Charismatic Experiences In Early Seventh-day Adventist History


Chapter 15—Battle Creek Outpouring

Referring to an incident in 1893 at Battle Creek College, in which there occurred a special outpouring of the Spirit of God, she wrote from Australia, CEESDAH 15.3

“I rejoiced when I heard that the Holy Ghost had been poured out upon our people in America, and I have been anxiously waiting new developments in America as was seen after the Holy Spirit descended on the day of Pentecost. I thought similar fruits would be seen, that the missionary spirit of God would burn in the hearts of all upon whom the Spirit of God was manifestly moving.”—Letter B-9a, 1893.

Ellen White clearly indicates the results of the Holy Spirit’s baptism. Note this, written in 1887: CEESDAH 15.4

“Baptized with the Spirit of Jesus, there will be a love, a harmony, a meekness, a hiding of the self in Jesus that the wisdom of Christ will be given, the understanding enlightened; that which seems dark will be made clear. The faculties will be enlarged and sanctified. He can lead those He is fitting for translation to heaven to loftier heights of knowledge and broader views of truth.

“The reason that the Lord can do so little for those who are handling weighty truths is that so many hold these truths apart from their life. They hold them in unrighteousness. Their hands are not clean, their hearts are defiled with sin, and should the Lord work for them in the power of His Spirit corresponding with the magnitude of the truth which He has opened to the understanding, it would be as though the Lord sanctioned sin.”—Counsels to Writers and Editors, 81.

Beautiful statements appear in the Testimonies: CEESDAH 15.5

“Impress upon all the necessity of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the sanctification of the members of the church, so that they will be living, growing, fruit-bearing trees of the Lord’s planting.”—Volume 6, p. 86.

“God desires to refresh His people by the gift of the Holy Spirit, baptizing them anew in His love. There is no need for a dearth of the Spirit in the church. After Christ’s ascension the Holy Spirit came upon the waiting, praying, believing disciples with a fullness and power that reached every heart. In the future the earth is to be lightened with the glory of God. A holy influence is to go forth to the world from those who are sanctified through the truth. The earth is to be encircled with an atmosphere of grace. The Holy Spirit is to work on human hearts, taking the things of God and showing them to men.”—Volume 9, p. 40.

Ellen White describes what the baptism of the Spirit accomplishes: CEESDAH 15.6

“The baptism of the Holy Spirit will dispel human imaginings, will break down self-erected barriers, and will cause to cease the feeling that ‘I am holier than thou.’ There will be a humble spirit with all, more faith and love; self will not be exalted.... Christ’s spirit, Christ’s example, will be exemplified in His people. We shall follow more closely the ways and works of Jesus.... The love of Jesus will pervade our hearts.”—That I May Know Him, 114.