Ellen White’s Predictions


June, 1905-The Importance of Loma Linda

“The Southern California Conference president then spoke of the importance of the decision that was to be made. In an official report of this meeting, it is recorded: ‘He then stated that Sister White had said that this sanitarium should be the principal training school on this coast.’ At this point Sister White interrupted him and said, ‘This will be. ’”—Minutes of Southern California Conference, June 20, 1905; D. E. Robinson, The Story of Our Health Message, 351, 352. EWP 8.1

a) The opening enrollment at Loma Linda University in September, 1983, was 5,157, of whom 2,775 were on the Loma Linda campus. LLU is a major source of physicians and other health professionals for the denomination’s world work. EWP 8.2