Special Testimonies, Series B


Series B, No. 7

While Series B, No. 6 sounded a warning particularly along the lines of the dangers of our young people going to Battle Creek for their education, conditions in the sanitarium continued to wax more serious, and the attitudes of its leaders became more divisive, and this led Ellen White in 1906 to issue Series B, No 7, Testimonies for the Church Containing Messages of Warning and Instruction to Seventh-day Adventists Regarding Dangers Connected With the Medical Missionary Work. Its fourteen articles dealt with the very serious situation existing in Battle Creek, and sounded a warning to those who might contemplate placing themselves under those influences, or following in the lead of the medical superintendent who had departed from the way of the Lord. A thousand copies were printed and the tract was used judiciously where there seemed to be a need for it. It was not the kind of material which would be sent out in a very general way. It dealt with people who were living in, and situations limited to, Battle Creek. STSB 6.1