EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)


Gospel worker, Gospel workers (Part 2 of 2)

men occupying responsible positions in world 6T 82-3

men of vast business capacity and power for usefulness 6T 256

ministers of other denominations 5T 580; 6T 256

statesmen 6T 256

wealthy people 6T 255-8; 9T 113-4, 115-6

talk courage to the unbelieving and hopeless 8T 12

teach principles of healthful living MH 146

test his qualifications by God’s word TM 259

throw all their energies into work AA 205

train and discipline mind by study, observation, and reflection LS 275

train themselves by severest moral discipline 5T 109

unite with one another in loving sympathy and confidence 9T 145

use: tact in their work 5T 577

their knowledge of laws of life and health CH 566

watch and pray TM 168

work: clothed with panoply of heaven AA 220

in calm and considerate manner 8T 189

on principles of self-sacrifice MM 129

work together: blending in kindly and courteous order AA 275

in harmony GW 481

in unity Ev 474; 9T 258

work with: all facilities God has given him COL 232

intelligence, frugality, and humility GW 458

might to rise in mental, moral, and physical capabilities 5T 554

unselfishness and faithfulness CS 143

wrestle with God in prayer COL 232

5. Need(s) or ought to be

able to: adapt themselves to wants of people 2T 419-20

instruct people in healthful living CH 389

see quickly and act instantaneously at right time and with power 3T 497

allowed to exercise individual judgment TM 301-2

as true as steel to principle CM 95

baptized with Spirit 6T 292-3

careful: how they treat light TM 89-98

in deportment Ev 140

in speech LS 298

lest self-sufficiency come in DA 493

not to place themselves on Satan’s ground GW 77

when provoked DA 353

circumspect in conduct LS 298

cleansed from all coldness and selfishness 9T 218-9

controlled by sanctifying influence of Spirit AA 275

converted men FE 109; GW 79-80

courteous to one another Ev 106

co-workers with Christ in order to have success CW 108

diligent in prayer for strength and wisdom FE 243

diligent students of Scriptures 5T 592

educated and trained for fields of labor TM 301

enabled to live comfortably 2SM 187

ensamples to God’s flock 5T 573

essentially one in their service AA 276

faithful in little things 7T 199

fearless in duty 5T 224

filled with love for God and one another CM 154

firm in principle 5T 224

gentle and tender 5T 224

humble and lowly 5T 224

in harmony with: his brethren AA 275-6

truth and with brethren 5T 463

kept by power of God through faith 6T 396

kind and courteous EW 102-3; GW 121

learners 5T 573

as well as teachers 7T 282

led by Spirit 5T 552

like Christ in mind, thought, word, action 5T 531

living examples of what it means to be well MM 294

loyal to sense of right and duty 3T 23

men of: energy 3T 23

high moral character 3T 23

judgment EW 102

moral integrity 3T 23

prayer 5T 592

strong purpose 3T 23

men who can give all for cross and crown 3T 23

many-sided men Ev 106; GW 119

missionary among fellow workers 7T 265

paid according to hours given in honest labor 7T 208

patient toward all 5T 224

patterns of piety, meekness, and humility EW 103

permitted to think for themselves TM 301-2

persons of: great discretion Ev 170

keen feeling and quick perception MH 309

polish 4T 358

sound judgment EW 98

understanding 4T 358

prepared to meet objections of opponents EW 102

producers as well as consumers CS 268; 7T 255

ready to: forgive 5T 224

receive advice and instruction 5T 109

saved by gospel in order to save others MH 469

self-denying 6T 440-1

sent forth two and two in evangelism DA 350; Ev 79

subject one to another 5T 109

sympathetic toward unsaved souls 9T 45-7

temperate in eating MH 309

thoroughly disciplined and prepared to be successful 5T 552

trained by: severest mental and moral discipline PP 248

wise and consecrated teachers 5T 552

treated with impartiality 7T 209

true, hopeful, and heroic 1SM 88

true and self-sacrificing laborers 2SM 177

under guidance of Spirit TM 402

united against that which bears least approach to evil in SDA associations 5T 592

very careful of words and actions GW 127

willing to: become poor for Christ’s sake 5T 86

do anything that needs to be done MH 499

go where God calls them to go COL 36-7

work for reasonable wage 2SM 197

wise and unselfish men 9T 24

zealous in God’s cause 5T 224

6. Ought not to

absorb large amount of money Ev 89

act out dictates of natural heart DA 353

aim at self-exaltation PP 324

allow: anyone to cling to his hand as if loath to let it go 5T 596

anyone to praise or flatter them 5T 596

anything to separate them from one another or from God 8T 12

difficulties to dishearten or intimidate them GW 189

themselves to be discouraged 4T 263

attempt to act as dictator or ruler CS 147

become discouraged 5T 574

become stereotyped in: manner of working Ev 106

plans and labors 4T 600

bring one vestige of selfishness into God’s work 7T 209

build themselves up by tearing down others 4T 222

cease to become learners FE 108

cling tenaciously to preconceived notions GW 381

command and dictate like officer over soldiers 7T 38

consent to be mere machines run by another man’s mind MH 498; TM 303

consult their ease or inclination 3T 204

criticize efforts of fellow workers 7T 238

crowd too many things into day’s work MM 292

depend on counsel of men not guided by Spirit DA 354

draw money from treasury before earning it CM 93-4

encourage wrong thoughts in girls or in married women 5T 594-5

engage in work they are not qualified to perform 3T 110

exalt their judgment as all-controlling influence 8T 186

exercise unwise authority over believers 7T 38

exhaust their physical and mental energies 3T 11

feel that: God’s work depends on them MB 121; PK 176

they are powerless CM 108

flinch in pointing out sins of God’s people 4T 185

follow example of worldlings 6T 249

get excited under opposition EW 102

go out singly to labor as a rule Ev 73

have to rely on judgment of one man TM 299

have worldling’s deceptive outside gloss and simpering affectation 4T 358

imitate another person’s tone or manners CSW 106

labor: at their own charges AA 340

in his own strength COL 232

mechanically 1T 586

merely for wages AA 361

without compensation 7T 207

look to man for direct guidance AA 401

lose sight of their dependence on God DA 493

love popularity or display 3T 204

manifest self-importance CS 147

move independently TM 485

neglect training essential for him to be efficient FE 243

overtax themselves to advance God’s work 7T 298

preach truth from strife or contention 3T 66

pull apart, with everyone laboring according to his own idea Ev 106

pull to pieces each other’s work AA 275; Ev 106

relax their: efforts 6T 419

vigilance at any time AA 361

rely wholly on any man’s judgment 5T 724; 9T 284

rest: in ease and inaction 5T 552

short of becoming first-class workers FE 108

reveal harsh and critical spirit Ev 632

seek honor for themselves DA 179

set himself up as criterion for others AA 276

shun: disagreeable duties PP 324

trial and responsibility AA 507

speak: disrespectfully of fellow worker AA 276

of failure in their work GW 19; 6T 467

spend: large part of time in secular employment AA 356

time hovering over churches Ev 463

spread his labor over too much territory Ev 79, 325

stand apart as separate atoms 8T 78

study how little they may do to reach lowest standard 7T 209

talk of their differences of opinion 8T 12

think: it their special prerogative to prescribe rules for fellow workers TM 192

of failure in work COL 363; GW 19; 6T 467

that he has learned enough and may relax his efforts MH 499

their wisdom sufficient for successful planning and carrying forward of God’s work 8T 186

treat fellow workers as inferior AA 276

trust completely to wife’s judgment 1T 709

urge their presence where it is not desired AA 218

use harsh words Ev 168

wait: at every step to ask some higher officer if they may do this or that 5T 463

for every obstacle to be moved out of their way EW 63-4

work: only for churches 7T 268

to secure great name or great wages CH 285

7. Ought not to be

actuated by personal motives 4T 185

another person’s shadow MH 499

bound: by contract for term of years 9T 170

with man-made restrictions disapproved by God 8T 232

bribed to stay in the work 2SM 214

burdened with petty church difficulties EW 105-7

careless and too free in use of God’s money EW 93-4

dictated to by leaders 9T 146-7

discouraged by unfavorable circumstances 3T 496

diverted by trifling matters at home Ev 654-5

echo of another 9T 284

educated to rely upon judgment of leaders TM 302-3

forced to accept small remuneration 5T 374

harsh, severe, and denunciatory 2T 220

held to work by wages they receive CH 302

hindered by persons making gospel only a matter of contention and ridicule MB 129

men of stereotyped habits and character PP 248

motivated by wages 9T 27

one-idea men Ev 106; GW 119

one-sided men 5T 411

only echo of another person 5T 724-5

ordered about arbitrarily by one man TM 491

paid for entertaining brethren 6T 344

praised, flattered, or petted by women 5T 595

rash, self-confident, or selfish 9T 264

set apart as teacher of people while his example contradicts health message 6T 378

shadow of another man’s thoughts and directions Ev 650

stereotyped in his manner of working Ev 106; GW 119

trifling and boyish 3T 27

weak and pliant time-servers PP 324

8. Young

army of rightly trained, gospel work could quickly be finished by Ed 271

band of, youth can be organized to labor as MYP 197

content to go from church to church instead of laboring in new places LS 204

duty of, to older worker with whom he labors GW 103

experienced ministers should train AA 368

forwardness of, in opposing veteran workers of experience 3T 320-1

high ideal held up for AA 501

is quick, earnest, powerful 6T 412

like Daniel are needed now MYP 34

lines in which youth can serve as MYP 208

make more liberal efforts for training of youth as CT 43

must beware of self-confidence GW 77

need(s) to: begin at first round of ladder GW 73

feel is a privilege to study under older workers GW 101

learn wisdom from workers of experience 3T 209

respect aged workers 7T 289

work under advice of more experienced workers GW 458

of literary qualifications, many fields have urgent need for MYP 22

ought not to: become uneasy, restless, and venturesome MM 153

lose their individuality GW 102-3

seek to present something startling or original SD 266

trust too much to their own abilities 3T 209

Paul saw importance of training GW 102

permit, to exercise their judgment GW 103

persons who often cause perplexity and discouragement to MH 493

possessing high intellectual culture, God’s work needs CT 42

should be trained by older workers for service PK 223

speedy preparation of youth as, schools should provide CT 404-19

sporting with young girls cannot lead others to Christ 3T 473-4

talking nonsense cannot lead others to Christ 3T 473-4

training of PK 223

usefulness of, depends much on manner in which they enter into their work AA 353

volunteer, Christ calls for MYP 24-5

who desire to have startling experience to tell 2SM 59

word of God abides in 6T 412

young men as, are preferable for foreign mission fields 5T 392-3

young men laboring as, changing work of 7T 282

young men needed as MYP 24-5

9. Miscellaneous

ability of, increases as he strives to perfect his knowledge of God 7T 281

ability that proves dangerous to 5T 570

abuse of authority over, by conf. officers TM 348

accomplish little because they attempt little MH 498

actions of, should not contradict their words CH 559

all, should labor under God’s supervision AA 275

all expenses of, should be accurately reported GW 460

angels commissioned to sustain, strengthen, and uphold 6T 436-7

angels co-operate with MH 159

angels guide, to souls seeking light AA 109

angels help, to restore the fallen 6T 260

angels minister to GW 145

angels prepare way before AA 357

angels wait for co-operation of DA 297

appeal to laymen to serve as 9T 125-36

appointed work of, giving instruction in healthful living is part of CH 390; MH 147

are: accountable for truth they present and influence they exert 4T 448

God’s own property TM 348

pledged to co-operate with Christ, obey His directions, and follow His guidance CT 284

spectacle before angels and world 7T 294

as: Christ’s agent in drawing faulty and erring children to Christ MH 44

co-workers with Christ and His angels SC 79; 4T 67-83

assembly of, Satan walks as angel of light in 8T 294

atmosphere of homes of, is carried with them to office 5T 558

band of, should do city evangelism Ev 79

bearing responsibilities develops 3T 495

best talent needed as, to work in various institutions and departments of God’s cause 5T 549

Bible study by GW 249-53

bitter experience gives, knowledge MH 484

blending of hearts and interests of, need of CH 244

blessings accruing to, in service for Christ SC 77-83

blessings found by, in communion with God Ed 260-1

boldness and zeal of, in giving final warning GC 608-9

boys and girls are not qualified to work as Ev 475

brotherly love needed among 4T 222

brought into contact with all classes of minds MH 495

calling of, new fields can test 3T 64

calls for 5T 202-7

cannot give that which he does not have LS 303

changing of, caution against too much Ev 690

chief aim of, winning of souls to Christ should be 6T 427

choice of, divine plan re GC 171

Christ as, did not measure His work by hours MH 500; 9T 45

Christ calls for 5T 394

Christ knows and watches over His CM 24

Christ qualified unlearned fishermen as, to receive high commission from Him MYP 169-70

Christ’s example as CH 316-8

Christ’s first, chosen from ranks of common people Ed 85

church members should deal liberally with AA 340

clothing of, should be plain and simple when visiting the poor GW 189

common people should take their place as 7T 272

communion with God by, blessed results of DA 363

companies of, should pray for gift of Spirit AA 50

comparing, with other gospel workers AA 270

complete list of His, God keeps SD 279

consecrated devotion of, human effort is efficient in gospel work just according to MH 37

consecration in, blessed results of GW 112-3

consecration is essential qualification of 3T 468

co-operation of all, essential in evangelistic work in large city 6T 46

co-operation of angelic agencies with 6T 456-7

counsel among, importance of 5T 270

counsel and co-operation needed between 5T 463

co-workers with angels in saving souls Ev 292

danger that, will look to fellow man for permission to do this or that 8T 232

danger that some, will rest content to be inefficient 6T 419

dealing with, do not be sharp and dictatorial in Ev 633

deeper consecration in, time demands 9T 27

deficiencies of one, often made up by another CT 521

deportment of, out of meeting should be exemplary 3T 27

development of MH 497-502

devils are sharper than some Ev 157

devils war against, to tear down their strength 1T 206

devotion to work disciplines 3T 468

differ in plans and ideas Ev 103

directors of, persons of discernment and keen foresight needed as 7T 111

discipline of mind places, on vantage ground MH 150

divine efficiency promised to, to make their labors successful 9T 34

divine power gives success to PK 176

do not all possess same gifts, but all are God’s workmen AA 274

duty of: in handling questions Ev 155

in meeting objections EW 102; GW 375-6

re unapproachable persons Ev 464

each: God watches over 7T 17

has individuality of his own AA 275

is amenable to Christ TM 491-2

earnestness of, becomes deadened by efforts to have everything too systematic 4T 602

educate, in other lands besides America FE 203

education of 5T 580-6

should continue throughout his lifetime MH 499

education that is most essential for FE 242-4

educators should encourage and help youth to become Ed 271

efficiency and influence of, is in proportion to their elevation and purity CSW 81-2

efficiency for, Christ supplies MYP 35

efficiency of: becomes deadened by efforts to have everything too systematic 4T 602

can be greatly increased COL 335-6

depends on his personal relationship to God CT 410

God is 7T 151

Spirit is provided as COL 232

energy(s) of, becomes deadened by efforts to have everything too systematic 4T 602

world has stolen 5T 134

enlist, from common people in closing work of gospel Ed 269-70

enrolled in record books of heaven GW 18

entertaining visitors should not be left to one or two 6T 344

enthronement of self by, no religion in COL 402

essential qualifications of AA 205; EW 97-104

every jot of influence of, must be used on side of Christ 8T 211

every layman should be 5T 381

every thought and word and action of, should be of elevated character 5T 594

experience teaches, sympathy MH 484

failure of Ev 654-5

failure to properly support, dishonors God 9T 52

faith of, should be proportionate to knowledge of truth 8T 118

families of, must have food and clothing 2SG 237

few, can be trusted with large measure of responsibility or success PP 553-4

fidelity is what makes work of, acceptable to God COL 402

first business of, is to take heed to himself FE 107

first object of, is to advance cause of present truth and save perishing souls EW 61

first work of, is to secure God’s blessing in their own hearts 5T 558

fitness of, measurement of AA 551

freedom of action by, undue restraint of 5T 725

freedom of choice of, undue restraint of 5T 725

from common people will by faith see Christ working with them Ed 270

fruit from, God is hungry for Ev 327

full and entire consecration is required of, by Christ 3T 500

funds should be raised to educate, to work for higher classes in all countries 5T 580-1

given large responsibility is in danger of becoming self-confident and forgetful of their dependence on God PP 553-4

God assists, by uniting divine power with human effort PP 248

God calls for, to share with Him self-denial, sacrifice, and suffering 5T 87

God deals impartially with 7T 128

God demands unselfish and willing service of 3T 500

God desires that every, do his best CH 529

God develops, as potter molds and fashions clay 8T 186-7

God does not always make everything plain before AA 357

God does not ask, to do in their own strength work that lies before them 8T 19

God does not choose, according to numerous advantages they have enjoyed FE 341

according to superior education they have received FE 341

God does not place, under dictation of erring mortals TM 347

God enlightens and trains, by His Spirit 8T 186

God estimates, according to his capacity of heart to know and understand Him FE 341

by their purity of motive and beauty of character MH 477

God has given to each, individual work AA 275

God has time to notice His ChS 234

God is not dependent on any 5T 508

God is pleading for Ev 32

God keeps accurate account of liberality of, to His cause 7T 294

God never leaves His, without divine directions ML 10

God still uses, in health and in sickness AA 465

God takes men as they are to be trained as DA 294

God teaches, how to reach people He wishes them to help 7T 272

God uses different instrumentalities as 8T 170-1

God uses weak and erring men as AA 56

God watches to see how much of Christ’s spirit is cherished by COL 402

God will correct infirmities of, if they rely on Him 4T 212

God will guide, to homes of persons desiring truth Ev 434, 463

God will purify, from all selfishness 8T 186

God will raise up, to take truth to most unpromising places Ev 567

God will use many uneducated persons as 7T 27

God’s cause calls for LS 299

God’s grace and efficiency alone can give success to 7T 251

good visit with brethren by some, is all that is accomplished 2T 649

grace alone can make, efficient in Christ’s service COL 402

greater efficiency in, time demands 9T 27

handshakes given by, significance of GW 189

harvest will be found by, wherever they proclaim forgotten truths of Bible 8T 253

has: privilege of improvement FE 107

searching and trying hours to pass through Ev 306

have no time for strife and contention 8T 29

hearts of, must be alive with deep movings of Spirit 6T 48

heaviest responsibility rests upon 5T 277

help for, in daily living MH 469-82

high attainment should be reached by AA 368

house-to-house work by Ev 431-5

how, can have prayers and sympathy of awakened church 8T 29

can help the tempted MH 161-9

how God develops apparently unpromising men and women into 7T 271

how God disciplines 4BC 1160

how God fashions individuals into 8T 187

how God qualifies, to present truth to world 5T 158

how God trains GW 269-70

how God’s providence prepares, for wider experience GW 269-70

how 100 times more could be accomplished by 6T 419

how there could be 100, where there is now one DA 251

humble men chosen by Christ as, produced tremendous results MYP 170

hundred, needed where there is now one CH 546; FE 488; LS 370; MM 242, 332; 9T 249

idleness and self-indulgence should not be allowed in CSW 95

imperfections and mistakes of, must be overcome LS 305

importance of training, for service of God GW 92

improvement of, plans should be made for Ev 476

in choosing, God does not ask whether they possess worldly wealth, learning, or eloquence MH 37

indifference of, to honor God has bestowed on them LS 203

indulging pride and self-complacency mar God’s work COL 402

inefficiency in, remedy for TM 159-62

influence of, guard carefully against weakening TM 505

injustice must not be done to any 2SM 181

intellectual pride does not help 8T 307

investigate qualifications of, before sending them forth 2T 556

jealousy among, retards gospel work Ev 633

warning against DA 182

jealousy and suspicion among, parable of laborers in vineyard rebukes COL 402

jealousies among, Satan seeks to create TM 504

joy of, on meeting hereafter souls saved through his efforts 5T 621

labor of, motives which should be incentive to 5T 551

labors of: no man should delineate details of TM 477

no precise lines should be laid down for TM 492

should not be so expensive as to divert means from others 9T 142

without humility before God are nothing COL 402

without love for brethren are nothing COL 402

lack of, exercise of faith in Testimonies would have averted 9T 105

lack of aptness among Ev 650

lack of experience in, has had to be overcome LS 305

lack of skill and wisdom by, many souls turned in wrong direction by GW 119

lack of unity and harmony among, warning re TM 490

large wages should not be paid to a few 2SM 192

leaders of, abuse of authority by TM 491-2

leave God too much out of their methods and plans TM 214

length of time served by, does not make his work acceptable to God COL 402

lesson of self-distrust must be learned by all who would be DA 250

lessons for, from history of Elijah and Elisha 2BC 1037; PK 173

lessons learned by Timothy as AA 205

lessons that must be learned by GW 460-1

let: God work for and through His AA 275

Spirit direct TM 492

life and health of, must be regarded in evangelistic work Ev 660-1

life of, should conform to vital principles of kingdom of heaven 8T 118

live coal represents potency of efforts of GW 23

lives of, God’s overruling providence in GW 270

lot of, as compared to Christ’s 5T 86

love and confidence needed among TM 189-97

man controlled by feeling and impulse is not qualified as 4T 218

men lacking sufficient experience and judgment should not be employed as EW 98

men lacking wisdom and judgment should not be employed as EW 97

men of high moral powers needed as 3T 23

men of strong purpose who are not easily moved, are needed as 3T 23

men should not be sent out as, without preparation EW 97-8

men unqualified to teach present truth should not be employed as EW 97

men with hearts nerved with holy fervor are needed as 3T 23

many people in common walks of life could be used as DA 250

may go forth filled with power of Spirit 7T 32-3

may have lasting friends in little children CSW 76

may walk with God as did Enoch GW 417

med. institutions should never take advantage of MM 172

med. missionaries and, should be bound together by indissoluble ties CT 468; 8T 46

meet Satan in many different forms AA 169

methods of, guard against condemning 9T 145-6, 259-60

in presenting truth GW 118-9

methods of individual, leaders cautioned against condemning 9T 259

methods used by 9T 109-24

mind of, should be treasure house GW 99

ministering angels by side of, to impress hearts COL 232

ministry of, would be far more successful if they would lift up cross of Christ higher and still higher AA 209

mission of, is to help, bless, and heal 6T 55

mistakes of 7T 278; TM 304

should be corrected and they be put to work again FE 365

what should be your attitude toward Ev 633

motive power of, love of Christ should be MH 500-2

much benefited by only a few months of instruction 3T 160

much more prayer needed among 9T 110

must reach men where they are MH 511

mutual understanding and promptness among, lack of Ev 650

names of a few of God’s, given in Bible history SD 279

need of, all over the world TM 194; 4T 426

in new fields 3T 64

need of preparing, for God’s cause EW 62

never alone CM 81

never has time to fold his hands and be at ease TM 407

never reaches higher standard than that which he seeks GW 73

no favoritism or partiality shown to, by God 7T 209

no license given to, to be indolent FE 243

no time for, to murmur or complain 5T 577

not all, can occupy positions of responsibility as leaders 5T 394

not all alike in understanding of God’s word 2SM 155

not all called to do same kind of work 3T 314

not all of same temperament Ev 100

not called to authority but to service DA 550

not chosen because they are perfect DA 294

not half as vigilant as Satan is 6T 46

not required to injure health by exposure and taxing labor 3T 128

not supernaturally endowed with qualifications they lack 5T 459

number of, must be increased 6T 416

old-time spirit of self-denial and self-sacrifice is too seldom found in MYP 303

one: cannot always do one job as well as another Ev 103

is strong where another is weak Ev 104-5

laboring for all classes at same time in England is difficult for Ev 416-7

oneness among, when selfishness is dead 1SM 175

Paul varied his methods as, according to circumstances under which he was placed GW 118

pen or voice of, God has placed no man as judge over TM 293-4

perfect harmony must be cherished by TM 329

persons desiring to become, should receive training for that work GW 73

persons God chooses as, are not always talented in estimation of world 7T 25

pinched want should not be experienced by 5T 373

planning for, leaders should not do all TM 302

position of, gives him no authority to dictate to other workers 8T 170-1

positive traits needed in MH 497

possess in themselves no essential grace or holiness TM 53

power and efficiency gained by, as he accepts God-given responsibilities PP 255

power and efficiency given to, by Spirit AA 50-1

power is promised to 8T 19-23

power of utterance given to, through impartation of Spirit 7T 271

power that Christ has promised to CM 108

praise should not be given to or expected by 3T 474

preparation of 5T 552

spending too much time in TM 231

preparation of students as FE 358-9

prepare, to go out into highways and hedges 9T 118

principles of truth and righteousness and mercy must be within 6T 48

principles which should actuate 5T 726-7

promise of Christ to guide Ev 436

promises for DA 827; 6T 306-7; 7T 271-2; 8T 17

provision made by God for, to have grace and wisdom CH 560

purest unselfishness should be shown by CH 497

qualifications of Ev 628-91

church should look into EW 100

regulations and definite specifications for TM 192

remuneration of, should be sufficient to support themselves and families AA 340-1

resolute purpose by, will accomplish wonders LS 275

respect for, consistent life alone can command CH 559-60

responsibility of, measure of 5T 459

reward of, for faithful service 6T 305-12

rich reward of, souls saved will be EW 61

right example by, great importance of CH 559

rough manners disqualify 2T 220

Satan attacks every, used by God LS 218

Satan plans to press temptations on 3T 469

Satan walks in every assembly of 8T 294

Satan works constantly to dishearten and destroy AA 418

Satan’s special power is brought to bear on 1T 586

Satan’s studied plan for 5T 592

school needed for training, during public meetings in large cities GW 364

secret communion with God is essential to 7T 251

secret of success of, confidence in God is MH 151

seldom best to send, to distant lands for education 6T 137

selection of, care needed in EW 97-104

made too light a matter TM 170

self-denial and sacrifices by DA 362

self-improvement by FE 244

self-interest is ruling motive of some MH 499

self-sacrificing zeal in, need of 9T 118

separate parties among, let there be no AA 275

service of, no taint of self-seeking should mar 7T 71

seven evil traits to be shunned by 5T 225

SDA schools should train TM 195

SDA should train their children to become CT 165

shunning responsibilities leads to weakness in 3T 493

sin of defrauding, of wages due them 5T 374

sowing and reaping by DA 192

sphere of labor of each, God chooses 7T 17

Spirit brings to remembrance of, truths needed when in trial DA 355

Spirit co-operates with, in labor for the fallen 6T 260

spirit of cheerfulness and kindness should prevail in 5T 558

spirit of independence among, warning against 9T 257-61

spirit of unity and harmony needed among TM 491

Spirit will impress men in common walks of life to go forth as 7T 27

Spirit’s efficiency enables, to represent Christ in saving souls 7T 30

spiritual power lost by, as result of neglect of Bible study and prayer 6T 253

spiritual pride endangers EW 98

stands in fearfully responsible position 3T 555

strength given to, for renewed effort 1SM 88

strength needed by, God is able and willing to give to AA 242

strength of: does not lie in outward agencies 9T 110

lies in earnest prayer to God for help 9T 110

lies in obedience to God’s word 9T 110

lies in trustful dependence on God 9T 110

not in self but in God DA 360

prayer is source of 7T 243

strife or variance should not exist among 5T 535

students preparing to be, should be trained to speak in clear and straightforward manner CT 217

success attending, self is ever ready to take credit for DA 493

success of: church members should be personally concerned about GW 26

is given by divine power PK 176

most earnest and continued efforts essential to CT 537-8; 5T 583

proportionate to degree of consecration and self-sacrifice CT 537-8; 5T 583

secret of 3T 57; 7T 156

successful, danger of becoming self-confident and forgetful of their dependence on God PP 553-4

support of, contribute means to EW 50

tact and skill given to, by God AA 275

tempter finds access to 5T 397

thousands of, would be proclaiming gospel in heathen lands where there is one if Christians were awake to duty SC 81

time of, belongs to God’s church 2SG 237

time spent in criticizing, might better be spent in prayer 8T 83

time wasted by TM 194

too little effort by, for men occupying responsible positions in world 9T 115

too many, settled in Battle Creek 5T 185

too much power sought by TM 213

too much preaching by MM 301

trained best in their own countries 6T 137

trained sometimes by disappointment and apparent failure PK 595

training of, at Loma Linda, Calif. MM 58-61

training should be given to, at camp meetings Ev 473

traits of, that should be overcome MH 498

transportation of, great care needed to avoid expense in 4T 600

travel by, unwise spending of money in EW 94

true as steel to principle, used in God’s cause in the past MYP 33

trust too much to strength of argument 1T 113

truthfulness essential to MYP 35

try to unite, in confidence and love 9T 219

two extremes to be avoided by 3T 506

union with Christ and one another is only safety of 7T 239

unity among, results of 1SM 175

unity needed among LS 302-3

unlearned men sometimes selected by God as 7T 25-6

unless God works with efforts of, nothing can be accomplished 5T 583

unsanctified partiality is unbecoming to 3T 24

use of time by 2T 411

usefulness of, if God sees fit to cut off AA 481

slowness and sluggishness of action hinders 3T 499

spendthrift habits ruin CG 135-6

voice of, echo of Christ’s voice heard in CT 509

voice culture by Ev 665-70

voices of, need of training CT 245-7

wages of 2BC 1029

principles governing 2SM 179-89

See also Wages

wages should not be uppermost in minds of GW 113-4

warned against: false modesty and caution in presenting Sabbath truth CW 94-5

flattery and petting by women 5T 595-6

independence of spirit and judgment AA 164

irresolution, weakness of purpose, and indecision Ev 647

judging each other AA 276

self-exaltation DA 436; 5T 726-7

spasmodic efforts 2T 521

undue familiarity with women 5T 593-603

working to enrich themselves TM 395

worldly ambition to be first Ev 333

when, should flee from persecution GW 410

should say: “Hands off!” 5T 595

when angels leave, to carry on warfare alone Ev 166

whole being of, tide of spiritual life should flow from 6T 227

why God often chooses humble and unlearned men as GC 171, 456

why humbler men have been chosen by God as GC 312

why many scholarly theologians have not been chosen by God as GC 312

wife of, should practice economy GW 459-60

wisdom given by God to, if they rely on Him 4T 212

wise distribution of, plan for Ev 22

words of, have effect when their practice harmonizes with their teaching CH 559-60

work of, among social groups 6T 254-60

devils on hand to hinder EW 267

requires self-sacrifice MH 156

should not be limited to poorer classes 7T 112

thoroughness needed in GW 367-71

work of many, not appreciated until death lays them low MH 484

work to be done by, for people occupying high social positions COL 231

works at all hours and is never off duty 9T 45

zeal of, must never grow less 8T 27

should be proportionate to knowledge of truth 8T 118

should be tempered with reason 7T 298

See also Bible worker; Evangelist; Minister