The Story of our Health Message


Taken Over by the Conference

Elder E. R. Palmer, who, for health reasons, had spent the winter in Arizona, accepted an invitation to act as business manager of the new institution. There was much work to be done during the summer in preparing the place for opening, but the great question was, “Could water be found?” The success or failure of the enterprise largely depended upon this. A well was dug, with meager results at first; but in November, 1904, a stream of clear, pure water poured into the excavation. Dr. T. S. Whitelock, who had been operating treatment rooms and a restaurant in the city of San Diego, acted as medical superintendent at first; and other helpers were found, so that by the latter part of the year it was opened for patients. SHM 338.4

Six years later the institution was taken over by the Southern California Conference. It had been equipped and operated through the self-sacrifice of a few heavy investors and the liberality and support of the believers in the neighboring churches. The stockholders, who had from the first considered that they were but holding the property in trust, gladly turned over the institution, without profit to themselves, to be operated by the local conference. SHM 339.1

With an indebtedness of nearly $40,000 resting upon the Southern California Conference, with a constituency of only about 1,100 members, and with the enthusiastic launching by the General Conference of a no-debt policy, one can readily understand the reluctance of those responsible for the conduct of the work to enter into new enterprises that called for the raising of other thousands of dollars. It was truly a test of faith, therefore, when the messages continued to come, urging the securing and establishment of sanitariums in several places. SHM 339.2

No sooner was the Paradise Valley Sanitarium secured than Mrs. White began to send instruction that a sanitarium should be secured and operated near Los Angeles. Under date of April 26, 1904, she wrote: SHM 339.3

“It is the Lord’s purpose that sanitariums shall be established in southern California, and that from these institutions shall go forth the light of truth for this time. ... SHM 339.4

“Light has been given me that a sanitarium should be established near Los Angeles, in some rural district. For years the need of such an institution has been kept before our people in southern California. Had the brethren there heeded the warnings given by the Lord, to guard them from making mistakes, they would not now be tied up as they are. But they have not followed the instruction given. They have not gone forward in faith to establish a sanitarium near Los Angeles.”—Special Testimonies, Series B, 3:13. SHM 340.1