EGW Research Documents

Advent Experience
Reprint of ten Review and Herald articles (Feb. 10 - Apr. 14, 1885) recounting the experiences of "Advent believers from 1844 to 1851 with special emphasis on the 'Shut Door' and the rise of the Third Angel's Message."

Ellen G. White statements regarding conditions at the time of the flood

The Ark of the Covenant, Will It Be Found?
Answers to the question about whether the Ark of the Covenant and the ten commandments would be found by the late Robert Leo Odom, an outstanding authority on the Ellen G. White writings.

Basic Rules of Interpretation-Internal and External
For verbal inspirationists Ellen White’s writings, unfortunately, have wrongly become an authority on historical dates and places. For thought inspirationists however, it's an unwarranted use of a prophet’s work. Thought inspirationists focus on the big picture, the message; while possible discrepancies in historical detail are considered incidental to the message, and of minor clerical importance.

Brief Statements Regarding the Writings of Ellen G. White
How did they come into existence? -- How does she know? -- What has been the influence of Mrs. White's writings -- Are Mrs. White's writings worthy of confidence? -- How shall we regard her writings? -- The pioneers in the Seventh-day Adventist work regarded truth as common property -- Some questions considered -- How Mrs. White regarded her books -- The story of a much loved book -- The case in brief -- Regarding changes of wording in later editions -- The responsibilities of a messenger for God -- Authority to present an appropriate message -- The books grew in size

Calamities and God’s Love; Sin, Judgment, and the Shortness of Time
Selections from Ellen White writings regarding God's love and preparation for the final conflict

Conflicts in the Last Days
A collection of Ellen White's statements about last day events

Counsels from the Spirit of Prophecy on Labor Unions and Confederacies
Basic principles for both individuals and church-affiliated institutions regarding joining or financially supporting labor unions.

The E. G. White Appeal in 1901 for the Reorganization of the General Conference
Ellen G. White's appeal to the General Conference 1901 Session delegates to reorganize the Church

The E. G. White Counsel on Versions of the Bible
Ellen White does not comment directly about using non KJV Bible versions, but it is clear from her practice that she recognized the desirability of making use of the best in all versions of the Bible.

Ellen G. White: A Brief Biography
A short biographical sketch of the life and times of Ellen Gould White

Ellen G. White and the Tithe
a brief historical review and the unique position of Mrs. White in regard to certain special situations relating to the tithe

Ellen G. White Statements Relating to Geology and Earth Sciences
The basic statement of 1864 -- Science and revelation -- Science and the Bible -- Ellen G. White statements on the age of the earth -- Time lapse between creation and Moses, and creation and Christ -- Authentic history of the beginning of our world -- God not indebted to pre-existing matter -- Creation of the earth -- Earth antedated by other created worlds -- The Sabbath is as old as the earth itself -- Science, true and false, and revelation -- Ellen White's statements on antediluvian world conditions -- The world's first rain -- How the earth's surface was changed by the flood -- Ellen G. White statements on amalgamation -- Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes -- On mountains and mountain building

Ellen White’s Last Four Books
The story behid Ellen White's last four books: Acts of the Apostles, Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, Gospel Workers, and Prophets and Kings

The Genealogy of Ellen G. White
In the late 1990s questions were raised as to whether Ellen White’s genealogy might be traced to New Jersey rather than New England. Consequently, in March 2000 the White Estate engaged the professional services of a certified and independent genealogist, Roger D. Joslyn

God’s True Church Today
The remnant church can be recognized as the body of people who both keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus.

Guiding Principles in Dress Reform
A statement by D. E. Robinson concerning the historical setting of Ellen White’s call for dress reform and the principles that may be derived today. Drawn from The Story of Our Health Message,

Heralds of New Light
Will God ever send another prophet to the Seventh-day Adventist church? This question was increasingly being raised as Ellen White’s life drew to a close, and some people still wonder. Dr. Coon responds to this question from the Bible, not by telling us whether God will ever send another prophet—but explaining how to recognize a true prophet and how to identify a fraud. He also tells the story of three people in the history of the church who claimed the prophetic gift but whose ministry did not match the guidelines set forth in Scripture.

The History and Use of the Tithe
Highlights of the beginning of the tithing system / Arthur L. White -- Ellen G. White comments on the use of tithe funds / Robert W. Olson -- Mrs. Ellen G. White and the tithe / Arthur L. White -- The use of the tithe / Ellen G. White -- Gospel finance: Pulling together / Frank B. Holbrook

How Ellen White’s Books Were Written
Public address to faculty and students at the 1935 advanced Bible school, Angwin, California.

How The Desire of Ages Was Written
An introductory statement to the document, "Exhibits relating to the writing of The Desire of Ages"

Inspiration/Revelation: What It Is and How It Works
Inspiriation: The prophetic gift in operation. Infallibility: does the true prophet ever err? Plus: The relationship between the Ellen G. White writings and the Bible

The Integrity of the Sanctuary Truth
A group of Ellen G. White statements made in 1905, 1906, and 1907 regarding Elder A.F. Ballenger's teachings (Manuscript release)

Is The Great Controversy Missing a Chapter?
Readers comparing the Spanish edition of The Great Controversy to the English original may be surprised to learn that the Spanish version contains an additional chapter—chapter 13. The origin of this chapter is explained in The Later Elmshaven Years,

Music—Its Role, Qualities, and Influence
The psalmist says, “I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever.” And indeed, music is one of the great joys of life. But how can we use this gift to it's fullest potential? What are the guidelines and what was God's original plan? This little book answers many of these questions and gives guidance about the use of music for ministry, praise, and uplifting.

My Special Grandmother
Stories recounted by Mrs. Grace Jacques about her grandmother Ellen Gould White

The Predictions of the 1856 Vision
Adapted from, “The Predictions of the 1856 Vision,” in Ellen G. White and Her Critics

Purpose and Objectives of Seventh-day Adventist Institutions
A Collection of the most important statements defining the heaven-ordained purpose of Seventh-day Adventist institutions together with pertinent historical information about our early Battle Creek establishments.

Seventh-day Adventism—The Spirit Behind the Church
A document of suggested resouces to use for responding to the critical video about Ellen White

The “Shut Door” Documents
Statements relating to the "shut door," the door of mercy, and the salvation of souls by Ellen G. White and other early Adventists, arranged in a chronological setting from 1844 to 1851

The Spirit of Prophecy and Military Service
"How Seventh-day Adventists met the Civil War crisis as it related to the draft, the Sabbath, and the bearing of arms and amplified by A. L. White to include all items available from the pen of Ellen G. White which have a bearing on the subject."

Spirit of Prophecy Counsels Relating To Church-State Relationships
a compilation of E. G. White materials supplemented with illuminating statements of denominational leaders and significant General Conference Session actions / assembled for the study of the Committee on Church-State Relationships

W. W. Prescott and the 1911 Edition of The Great Controversy
This is part of a group of documents known collectively as Ellen G. White Estate shelf documents