Special Testimonies, Series B


Series B, No. 5

In the year 1905 a crisis also developed in the work of the Boulder, Colorado, Sanitarium. This institution, which had been operating for ten years, was doing good work. One of its physicians withdrew and moved to a community not far away and planned to erect a sanitarium in competition to the work being done at Boulder by the denominational institution. Counsel came from the pen of Ellen White directed to the promoters of the new medical institution, as well as to those who were carrying on the work at the Boulder Sanitarium. This group of counsels directed to those in Colorado, together with statements made by Ellen White at the General Conference of 1905 relating to the Boulder Sanitarium, were drawn together in a pamphlet of 80 pages made up of E. G. White material and statements from others giving the historical background, etc. This was called Series B, No. 5, although not all the copies were imprinted in that manner. The general title is Record of Progress and an Earnest Appeal in Behalf of the Boulder, Colorado, Sanitarium With Testimonies to the Church Read at Denver (Colorado) Camp Meeting held August 17-27, 1905. STSB 4.4