EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)


Sensibility, Sensibilities - Seriousness

Sensibility, Sensibilities

Sensibility, Sensibilities, become keener as man approaches moral perfection GC 570

Bible study arouses FE 433-4

church members’, how Satan benumbs 2T 126

corrupting influences blunt 4T 111

devils’ poisonous influence stupefies men’s MYP 52

fine, indulgence of base passions benumbs 4aSG 124

intemperance in eating and drinking benumbs 4aSG 124

finest, treating soul’s wounds calls for DA 440

God’s people’s, Satan constantly seeks to stupefy 1T 274-5

impure habits benumb 2T 322

indulgence of appetite blunts GC 519; 4aSG 129

indulging gross appetite blunts 4aSG 148

intoxicants blunt Te 45

intoxicating liquor benumbs Te 59, 253

liquor-drinking men’s, weakened 4T 30

mental, it requires time to benumb 4aSG 126

moral: consecrated Christians have clean and clear 3T 302-3

self-abuse benumbs 2T 404

sinner’s, must be aroused to feel God’s claims 4T 582

no man’s, so acute as was Christ’s 7T 265

of persons following Christ’s example, Spirit quickens DA 650

opium benumbs 4aSG 139

physical See Physical sensibility

racecourse benumbs Te 253

refined, hearts purified have 5T 696

self-gratification benumbs GC 519

soul’s, devil seeks to stupefy 1T 345

hurtful indulgence benumbs PP 182

theaters benumb Te 253

tobacco benumbs 4aSG 126; Te 59, 253

transgression blunts 1T 532

unbelief benumbs 4T 234

worldliness benumbs 1T 530

yielding to temptation blunts 4T 311


Sensitive, be less 2T 566

extremely, man who was 2T 424

woman who was 2T 318-9

growing boys and girls feel CG 216

minister and wife who were very 2T 565-7

parents should remember how, they are when correcting children 1T 401

some people so, they cannot be reasoned with 7BC 937

things to be very, about 7BC 937

Sensitive nature

Sensitive nature, extremely, woman of 1T 708


Sensitiveness, cultivate keen, to sin 2BC 1017

dies when self is crucified 2T 573

mistaken 2T 571-3

morbid, mothers too often show AH 253

must be overcome 2T 92

pride mistaken for 2T 573

remedy for, only sure 2T 425

show less, re self 3T 530

show more, to griefs and trials of others 3T 530

undue, re words and acts of others 1T 308-9

warning against 4T 61-2

See also Feeling



conscience may be renewed 1MCP 323:3

for needs of others UL 117:2

penitent heart always shows TDG 73:4

unsanctified, construes anything as a lack of appreciation OHC 240:2

Sensitive soul

Sensitive soul, Christ never gave unnecessary pain to GW 117

Sensitive temperament

Sensitive temperament, leads people to imagine neglect, slight, and injury when they do not exist 1T 709


Sensual, strive constantly to work away from everything MM 144

Sensual appetite, Sensual appetites

Sensual appetite, Sensual appetites, man cannot be true minister while under inspiration of Te 69

Sensual desire, Sensual desires

Sensual desire, Sensual desires, God’s law forbids PP 308

indulgence of, many people become slaves of lust by PP 101

Sensual gratification

Sensual gratification, love based on, described AH 51

ministers who make their sacred calling a cloak for PP 580

religion that permits, is condemned PP 317

See also Licentiousness; Lust; Passion

Sensual habit, Sensual habits

Sensual habit, Sensual habits, children of, eggs should not be used by MH 320

Sensual impulse, Sensual impulses

Sensual impulse, Sensual impulses, inherited from birth by some people MH 173

stimulating food causes reason and conscience to be overborne by CD 243; CG 461

Sensual impurity

Sensual impurity, Christ’s words cover more than freedom from DA 302

See also Impurity

Sensual indulgence

Sensual indulgence, crime results from CG 115

God’s law condemns 2BC 1007

God’s people endangered by, to close of time PP 457-8

health of thousands ruined by CG 115

intemperance causes GC 589

man’s entire nature debased by MYP 67

mental development hindered by 5T 23

mind weakened by PP 458

multitudes sell birthright for PP 182

protection of children from CG 115

reason allowed to take place of, results of CD 401

rocks of, wrecks of character strewn upon PP 457

Samson given over to 2BC 1007

Satan seeks to destroy God’s likeness in man by means of DA 122

Satan uses opera to lead people into PP 459-60

Satan’s means of opening door to PP 459-60

slaves of appetite constantly spend earnings in CD 423

soul debased by PP 458


Sensualism, among Galatian believers AA 383

in Corinthian church AA 299-300

prevails in religious world today PP 166

unconscious, alarming lethargy shown re CD 389


Sensuality, among physicians, warning against MM 149

among youth 2T 390-411

corrupting this age MYP 24

debasing, banish from Christian home 5T 362

desire for holiness is quenched by 2T 348

diet and, relationship between CG 460-1

enticements to, everywhere in cities MH 363

exists in high places 2T 390

gospel workers who make provision for indulgence in TM 171

groveling, God-given faculties bartered away for Te 228

home is too sacred to be polluted by AH 438

husband and wife warned against AH 124-5

idolatry leads to 1BC 1106

in Corinthian church AA 299-300

is sin of the age MM 142

is sphere of theory that God is essence pervading all nature MH 428

ministers given to, baleful influence of PP 580

must be kept under control of higher powers of mind SD 56

pantheistic theories tend to MH 428; MM 98; 8T 291

parent’s, posterity affected by 2SM 422-3

prevails 6T 15

registered against some of God’s people TM 146

seen on every hand MM 280

spiritual prosperity withered by 2T 348

stimulants foster Te 93

subtle poison of, courses through veins 5T 521

temptation to, dangerous and fatal to young men 1BC 1097

warning to resist MM 100-1

unrestrained indulgence of appetite tends to PP 378

wine leads to Te 277

words approaching to, true Christian will not speak MM 143

See also Licentiousness; Lust; Self-abuse; Vice

Sensual malaria

Sensual malaria, mind befogged by 7BC 909

Sensual mind, Sensual minds

Sensual mind, Sensual minds, high conceptions of art often held by GC 567

Sensual passion

Sensual passion, people enchained by ML 162; SD 61

temple of heart defiled by DA 161

Sensual pleasure, Sensual pleasures

Sensual pleasure, Sensual pleasures, gratification of, minister given to 2T 454

indulgence in, warning against TM 429

physical disease and degeneracy caused by DA 100

Roman Catholic dignitaries living in GC 568

rulers actuated by GC 586

Samson lured to ruin by PP 565

youth who consume time in 3T 377-8

Sensual propensity, Sensual propensities

Sensual propensity, Sensual propensities, sanitarium workers who find means to gratify MM 143

Sensual thought, Sensual thoughts

Sensual thought, Sensual thoughts, God’s law forbids PP 308

Sentence, Sentences

Christ used short OHC 211:3; 3SM 188:3

short, John the Baptist used 2SM 149

make periodical articles more interesting by use of CW 128

Sentiment, Sentiments

Sentiment, Sentiments, another person’s, God does not intend that one man shall utter only 5T 725

erroneous, warning against 2SM 14

fictitious and superstitious, faith must not embrace CT 182

heathen See Heathen sentiment

noble, cherish only TM 162

political See Political sentiment

religion pure and undefiled is not ML 246; MYP 142; WM 38

spiritual and eternal things should not be mere LS 279

subtle, will be introduced to deceive Ev 361

unrighteous, purify yourself from all 7BC 918

See Feelings


Sentimental, all people naturally tend to be, rather than practical CG 424

novel and storybook reading makes people 3T 152

Sentimental feeling, Sentimental feelings

Sentimental feeling, Sentimental feelings, lead to impulsive movements 6T 277

sickly state of, remedy for 2T 324


Sentimentalism 2T 247-53

avoid, in expressing affection AH 198

blind and selfish, many parents manifest PP 142

Christ manifested tenderness and sympathy without CT 263; Ev 636

Christian love and sympathy do not savor of SD 147

do not think that, is religion 9T 182

false religion of, is dangerous 8T 299

how to deal with CH 294-5

ignorant, is current AH 521; MYP 357

in institutions CH 294

compromises their high moral tone CH 294

keep all, apart from your life AH 53

lovesick: blighting influence of, on institutions CH 261

blinds vision 3T 45

children infatuated with 2T 482

great vigilance and tact needed to guard youth from 5T 60

guides too often in subject of marriage MYP 447

in college, evil of 4T 209-10

keep, from poisoning or corrupting health institutions CH 261

man may deny Christ by letting mind run in channel of 3T 332

must be guarded against as if leprosy 5T 123

neither youth nor men with gray hairs are secure against 5T 600-1

novel reading results in CSW 22; MYP 290

person whose religious experience is composed of 2T 252

persons possessed of 2T 302

prevails AH 328; 5T 60

romantic, do not mingle religion with 2T 249

Satan’s deceptive power blinds many by 2T 252

takes helm in too many marriages FE 103

unsanctified sympathy partakes of nature of 5T 267

wives possessed of 2T 464

women possessed of 2T 302, 463

youth possessed of, bring under closest restrictions 4T 209

youth seems to be bewitched with MM 142

See also Courtship

low, mingled with youth’s religious experience 2T 251

paltering with children’s wrongdoing Ed 290

passes for instruction in morals and religion in many schools FE 99; PP 594

religion of, do not turn to 8T 300

minds that will not turn to GW 309

remedy for 2T 323-7

sickly: knowledge of useful labor helps to prevent 5T 90

persons whose religious experience consists in CH 629

thousands ruined by 5T 90

takes possession of mind given to story reading CSW 21; MYP 290

weak, spiritualism degrades love to GC 558

youth in danger of CH 294-5


attachments of youth may fill mind with 1MCP 302:1

Christ’s sympathy never became HP 54:4

heart wrapped with, cannot feel sword of Spirit OHC 203:2

love-sick, workers with TSB 245:1

marriage no place for HP 203:3

married ones involved in TSB 146:3, 201:2

mind of students on the spiritual instead of on LYL 76:5

parents often controlled by CC 49:4

pastors counseling women may encourage 1MCP 227:3

religion may have too much; Spirit to direct 3SM 336:3

school life spoiled by, when girl in society of young men 1MCP 301:4

students advised against LYL 76:5; 1MCP 292:3

Sentimental nonsense

Sentimental nonsense, person pleased to talk, has wandered far from God 5T 600

Sentimental person, Sentimental persons

Sentimental person, Sentimental persons, has sick fancies 3T 152

Sentinel, Sentinels

Sentinel, Sentinels, ancient, duties of AA 360; GW 14

faithful: be on watchtower as LS 324

men must be well-disciplined to stand as FE 219

needed at heart of God’s work 2T 461

persons who are needed to be stationed over world as 2T 636

reproach and persecution are compliment to MM 257

ministers are on duty constantly as, for God GW 451

persons whom devil makes, to watch God’s faithful servants 4T 194

place, over your thoughts and actions 4T 242

sleepy, ministers who are 4T 403

sleepy and ease-loving, reproved 2T 440

unfaithful, persons in God’s work who are 4T 212

watchmen who have been 2T 440

See also Watchman

Separate company, Separate companies

Separate company, Separate companies, God’s people should not separate themselves into, because of differences of nationality and language 9T 198


“Separation,” holy faith of SDA cries out 1T 240


1. From world

2. Miscellaneous


1. From world

Christ requires CT 329; 2T 494

Christ’s life of 4T 109

churches in every conference must maintain 6T 437

does not mean isolation from world CT 323

essential to: perfection of Christian character 2T 125-7

protection against temptation MYP 81-2

unity with God 2T 689

God leads His people to 2T 399

God requires GW 393-4; MYP 377-78; 2T 43-4, 48, 125-7, 139, 592, 689-90; 5T 431-2; 6T 9

God’s people must maintain 1T 286

influential masses unwilling re 2T 495

is condition of being sons of God 5T 13

Israel was to maintain 6T 9

John the Baptist’s 4T 108-9

Lot’s failure to maintain PP 158-70; 4T 110-2

maintain, in principles and interests CT 323

need of LS 351; 4T 104

needed to prevent corruption of youth 6T 194-5

obedience to God’s word leads to CT 328

only safety is in 4T 109

sanitarium work must maintain 4T 577, 582-3

schools should maintain 6T 143

seeking excuse to avoid cross of TM 235

youth urged to maintain MYP 138-9

See also World

2. Miscellaneous

between man and God, Satan sought to bring about eternal DA 25

sin brought Ed 28

between med. miss. work and gospel ministry, physician who sought MM 159

between the good and the evil, immediately follows completion of gospel work COL 123

decided, must exist between God’s people and the wicked PP 166-7

disgraceful, early marriages often result in MYP 452

from all nations was enjoined on Israel 1T 283; 4T 109

from Christ, man is not safe one moment in MYP 115

from church See Disfellowshiping

from companionship with Satan, true Christian seeks MYP 278

from God: departure from right causes MYP 60

dishonors Him most MYP 121-2

serious danger in MYP 60

sinner desires nothing so much as COL 200

willful commission of known sin causes MYP 114

from one another means separation from Christ 2SM 374

from sin and sinners, need of marked PP 167

from worldly associations, SDA children need 6T 109

man-made, between class and race 1SM 258

of husband and wife: among God’s people AH 80

hasty marriages result in MYP 458

wall of See Wall

will be seen in SDA ranks, as trials thicken 6T 400-1

See also Divorce


because you love Jesus more TMK 318:3

condition for being sons and daughters of God TMK 310:2

disobedience caused, after the fall CC 20:7

does not mean isolation from neighbors HP 309:4

from all that would separate from Christ TMK 119:4

from the world, influence of TMK 305:4

God established, between world and chosen things TMK 308:3

time of, coming when we will be without fellowship TDG 93:2

wall of, built by small differences UL 271:2

See also Estrangement; Marriage, separation in


plan of the artful foe TDG 74:4

Sepulcher, Sepulchers

Sepulcher, Sepulchers, whited, Ananias rightly compared to AA 414

persons who are like 5T 397

See also Grave; Tomb


Seraiah, prince PK 447

Seraph, Seraphim

Seraph, Seraphim, anthems of praise sung to God and Lamb by MB 104

are angels TM 18

around God’s throne, reverential awe of 4BC 1140; GW 21

beauty of, covered when looking on Christ TMK 175:4

Christ adored by GC 651, 665

Christ welcomed back to heaven by 1SM 306

created to be temple of God DA 161

devils formerly were DA 760

excel in strength AA 154; COL 176

faces of, veiled in adoring God GC 414; PK 307-8; PP 357; 5T 750

glory of, endowment from God 1SM 257

God adored by PP 252

God’s throne approached with reverence by MB 106

guards about God’s throne GW 21

guardians of heavenly sanctuary GC 414-5; PP 357

heavenly, Satan appeared to Christ as GC 554

highest, replenished from Source of life DA 785

highest ambition of 4BC 1140; GW 21

Isaiah relieved of distress by PK 308

Isaiah’s vision of 4BC 1140; GW 21; 5T 750

melodious chant by 4BC 1140; GW 21

minister in temple of heaven 5T 750

minister to God’s people AA 154

on each side of God’s throne PK 307

salvation of souls causes, to rejoice COL 197

singing of, before God’s throne PK 313

song of, Isaiah heard PK 310; 5T 751

song(s) of praise by 4BC 1140; GW 21

resound in deep notes of adoration by GW 21

reverence of, for God 4BC 1140; GW 21

See also Angel


Serbians, in America, gospel work among ChS 201


Serenity, Christ’s love in soul promotes 3BC 1156

composure and, Christ’s love brings MH 115

mental, that blesses others 2T 327

sunshine of God’s love brings ML 246; MYP 142

true religion brings ML 246; MYP 142

true religion teaches PP 600

See also Calm; Calmness; Composure

Sergeant, Sergeants

Sergeant, Sergeants, not all who enter army are to be 5T 394


Sergius See Paulus, Sergius


banishing, with lightness and pleasure seeking TMK 308:4

characteristic of one having faith in Christ TMK 233:3

cultivate, with moral determination TSB 128:2

due at all times and places; the Lord is coming TMK 141:3

See also Sobriety