Charismatic Experiences In Early Seventh-day Adventist History


Chapter 16—Evidences of the Baptism Easily Seen

In reporting on an 1875 camp meeting Ellen White said: CEESDAH 15.7

“Our camp meeting from its commencement to the present time has been most solemn and the Spirit of the Lord in a most signal manner has been manifested in the social and preaching meetings....

“I made a practical application of these words [Luke 19:41, 42] to the people of God. The solemn power of God was upon me and upon the hearers. The tearful eye and earnest looks revealed the true state of feelings.”—Letter B-16, 1875.

Describing a meeting in 1889 she wrote: CEESDAH 15.8

“Friday was a precious day.... Everything has been without excitement or extravagance. The leaven of Christ’s righteousness has been introduced into the experience and has energized the soul. Oh, that it may continue to work in its mysterious power until its diffusive influence quickens the lukewarm souls with whom it is brought in contact.

“Softly and silently the power of the divine Spirit does its work, wakening the dulled senses, quickening the soul and arousing its sensibilities, until each member of the church shall indeed be the light of the world.”—Letter 85, 1889.

While in Australia, Ellen White referred to an earlier special outpouring of the Spirit of God at South Lancaster Academy. Why not : CEESDAH 15.9

“One place we were laboring in America [South Lancaster, Massachusetts], and there was every youth in our college, ... converted as we were telling them the simple story of the cross, to come to Jesus just as they were. Such an experience....

“It seemed at times at the commencement of the meeting that the glory of God was about to drop upon us, but it did not come only to a few, but at this time like a tidal wave it swept through that congregation, and what a time of rejoicing.

“There were no wild demonstrations, for the praise of God does not lead to that. We never hear of any such things as that in the life of Christ, as jumping up and down and around, and screaming and hollering. No; God’s work appeals to the senses and reason of men and women.

“There are no such outward demonstrations. But the Spirit of God has an influence upon the human heart that shows itself in the countenance, and the shining of the very face reveals Jesus within. Now it was a miracle of God’s mercy that took every student in that school and transformed them in character, and sent them out as missionaries. Two of the teachers are now in Tahiti as missionaries that were in that meeting. The light of the glory of God was there.”—Ms. 49, 1894.