EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)


Youth (Part 2 of 3)

principle or conscience are many CG 440-1; Te 186

religious experience should not be accepted as colporteur CM 29

thorough conversion may despair of heaven 1T 158

working, need seasons of relaxation CG 341

working in sanitariums, qualifications of MM 174-5

worldly: chief desire of, is to be admired and flattered 5T 112

love of society and pleasure becomes absorbing passion of 5T 112

unhappy when left in solitude 5T 112

worldly-minded, why study of God’s word is uninteresting to 2T 144

worthy poor: church members should help to pay school tuition of 6T 212-3

church officers’ duty to 9T 77-8

churches should help to educate CT 69

fund needed to help in education of CT 70

yielding readily to: Satan’s influence are many 5T 408

temptation MYP 78-9

yielding to: Satan’s power while they know it not are many SD 79

temptation out of fear of ridicule are many AH 463

8. Courtship problems of

affections of, parents should guide PP 176

attachments for other sex by, that lead to violation of fifth commandment 1T 401

blind impulse is mistaken for love by most 5T 109

erroneous idea(s) of, re marriage 5T 122-3

free mingling of sexes is harmful to 4T 95

friendships of, great care needed in forming FE 500; 3T 42-3

infatuation of, for opposite sex 5T 110

lesson for, re marriage 5T 121

lovesick sentimentalism prevails among 5T 60

mania for courtship and marriage bewitches 5T 60

parents’ duty re attentions of, for opposite sex 5T 60

Satan ensnares, by unwise marriages 5T 105-15

seem to be bewitched with lovesick sentimentalism MM 142

sentimentalism in, remedy for 2T 323-7

unwise marriages by 5T 105-13

See also Courtship

9. Dealing with

affections of, kindness and sociability are powerful factors in winning CT 208

benefited by being trusted Ed 289

beware of flattering, by holding out to them prospect of financial gain, wonderful educational advantages, or great personal achievements 5T 478

continually watching, is demoralizing to them FE 114

courtesy and sympathy to, gain their confidence GW 207

dealing with: age and character must be taken into account in CT 101

be affectionate and tender in CG 263

be pitiful and courteous in CG 263

be winning and companionable in CG 263

decided measures may be needed in CSW 49

finest discrimination is required in GW 333

passionately only arouses his resentment Ed 292

things teachers should not forget in 5T 91

desires and inclinations of, restrain 3T 26

do not bind down, to rigid rules and restraints CT 335; Te 211

do not encourage, to display their ability or proficiency Ed 237

educators of, must learn much in precept and experience CSW 30

should maintain perfect self-control 4T 419

energies of, must be directed in right channels GW 211

evil of allowing, to follow natural turn of their own minds CT 325

first work is to be kind to MM 182

follies of: deal with, patiently and wisely Ed 293

failure to restrain or correct CG 258

formation of right moral sentiments and habits in, aim for FE 115

fruit of forbidden tree of knowledge should not be given to 8T 91

gospel work for GW 207-12

church’s neglect of 6T 197

delicate tact needed in GW 207

earnest prayer needed in GW 207

great care and tenderness needed in DA 812

is miss. work of highest kind GW 207

much patience and perseverance needed in DA 812

qualifications of ministers for DA 812

should be painstaking, careful, prayerful labor GW 208

great imperfections in, expect to meet and bear with 5T 605

great vigilance and tact needed to guard, from wrong influences 5T 60

greatest wrong done to Ed 291

growing thoughts and feelings of, teachers should know how to direct 3T 131

harsh dealing never helps CSW 172

have demands on our love, patience, and sympathy 5T 34

how to awaken spirit of sacrifice in, for suffering millions in “regions beyond” Ed 269

how ridicule affects 3T 125-6

how teachers can win 5T 33

how to give caution or reproof to MM 180

how to labor for 2T 420

interest of, preaching long sermons cannot arouse 6T 436

kindness toward, must have its limits 5T 45

lay no rigid injunctions upon MM 180

long sermon is not best for GW 210

make, feel at home in your presence MM 182

may be helped by the wisdom and experience of the old MH 204

minds of, warped by injudicious management 4T 419

ministers should be grave and solemn before 1T 437

ministers should care for Ev 346

ministers should form happy acquaintance with GW 207

ministers’ duty to GW 207-12; 4T 397-8

ministry to, after his conversion Peter was given work of DA 812

neglected in large churches 3T 198

no greater curse than to allow, to have their own way ML 319; PP 579

no one who is ironhearted should deal with CG 263

older church members should work for 6T 435

older persons should educate, by precept and example 5T 129

one of greatest errors committed re MYP 449

parents and teachers should work together to save CG 321

parents should make home attractive to 1T 401

parents should restrain 4T 192

parents should watch, with jealous care 1T 156

persons older in experience should watch over MYP 18

persons who deal with, may have to give reproof FE 456-7

qualifications needed in FE 456-7

place, in most favorable circumstances possible 5T 545

place bulwark around Ev 339

present to, inducement for rightdoing AH 323

problem of how to deal with, needs more study GW 208

rights of, not always respected by parents 4T 398

safeguarding CT 119-31

safer and happier under wholesome restraint FE 62-3

safety of, depends on great vigilance by people in charge of them 5T 408

severe training of, that makes them weak in mental and moral power 3T 133

skill and patient effort needed to rightly mold CG 228

so-called tenderness toward PK 236

speak to, words of kindness and love 4T 364

special work needed for, in large church 3T 197

spiritual needs of, much is lost to cause of truth by lack of attention to GW 207

stability of character in, how to promote 5T 90

study to win, to Christ AH 505

tendencies of, should be cultivated as flowers in garden 6T 204-5

time and opportunity to work for, now is FE 547; LS 448

treatment of, that God regards as sin against Himself MM 180

veriest cruelty to, parental indulgence that is PP 142

what to do to help, to meet evil influences of today Ed 228

wise regulations needed to restrain and guard, from Satan’s devices CT 99

work for: God is interested in CT 148

personal labor in CSW 77

simple methods are most effective in 6T 179

work of, parents and teachers should take interest in Ed 269

workers for, meet them where they are GW 209

should beware of indulging morose or gloomy disposition CT 233

world and, build up firm barrier between CT 119

10. Dress and grooming of

clothing of, should be simple, plain, and unpretending 3T 376

disposition of, to dress according to fashion 3T 376

fashion and custom exert strong power over PP 572

fashion’s influence upon, in popular churches 4T 643

inward adorning of, importance of 2T 175

more valuable than gold of Ophir 2T 593

love of, for dress and display 3T 366-7

should seek to make the best of their appearance 6T 96

time spent by, before mirror in preparing hair 1T 162

vanity in dress is great temptation for 3T 364

vanity of, Satan appeals to 1T 503

warned against love of dress for display 3T 370

See also Clothing

11. Duty(s) and responsibility(s) of 2T 235-7; 3T 221-7

fifth commandment of Decalogue reveals MYP 444; 2T 80

grave CT 536; MYP 41

highest 3T 80

is in own homes 3T 80

must be set forth in simple and positive language 5T 525

re: amusements 3T 222-3, 366

courtship MYP 445-6

dress 3T 366, 375-6

music 1T 497

reading matter LS 448

recreation 3T 222-3

solemn, lightly regarded 1T 497

to: careworn mother 7T 64-5

parents Ed 241; MYP 444

rest of family 3T 80

the aged 2BC 1021

when they rise in morning Ev 652

youthfulness does not excuse them from the 1T 498

12. Education of Ev 581; 6T 207

among Jews in time of Christ DA 69

best, bears closest relation to their future immortal life FE 231

Bible must lie at foundation of CT 204

Bible should have proper place in 5T 26

Christian, need of CT 43-4; 6T 197

danger in, in worldly schools 3T 149

dangerous influences in, at Battle Creek 3T 197; 4T 649-50

defective, often leads to failure in any branch of business they undertake 5T 522

early, shapes their characters 3T 131, 135

essential for practical life, neglect of 3T 221

for time when decree shall require all to worship beast and image 5T 525

great lack in CSW 77

heart, is more important than book education 8T 311

is important and solemn work 4T 418

magnitude of work of, church is asleep and does not realize CT 43

molds whole social fabric 6T 150

need of, in agricultural lines 8T 228

needed for practical life 8T 311

neglect of, for love for dress and display 3T 366-7

no miss. field more important than 6T 429

objective to be obtained in 4T 418

physical, importance of 5T 522-3

plan of, that opens door of temptation to them 3T 148

religion of Christ to have controlling influence on 4T 419

right, Satan’s intense hatred for 4T 421

schools for, SDA need to establish CT 203-5; 9T 170

several years’ course of study in, no time for 8T 229

should prepare them to: be zealous missionaries for either home or foreign fields FE 231

do evangelical work and med. miss. work 9T 170

teachers’ bad example hinders Ed 259

that is: defective 2T 701

needed 6T 127

that will be lost to him MH 449-50

to which God has set no limit 8T 311

value of, use made of knowledge determines MH 402

where SDA college has been deficient in 5T 60

work of true, is to train them to be thinkers Ed 17

wrong methods of, results of Ed 265

See also Education

13. Examples for

Daniel and companions as example for 4BC 1167

Daniel as example to CT 537; 5T 86

encouragement for, Samuel’s example as 2BC 1010

Isaac as example for PP 175

Joseph as example of CT 537; 5T 86

Joseph’s deep filial reverence is worthy of imitation by 5T 124-5

lesson(s) for: Daniel’s life presents FE 80; SL 23

from experience of youth at Bethel 5T 44

from history of Samson 2BC 1007

lessons from others that should be learned by MH 366

Mordecai’s words to Esther may apply to 5T 321

personal histories of vital interest to Ed 68

professed Christians are no example for, except as they follow Christ 1T 405

Samuel’s consecration as example for CT 537

Solomon’s later writings warn, against falling into errors that led him astray PK 80-1

Timothy as example of AA 203-4; 4T 398

14. God’s claims upon

accountable to God for: improvement of their time 1T 178; 3T 222

light given them 3T 363

use of their strength 1T 178, 238

ardor of, God’s cause needs 7T 295

belong to Christ and are not their own MH 396-7

bought with Christ’s blood MYP 16

created to honor God and bless fellow men PP 601

God requires that, do their best MYP 18

God’s claims upon CT 99

are paramount to all others CT 99; 4T 434

moral faculties of, God claims due cultivation and exercise of 4T 434

obligations of, to God’s claims 1T 511

responsible to God for: good they can do 5T 115

His opportunities CSW 36

their opportunities and privileges MYP 41

work they should do 3T 378

service of: Christ claims MYP 409

Christ desires MYP 369

15. Moral problems of

both sexes of, engage in moral pollution 2T 347

brain of, weakened by indulgence of animal passions 2T 477

depravity among, is increasing Te 234; 5T 112

idleness leads many, to evil and degrading practices PP 601

to indulgence of corrupt habits 2T 349

idleness produces licentious habits in 2T 349

knowledge of secret vice passed from youth to 2T 392

monastic life was demoralizing and corrupting to GC 82

moral atmosphere operating almost insensibly upon, to poison and ruin 3T 125-6

moral pollution corrupts many, at early age MYP 369

morals of: corrupted by vicious association 4T 140

corrupted less in country 4T 136

liquor traffic imperils Te 205

Satan’s most effective means of weakening minds and corrupting CW 134

passions of, Satan tries to inflame CG 440

profligacy of, almost incredible 5T 78

parental responsibility for 5T 78

Satan seeks to corrupt and debase every FE 90

secret vice in, destroys and defaces God’s image in them 5T 78

sensuality in 2T 390-411

sent by father to school, illustration of SD 322

sex problem among 1T 401

sins characterizing people of Sodom exist among 5T 78

See also Secret vice

16. Needs of

abundance of healthful food CG 390

best of exercise CG 390

best of food CG 390

books that are blessing to mind and soul FE 547-8

chance to express their feelings CSW 70

change of work from time to time CG 341

counsel and guidance MYP 443-51

discipline of systematic and well-regulated work Ed 215

home reading circle 7T 64

method in work SD 117

more than casual notice GW 208

opportunity to become more fully instructed in God’s word 6T 105

opportunity to study Bible in school FE 204

physiological education Te 183

prayers and counsel of experienced and godly friends 4T 207

reformation as never heretofore realized among them 3T 379

regular hours for sleep CG 111-2

restraint 5T 40

sanctifying religion more than anything else LS 448

self-knowledge MH 402; 3T 142, 321

spirit of energy and fidelity to meet demands on them 4T 434-5

strength from God to resist temptation 3T 373

sympathy, affection, and love CT 503

thorough conversion 2SG 256

time for reflection and earnest prayer 4T 117

training Ev 581

wise counsel MM 175; 5T 40

17. Need(s) or ought to

abhor anything savoring of discord or licentiousness 5T 129

acquire knowledge of: some branch of manual labor PP 601

some trade or occupation Ed 218

act part in well-organized plans for helping other youth TM 32

advance as fast and as far as they can in acquiring knowledge MH 402

advance God’s cause by sacrifice 1T 325

aid widows and orphans in affliction 1T 190

aim at development of all their faculties Ed 232

arise and shake off dreadful indifference and stupor 3T 380

aspire to excel in all that is unselfish, high, and noble MH 398

assemble to read and understand Scriptures ML 205

bear: burdens that older gospel workers now carry CT 537

part of family burden FE 65

begin at lowest round of ladder and climb up FE 213

beware of extravagance in use of means FE 306; SD 284

bring offerings to God MYP 306

build characters: for eternity MYP 18

on abiding foundation MYP 163

calm their impetuous desires MYP 21

choose company of persons whose lives are honor to their profession 4T 207

choose for associates persons who love purity of truth 3T 126

climb Peter’s ladder of eight rounds 6T 147

come from SS to become missionaries for God CSW 86

confide in parents FE 105-6

consider parable of ten virgins SD 118

consider seriously what shall be: their lifework CG 157; SD 162

their purpose SD 162

consult parents re marriage FE 104; MYP 448-9; PP 175

cultivate: decision ML 73

devotional feelings 2T 289

grace of Christian steadfastness 5T 115

habits of industry and study CSW 30-1

love and affection for parents 3T 224

love for duties of practical nature 3T 224

mind and heart 3T 225

obedience to parental authority CG 82

powers of their being MH 398

spirit of devotion and piety 2T 237

teachable spirit SD 117

their faculties 3T 367

voice to utmost of their ability 6T 383

cut thread binding them to world MYP 139

desire all help possible from older Christians 2SG 251

devote their: capabilities and talents to God SD 273

young lives to God’s service 4T 117

do: all possible to save others 1T 511

gospel work in unpromising places Ev 49-50

house-to-house work CM 19

nothing before strangers that they would be ashamed of before Christ and angels 5T 398

their best in work that lies nearest Ed 267

work that lies nearest at hand MYP 148

educate their minds to love: Bible 2T 268

prayer meeting 2T 268

encourage sobriety 2T 236

engage in: Bible work FE 489

colporteur work FE 489

the ministry FE 489

enter: no path except that on which God’s blessing can be asked GC 622

SDA schools and quickly prepare themselves for service 9T 170

exercise: self-control re their passions and affections 2T 562

their heaven-appointed kingship Ed 204

feel: need of strength from God to resist temptation 3T 373

that they must train their minds FE 213

fight battles of Lord manfully SD 204

find: communion with God at dawn and twilight Ed 259

delight in friendship of the old SD 161

form: bands for miss. work MYP 197

habits free from all taint of corruption SD 162

habits of regularity and order CG 112; Ev 652

gather stock of knowledge 7T 281

get up with early singing birds in the morning CG 111; ML 143

give attention to counsel and advice 4T 212

give themselves to meditation and prayer 1T 503

go forth: as evangelists Ev 109

controlled by principle 5T 87

in service for Christ 5T 87

guard their thoughts, passions, and affections 2T 564

have small notebook CG 112; Ev 652

have unselfish love for others SD 268

help one another to: bear trials CT 552

reach higher plane of Christian experience MYP 15

help parents bear burdens of life CG 341

impart knowledge as they learn it MH 402

improve constantly 7T 281

improve rightly their God-given powers 4T 651

keep exact account of money they spend 5T 400

know how to care for their bodies MH 385

labor for conversion of souls Ev 49-50

learn: meaning of self-denial 2SG 250

that life means earnest work, responsibility, and care-taking Ed 215

learn lesson of: self-denial 1T 177

unselfish ministry MH 204-5

learn to: economize CS 292-7

know themselves MYP 445

meet life’s trials with patience and fortitude CT 258

restrict their desires FE 306; SD 284

select and purchase their clothing, books, and other necessities Ed 239

use their muscles and brain AH 509

look up to the aged for counsel and wisdom SD 161

make: advancement day by day MYP 45

Bible their study MYP 21

God’s word food of mind and soul MH 460; 8T 320

home happy and cheerful 3T 222

special effort to keep mind on religious things 2T 175

special efforts to help one another to live faithfully 3T 379

their mark high ML 310

make the most of: his talents SD 333

their entrusted ability CSW 30-1

meet demands upon them with energy and fidelity CT 100

observe strict rules in habits of life Ev 652

offer prayer at beginning of day MYP 122-3

organize into bands for Christian service WM 108

practice: Bible truth in daily life CSW 68

regularity in hours for going to bed and for rising ML 143

self-denial in home life AH 486

self-denial in order to help God’s cause CS 292-7

pray: earnestly for sound religious experience 2T 144

for success 4T 117

more than they sing 1T 513

that they be not led into temptation 3T 378

preserve every: mental capability 5T 115

physical capability 5T 115

put away all that is cheap and frivolous MYP 42

reach highest development of mental powers 8T 311

read literature that: gives true knowledge 7T 64

is healthful and sanctifying to mind FE 547

relieve their careworn mothers 7T 65

remember that: God sees all that they do PP 217

their endowments are not their own Ed 57

without faith it is impossible to please God SD 71

resist: associates urging them into paths of vice and folly MYP 409

temptation MYP 409; 3T 378

respect: counsels of parents re marriage 5T 106-8

judgment of men of experience in church MYP 445

reverence and obey God’s will 5T 26

review their past life MYP 443

rise at regular hours in morning Ev 651

rise in God’s strength above enslaving and debasing habits CT 535

rise up before the aged LS 275

sacredly regard voice of church 5T 108

save part of their wages for emergencies 2SM 330

see how much good they can accomplish 2T 235

see in Christ more than mere theory CSW 52

seek: company of persons of sound moral and religious influence 4T 655

God with all their heart 1T 158-9

highest development of their natural powers FE 541

sell: books on healthful living CM 134

Christ’s Object Lessons 6T 471, 477

share in labor and responsibility of miss. work 6T 435

sign temperance pledge CH 441

study: God’s word 1T 503

SS lesson CSW 21

Scriptures CSW 21; SD 78

support cause of temperance CH 441

take time for prayer and reflection 4T 117

take up burdens laid down by old burden bearers 5T 128

train their minds FE 213

treat: gray hairs with respect LS 275

themselves intelligently if they would grow up right SD 171

understand: his body MH 402

importance of faithfulness in little things 3T 222

object of their creation PP 601

that God’s people shall have to stand for truth before magistrates 6T 128-9

their own weakness 8T 311

true meaning of justification FE 548

walk softly, prayerfully, and carefully before God CSW 13

weave into their character principles of stern integrity CG 157

work for salvation of: associates CSW 62

youth 1T 511

work to help meet expenses at school 5T 556

work with Christ ML 122

yield their hearts’ best and holiest affections to God 3T 362

18. Need(s) or ought to be

approached with kindness 4T 142

awake with nature and early-rising birds Ev 651

baptized 4T 40-3

Bible students 5T 401

burden bearers CT 535-40

careful of conversation 1T 158

carefully and judiciously trained CG 27

carefully guarded ML 221

clad in robes of purity and righteousness 5T 87

controlled by firm principle 4T 651

diligent Bible students FE 216

educated amid delightful scenes of nature LS 353

educated for: God’s work TM 396

various departments of miss. labor 5T 390

educated to: depend on higher power MYP 88

discharge claims of society upon them CT 536

exercise mental and physical powers equally AH 508; FE 538

habits of self-denial and self-control 3T 567

help poor families WM 183-4

help youth Ev 443; MYP 203; 6T 115

make right decisions 5T 525

meet higher standard SD 284

proclaim truth MYP 217

simplicity of dress TM 180

work for salvation of souls CSW 62

educated to be: agents for God FE 231

physicians of both mind and body MM 245

self-sustaining and useful FE 417

enlisted by ministers for miss. work 6T 435-6

equipped to meet skeptics and infidels MYP 85

faithful in little errands and duties 2T 311

faithful in watching against temptations 3T 370

formed into companies for miss. work ChS 34

gathered together for relation of their experiences CSW 69-70

given ladder to climb MYP 95

good soldiers of cross 1T 508

guarded in their conversation 2SG 256

helped in the right manner LS 448

impressed with idea that they are to be trusted FE 114

instructed in: duties of practical life CT 307; PP 601

good manners 4T 406

management of financial matters 9T 76

instructed with simplicity and great thoroughness CSW 36

kept from contamination in cities Ev 77

learners for next world FE 49

led to: cling to God’s word 4T 212

feel that they are trusted Ed 290

see the true dignity of labor Ed 214

masters and not slaves Ed 204

med. miss. workers CT 469-70

missionaries at home AH 300

modest and retiring in conversation CG 144

organized into bands for Christian service Ed 269

placed in most favorable circumstances possible 5T 545

pointed to Peter’s ladder of eight rounds 6T 147

provided: innocent pleasures CT 335

pure and good reading matter AH 411

put to work where they can accomplish most MM 307

ready and resolute in standing for right under all circumstances 4T 655

removed from evil influences of public schools CT 204

reverent during church services CG 546-7

rooted in knowledge of truth Ev 364

self-reliant in order to influence others CG 157

surrounded with: good associations 4T 364

wholesome and uplifting influences CT 354

taught: economy by precept and example 5T 89

importance of cultivating mental, physical, and moral powers 4T 425

industrious habits AA 346

industry by precept and example 5T 89

need and power of application Ed 232

self-denial and to bear hardships and toils of life 4T 201

simplicity of dress by precept and example 5T 89

simplicity of manner by precept and example 5T 89

sobriety by precept and example 5T 89

that so far as possible they must work to meet their school expenses 5T 556

their accountability to God CSW 12

there is no excellence without great labor SD 333

to aim at perfection in whatever branch of work they undertake 5T 415

trades in pub. houses 5T 415

what to do in case of accidents and ordinary emergencies FE 427

what will come to pass before end 6T 128-9

with love and patience 4T 142

taught how to: meet people 9T 76

meet stern discipline of life Ed 295

meet temptation SD 232

present third angel’s message in attractive manner 9T 76

taught that: carnal mind must die 1T 161

every mistake, fault, difficulty conquered is steppingstone to higher and better things Ed 296

they are not at liberty to do as they please with their lives CT 300

time is golden 6T 158

taught to: be frank and yet modest in associations CH 294

be true to principle 7T 186

choose enduring principles Ed 145

eat to live instead of living to eat 3T 567

give close study to God’s word CT 121

love Bible study CG 513

obey God’s law 7T 186

obey rules at home 7T 186

read and understand Scriptures Ev 581

respect just rules and authority CH 294

respect themselves AH 16; 7T 186

seek possessions that are enduring Ed 145

speak without wearing vocal organs 4T 406

study 5T 26

take eternity into reckoning Ed 145

think and act from conscientious principle 4T 652

till soil AH 138

work at manual labor PP 601

work with tact and thoroughness CH 315

thoroughly acquainted with everyday duties Ed 216

trained as gospel workers willing to harmonize 9T 219

trained by: church to work for Christ 5T 395

SDA institutions for evangelistic work Ev 23-4

trained carefully and tenderly 3T 143

trained for: country for which patriarchs and prophets looked FE 328

positions of usefulness and influence FE 202

work in mission fields 3T 206

trained in: city missions as gospel workers GW 365

gospel work GW 210

habits of benevolence Ed 239

SDA schools for Christian service 6T 133

some branch of manual labor CT 307

their own countries for gospel work 6T 139

trained to: be clean and orderly 6T 170

bear burdens in Christ’s cause CT 48

bear grave responsibilities CT 536

bear responsibilities with brave heart and willing hands CT 258

become true soldiers of Christ CT 166

believe that life is sacred trust CT 300

exert saving influence in churches 8T 228-9

guard their words and actions AH 437

industrious habits AH 285

love to work on land LS 355

represent truth rightly TM 32

self-reliance and self-control 4T 652

use time rightly CG 123

useful labor CG 123

trained to do miss. work AH 509

in their neighborhoods 9T 118

19. Ought not to

allow their thoughts to be cheap and low 8T 65

be: ashamed to bear cross 2SG 251

careless in regard to eternal interests 3T 364

content with low aim SD 40

placed in position of opening God’s word to youth FE 114

placed where Satan can ensnare them LS 392

satisfied with superficial attainments 3BC 1162

sent to do gospel work in lowest places of cities MM 312

treated with much severity for comparatively light misdemeanors TM 426

underfed in least degree CG 390

be left to: learn good and evil indiscriminately CT 119; 1T 399-400

think and act independently of parents and teachers 3T 133

cause parents sleepless nights AH 302

degrade themselves by associating with sinners 5T 508

desert only post of duty for which they are fitted 5T 86

disappoint parents and friends MYP 149

do gospel work among abandoned classes WM 254-5

do gospel work in slums of cities WM 259

eat rich cakes and pastries CG 390

enter into unwise marriages 5T 106

force themselves into positions of danger 5T 86

fritter away early life in idle sport 3T 222

live for selfish gratification CT 535

marry while their character is yet undeveloped FE 62

marry without knowing how to care for children AH 88

place themselves in way of temptation 5T 397

remain novices CG 167

seek amusements CT 535

shrink from conflict, self-denial, or any sacrifice to obtain eternal life 3T 371

spend means for gratification of appetite COL 334

spend time in company of persons who would unfit them for God’s work 5T 398

study works expressing infidel views FE 168

20. Physical well-being of

growing frames of, close application to severe labor injures 4T 96

health of: being much in open air is essential to 3T 137

physical exercise essential to PP 601

well-regulated employment and amusement essential to 3T 137

intemperate habits bring disease upon 6T 254

mortality among, leaving arms and shoulders naked causes 2SM 467

physical powers of, should be cultivated and properly developed 3T 151

sleep of, should be regular and abundant Ed 205

tobacco’s effects upon Te 62

use of tobacco by, ill effects of MH 328-9

warned against evils of beer, wine, and strong drink 5T 510

See also Health

21. Reading of

books containing perversion of truth should never be set before 8T 309

books telling of crimes and atrocities have bewitching power over 7T 164-5

books that beget and foster in, desire for the unreal 8T 308-9

books that influence, for evil 8T 66

books that should be selected for FE 547

books that should never be offered to 5T 519

books used by Satan to destroy souls of 8T 308-9

idle stories read by, while Bible is neglected CT 139

imagination of, reading of fictitious stories perverts CT 139

light reading by, great evil results from 2T 236

literature for, greater care needed in choosing MYP 85

most, will have reading matter AH 411

newspaper stories that are harmful to 5T 517

novels educate, in crime 3T 471

pagan literature’s influence upon Ed 226-7

reading fictitious stories destroys relish of, for Bible CT 139

reading matter for CT 132-9; FE 547-9

parents’ duty re CT 120-1

should build up Christian character FE 547

should exert healthful and sanctifying effect upon mind FE 547

that is harmful Ed 226-7; MH 439-47; MYP 271-3; 2T 410-1

reading of fascinating stories that unfits, for prayer 1T 504

Testimonies of warning to, read often 3T 362

See also Fiction; Infidel authors; Novel; Reading

22. Recreation and amusement(s) of

boxing’s demoralizing effects on Ed 210

card games are most senseless, useless, unprofitable, and dangerous employment engaging 4T 652

desire of: for amusement increases by indulgence 3T 222

for excitement is temptation and snare CT 325

for pleasing entertainment is temptation and snare CT 325

for something to enliven and divert mind 1T 503

eagerness of, for frivolous enjoyments and irreligious associates 5T 38

football’s demoralizing effects on Ed 210

frivolous songs and music enjoyed by, that drive away angels 1T 506

gambling’s intoxicating effects on GC 387

how exciting and vain amusements affect SD 131

how games of chance affect GC 387

how Satan makes worldly pleasure attractive to AH 523

love of amusement is great temptation for 3T 364

majority of, fond of amusement and averse to work CG 440; CH 112

most dangerous resorts for, theater is one of 4T 652-3

pleasures hold attraction for 4T 364

questions that, should ask re amusements 4T 652

Satan has prepared every kind of pleasure for SD 177

searching for amusement 1T 501

theater educates, in crime 3T 471

theater is one of most dangerous resorts for 4T 652-3

why SDA are not to educate, in fun and games 1SM 133

worldly amusements’ attraction for MYP 367

See also Amusement; Recreation; Sports

23. Relation of, to money matters

despise economical habits FE 152

extravagance is sin to which, are prone FE 152

feverish grasping of, for riches CS 231

generally are not educated to economize 5T 400

God requires that, be faithful in tithes and offerings 5T 382

God’s money squandered by, in photographing themselves 1T 500

greed of, to obtain money for sinful indulgences leads them into dishonest practices 6T 254

inclined to: give stinted offerings 2T 128

naturally neglect and despise economy 5T 400

monetary allowances given to, parents’ duty re 6T 214

money for school can be earned by, selling Ministry of Healing 9T 78

money frittered away by, for amusements MH 364

money that comes easy to, will not be valued AH 387

much money spent by, for self-indulgence and display CS 290

to multiply copies of their pictures 2T 127

not authorized to do as they please with their means 2T 127

sacrifice is little thought of among, for truth’s sake 1T 155

stewards of God over their little as the wealthy are over their larger possessions 2T 128

suffer or deny self little for their religion 1T 155

things that should be learned by, re value and use of money Ed 239

See also Economy; Extravagance; Finance; Money

24. Relation of, to religious influence(s) and experience