Special Testimonies, Series B


Series B, No. 4

Just at this time other problems, seeming at first to be somewhat of a local character, loomed on the horizon. That was the question of unity among the different nationalities in the United States, and how to reach them with the message. Consequently, Series B, No. 4, was issued in 1905 entitled Testimonies for the Church Regarding the Spirit of Unity That Should Be Maintained in the International Publishing Association and Among Laborers of All Nationalities in the Lord’s Harvest Field This pamphlet of 32 pages was of great service to those who were particularly interested in this line of work and concerned with it. At the outset it did not seem to be a matter that would concern the church generally, but in due time its broader ramifications were seen and the material was republished in the later volumes of the Testimonies for the Church. STSB 4.3