EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)


Selfish person, Selfish persons - Sense, Senses

Selfish person, Selfish persons

Selfish person, Selfish persons, are dejected, cast down, and gloomy 2T 534

Christ gave many reproofs to CG 132

Christ will not permit one, to enter heaven CS 26

Christianity makes, unselfish SD 12

compared to loadstones 2T 519

countenances of, are dejected, cast down, and gloomy 2T 534

every, will fall out by way EW 269

will fall under Satan’s power TM 474

made generous by leaven of truth COL 102

not one, will be found in heaven 8T 140

plan of systematic benevolence tests 1T 221

prayers of, God abhors EW 268

sell Christ as Judas Iscariot did EW 269

when, grants urgent request COL 141

withholds from himself richest blessing God can give him CS 23

Selfish practice, Selfish practices

Selfish practice, Selfish practices, Christ’s cause cannot be served by COL 383

God abhors TM 398

Selfish principle, Selfish principles

Selfish principle, Selfish principles, should not once be named among God’s people TM 318

Selfish purpose, Selfish purposes

Selfish purpose, Selfish purposes, many people desire grace of heaven only to serve COL 252

Selfish pursuit, Selfish pursuits

Selfish pursuit, Selfish pursuits, world is absorbed in Ev 26

Selfish spirit

Selfish spirit, Christianity subdues 5T 275

narrows and dwarfs mind 3T 522

of gain, takes possession of minds 8T 25

prevents men from giving to God His own CS 77

seeks to build itself up on ruins of others 3T 343


Self-justification, confession of sin should be without SC 41

do not let your combative spirit lead to 5T 36

every voice of, will be hushed in judgment CS 21

excellent qualifications neutralized by 7BC 962

ingenious excuses often framed in 4BC 1175

King Saul’s, when reproved by Samuel PP 680

make no attempt at DA 440

Satan has persisted in course of GC 499

Satan leads sinners to follow course of GC 500

spirit of: indulged by Adam and Eve after fall PP 58

King Saul’s hatred for David was outworking of 2BC 1018

originated in Satan PP 58; SC 40; 5T 638

stubborn, King Saul persisted in PP 625, 631, 633-4

words of, that result from impatience AH 439; MYP 327

Self-justifying spirit

Self-justifying spirit, fastings and prayers in, are abominable to God 1SM 388

is abomination to God 5BC 1098; DA 280


Self-knowledge, advance daily in AH 95

does not take place of efforts for self-improvement CT 67

is great knowledge CT 67, 419; FE 525

ministers need to see importance of 2T 511

mirror that reveals 4T 58-9

much needed COL 158; 3T 321

prevents falling into grievous temptation GW 276; 2T 517

resulting in contrition, needed in order to find pardon and peace COL 158

shows where you fail to perfect character 3T 321

teachers need FE 525-7

true, leads to humility and trust in God CT 67, 419; FE 525


Self-love, beclouds perceptive powers LS 199; 2T 605

blind to perfection which God requires CS 24

cannot pass through strait gate and walk narrow way 5T 435

Christ tears away MB 42

cold, that light from heaven could not penetrate 3T 535

curse brought by MYP 308

excellent qualifications neutralized by 7BC 962

excessive, led King Saul to persist in wrong course 4aSG 76

excludes Christ from heart COL 162

faithful performance of life’s duties preserves man from 4T 190

feels no need of union with Christ COL 162

gospel expels, from man 9T 212

great weakness in 3T 476

hearts encased in, cannot appreciate the Testimonies 2T 26

hearts filled with 1SM 80

hinders: development of Christian character CS 19

spiritual advancement 4T 93

keeps man in narrow sphere 4T 259

lack of harmonious action is due to 5T 539

leads man to believe everything he has is his own 1T 169

less, God’s people need 2T 566

let there be no 2SM 382

many mistakes result from 5T 12

may assure you that you do right when doing wrong 5T 332

minister who had much 3T 552

minister who is filled with GW 205

ministers warned against 2T 499

must be: overcome 4T 486

overcome by earnest prayer 4T 486

renounced 2T 295

subdued and sacrificed forever 1T 705

must perish COL 86; DA 623; Ed 110

prompts man to make superficial work of self-examination 5T 333

refuse to be bribed through 4BC 1174

reproduces itself Ed 109

rich persons blinded by 1T 169

seed of, produces bitterness of soul 5T 30

smarts under merited reproof 4T 180

stamps its image on outward man 2T 534

unhallowed effects of, cannot be resisted without vital connection with God DA 324; MH 455; 8T 316

unruly element in character 4T 93

warps character 2T 520

wearisome load 4T 241

woman in whom, prevailed 2T 174

Self-made man (men)

Self-made man (men), God’s cause needs 7T 280


Self-mastery, people must be awakened to duty of MH 130


Self-murder, by means of: gluttony 4aSG 130-1; 2SM 416

gratification of lust ML 162; SD 61

improper diet 2T 69-70

self-abuse CG 451-2

use of tobacco 4aSG 128

King Saul perished by PP 682

person who will be charged with, in judgment ML 162; SD 61

See also Suicide

Self-murderer, Self-murderers

Self-murderer, Self-murderers CG 451-2; 2T 69-70

eulogized by friends and minister 2T 69-70

prayers of, God did not answer CG 452


Self-pity, beware of MH 476

deteriorates character MM 177

injures you SD 298

persons given to, how to deal with MM 177-8

prompted Peter’s remonstrance to Christ AA 525

shrinks from fellowship with Christ in suffering Ed 88

sympathy should never foster Ed 295

thoughts of, do not indulge SD 298

See also Self-sympathy

Self-pleaser, Self-pleasers

Self-pleaser, Self-pleasers, selfish person who will have portion with ChS 216; 2T 27


Self-pleasing, amusements for, lead to self-glorifying AH 499; 2SM 322

contrary to Christian principles TM 398

course of, no presumption more fatal than to venture upon CT 345; TM 103

custom of turning self-sacrifice into MYP 306

do not spend money in AH 368

life is not to be spent in CT 145, 278; FE 416

moments spent in, decide men’s destinies TM 429

no divine promise for persons bent upon PP 563

no man should prostitute his powers by 6T 214

no time now for 7T 275; TM 510

professed Christians easily led to TM 398

Satan presents some plausible excuse for SD 325; 1SM 108

sickness and death of persons who have lived merely for MYP 387

spending means for, leads to self-glorifying AH 499; 2SM 322

true happiness not found in SD 82


Self-pollution, some children begin to practice, in babyhood 2T 481 See also Secret vice


Self-possessed, Christ was 2SM 22

Paul was, when seized by mob AA 408

teachers need to be CT 191


Self-possession, calm and noble, Christian can possess 5T 401

cultivate GW 317; 2SM 22

God would have His people have Ed 198

how women may have Ev 464

maintain, in correcting children CG 459

needed, promised by God 6T 117

nurses need to maintain MH 221

parents should set example in, for children CG 216

varied circumstances call for 3T 505


Self-praise, brushes luster from one’s best efforts 4T 607

dangerous results of 5BC 1093; 6T 84

is abundant 6T 84

Pharisee full of COL 150


Self-preservation, law of, law of self-sacrifice is COL 86; DA 623; Ed 110


Self-pride, woman in whom prevailed 2T 174


Self-recognition, result of seeking FE 387


Self-reliance CG 156-8

child should be trained to Ed 287; FE 57

essential to success in gospel work 3T 493-4

God would have His people possess Ed 198

grow in SD 333

habit of, as safeguard in life 2T 648

schools should train youth to FE 64

training that encourages FE 73

how to develop, for times of trial and danger MM 107-8

how to gain MH 500; 3T 494

lack of, leads some people to shrink from care and responsibility Ed 256

lesson re, from tree Ed 119

youth need to learn MH 366

needed to meet and conquer difficulties 3T 81

noble, Christian experience and warfare require 2T 130

person lacking, duty of Ed 256

spirit of, encourage in students CT 308

encourage in youth PP 601

that should not be manifest in Bible study GC 599

teach, by precept and example 6T 214

true, sense of dignity of work gives 4T 615

true estimate of requirements of God’s law gives SD 194

wife needs to learn 2T 434

youth should be trained to 4T 652


Self-reliant, help the poor to be 6T 279; 7T 113

train children to be AH 184-5; MYP 423

you must be, to influence others CG 157

Self-renouncing love

Self-renouncing love, law of, is law of life for earth and heaven DA 20


Self-renovation, vital energies of church must be exercised for great object of 5T 266


Self-renunciation, Christ’s, foreshadowed in Isa. 42:2, 3 PK 692-3

Christ’s example in, follow 8T 317; TM 339

clear way for Spirit by 6T 43

man enters into personal union with Christ by 5T 46

needed at every advance step heavenward MH 455; 8T 316


Self-reproach, servile, considered by some people as virtue to display 4BC 1140

sense of, felt by God’s people in time of trouble GC 619


Self-respect, another person’s, be careful not to wound needlessly GW 122

banish your, no longer TM 520

cherish, firmly and constantly CH 295; MM 143

how to develop, for time of trial and danger MM 107-8

indulgence in sin destroys 6T 53

loss of, language that results in MYP 327

results in lack of respect for others 6T 53

lost, how to restore to man his FE 281

may lead you to avoid appearance of evil SC 58; 2T 136

never forfeit, by hasty and thoughtless words CG 219

persons who have lost, in large degree AH 373

reproved person’s, be careful not to destroy MH 167; 7T 265

sacrificing of, do not condescend to 3T 506

secret sin destroys CH 410

self-abuse destroys CG 458; 2T 392

self-support strengthens MH 177

show, in house of God MYP 266

true, persons who have no ML 71

true courtesy teaches Ed 240

what to do to preserve your GW 122


Self-restraint, barriers of, reading that breaks down MH 445

things that weaken 9T 91

children should be taught CG 94; CT 113

from babyhood AH 236

correct motives for, present to children 2T 259-60

demand for, most urgent in youth Ed 228

disregard for, by Eastern rulers PP 717

essential to highest development Ed 49-50

power of, strengthens by exercise MH 491

self-abuse destroys 2T 392

See also Self-control


Self-restriction, walls of, should never be weakened and broken down 4T 574


Self-righteous, Jews became COL 400

Self-righteous garments

Self-righteous garments, man who clothed himself with, to cover his deformity of sin 2T 322-3

need to be torn off 2T 176


Self-righteousness, always a snare 8T 86

are you willing to part with? 5T 222

attribute of Satan FE 278

avails nothing with God 3T 325

banished from heart cleansed from sin CS 27-8

be willing to part with MYP 56

beholding Christ will lead you to hate 1SM 388

blinds man’s eyes 6BC 1097

case of, that was difficult to reach 2T 176

cast aside all 8T 101

Christ ever condemned SL 8

closing men about as: bands of iron 4T 228

wall 3T 526

complacent, that permeates soul 5T 538-9

curse and human embellishment 5BC 1093

deception re, that is hard to put away 2T 176

fanatics incased in 2T 555

fastening victim in deception re his spiritual attainments 2T 174

fatal deception COL 279

foundation of, people who build on 5BC 1093

garment(s) of, deceptive idea that has served many as 2T 177-8

do not wrap yourself in 7BC 933

how to see yourself lost and hopeless while clad in COL 159

men are unwilling to be deprived of TM 65

God’s people must be divested of 2SM 380

good works without God end in 4T 135

husks of, do not feed on 1SM 328

is form of godliness without power thereof 8T 86

is not true righteousness COL 279

Israel depended on, for salvation PK 708-9

Jewish leaders’, led to Israel’s ruin GC 27

leads men to: accusing COL 151

misrepresent God COL 210

let not, keep you from confessing your sins 1SM 327

makes men coldhearted and critical toward brethren COL 210

nauseating to Christ 7BC 963

persons who manifest more, than humility 2T 20

persons whose faith becomes dim through TM 353

Pharisees’, led them to despise common sinners LS 187; 2T 21

was haughty, worldly, and hypocritical 5BC 1077

prayers offered in, do not honor God 5BC 1093

righteousness of Christ leaves no room for 7BC 942

robes of, persons who have clothed themselves in 9T 268

root of, Christ struck at DA 239

sin of Jewish nation was 1SM 386

spirit of, curse and weakness of church COL 400

in New Hampshire LS 77

sword of God must cut away TM 414

there must be no CSW 85

useless to build self up in MB 127

Self-righteous person, Self-righteous persons

Self-righteous person, Self-righteous persons, Christ will not teach a 3T 449

danger of becoming 2SM 376

feel no need of new heart 1SM 386

in SDA congregations 1SM 81

is most difficult to reach 2T 176

Spirit can never work on 7BC 942

Self-righteous spirit

Self-righteous spirit, fruits of 5T 48


Self-sacrifice 7T 215-9; 9T 49-59

altar of, appointed place of meeting between God and soul CS 30

among pioneer SDA workers 2SM 189, 215

among SDA, does not compare with character of their work 2T 114

as part of religion 2SM 212

becoming one with Christ requires 5BC 1139

brings: financial prosperity 6T 102

spiritual prosperity 6T 102

building earthly sanctuary called for 2BC 1027

call to Christian service which requires 9T 33

cause of present truth was founded in 2SM 197

Christ lived life of 5BC 1092

Christ’s example of, copy TM 419

ever before His co-workers 2SM 216

Christ’s incarnation was act of 2SM 185

Christ’s life of, cultivate habit of contemplating 1SM 106

gospel workers should study 7T 254

Christ’s life on earth was full of DA 410

Christ’s mission of, why Pharisees had so little sympathy with DA 409

Christ’s path of, follow in WM 54

Christians should lead in SL 32

Christians should set example in GC 475

Christlike spirit of, church should manifest to world PK 74

constant, Christ’s life was one of MH 19

continual round of, Christ’s life was 7BC 903

custom of turning, into self-pleasing MYP 306

entire, Paul’s life of 7BC 921

essential qualification of teacher Ed 277

every act of: allies man more closely to Christ AA 341

for good of others, results of SC 79

strengthens spirit of beneficence in giver’s heart CS 20

example(s) of TM 421

shown by poor widow with two mites GW 467

that has acted and reacted on thousands of hearts DA 616

facilities should be provided by, for gospel work in new fields 7T 170

follow Christ in 1SM 400

for Christ’s sake, is almost wholly lost GC 387

practice 2SM 123

for gospel is argument world cannot misunderstand or gainsay 4T 484

foundation of Christ’s mission was TM 177

fruit borne by persons truly connected with God SL 11

God’s work calls for CS 44

God’s work must be carried forward with much more, than heretofore CH 300

gospel work calls for, at every step Ev 30

gospel work must be carried forward in 2SM 206

gospel workers should not complain of 5T 406

gospel workers should set example in 2SM 206

is never lost SD 270

keep, prominent before God’s people TM 178

keynote of Christ’s teachings is CS 25; 9T 49

kind of, that God accepts 9T 147

law of, law of self-preservation is COL 86; DA 623; Ed 110

taught by seed sowing DA 623-4

leading Christ to die on cross, practice 9T 49

lesson(s) of, learn from Christ SD 89

that all must learn DA 623

man must learn meaning of, to gain blessing of sanctification AA 560

man’s portion is, if he ever enters Paradise 2SM 166

manifest by Christ’s disciples 2BC 1028

marked Christ’s course of action AH 478

meaning of, person who would gain blessing of sanctification must first learn AA 550

meet in, around cross of Calvary 9T 256

ministers should show GW 454

ministers should teach by lives of 3T 490

more, needed in God’s work Ev 631

much more, God’s work is to be carried forward with 7T 52, 240

must be: maintained in order for gospel to go to all nations 7T 215

woven into all your experience 1SM 116

must not be carried to an extreme in gospel work Ev 90

need of, to answer calls from foreign fields CS 55-6

needed in mission field GW 469

no, too great to be endured for Christ’s sake DA 565

old-time spirit of, seldom met with 2BC 1028; MYP 303; 2SM 176

perfection of character cannot be attained without 9T 53

persons who draw back when they see, is required COL 279

pioneer SDA workers manifested 7T 216

practical, needed for good of others DA 504

practice, in family circle DA 504

presumptuous, in gospel work Ev 90

principle(s) of: adopt TM 421

let everyone work on MM 129

must be kept alive in church MM 316

Paul’s ministry was inspired by Ed 65

rich young ruler unwilling to accept COL 393

Satan wars against DA 223

proper, many people do not bear the cross by 7BC 963

remember Christ’s, to save sinners AH 382-3

required of every child of God 4T 228; 6T 449

Satan declared that God was unwilling to make, for others 1SM 406

SDA institutions were founded in 7T 145

small acts of, that flow out as fragrance from flower MB 82

spirit of: as will rebuke worldly ambition of money worshiper is needed CS 41

Christ anxiously waits to see, in His followers 8T 209

early SDA institutions were characterized by 7T 217

enfeebled by institutional workers’ demands for high wages 7T 216

exemplify 2T 77

failure to maintain and foster, results of PK 61

in founding SDA institutions 2SM 215

man who lacked 1T 692

ministers should manifest GW 454

pioneer SDA gospel workers manifested 7T 216-7

rebukes money worshiper’s ambition CS 41

room in God’s work for all persons filled with MYP 208

should be cultivated among gospel workers 2BC 1029

true, as argument for reality and power of gospel 4T 484

well-nigh lost in God’s service 2BC 1028

well-nigh lost in Solomon’s time PK 64

whimsical notions of, Satan tells men not to be carried away with DA 130

wonderful example of, Christ has left CS 30

works wonders in advancing church’s spirituality 6T 102

world has right to expect, of SDA CT 324

your life should be characterized by 2T 650

See also Self-denial

Self-sacrificing effort, Self-sacrificing efforts

Self-sacrificing effort, Self-sacrificing efforts, gratitude to God is shown by, to extend His mercy to others CS 18-9

Self-sacrificing love

Self-sacrificing love, glory of, Christ’s glory is DA 20

spirit of Christ’s, is spirit pervading heaven SC 77

persons standing nearest to Christ will have drunk most deeply of AA 543; DA 549

valued little among men DA 135

Self-sacrificing minutemen

Self-sacrificing minutemen, stand as, willing to suffer loss of life itself CS 44

Self-sacrificing people

Self-sacrificing people, bread and water of, will be sure 1T 173-4

God will not pass by one of His 1T 173

Self-sacrificing person, Self-sacrificing persons

Self-sacrificing person, Self-sacrificing persons, be, without being extravagant CG 189

med. miss. work needs CH 320

only, will reap reward of everlasting life 2T 333

Self-sacrificing spirit

Self-sacrificing spirit, of early days of SDA, danger of outgrowing 2SM 197

Self-sacrificing worker, Self-sacrificing workers

Self-sacrificing worker, Self-sacrificing workers, God’s high regard for 2SM 192


Self-satisfaction, Pharisee’s, secret of COL 151

Self-satisfied souls

Self-satisfied souls 1SM 357


Self-security, David committed his great sin in PP 718

temptation to, these are days of subtle 7BC 966


Self-seeking, Christ’s life rebukes CT 34

every moment devoted to, is lost MH 208

golden rule excludes all MB 138

greatest work marred with COL 402

heart must be emptied of CT 397

inspired Satan in his rebellion CT 32

less, need of 5T 479

Lucifer’s sin originated in DA 21

mars service to God COL 402

motivating temple builders finds counterpart in world today PK 64

no taint of, should mar service for God 7T 71

only God’s power can banish DA 409

Pharisee’s hypocrisy was product of DA 409

popular education most often appeals to Ed 225-6

principle of Satan’s kingdom DA 436

put away all 7T 24

sin originated in DA 21

spirit of, betrays its origin DA 456

this is no time for 2SM 400; TM 514

unbecoming to gospel workers DA 439

world entices youth to MH 396

Self-seeking spirit

Self-seeking spirit, cherished, defiles and ruins soul DA 409

compared to leaven DA 409

judges God as altogether such a one as itself DA 302

Self-sent man (men)

Self-sent man (men), reproach upon God’s cause by EW 97


Self-service, persons whose lifework has been CS 128


Self-serving, act of, do not encourage 5T 379

is form of idolatry AA 317

Judas Iscariot’s fate shows end to which, tends Ed 93

life of, is insult to Spirit 4BC 1159

multitudes bound in servitude to Satan through TM 247

no place for, in Christian’s life 7T 9-10

prodigal son’s experience in COL 200-1

Satan presents plausible excuse for SD 325; 1SM 108

selfishness strengthens by DA 649

tends to that which is earthly and bestial COL 201

too late now to devote to, strength of brain, bone, muscle 5T 466

time and strength 9T 56


Self-sufficiency, among church members 2SM 69

angels mark your, and turn away with grief 1T 626

beware of DA 493

blinds man’s eyes to his great need 4T 559

church leaders full of, warning to TM 356

conf. presidents warned against GW 414

danger of, in meeting opposition 9T 243

in men of learning GC 456

do not cherish or encourage, in children Ed 237

feeling of, results of Bible study with TM 108

give up your EW 113

gospel worker’s development hindered by 4T 527

gospel workers warned against DA 493; 5T 596

haughty, self-righteous Pharisee’s 2SM 313

how Moses lost his Ed 63

ignorance and, go hand in hand 1SM 316

is dangerous MYP 86

kills spiritual life 5T 538

Laodiceans should renounce 7BC 965

large share of, people who seem to have TM 332

leads to ruin 3T 244

let there be no, in gospel work Ev 69

let there be no sign of, among SDA 6T 122

lies at foundation of religious world’s greatest trials Ev 102

man in his, regards his experience as complete 4BC 1177

man is made easy prey of Satan by 5BC 1102

man needs to be stripped of all DA 300

man’s greatest danger is in indulging MH 455; 8T 315

men are led into, by Satan 3T 469

men full of, who are unfeeling toward brother ensnared by enemy TM 356

mark of, irreverence that is 2SM 313

method of teaching that leads student to Ed 230

ministers warned against GW 143; 1T 626; 3T 307

most hopeless and incurable of all sins is COL 154

must be crucified MB 143

neglect of prayer leads to 4T 535

nothing is so: dangerous as COL 154

offensive to God as COL 154

offerings given in spirit of, God does not accept 6BC 1118

persons satisfied in, Christ cannot take up names of 7BC 964; 1SM 358

Peter fell through COL 155

poisonous weed Ev 342

proud and boasting, leaves no room for Christ in soul 5T 538-9

put away all 1SM 414

remedy for, trials as 8T 123-4

san. workers must constantly guard against 7T 71

see where man fails in 1BC 1087

separates soul from God 1SM 350

shun everything that encourages COL 161

sin of, Christ’s humiliation reveals 1SM 253

guard your soul against COL 155-6; 4T 567

Solomon’s apostasy caused by 7T 217

spirit of: avoid danger of Ev 212

exposes man to Satan’s wiles 3T 66

manifest too often in gospel work Ev 332

must be overcome 3T 65; TM 250

warning against DA 493; 5T 727

too much, among SDA 4T 340

unbecoming to ministers GW 143

what men learn of Christ will not savor of 5T 647

will keep man out of heaven 7T 285

young minister warned against 3T 307


Self-sufficient, Jewish leaders of Christ’s time were COL 276

leaders of institutions should not feel 5T 557-8

talented person becomes, in nine cases out of ten CH 367

wise men of Christ’s time were TM 259

world’s great and talented and brilliant individuals usually are too, for God to use PP 554

youth who was too, to be learner 4T 437-8

Self-sufficient person, Self-sufficient persons

Self-sufficient person, Self-sufficient persons, can well be spared from God’s work GW 143

constant danger of becoming 3BC 1138; 3T 572

educated men inclined to become TM 259

God cannot work with MM 166

God leaves, to their own wisdom 3T 59

gospel workers who are, are not a few TM 169

gospel workers who are not, SDA need Ev 634

in SDA congregations 1SM 81

independent and, talented men too often become 4T 538-9

let the, behold the meek and lowly One Ed 257

men become, without perplexities and trials 2SM 157

many, among SDA 7T 13

minds of, Satan can bind CSW 78

ministers who will not become GW 166

persons who consider themselves learned and become FE 132

satisfied with themselves GW 143

self-confident and, ministers who are most 4T 527

soul that will never be 6BC 1109

talented men too often are PP 554

who assumed to know more than he really did 4T 439-40

why God permits, to be sorely tempted 7T 210-1

why wealthy persons become more WM 19

will turn away from truth FE 460

Self-sufficient spirit

Self-sufficient spirit, man who manifested 3T 449


Self-support, every effort toward, encourage MH 177

Paul, example of See Paul

plan of, for students CT 526-7

principles of, children should be taught to practice AH 93

resources for, training in agriculture opens CT 311

self-respect and noble independence strengthened by MH 177

Self-supporting gospel worker

Self-supporting gospel worker See Gospel worker

Self-supporting life

Self-supporting life, God’s plan of, for Israel CT 275; MH 183-4

Self-supporting missionary family

Self-supporting missionary family See Missionary family

Self-supporting missionary worker, Self-supporting missionary workers

Self-supporting missionary worker, Self-supporting missionary workers AA 355; MH 154-6

appeal for LS 384

can: sustain themselves as colporteurs MH 154

sustain themselves by handicraft or trade MH 154-5

work successfully in many places MH 154-6; 7T 23

church members should labor as 8T 246

encouragement for MM 321-2

large field open before AA 355

London needs LS 384

many, should go to fields ripe for harvest 7T 254

New York City needs LS 385

Paul labored at times as AA 395-6; 1T 447

Paul’s example as AA 346-8, 395-6; Ed 66; MH 154

Priscilla and Aquila as AA 355

Southern field needs 7T 227

teach people how to be 9T 81

two or more, should work together in evangelistic work MH 154

work that, should do MH 154

See also Church member; United States of America, 4. Southern states of

Self-supporting person, Self-supporting persons

Self-supporting person, Self-supporting persons, girl should be educated to be AH 91

noble and generous ambition dictates the wish to be 2T 308

See also Self-sustaining person

Self-supporting student

Self-supporting student See School of prophets; Student


Self-supremacy, token of servitude to Satan MB 15

vileness of, in which men glory MB 15


Self-surrender, Christ’s life was a call to, from manger to cross DA 57

condition of Christian discipleship is DA 519-23

entire, God calls for 9T 165-6

life of, lay hold on divine power for strength to live 9T 166

life of Christ is received only by MB 61

meaning of, daily learn AA 483

gospel worker must daily learn GW 113

most complete picture of, as presented by Christ DA 417

perfect, perfect rest in DA 331

persons who take Christ at His word make DA 331

promise for person who makes, to God for service 7T 30

spirit of, pray for 7T 10

substance of Christ’s teachings was DA 523

true, implicit belief in Christ’s word is DA 535

true spirit of devotion shown by, in willing service to God and man DA 278

See also Consecration; Self; Surrender

Self-sustaining person, Self-sustaining persons

Self-sustaining person, Self-sustaining persons, every Israelite youth educated to be FE 417

help the poor to become MH 195; 6T 279

See also Self-supporting person


Self-sympathy, sin of Moses was PP 418-9

wife who was given to 2T 434

See also Self-pity


Self-torment, Roman Catholics seeking pardon and peace of conscience by GC 72 See also Torment


Self-training, church members need 4T 612


Self-trust, all, must be renounced 8T 316

spirit of, warning against MH 178

trial is defeat to Ed 88

See also Trust; Self


Self-uplifting, all, works out character which God cannot approve CT 283

Christ seeks to take away, in man’s character 4BC 1177

See also Self-exaltation


Self-vindication 2BC 1013

Moses made no effort at PP 399

See also Self-justification; Vindication


Self-will, angels turned into demons by CG 178; SD 115

child’s: during his first three years of life CG 83; Te 177

problem of 1T 219

should never go unrebuked CT 112

unnatural stimulation and wear of vital forces causes CG 388; ML 146

fear lest, shall mar high purpose God desires to accomplish through you COL 161

is blind DA 211

leads many to reject light 1SM 72

manifestations of, destroy peace and happiness of home 7T 47

renunciation of, unity of believers requires 5T 94

shuts out God’s presence 4T 610

See also Will

Self-willed child

Self-willed child, eating at any or all times makes CG 388; ML 146

failure to correct, is greatest cruelty CG 289

Satan works in, but a few months old CG 289

Self-willed generation

Self-willed generation, in last days PP 86

Self-willed person, Self-willed persons

Self-willed person, Self-willed persons, cannot meet demands for this time 3T 423

Christ will not teach 3T 449

man who had been, from childhood 3T 305

refusal of, to respect men in positions of authority in church AA 261

Self-willed spirit

Self-willed spirit, when, will not rule soul EW 112


Self-worship, cannot flourish in soul that keeps scenes of Calvary fresh in memory DA 661

put away all 7BC 940

See also Worship


Selling, buying and 4T 350-4

let every action be just and square in CS 240

strictest integrity must characterize every transaction in CS 240

of anything for more than it is worth, is fraud 4T 494

of defective articles, what to do re ML 330

of property, caution re 2SG 119-20

true businessman engaged in, characteristic of ML 330

See also Sale

Seminary, Seminaries

Seminary, Seminaries, of other denominations: SDA youth should not attend CT 45

teaching in SDA schools should not be same as that in CT 539

youth exposed to infidel sentiments in CT 45

of world, SDA schools should not pattern after FE 231; 6T 152

Roman Catholic, Protestants patronize GC 566

theological, strong young men who may attend 5T 583-4

women’s, EGW attended 2SG 14

Senator, Senators

Senator, Senators, cannot dream themselves into a character Te 47

class of, who would be sound and unperverted Te 48

Gibeonites ruled by PP 506

many, are slaves to intemperate habits 7T 58

need to be strictly temperate MH 345; Te 47-8

using strong drink and tobacco, solicitation of funds from Te 29


Sennacherib, Assyrian king GC 117, 512; PK 352, 355, 361

called also Jareb PK 285

did not reign long after disaster at Jerusalem PK 361


Sensation, efforts to get something new to create 2SM 39

is not religion Ev 396

minister who relied too much on creating 3T 227

of faintness See Faintness


Sensational, do not hunger for the Ev 170

less of, the better Ev 170, 184

something, some SDA search for 1SM 41


dissatisfaction with, by contemplating about God 1MCP 94:5

over development of, to the neglect of intellectual LYL 41:3

See also Ideas, novel

Sensational character

Sensational character, something of, converts under popular revivals seek GC 463

Sensational efforts

Sensational efforts, there should be no, in evangelizing large cities Ev 42

Sensational impressions

Sensational impressions, many people deluded by relying on 4T 188

Sensational interest

Sensational interest, in gospel work, does not please God 3T 227


Sensationalism, in evangelism, guard against anything bordering on 9T 110

Sensational meetings

Sensational meetings, love of some ministers for stimulus of 3T 227

Sensational mind, Sensational minds

Sensational mind, Sensational minds, ready to: accept human theories and false science as truth 4BC 1157

catch up suppositions and guesses 4BC 1157

Sensational religion

Sensational religion, religion pure and undefiled is not 8T 295

SDA must not have Ev 364

Sensational religious excitement

Sensational religious excitement, created by telling anecdotes and exhibiting eccentricities and oddities 4T 74

Sensational revival

Sensational revival See Revival

Sensational preaching

Sensational preaching, amounts to little CT 433; Ev 474

Sensational story, Sensational stories

Sensational story, Sensational stories, ministers should not preach GW 147


Sense, people of, God wants His people to act like Ev 610

some, men in responsible positions should credit other people with having TM 302

See also Common sense; Intelligence; Understanding

Sense, Senses

Sense, Senses, amusements becloud Te 50

another person’s, no man should exercise his will to control MM 111

are avenues to soul 3T 507

be faithful sentinel over your 2T 561

beauties of nature speak to man’s 3T 333

bedlam of noise shocks 2SM 36

Christ’s disciples permitted slumber to chain their 2T 205-6

cross reveals to man’s dull, pain sin brought to God’s heart Ed 263

dances becloud Te 50

deadly lethargy of world paralyzes 5T 233

do not eat or drink that which beclouds Te 18

evidence of, when God’s word must be held in preference to GC 625

familiarity with sin benumbs 3T 476

familiarity with sin blunts 3T 473

feasting and drinking that benumbs DA 222

feasting and drinking that perverts AA 150

festivities that becloud Te 50

God’s judgments sent to bring people to their 7T 103

God’s works speak to man’s SD 110; 3T 377

good sound, recommends minister anywhere 3T 466

guard your MM 143; 3T 507

indulgence of appetite benumbs 3T 476

intoxicating drink benumbs DA 222

intoxicating drink perverts GW 386

intoxicating drugs pervert Ev 529

of equity, Satan seeks to paralyze man’s 3T 550

of justice, Nebuchadnezzar had PK 514-5

of rational beings, how fanatics confuse 2SM 36

of right: departure from principle weakens PK 483

Nebuchadnezzar had PK 514-5

no blind affection to becloud 5T 548

Satan seeks to paralyze man’s 3T 550

strong drink confuses MH 345-6

of wrong, strong drink confuses MH 345-6

overheated room tends to benumb GW 166-7

paralyzed condition of, devils busy creating 5T 493

placed under law 8T 264

pleasures of, Solomon sought satisfaction in PK 76

Roman Catholic display and rites fascinate GC 566

sanctified, need of Ev 86

Satan constantly seeks to distract man’s DA 341

Satan presents ambitious projects to daze 5T 488

Satan’s power to pervert GC 554

selfishness confuses TM 392-3

should respond to God’s love expressed in His marvelous works 4T 581

sluggish and sleepy, wrong eating causes 4T 417

so confused that eternal things are not discerned 5T 512

spiritual, stupor that benumbs 4T 316

spiritualism presents bewitching fables that captivate GC 558

supernatural agencies work men’s, in indulgence of vilest lust DA 36; MH 142

things of, vision blinded by 5T 420

tobacco habit perverts 4T 257

undimmed, Daniel and companions had PK 485; Te 271

wicked abuse of, indulging taste at expense of health is 3T 486

wine beclouds Te 50

wine benumbs CH 366

worldly associations attract and dazzle AH 461

youth’s, artificial stimulants pervert Te 71-2

See also Sensibility


blinded by worldly influences OHC 71:3

chained to this world by Satan OHC 285:3

clear, promises of God considered with 3SM 163:5

coldness which steels, swept away by scene at the cross TDG 328:3

confused in uncouth demonstrations before close of probation Mar 234:2

evidence of, may contradict faith OHC 124:2

gratification of,

truth not imparted by minds seeking 1MCP 314:3

See also Indulgence

Word of God loses value while seeking OHC 115:2

keeping, sharp and clean HP 170:2

locked up by sin and depravity for some former slaves SW 30


converted soul hates what depraves TMK 62:2

impaired by impure thoughts RC 308:3

steeled against impressions of the Spirit of God OHC 44:2

nature speaks to the soul through OHC 251:3

paralyzed with selfish ease and love of the world UL 18:4

perverted by listening to those who lead away from God OHC 334:3

Satan influences FLB 312:3

shocked by noisy demonstration Mar 234:3

sin blunts, causing lack of gratitude to God TMK 168:5

spiritual, Christ waiting to quicken HP 208:4

stolen by worldly influences OHC 71:3

things appealing to, Satan designs to fill minds with FW 92:1

worked by supernatural agencies in indulgence of lust AG 161:3

worldly wise grasp things of, OHC 80:4