The Story of our Health Message


Mrs. White’s Talk

After dinner Mrs. White spoke in the commodious parlor on “The Great Medical Missionary.” She then retired for rest, while the large committee met for counsel as to what should be done with the new sanitarium. It was evident that Mrs. White most earnestly desired to see the property secured at once, yet the insuperable difficulties loomed up. After long deliberation it was decided that before a decision should be made, there should be wider counsel, and a meeting was arranged for the Los Angeles church the following morning. SHM 351.1

Notwithstanding the brief notice for the meeting, the large church building on Carr Street, Los Angeles, was well filled with church members when the hour appointed for the meeting arrived. Mrs. White set forth the Lord’s providences in the securing of sanitarium properties, and her hopes for Loma Linda as a place where medical workers might be trained after the divine pattern. SHM 351.2

After listening to her powerful address, someone moved that the Southern California Conference be encouraged to secure the Loma Linda property. However, some felt reluctant to obligate the entire conference on the vote of one church, and decision was therefore postponed until there could be a meeting at which a delegation of all the conference churches could be present. SHM 351.3

On June 20, 1905, the delegates assembled, and Elder Burden gave a description of the property and read some of the letters received from Mrs. White while she was in Washington. Mrs. White again spoke at some length, seeking to encourage the people to secure the Loma Linda property as a sanitarium. SHM 351.4

The Southern California Conference president then spoke of the importance of the decision that was to be made. In an official report of this meeting, it is recorded: “He then stated that Sister White had said that this sanitarium should be the principal training school on this coast. At this point Sister White interrupted him and said, ‘This will be.’”—Minutes of Southern California Conference, June 20, 1905. SHM 351.5

A letter adverse to “voting a debt for someone else to pay” was received from one church, in lieu of a delegate, and from a council of churches in the vicinity of San Diego came a recommendation that “the property be owned by individuals on the Paradise Valley Sanitarium plan.” SHM 352.1