Ellen White’s Predictions


October 13, 1902-Southern California Properties Will Be Offered Cheap

“I have been shown that in Southern California there are properties for sale on which buildings are already erected that could be utilized for our work, and other properties in localities especially suited to sanitarium work, and that such properties will be offered to us at much less than their original cost.”—Letter 157b, 1902. EWP 7.3

a) January, 1904-Paradise Valley Sanitarium bought (The Story of Our Health Message, 338, 339). EWP 7.4

b) September, 1904-Glendale San bought (Ibid, pp. 340, 341). EWP 7.5

c) June, 1905-Loma Linda property bought (Ibid, pp. 343-361). EWP 7.6