Special Testimonies, Series B


Series B, No. 8

Another year passes, and we come to a pamphlet entitled Special Testimonies, Series B, No. 8 This bears the title Testimonies to the Church Regarding the Strengthening of Our Institutions and Training Centers and a Plea for Medical Missionary Evangelists. In this document Ellen White looks over the whole country and makes an appeal in several articles for our institutions. On page 2, in the Introduction, we find this: STSB 6.2

“We are mailing this tract to all Seventh-day Adventist ministers whose addresses we have. Anyone who is overlooked or missed may secure a copy by writing to his conference secretary. Others who desire copies will be supplied from our publishing houses or state book depositories.”

Carrying a price of five cents, this Special Testimony called the attention of our people to a special need as it existed at that time. Three of its articles of more general interest were reprinted in the Testimonies and Counsels on Health. STSB 6.3