EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)


Alcoholic drinks - Amusement, Amusements

Alcoholic drinks

artificial stimulants CD 421; Te 72

determine not to taste Te 103

drinks that create desire for Te 228-9

drinking of, intemperance not confined to 1T 618

glass of, drink not one Te 163

ill effects of:

nervous system weakened Te 172

reason robbed CD 436-7

stomach inflamed MH 325

influence of, crimes committed under CD 436-7

marriage with users of 2SM 422

mind benumbed by, many people spend last hours with Te 18

money spent for, vast sums Te 66

nerve irritant CD 421-2

only safe course is not to touch or taste MH 335; 3T 488; Te 94

poisonous CD 436; Te 103

tapering off, Satan laughs at decisions re Te 103

use of,

violation of God’s law Te 103

women warned against Te 172

user of, legacy of disease and imbecility transmitted to offspring by Te 66

See also Beer; Cider; Cordial; Intoxicating drink; Rum; Whisky; Wine

Alcohol inebriate

Alcohol inebriate, struggle of, to overcome Te 60

Alcoholic, Alcoholics

become sober under the operations of the Holy Spirit HP 22:4

heaven gained by former; experience of witnessing 3SM 431:3

youth won from being RC 247:3

Aldrich, J. M.

Aldrich, J. M. 2T 411


aftereffects of 4aSG 126

appetite for, highly seasoned flesh foods create 4aSG 126

appetite that clamors for 2SM 420

drinker stimulated and overexcited by 4aSG 126


Aleander, papal legate GC 146-63, 168


be 8T 99

to resist evil, continual struggle in being CT 368; FE 87


Alertness See Vigilance


Alexander, coppersmith AA 294; 7BC 920

Alexander, Joseph Addison

Alexander, Joseph Addison, poem “The Doomed Man” by, quoted PP 159


Alexanders of history Ed 269

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great, victim of intemperance CG 96; 4T 348


Alexandria, Egypt AA 269

Alexandrian ship

Alexandrian ship, Paul on AA 440-1, 447


Algebra, young women can dispense with Ed 216

Algiers, Algeria

Algiers, Algeria GC 304


Aliens, protection of, in Israel PP 311


among God’s people, Satan constantly seeks AA 305; 5T 242

pervades world MH 159

selfishness is root of 6T 43

sin of, confess before God and church CH 374

Alison, Archibald

Alison, Archibald, quoted GC 274-6


Alive, God works moment by moment through agencies of nature to keep us MH 112

All, all, all

All, all, all is God’s 1T 694

Allan, S.

Allan, S., fanatic 2SG 157

Allegan, Mich.

Allegan, Mich. LS 189; 2T 23

Allegan Co., Mich.

Allegan Co., Mich. 1T 600


forced, God takes no pleasure in GC 493

to Christ, Paul’s unfaltering GW 58

to God:

Abraham’s unswerving PP 134

better than argument MYP 88

Christ came to bring disobedient back to CG 81

Daniel’s unswerving PK 542; 5T 527

Satan’s effort to shake, during time of trouble GC 619

entire, we owe FE 235

first, we owe at all times DA 602; SD 57

supreme, we owe AA 238

swerve not from 2BC 1037; 4T 27

undivided, required of us FE 502; PK 59

universe will maintain, after destruction of sin and sinners GC 504

to Satan, majority give GW 26

See also Loyalty

Alleine, Joseph

Alleine, Joseph GC 252-3


Alleys of great cities, Christ’s footprints in MH 106

Alliance, Alliances

Abraham’s, with Amorite rulers PP 134-5

against God, wicked men and devils in GC 505; LS 324; TM 465


Abraham’s descendants and heathen PP 363

Asa and Benhadad PK 113

Israel and Assyria PK 280

Israel and Syria PK 328-9

Jews and Samaritans PK 568, 674

Judah and Egypt PK 423

Judah and Israel PK 192-3

Solomon and surrounding nations CH 290; Ed 49; FE 498-9; PK 52-4; 7T 217

between Israelites and heathen was forbidden 4BC 1155-6

made Jewish church a harlot GC 382

commercial See Commercial alliance

foreign, against David’s kingdom PP 713-5

holy, angels united in 7BC 968

make no, with enemies of truth PK 570-1; 5T 420

political, anciently sealed by marriage FE 498-9; PK 52-4

Satan seeks to induce us to make, with enemies of truth PP 563

with infinite power, by weakest follower of Christ 4T 541

with unbelievers,

dangerous Te 218

forbidden Ev 617; FE 483; GW 395; LS 321-2, 330; PK 570; 2SM 121; TM 463

with world, to obtain greater notice 2SM 167-8

worldly, dangerous MYP 453-4; 4T 504


earthly, Satan invents 4T 581

soul not unmoved by, unexpectedly overthrown 4T 544

three, which most frequently overcome men 4T 576

Alma, Mich.

Alma, Mich. LS 185; 2T 12, 14


Almanac comic See Comic almanac


preferable to peanuts MH 298; 7T 134

redeemed will eat EW 19; 2SG 55; 1T 69


God has made us, partners with Him in His work TDG 97:5


how to become 9T 71

we are to be CS 198, 343; 1SM 168; 9T 53-9; TM 204; WM 268

See also Charity

“Almost Persuaded,”

“Almost Persuaded,” hymn by P. P. Bliss, dream re young man singing Ev 503


as fragrant incense before God 7T 216

fruit of love and gratitude to God 6BC 1059

memorials before God 2SM 212

not price paid to secure heaven 6BC 1059


Almsdeeds, Wesley’s (John) futile effort to be saved by GC 254-6


and prayer are closely linked 6BC 1059

cannot take place of Spirit’s work in heart SD 290

law of, urgently needed 3T 392

never do, to attract attention DA 312

not always to be secret MB 80; 2SG 234-5; 1T 193

ostentatious, of Pharisees DA 603

part of gospel religion DA 519-23; 3T 390

praise of men sought by 2SG 234-5; 1T 193

recommends no sinner to God 6BC 1059

See also Needy people; Poor people


liquor seller’s work fills MH 338; Te 24

parental neglect of duty fills AH 138; Te 211


Christ’s body embalmed with DA 773

See also Lignaloes


(apart), believers in third angel’s message not to draw 3SM 21:2

Christ is with those standing apparently TMK 203:4

Christian standing, amid opposition is like forest tree TDG 47:5

faithful souls often have to stand 3T 302

heaven not entered TDG 295:5

Holy Spirit promised to abide with us so we are not FLB 57:6

Jacob was, and tortured by his past TDG 323:2

John placed, to sanctify ear and heart to gain truth OHC 315:2

learn to stand EW 105

living, neglecting own convenience and health RY 128:0

man who must go to heaven 1T 215


God takes deep interest in you (Edson) TDG 184:3

if Jesus is taken as Companion 2MCP 632:3

preferring to work, but Jesus sent disciples by twos PM 294

talk with the Saviour while TMK 277:2

time coming when we must be separated and stand TDG 93:2

we are never MH 490

what we do and say while witnessing SD 37

when, talk with Christ MH 510-1; 2SM 316

EGW slept, except when with husband; better for meditation 1MCP 220:1

See also Friendships; Loneliness


from God’s work, keep not ChS 176-7; TM 186

from world, stand not TM 164

See also Exclusiveness


of Bible history, written by Moses DA 796

of danger, before us 1SM 197

of deadly heresies in Living Temple 1SM 200, 203

of fanatical ideas 2SM 26

of Genesis, Christ is 7BC 990

Alpha and Omega

Christ as Ev 485; PP 367; 9T 49

of error 1SM 193-200

of knowledge, Bible contains 8T 299

self as TM 335


first to last letter of, present truth means miss. efforts from CH 300; Ev 631

of Christian faith AA 271; DA 640; SL 16

of conversion FE 459; 6T 154

Scripture, children at camp meeting can learn 6T 107

See also A B C

Alpine valleys

Alpine valleys GC 68


eagle of Ed 118-9

following a guide in FLB 249:2

Waldenses in GC 64, 68, 119

EGW in LS 289

Zwingli (Ulric) born in GC 171-2

Alps (fig.)

Alps (fig.), energetic and persevering gospel worker scales SD 333

Altar, Altars

1. Heathen

2. Figurative

3. Of burnt offering (at sanctuary)

4. Of burnt offering (general)

5. Of incense (earthly)

6. Of incense (heavenly)

7. Miscellaneous

1. Heathen


erected under trees PP 91

human sacrifices offered on PP 99

Baal worshipers had PK 124

at Ophrah PP 547

on Mt. Carmel PK 144; 3T 279-80, 282, 284

Babel builders had SR 149-50

Canaanites had, in groves PP 128

Egyptians had 1BC 1107-8

expensive and alluring 3T 263

Israel was to destroy 3SG 292

Jeroboam I erected, at Bethel PK 101-2, 105, 401-02

magnificent PK 151

Moabites had PP 454

2. Figurative

God’s sacrifice taken from, by many 1T 140


goodness should burn on 2T 305

love of Christ should burn on 5T 158

love of God should burn on AA 334; 2T 296; 5T 166, 590

ministers must have purifying fire of truth on 2T 337

holy men of old placed all upon 5T 188

lay all upon EW 66-7

lust’s, virtue sacrificed on 2T 458

of self-sacrifice, meeting between God and soul at CS 30

of service,

place all on PK 221

God can use all consecrated on 1SM 100-1

passion’s, health and life sacrificed on 2T 473


bring your gifts to CS 84

offer praise and thanksgiving morning and evening on 5T 426

true Christian willing to be offered on MH 502

willingness to bleed on 5T 307

Satan’s, tobacco user offers his body on CH 83

wherever you pitch your tent erect an PP 144

3. Of burnt offering (at sanctuary)

at Shiloh PP 547

atonement made for, on Day of Atonement GC 419; PP 355-6

atoning blood shed at PP 347, 352-3

before first veil PP 353

bleeding victim on, pointed to Christ PP 367

daily service performed at PP 352-3

in sanctuary court GC 412; PK 560; PP 347, 352-3

making of,

for first sanctuary 1BC 1107-8

for second temple PK 560

morning and evening sacrifices burned on PP 352-3

priests shoeless while ministering at GW 173; PP 350

priests washed hands and feet before ministering at GW 173; PP 347-8, 350

sacrifices consumed by fire on PP 347

thank offering burned continually on 4T 477

4. Of burnt offering (general)


always set up, close beside tent HP 213:2

at Bethel PP 132

at Hebron PP 133

at Shechem PP 128, 204, 499

Canaanites remembered Ed 187; PP 128; 7T 44

on Mt. Moriah PP 152, 748-9

wherever he pitched his tent Ed 187; PP 128, 151; 7T 44

Balaam’s PP 444, 448-9

Cain and Abel erected PP 71


at Jerusalem PP 708

on Mt. Moriah PP 748

first, at gate of Eden DA 52; PP 83-4

Gideon’s, at Ophrah PP 547


at Bethlehem PP 637-8

at Beth-shemesh PP 589

at Gilgal PP 613, 617-8, 631

at Sinai 1BC 1107-8; PP 312

beside Jordan PP 518-9

in Egypt 1BC 1107-8

on high places PP 609

on Mt. Carmel PK 144-7, 151; 3T 280, 283-5

on Mt. Ebal PP 500

Jacob’s, at Shechem PP 204

Noah’s, after Flood PP 105-6; 3SG 73; SR 69

5. Of incense (earthly)

altar of:

continual atonement PP 353

perpetual intercession PP 353

before second veil GC 412, 419; PP 348, 352; 4aSG 9; SR 154

blood of sin offering sprinkled on PP 348

David erected, at Jerusalem PP 708

fire kindled by God for FE 427; PP 348, 359; 4aSG 9, 12; SR 154

glittered like burnished gold GC 414; PP 349

in holy place DA 97; GC 412; PP 348; 4aSG 9; SR 154

incense offered on DA 97; FE 427-8; GC 412; PP 348, 352-4, 359; 4aSG 9, 12-3; SR 154-5

no ministry at, while high priest in most holy place MH 437-8; 8T 285

represented golden altar in heavenly sanctuary PP 356

sacred fire burned continually on 4aSG 12

sprinkled with blood on Day of Atonement GC 419; PP 348

6. Of incense (heavenly)

before God’s throne ChS 263; PP 356

Christ stands before, presenting prayers of souls needing help DA 568

in holy place EW 32, 251-2; GC 414-5; LS 100; PP 356; SR 377

incense offered on ChS 263; EW 252; GC 414-5; LS 100; PP 356

7. Miscellaneous

brazen See Section 3 above

Cornelius erected, to God SR 283


broken down; principle abandoned; like Sodom TSB 120:3

homes without, in this time of peril HP 90:3

separation from world not achieved in a moment at TDG 94:2

See also Family altar; Family worship

God’s, Christ our Advocate at CT 14; SD 22; 6T 363

golden See Sections 5 and 6 above

of mercy, Christ stands at MH 90

of sacrifice, represented atonement of Christ PP 500

offering at wrong, was sin; perplexities not to be told to enemy 3SM 300:4

Roman Catholic,

erected to secure God’s favor GC 55-6; SR 332

which are fallacies 7BC 913

sanctifies gift on it 2T 167

Simeon held Christ up before DA 52

Amadon, G. W.

Amadon, G. W. 2SG 299; 1T 247-8, 612, 666


country of PP 298, 545

in time of:

Moses PP 298-300, 425, 450-1, 456, 627; 3SG 257-9; 4aSG 26-7; SR 133-4; 2T 106-9; 4T 154, 530-1; 5T 245; TM 372

Gideon PP 545, 550-4

King Saul 2BC 1016; PP 627-9, 632, 659, 673, 692-5; 4aSG 72-7

Kenites dwelt among PP 628


of men and animals 3SG 64, 75

of plants 1BC 1086; 2SM 288

Satan’s ingenious methods of 1BC 1086; 2SM 288


Amasa, David’s nephew PP 742


Amaziah, idolatrous priest PK 284, 286

Ambassador, Ambassadors

Christ’s 4T 393-407

agents through whom He works GW 13

duty of AA 367

His spokesmen AA 360

honor of success should not be claimed by TM 154

not to divide God’s honor TM 154

relationship of, to consequences of duty performed GC 609-10

to save perishing souls CH 560

work of, responsible and sacred 3T 60


beware of lightly accusing PP 386

duty of, to await His instruction and guidance 4T 529

Moses and Aaron sent to Pharaoh as PP 257

of love, we are to be ML 304

of nations, counseled to submit to Nebuchadnezzar PK 443

represents his sovereign PP 714

universal law of nations re PP 714-5

See also Embassage

Ambition, Ambitions

1. Right

2. Selfish

3. Wrong

1. Right

cherish sanctified 1MCP 318:2

church’s greatest, to work in saving souls TM 19

for education, that is not wrong FE 82


angels’ GW 21

life’s Ed 297

realized in future life Ed 307; GC 677; SR 432

students’ CT 167

highest sanctified, God demands of us CT 360


distinguished by AG 249:5

that youth should cherish MH 398

joy and spur of, in Christ’s cause PK 172; 2T 115

law of God takes note of 1SM 217

let your, be aroused to be useful 2T 568


too little TM 194

what should be Ev 181

needed in God’s work 5T 276

person with, See also People, energetic

sanctification of, so angels can give zeal 1MCP 103:4

that girl should cherish Ed 248-9

that youth may properly hold FE 82

to make world better MH 398

turn, from world to higher objects TMK 91:2

2. Selfish

changed from, by repentance when afflicted RC 346:3

Christ said nothing to stimulate CT 34; Ed 81; UL 86:2

consecration and ardor die out before Ed 265

danger of being overcome by 8T 138

dies when Christ has our affections 5T 170

education not to appeal to PP 595

gratification of, man’s ruin CT 33

imparting of knowledge hindered by 5T 554

Jews’ DA 383

King Saul’s rash command prompted by PP 624

ministers who carry out TM 171

pleasant at first but brings pain and sorrow OHC 25:3

position and money sought in, by workers PM 70:0

rock on which many have been wrecked 5T 174

Spirit excludes 8T 140

strait gate cannot be entered by 5T 435

temptation to indulge TMK 91:4

things that rebuke 9T 42

3. Wrong

absorbing, distrust born of Ed 75

blinding effects of PP 383

Canright’s (D. M.), to soar high 2SM 163

Christ must subdue our ML 252

Daniel not placed in court by; but infinite Wisdom RC 141:3

David’s census prompted by PP 747

death to spiritual advancement 5T 419

deception of, when Christ came LHU 135:2

delusive, leading to hell Ev 609

distinction between Christian and world obliterated by HP 165:2

Doeg moved by, against David PP 659

earthly, replaced by a desire to serve the Master TMK 123:2

for distinction and display 2SM 184-5

for first place, repress FE 349

for position above brethren, Spirit does not prompt SL 55

for riches and honor, among God’s people 5T 456

for sake of influence, seek not FE 120

for self-exaltation Ev 26

Satan kindled in Eve GC 554

for supremacy,

must be given up 5T 130

work not with 7T 198

God’s judgments brought on world by CT 440

gratification of, conscience wounded in DA 330

heading of, pride and extravagance listed under LS 241-2; 4T 385

heart must be cleansed of 5T 175


knowledge sought by 1BC 1083

ruin of mankind since fall of our first parents RC 51:4

self-exaltation and supremacy sought by CT 12

should take background TM 216

to be laid in dust 8T 234

to be merged in Christ 6T 235-6

incitements to, allure GW 62

indulgence of, life marred by PK 60

leaven of truth will not produce COL 101

mad, Julius Caesar fell through CG 96; 4T 348

minds absorbed by 6T 31

misdirected, sorrow results from yielding to 1MCP 318:1

never satisfied PP 50

of James and John, Christ rebuked SL 57

outpouring of Spirit hindered by 1SM 140

overshadowing every good quality 5T 242

personal, location of sanitariums not to be determined by 7T 80

play of, path too narrow for 2SM 166

result of: envy and strife PP 403-4; 5T 242

rooted deeply in man’s fallen nature 5T 242


banishment from heaven a result of 5T 242

rebellion in heaven a result of PP 403

to be equal with God was 5T 702

selfish, death of 5T 170

short-sighted, higher sphere of action coveted by 5T 86

sinful emotion of, law of God condemns SD 61

sinners’, God puts to shame PK 435


cruelty and exaction a result of Ed 49; PK 55

to excel all other nations in glory and power PK 55

sowing to TMK 92:3

spirit of, Christ chases from heart PK 60

students’, to become learned FE 355

unholy 5T 526, 586-90

banished from soul by grace PK 60

barrier between souls and Christ MB 143

blot out CT 411

in apostasy of Satan TDG 16:4

overcome 5BC 1091; COL 118; 1SM 400

results of cherishing TM 441

Satan leads man to follow OHC 153:3

Satan stirs up MYP 54

unlawful, cherishing, separates from God OHC 347:3; TMK 254:4

unsanctified, institution security requires removing PM 129:2

widespread PP 403

worldly 5T 336-41

allures from sacred trust 2SM 167

background is place of, when cooperating with God TMK 122:2

disturbed by prayers and admonitions OHC 359:4

fades while wise shine as firmament RC 271:6

faith and love wane before GC 380

Judas Iscariot did not give up DA 717; Ed 92

put away MH 206

religious zeal chilled by 9T 155

separate from HP 339:3

sorrow not happiness results from following TMK 253:5

spiritual power lifts above HP 236:4

wounded, anger prompted by TM 101

youth allured from path of holiness by 5T 41-2

See also Aim; Aspiration; Desire; Goals; Industry; Purpose; Self-seeking


Ambitious, be, for Christ’s glory COL 332

Ambitious fancies

Ambitious fancies, run not ahead of Christ to follow TM 211-2

Ambitious motives

Ambitious motives, permit no, to chill love for God PK 68-9

Ambitious projects

Ambitious projects, pretended righteousness covers 2BC 1017

Ambitious propositions

Ambitious propositions, dissension created by 9T 196


general response of, to public prayer CT 241; DA 237; 5T 318; 6T 383

response of, by Israel on Mt. Gerizim PP 500

Amendment, Amendments

Amendment, Amendments, movements for religious, are direct fulfillment of prophecy 5T 719


1. Liberty in

2. SDA work in

3. Miscellaneous

1. Liberty in

asylum for oppressed and persecuted GC 441

bulwark and glory of GC 252

civil and religious liberty established in GC 252

land of religious liberty GC 295-6; 6T 18

persecuted fled from England to GC 252

Pilgrims sought freedom in GC 291-3

Puritans brought providentially to GC 291

2. SDA work in

bond of union to be formed between, and work elsewhere FE 204

church buildings needed in many places by 6T 109

education of foreign students by FE 203-4

great facilities for, should not be confined to few places 6T 441-2

hindrances to LS 306; 6T 25

institutions give character to 6T 25

med. miss. work needed elsewhere besides in MM 329-30

memorials for God needed in 1SM 112

missionaries supplied by, not enough FE 203

money expended extravagantly in TM 179

other countries not to depend on, for health foods CD 272

publications needed for Ev 420

buildings needed in various places to produce 8T 87

Sabbath doctrine widely preached by GC 587

sanitariums needed in important centers by CH 448

schools needed in FE 531; 6T 109

teachers may be sent to foreign schools by FE 204

thousands of places not yet entered by ChS 179

work in foreign countries needs strengthening by FE 529

3. Miscellaneous

became center of great advent movement GC 357, 368

colonization of GC 296-7

foreigners in See Foreigners

immigration to:

by Europeans GC 296

God’s hand in ChS 200

large cities of See Cities, large

Lisbon earthquake of 1755 felt in GC 304

Methodist Church in GC 257

people led more and more astray in Ev 610; 2SM 72

Protestants open door for papacy to dominate GC 573

Sunday observance in, arguments for enforcement of GC 587

thousands perish in ignorance and sin in 8T 35

uniting with papacy to enforce Sunday observance 6T 18

people of every country will follow example of 6T 18

Wesleys (Chas. and John) as missionaries in GC 254

See also North American Continent; Protestant America; United States of America

American Costume

American Costume dress style 3SM 278:2


neglect of colored by, is charged against them SW 44:1

swine’s flesh eaten freely by CD 392; 2SM 417

when gospel workers should forget they are 9T 187

American believers

appeal to CS 40

European brethren to be helped in crisis by 6T 461

foreign missions call for means from CS 89; TM 204

Skodsborg Sanitarium to be helped in crisis by 6T 464

women among, should work more for Christ WM 143

American Bible Society

exemplary work of 1T 689-90

founded in 1816 GC 287

American businessman

American businessman, miss. work of, in business relations 6T 29-30

American city

American city See City

American colonies

American colonies, church and state in GC 297

American conferences

American conferences, great work to be done for FE 529

American costume

American costume 1T 459, 465

adoption of,

SDA influence would be destroyed by 1T 422, 457-8

warning against 1T 418

dress unfit for modest Christian 1T 457

false report that EGW and other SDA wore 1T 463

footwear was most sensible part of 1T 459

immodest 1T 457, 460

improper dress 1T 458

incompatible with SDA faith 1T 424

objections to 1T 421-2, 424, 459

resembled man’s garment 1T 465

SDA should not adopt 1T 456-7, 460

spiritualists adopted 1T 457

See also appendix note in 1T 717-8

American costume movement

American costume movement, SDA should not join 1T 421

American gospel workers

be Christlike toward workers of other nationalities 9T 180-1

England needs help of 6T 26

self-supporting, Australia and New Zealand need FE 212

American legislators

American legislators will yield to demand for Sunday law GC 592

American ministers

American ministers should arouse youth for God’s service GW 74

American Progress: or, The Great Events of the Greatest Century

American Progress: or, The Great Events of the Greatest Century, by R. M. Devens, quoted GC 333

American reformer

American reformer, Miller (Wm.) as GC 317-42

American rulers

American rulers will yield to demand for Sunday law GC 592

American rural areas

American rural areas, establish schools in 6T 137

American Sentinel

American Sentinel CW 94-8; LS 328; 5T 718-20; TM 469-70

reference to SDAs and Sabbath in, to be dropped PM 224:1

American Sunday School Union

American Sunday School Union, on Sunday observance GC 447

American tables

American tables, drunkards made by 3T 563

American Tract Society

American Tract Society, on Sunday observance GC 447

American women

American women, children sacrificed by 2SM 466


Amethyst CT 54; MH 412; ML 175

Amherst, Mass.

Amherst, Mass. 1T 654-5

“A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,”

“A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” by Luther (Martin), quoted GC 206


Ammon, country of PP 557


Ammon, Lot’s son PP 167-8, 433


ambassadors of, Jeremiah’s counsels to 4T 169

David conquered PP 714-5, 718

god of, Molech as PK 57

Israel oppressed by, in time of judges PP 557; 5T 640

King Saul warred against PP 628

Jabesh-gilead delivered from, by King Saul PP 612-3, 714

land of, Israel instructed re PP 433, 435

Lot’s descendants PP 168, 433

power of, Jephthah broke PP 558

treachery of, toward Israel PK 669-70


Ammonitess, Rehoboam’s mother was 2BC 1033; PK 88


Amnon, David’s son GC 537-8; PP 727-8; 4aSG 89


Amon, king of Judah PK 383


Amorites 1BC 1093; 2BC 1005; PP 433-6, 438, 485, 507-9, 523; 4aSG 43; SR 177; 4T 158; 5T 208

400 years of probation given to PP 434

territory of PP 433-5, 438


Amos, prophet GW 333; MH 148; PK 108, 279-81, 284, 286, 298, 306


Amputation, prevention of, shown to EGW (about publishing work) PM 195


Amram, Moses’ father PP 242-3


Amsterdam, N.Y. 2SG 151


Amuse, train children to, themselves MH 389

Amusement, Amusements

1. Children’s

2. Exciting

3. In medical institutions

4. Objectionable

5. Objectionable (results of)

6. Place

7. Questionable

8. School

9. Wholesome

10. Worldly

11. Youth’s

12. Miscellaneous


1. Children’s AH 468, 478, 523; CG 37-8, 278; ML 91; 2SM 434, 438; 4T 98

mother should direct CT 115

mother should plan for MH 388

mother’s duty re AH 528; CT 115

not to be sought:

among unbelievers AH 472

in streets after nightfall FE 63

parental attention to, excessive MH 389

plan, for active hands and minds CT 115

proper reading needed that affords AH 411

provision to be made for CT 114

regulate well FE 60; 3T 137

EGW’s method of handling AH 528

2. Exciting

antediluvians given to PP 103

children to be kept back from CT 327

class elated by continual round of CH 628

class who do not long for DA 641

high mental attainments not favored by SD 131

how taste is created for MYP 141-2

intellect dwarfed by AH 521

kind of, forbidden by God’s word CD 165

life too short to be squandered in 3T 146

mental depression following CH 627; ML 150

mind ill-affected by SD 131

mind kept in fever of excitement by AH 521

momentary relief sought in FE 314

morals corrupted by AH 521

parental duty to children re CT 327; 1T 391

rest and sleep sacrificed for ML 143

Satan leads men to give themselves up to CD 165

students’ almost uncontrollable desire for 3T 155

worldly-minded persons gloomy when not diverted by CH 29

youth generally cherish love for SD 131

3. In medical institutions

at Health Institute 2T 137-40

dangerous, rebuked CT 348

encouragement of, erroneous 3T 172


introduction of 4T 578

not to be sanctioned 1T 554

out of place 1T 565

leaders to be exceedingly guarded re 4T 577-8

not to be permitted 4T 578


introduction of 1T 634

shun 1T 634

why some like 2T 137

world’s demands for, cater not to CH 293; MM 202

4. Objectionable

absorbing and misleading FE 379

attractive, Satan institutes 3T 564

ballroom’s, professed Christians attend 1T 404

city, Satan attracts people by 2SM 355

containing some good, excuses given for 2T 142

dangerous CT 337, 348-54; 3T 223; TM 103

disqualifying for prayer meeting or secret prayer CT 337; 3T 223

football FE 225, 229

See Football

in Australian school CT 348-52

pugilistic games FE 229, 378

See Boxing

debasing, God sees every scene of Te 18

demoralizing, poverty increased by FE 312-3, 318

detrimental AH 499

money spent on CS 135

disqualifying for ordinary duties, indulge not in CT 336; MYP 364; 2T 587

dissipating, world may despise your attitude re CH 51

exciting and useless, Christ had no time for AH 507; ML 131

exciting brain more than useful employment does 4T 94

exercise better for young women than FE 74-5


erroneous idea re SD 140

health not preserved by AH 508

put away CT 548

for its own sake, door opened to flood of temptations by COL 54-5; 9T 90

for physical exercise, Christ’s disciples engaged not in CT 309

for pleasure Ed 207

influence of one attending MYP 388-9

for self-gratification merely, danger in COL 53; MM 82

for self-pleasing, self-glorifying a result of 2SM 322


conscience benumbed by PP 558

heart hardened by PP 558

if Christ should appear among those absorbed in SD 177

Satan seeks to hold men’s attention by CT 456

timid and cowardly servant made by AH 431

frivolous and exciting, persons who thirst no more for Ev 266

frivolous and sensual and exciting, what destroys taste for 4T 579

having appearance of evil 1T 490


money carelessly spent for CS 249

ruinous effects of FE 318

home, that are not safe AH 516-7; MYP 399

idle, mind disgusted by MYP 256

idolatrous, people flock to Te 34

improving neither mind, spirit, nor manners 1SM 133

indoor, enfeebled patients harmed by 1T 562

innocent, social gatherings which are not CT 327-8; 1T 269

intensely absorbing, Satan uses CT 281

low and debasing and enervating, what will draw mind away from 4T 581

new and exciting,

intellectual diet of many 4T 578-9

theme for persons seeking 2T 212


schools of brutality Ed 210

tend to same end as heathen ones do PP 459

selfish, health does not require AH 508; SD 140

sinful, condemned CT 335; Te 211

sinful and forbidden, Sabbath not day for 2T 584

society’s, thousands ruined by SD 177

so-called harmless 1T 404

supposedly innocent, with unbelievers 1T 269

tending to evil 1T 490


effects of excitement of CH 627

no time for 7T 203-4

not needed to keep mind above despondency CH 627

unfavorable to well-balanced mind CT 308


discard CT 376; FE 87

why children seek 4T 98


mental tone relaxed and morals weakened by SD 131

minds never corrected by 1T 566

no end to path of CT 349

self-made invalids devote much time to MM 107

vain and trifling ML 150

with profligates and open scoffers 1T 404

with Satan’s servants 1T 404

with unbelievers,

forbidden 1T 269

keep children from AH 472

world’s follies in, shun 4T 586

worldly gatherings for AH 512

worldly society’s, youth not to be trained in CT 392

5. Objectionable (results of)

absorption of energies needed for useful work Ed 207

allurement into sin Ed 227

attention diverted from Christian warfare AA 311

attention diverted from truth ML 91; SD 280

Christ’s religion misunderstood 1SM 133

Christians led into sin PP 458

Christianity reproached by MYP 388

conscience benumbed PP 558

dislike for useful exercise and work CT 354

disrelish for:

religious services AH 516-7; MYP 399; 2T 236

sacred things 2T 589

serious thought MYP 399

dissipation AH 516-7; MYP 399; 1T 514

door opened:

for great evil 1T 514

to flood of temptations COL 54-5; 9T 90

duty neglected 2T 411

evil associations MYP 389

faith confused CT 345

gambling 1T 514

God forgotten SD 141

God’s work neglected CSW 67

health recovery hindered 1T 555

heart hardened PP 558

intellect dwarfed AH 521

love for exciting pleasures MYP 399

lower passions strengthened CT 281

men made brutish by FE 314

mental depression CH 627; ML 150

mental tone relaxed SD 131

mind diverted from serious things Ev 210-1

money frittered away FE 422; MH 364

money needlessly spent CS 134-5, 249; SD 264; 3T 401

morals and health injured WM 291

morals corrupted or weakened AH 521; SD 131

ordinary duties made to seem tame and uninteresting AH 513

poverty increased FE 312-3, 318, 422

rest and sleep sacrificed ML 143

self-glorifying AH 499; 2SM 322

senses beclouded Te 50

soul weakened 2T 412

Spirit grieved CT 348-9

Spirit’s comfort spurned 1SM 136

Spirit’s work counteracted CT 281; FE 221

time frittered away CT 283; MM 107; 2T 589; 7T 203-4

judgment will take into account 3T 189

needed for Bible study CSW 20

needed for helping the needy 6T 276

needed for miss. work FE 290

needed for SS lessons 3T 189

timid and cowardly servant AH 431

unchristian atmosphere 5T 78

youth allured into sin Ed 227

youth endangered by CT 325-30

6. Place of

associations formed by frequenting MYP 389

attendance at,

object of life for some 4T 624

which God does not approve 2T 412

glamour of, youth carried away by MYP 389

go not to,

on which you cannot ask God’s blessing MYP 398

to which you cannot invite Christ ML 215; MYP 370

questionable, only safe course is to shun 4T 653

seeking happiness in, danger of 2T 412

what to do when invited to AH 519; ML 215; MYP 370

which true Christian will not enter MYP 398

7. Questionable

children to be taught to shun ML 91

desire for,

indulgence increases 3T 222

many holidays encourage FE 312

directly contrary to Christ’s teaching 1T 490, 554

engrossing force of Ed 260

harmless-appearing, which God’s people must not engage in 1T 404

love of 3T 366

Daniel and companions not given to CT 283-4; FE 230

fiction reading fosters MH 446

God’s treasury robbed by 5T 10

great temptation to youth 3T 364

lifelong peril results from COL 54-5

prevails in church 1SM 125

Satan exploits 1SM 131

mind given to, guilty before God MYP 42

mirth and carousing accompanying CT 367-8

old passion for, association with unbelievers arouses 1BC 1088

passion for,

country’s poverty increased by FE 312

how parents create in children AH 523

youth allured to sin by Ed 227

provide something wholesome in place of CT 114-5, 354; Ed 211; 1T 514; Te 211

Satan institutes 3T 564

to strengthen men’s lower passions CT 281

Satan invents,

for squandering means CS 134

to absorb men’s attention ML 91

Satan’s hellish arts masked in MYP 83

Spirit-controlled persons seek not CH 291; FE 502

talents not to be employed in Ev 266

what to do when invited to AH 519; ML 215; MYP 370

which we cannot approve or engage in CT 336-7; PP 707; MYP 364; 1T 514; 2T 587; 3T 223

with the ungodly, Christians led to sin by PP 458

youth easily attracted from God by FE 55

youth’s interest more and more absorbed in COL 54

8. School FE 220-30

at Loma Linda, Calif. MM 82

copy not other schools in FE 225

dangerous, rebuked CT 348

duty of school administrators and teachers re CT 348

exhausting, teacher not to engage in Ed 278

extremes re, avoid FE 378

idle, school life is not time for FE 300

love of, much perplexity caused by CT 312; FE 512

objectionable FE 220-1

detrimental to study FE 303

football FE 225, 229

pugilistic games FE 229

on playground, Satan watches CT 283

regulate, with reference to physical law 3T 142

Satan influences teachers and students by CT 281, 283

simplicity needed in FE 288

simply giving exercise, not best FE 228

species of idolatry CT 350

spirit of, bring not into school FE 245

students allow, to have supremacy FE 376

students hindered in sciences by FE 379

students warned not to plunge into FE 378

students’ excessive love of FE 228, 246, 455; 3T 155

teachers should join in CT 502; FE 116; 5T 653

unprofitable, discard CT 376

useful work better for students than AH 508-9; FE 538-9

9. Wholesome

children to be taught to provide, for themselves CG 37-8

home, simplicity needed in FE 288

innocent, children to be provided with CT 114

plan, for children CT 115

springing from principle, seek 3T 223

which is not dangerous CT 337; 3T 222-3

yielding true happiness, seek 3T 223

10. Worldly CT 338-42; TM 82-8

attendance at, erroneous idea re 5T 92

Bible truths give youth desire for things higher than CT 353

Christian life has no place for FE 514

class for whom, sink into nothingness CT 353-4

commencing in folly and ending in vanity AH 512; CT 337

dangerous ground for Christian MYP 388

delusion that some good is gained from 2T 143

demoralizing, forbidden 5T 218

desire for, minds filled by Satan with CT 325, 337

happiness vainly sought in Ev 266

judgment spoiled by 9T 43

love of WM 292

places of, patients not to attend 1T 554

professed Christians engage in CT 326

Satan’s method of inducing God’s people into 2T 143

shun, because Jesus is not there CT 328

sin of choosing 3T 366

some sell their souls for 5T 133

soul not satisfied nor healed by TM 390

what is of more worth than 1T 566

witness against MM 332; 9T 38

youth led by Satan to engage in MYP 367; 1T 501

11. Youth’s FE 74-5; MYP 389; 3T 223

arguments presented for 1T 503

dangerous CT 325-30

desire for, constant effort to satisfy 1T 496

easily attracts one from God FE 55

fondness for CG 440; Te 186

inclination to live for 1T 501

interest absorbed more and more in COL 54

love of, is great temptation 3T 364

money frittered away for MH 364

not to be sought CT 535

passion for, allures into sin Ed 227

regulate well FE 60; 3T 137

self-gratification in, life experience largely made up of TM 103

12. Miscellaneous

attention not to be diverted from Christian warfare by AA 311

Bible instruction not to be woven with Ev 211

carried to excess often Ed 207

character of, carefully and thoroughly consider 4T 652

children not to be left to choose their own AH 468

children sent into street for 2SM 434

children’s desire for, parents to control and direct AH 478

children’s passion for, how parents create AH 523

children’s restless minds should be diverted with 2SM 438

Christ devoted no time to CT 309; FE 229

in His youth CT 178

Christ is not leader in plunging into FE 378

Christian standard not to be lowered by 4T 577-8

churches not to raise money by CS 202; WM 289

class who consider all, to be sinful 1T 565

company not to be chosen merely for TM 131

decisive test for PP 707

desire for, youth constantly seek to satisfy 1T 496

devotion to, courts and judges kept busy by FE 313

duty neglected for, on paid time 2T 411

excess of, Christ’s religion misunderstood because of 1SM 133

faculties not given us merely for CT 99

fathers give time to, needed for Bible study CSW 20

for the sick, erroneous idea re 1T 554-6; 4T 94

gospel workers’ duty re 2T 411

happiness does not require CT 347; TM 103

health does not require CT 347, 354

heaven not entered through 6BC 1094

how Satan uses,

to deceive souls MYP 83

to entice to evil 2T 142-3

influence of, questions re FE 302

light work no more exciting or taxing than 1T 568

many great men spent not their youth in MH 366

mental conditions that cannot be remedied by 1T 566

mother not to be diverted by, from properly training child FE 139

mother’s duty when children beg to go to AH 528

multitudes eager for AH 521; MYP 357

not essential AH 525

not panacea for the sick 4T 579

not remedy for the disconsolate 1T 566

not substitute for useful labor 4T 94

outdoor 1T 514


many live merely for MYP 367

persons under Spirit’s control seek not CH 291; FE 502

physicians’ mistakes re 1T 554-6; 4T 94

pleasurable, continual craving for FE 422

pleasure parties for, not recommended CT 344

publishing house no place for 3T 191

purpose of and evils of Ed 207

pursuit of, centers in cities COL 54

questions to ask re FE 302-3; 4T 652

raising church funds by WM 289

recreation and, distinction between Ed 207

sanctuary not built with means raised by CS 203; PP 529

seeking after, excessive EW 111

seeking of, give little thought to CSW 67

sociability not to be cultivated merely for Ev 495; GW 125; ML 207

subject of conversation 1T 505

temperance needed in 4T 652

unsound argument that we are too strict re 5T 433

wayward children’s CG 278

well-balanced mind not usually obtained in FE 229

work and 1T 567-8

world is absorbed in PP 103; 3T 366

your own,

cease to study and plan for FE 461

live not merely for CT 336; ML 216; 2T 587

youth generally fond of CG 440; Te 186

youth generally inclined to live for 1T 501

youth’s arguments for 1T 503

See also Diversion; Holiday; Recreation


acting in the pulpit for (clownishness) VSS 275:1

children’s, teachers to join in 3SM 228:4

choosing, rather than growing in grace OHC 218:3


as Man of sorrows is unwelcome in places of Con 65:1

did not speak to give VSS 104:1

never prodded; He used pure illustrations LHU 181:4

Christian finds no pleasure in OHC 149:2


follows excitement of RC 160:5

or horror when not diverted by RC 160:2

detract from preparation for atmosphere of heaven HP 285:4

EGW shown scene of 3SM 41:2

entertainment which is only for 2MCP 668:1

forbidden, temptation to, by the indolent OHC 222:2

gratifying taste for TMK 307:2

health and happiness not obtained by RC 160:4

lead to striving for perishable things HP 346:3

love of,

natural but may be overcome TMK 242:5

sacredness of marriage not felt because of 1MCP 157:3

love of Christ not known by those seeking TMK 142:3

minds given to,

drawn from study of the Word of God OHC 284:2

hurry to seek it; no time for God HP 160:2; TDG 87:3

not essential UL 138:2

places of,

children to learn to prefer church to RC 169:2

safe only if we can take Jesus with us OHC 284:5

which God does not bless TMK 311:2

plans for, keep truth from possessing the soul OHC 284:4

preaching is not for; avoid anecdotes VSS 272:3

preferred over hearing about salvation 1MCP 128:1

prevent, from coming between you and Jesus FLB 237:3

put away; overcome defects of character 1MCP 105:3

rejoicing in fullness of Jesus’ love prevented by 1MCP 315:1

religion degraded by Con 64:3

safe, do not banish serious thoughts OHC 284:5


brings in, to absorb mind in this solemn time TDG 10:5

fills mind with, to prevent soul searching HP 160:2

invents, to engross minds HP 346:2

throws his glamour about UL 39:4

satisfaction not found in RC 109:3; UL 307:3

sin obscured by, in days of Noah; Satan working today CL 14:2

spending for, discern whether time or money is wasted OHC 192:3

temptation for,

avoided for others by refraining from FLB 235:2

distract from subjects needing action 3SM 23:2

gone after drinking from fountain OHC 65:2

undisciplined mind will be excited by, or depressed RC 161:3

waiting for Jesus’ coming not seeking TMK 343:4

Word of God impossible to find treasures in while seeking OHC 115:2

world seeks, because they are dissatisfied HP 244:3


pleading for TMK 311:3

which God cannot bless TMK 311:2

youth generally act as if they were in world only for OHC 283:3

See also Attractions; Entertainment; Excitement; Foolishness; Games; Pleasure