375-6

young men should volunteer to go as 3T 204

youth should be educated to become FE 231

2. Home

all church members can be, in their families 9T 30

in their neighborhoods 9T 30

co-operate with Christ and become SD 274

God calls for 6T 440

mother as GW 203; SD 223; 7T 67

needed CH 33

parents as CG 69, 481; CT 160

people should be taught how to be, in their communities 9T 81

practical, students should be prepared to serve as 9T 84

SDA are to become, for Christ MYP 227

some church members are to serve Christ as WM 111

youth should be educated to become FE 231

3. Self-supporting MH 154-5

appeal for LS 384

can sustain themselves: as colporteurs MH 154

by handicraft or trade MH 154-5

encouragement for MM 321-2

London needs LS 384

New York City needs LS 385

often very successful 7T 23

Paul’s example as Ed 66; MH 154

teach people how to be 9T 81

two or more, should work together in evangelistic work MH 154

work that, should do MH 154

4. Miscellaneous

able to minister to the sick, gains more ready access to people CH 389

need of MH 145-6

act as, wherever God has placed you 5T 184

active, SDA are not doing one fiftieth of what they might do as CH 507

all believers on Christ’s name are included as ChS 9

all children are called to be PK 245

all of God’s people are alike called to be MH 395; PP 134

all persons baptized into apostolic spirit will become 9T 58

all professed believers in truth should be WM 111

all SDA’s should be 8T 244-5

aggressive, God’s faithful people have ever been AA 109

among your associates, how to be SC 81

angels co-operate with, in darkest parts of earth FE 365-6

areas where little gospel work has been done need 9T 177

army of educated, develop 6T 206

Australian school should be center for sending forth LS 374

Australian school should train students from islands to be LS 376

believer is to be, to souls around him 2SM 381

best prepared in Christian home AH 35

best trained in their own countries 6T 137

businessmen whom God is calling to become AA 370

child of God is called to be MH 395

children can be, in their early years COL 345

children should be, at home AH 300

children should be educated (trained) to be CG 492; CT 168

children should be patiently educated to be CSW 85

Christ calls for many CM 18

Christ was greatest, world ever saw MM 15; WM 118

Christ will hear prayer of, if His name will be glorified thereby CH 536

Christian is to be MH 104

Christian physician as CH 32-6; MM 147

in highest sense CH 342

church leaders should train people to become FE 113

church members can be, by distributing SDA publications 8T 245

church members required by God to act as LS 274

church members should be 2T 632

church members should unite to sustain 6T 30

colporteur work is good training for persons who will go out as CM 30

consecrated: church-school teachers are to be 6T 198

ministers should be 1T 647; 5T 381

san. workers should be 8T 144

world needs ChS 86

duty of, in time of crisis TM 213

education of, is incomplete without knowledge of how to treat the sick CH 536

education of medical students as CH 535

entering new fields, believers’ duty to MM 330

every soul should become, in highest sense SD 150

facing danger and death daily, does not necessarily stand highest in heaven’s records COL 403

faithful, needed 4T 73

farmers whom God is calling to become AA 370

fields scarcely entered need LS 305

follower of Christ is to be, in his family 2T 632

for cause of health and temperance are to be educated at Loma Linda, Calif. 9T 177

genuine, should go out as pioneers from SDA schools CT 251; MM 63

God calls for 3T 56

God’s people are to be 4T 554

throughout world 2T 632

healed demoniacs were first, sent to preach gospel in Decapolis DA 340; MH 99

heart, needed MH 150; 9T 45

highest ambition of students should be to become CT 167

how, can do good work for Christ 5T 238

how church members can be 9T 30-42

how doors will be opened to CH 33

how there could be 100, where there is now one CH 507

how to be, among people with whom you do business SC 81

in home circle SC 81

importance of, being medical missionaries also MM 245

industrial training’s value to CT 313-4; 6T 176-7

instruction needed by, from competent physicians MM 231

intellectual power will not prepare youth to be CT 374

Israel’s failure to become 2BC 1040

knowledge and skill needed by, for practical duties of everyday life Ed 221

labor patiently and kindly as, for the erring 5T 176

large cities need 4T 72, 80

learns by experience what to do under varied circumstances GW 468

lessons valuable to, learned by youth in colporteur work 9T 77

like Philip, Ethiopian represents large class who need 8T 58

little, Christ will make children His CT 169

God wants children to be His AH 486-7; ML 228

lives of, lost in God’s service AA 370; GW 464

living: every church member should be 9T 32

how to be, in your family 2T 677

literature ministry is to supplement work of CH 545

message would be proclaimed to all countries if all SDA were 6T 438

loving, can do more for lawbreaker than sword or court of justice DA 350-1; MH 106

men full of passionate lust should not be selected as TM 170

men willing to leave all to become, God calls for AA 370; GW 464

manual training’s value to 6T 176-7

many people who ought to become, can never enter field FE 113

do not receive encouragement CT 500-1

many persons will labor for Christ as, who have not had regular course of study in school CH 538

medical See Medical

model, Christ is great 5T 385

mothers are to be, in home 2T 366

mothers who are, in highest sense 2T 465-6

must not work without God’s grace, destitute of His power 5T 591

need of, who can break down barriers WM 297

need of people who are, in fullest sense of word AH 166

need to: keep themselves as minutemen AH 166

labor unselfishly, earnestly, and perseveringly 3T 210

practice strictest economy MYP 312

understand diseases that afflict body CH 535

need to be: earnest, active, vigorous workers 4T 391

intelligent in care of the sick CH 33

practical educators 6T 176-7

ready to sacrifice for truth’s sake 5T 370

willing to leave comforts of home and society of friends when necessary AA 370

willing to leave families when necessary AA 370

need to know how to: build house or church Ed 221

handle accidents and emergencies Ed 221

prepare food Ed 221

treat disease Ed 221

needed among SDA 2T 113

needed at heart of God’s work 4T 194

needed everywhere TM 301

needed to: circulate SDA publications LS 217

labor two and two in rural areas Ev 51

raise standard of truth in towns and villages Ev 52

take truth into towns and villages 2T 115

visit the sick and afflicted 5T 176

Negroes should be educated as, in Southern States of USA 9T 199

not all believers are called to be, in ordinary sense of term Ed 264

not one, has secured co-operation of every available talent 5T 391

not shirking responsibility, needed 4T 73

not sustained as God requires 6T 445

nurse’s opportunities as CH 33

one of greatest, faithful mother is GW 203

gospel worker’s faithful wife is 5T 594

one or two SDA families should settle in new place to work as 8T 245

openings everywhere for 6T 136

parents should fit children to become CT 162

people can be educated by, how to work CT 313-4

person who has felt God’s converting power is to be CH 33

person who is, in highest sense FE 271

persons desiring to become, instruction needed by MM 231

persons needed who are, in fullest sense of word GW 459

physician’s opportunities as CH 33

practical: life is full of opportunities for MM 317

need of MM 320

students learn to become, by selling books CT 528

students should be prepared to serve as 9T 84

pray God to baptize, with Spirit 8T 22; TM 170

preparation of students to be FE 358-9

purpose and ends to be attained by, are comprehensive FE 209; LS 337

reason and judgment must be used by GW 468

regard yourself as MH 493-4

to fellow workers MH 493-4

relief of physical maladies by, may lead sinner to Christ DA 351

schools needed to train children as 9T 58

schools should develop FE 529

schools should qualify youth to become FE 273

self-denying, conf. presidents should be TM 343

self-sacrificing, needed 2T 113

sent to new fields, must be supported MYP 312

SDA are to be 6T 427

SDA as, will contact all classes of minds MH 495

SDA do not have enough CT 209

SDA families called to settle as, in dark places of earth MH 155

SDA should bear in mind unceasingly that they are to be ML 189

sinner can be led to Great Physician by MH 106

skilled in various arts and crafts, opportunities for MH 194

soul united to Christ will be Ev 319

stand at your post of duty as 7T 240; 8T 29

students who are 6T 171

success of, depends on knowledge of practical things Ed 221

successful: persons who do not cherish and cultivate love cannot be 6T 84

students are sent to SDA schools to learn how to become FE 337

successful teachers should be 4T 426

young men and women nurses may become MM 197

support of: God has given His people means to to be used for 4T 477

money spent for pictures that should be used for MYP 317

pledge to lay by something weekly for CSW 135

save means for, by denying appetite 9T 157-8

tithe should be used for 9T 52

teachers in schools should be CT 168

teachers’ work is to prepare youth as CT 400

train and educate, for work in cities MM 301

train and send out, as God may call them CH 507

train more, to spread gospel LS 375

true: baptism of Spirit is needed by CSW 155

books concerning present truth should be circulated by CM 105

Christ is willing to give grace, power, and fortitude to everyone who would be FE 211

Christ would have every professed Christian be FE 206

must be armed with mind of Christ 7T 228

person who has found Christ will be MYP 200

publishing house workers should be 2SM 196

Spirit will furnish power to ChS 80

study Christ’s definition of 8T 209

Thessalonian believers were AA 256

true disciple is born into God’s kingdom as DA 195; MH 102

unentered cities and villages need 4T 156

Waldensian, sent out two and two GC 71

spread the gospel everywhere GC 238

Waldensian ministers were trained as GC 70-1

wanted everywhere 4T 389

wedding ring does not increase influence of TM 181

wide-awake, God calls for 9T 130

wife of: should accomplish as much as he does GW 459

qualifications of GW 459

who is one of greatest missionaries GW 203

wives who are, in highest sense 2T 465-6

whole army of, should be raised up by schools FE 545

whole families needed as 9T 40

work of, in home 4T 134-43

work unselfishly as TM 515

working in sanitariums, should become acquainted with third angel’s message 8T 181

world-renowned, Christian who is more precious than COL 403

worn-out, church’s duty to care for 1T 675-6

you need not go to foreign or heathen lands to be SC 81; 5T 187

young, must not be left to manage for themselves GW 458

young men as 5T 390-5

young men can be, by doing colporteur work GW 96

young men urged to become, by entering colporteur work ChS 153

youth act as, in selling SDA books 9T 78

youth are privileged to be FE 202

youth should be patiently educated to be CSW 85

youth should be trained to become CSW 86

youth should become MYP 197

youth urged to become MYP 306

youth’s privilege to be 7BC 915


agriculture and construction specialists needed as SW 81:3

appeal for, to relieve suffering SW 64:2

be, to your brethren TDG 365:5

character qualifications of, for Southern field SW 81:2


came to teach us how to be UL 229:5

was, to our world; He asks us to follow 2MCP 558:1

Christ’s definition of RC 230:5

colored should have had, sent to teach them SW 45:0

desire to be, by those open to Christ SW 10:3

face dangers, privations and reproach for the truth RC 347:2

families as, in the South (U.S), SW 27:1

to settle (1895) SW 75:2

to work without much preaching SW 73:4

health of, in the Southern field SW 93:1

love for Christ leads to becoming OHC 295:6


highest aim is to be, after Christ’s order TDG 108:3

laboring as Christ, spiritual minded RC 230:2

pure principles of, lost sight of by many RC 230:3

understanding requirements for RC 230:7

ministry to sick increases accessibility of RC 246:3


are, in the highest sense TSB 43:3

kept from service as, by children TSB 69:2

neglecting to be, means being untrue to your trust TDG 370:2

others watch to see if you are, at home RC 167:4

perfection of character is goal of TDG 171:4

qualifications for TSB 203:4

sin in many; not daily converted SW 28:1

successful, seek God to become, helping others TDG 75:3

temper disqualifies some men as, in the South SW 92:1

work of, among the people SW 81:1

working as, for Christ if consecrated TDG 326:4

See also Medical missionaries

Missionary activity, Missionary activities

Missionary activity, Missionary activities, church’s, bearing rich fruitage PK 313

prayer and, relationship between ChS 98

Missionary agency, Missionary agencies

Missionary agency, Missionary agencies, active, entire church should be 8T 47

all SDA institutions should be MM 182; 7T 146

needed greatly in every branch of God’s work 7BC 969

parents are to be, in home CG 481; CT 160

Missionary appeals

Missionary appeals, do not wait for thrilling, to arouse you to action 4T 474

Missionary box

Missionary box, church members should save pennies in, for God’s work CS 291

money spent for candy might be better put into CD 329

Missionary center, Missionary centers

Missionary center, Missionary centers, Antioch of Syria as AA 188

establish, in many cities 8T 69

in New York City Ev 388

family as AH 484-90

Missionary charter

Missionary charter, of Christ’s kingdom, gospel commission is AA 28; 8T 14

Missionary correspondence

Missionary correspondence ChS 131

prayer needed in WM 162

women can do WM 147, 165

See also Missionary letter

Missionary education

Missionary education CT 531-4

church needs, to put talents to work 6T 431-2

Missionary effort, Missionary efforts

Missionary effort, Missionary efforts, children and youth should be trained in various lines of MH 402

corrupted with selfishness 7BC 961

departure from true, decline in spirituality follows TM 205-6

desire for, how students lose FE 362

do not cease, until they encircle world LS 379

expansive, needed 2SM 396

love of God needed in 9T 40

persons qualified to do, put to work Ev 396

present Christ and Him crucified in CT 22; FE 272

present truth means CH 300; Ev 631

presentation of present truth means 7T 52

vigilant, every talent needed in 5T 388

wife ought to work with husband in Ev 491

will become more general FE 208

Missionary enterprise, Missionary enterprises

Missionary enterprise, Missionary enterprises, advancement of, SS have contributed funds for TM 217

burdens of many, rest upon God’s people 7T 126

center for, needed in Loma Linda, Calif. 9T 176

Christian character needed to engage in FE 112

funds for, providentially supplied TM 217

have cost much: prayer and indomitable energy 6T 419

self-denial and self-sacrifice 6T 419

new, royalties from EGW’s books used in 1SM 103

rapid increase of, calls for more offerings 9T 55

support of, give cheerfully and liberally to AA 341

Missionary experience, Missionary experiences

Missionary experience, Missionary experiences, church members should relate, on Sabbath GW 199; 7T 19

new life and fresh vigor brought into Sabbath meetings by GW 199

simple and true, needed in SDA periodicals everywhere CW 148

Missionary family, Missionary families

Missionary family, Missionary families, consecrated man and wife should be in charge of, in cities 6T 74

needed in neglected areas MH 155, 194

self-supporting, should not draw funds from conference 6T 442

urged to settle in unentered cities and villages ChS 180

Missionary fervor

Missionary fervor, needed in home CG 476

Missionary field, Missionary fields

Missionary field, Missionary fields, broad, sanitarium is FE 390

calling continually for help CH 435

educational institutions should train workers for FE 545

fitting of workers for FE 114

found: among friends 6T 428

in your home 6T 428

in your neighborhood 6T 428

gospel workers in, God’s guidance needed by 5T 399

great dearth of gospel laborers for FE 201

laboring part of work in, results of neglecting 5T 256

minister’s wife has, in home GW 206

money for support of God’s work in, sale of lands and houses urged to provide 5T 733-4

neglect of, warning against 5T 381

new, funds needed for opening gospel work in Ev 51; FE 521

no, more important than education of youth 6T 429

more important than home CG 476

parents’ first, is home FE 66

persons who enter, should walk and talk with God 5T 598

publishing houses must carry burden for 7T 147

scarcely a thousandth part of work needed in, is being done 6T 29

school home as CT 552

schools needed to train youth for work in TM 43

schools to train gospel workers for, money needed to establish TM 43

schoolroom as CT 552

selection of men to work in, carelessness in TM 170

students qualifying for service in FE 513-4

teachers have most important, in world 4T 426

ten truly converted persons can do more in, than 100 without love for souls 4T 602

unworked portions of great, SDA duty to labor in MM 300

vast, whole world is GW 27

young men needed in 5T 393

young men preferred as workers in 5T 393

zeal, resolution, and faith are indispensable in 5T 391

See also Foreign field; Mission field