Special Testimonies, Series B


Series B, No. 6

During all this time the crisis in Battle Creek grew more serious. Although Battle Creek College had been moved to Berrien Springs, Michigan, and the work was being carried on there in a strong way, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, in spite of the counsels that had been given through the years warning against gathering large numbers of people at Battle Creek, made plans to reopen Battle Creek College, which would be operated by the Battle Creek Sanitarium. Invitations were sent to our young people throughout the country to come to Battle Creek for their education, but conditions from a spiritual standpoint, and from the standpoint of misleading theological views, had not changed in Battle Creek. Doctor Kellogg and his close associates were leading somewhat of an insurrection, and so in December, 1905, there was printed Series B, No. 6, Testimonies to the Church Regarding Our Youth Going to Battle Creek to Obtain an Education, Being Extracts from Addresses Published in the General Conference Bulletin, from Articles Published in the Review and Herald, and From Many Letters to Physicians and Ministers. STSB 4.5

Because of the very delicate nature of the content of this pamphlet, Ellen White assumed the full responsibility for its publication. In other words, it was not issued by any organization, but carried on the title page, “Published for the Author.” The information just listed above, as given on the title page, reveals the full nature of the articles which comprised this 64-page pamphlet. (Its two leading articles are in Testimonies for the Church 8:223-229.) STSB 5.1