Charismatic Experiences In Early Seventh-day Adventist History


Chapter 17—A Temporary Feeling of Enthusiasm

In 1900 Ellen White compared the spurious with the genuine experience, pointing out that spurious experiences generate feelings of enthusiasm that soon give out: CEESDAH 16.1

“Every influence will be set in operation by satanic agencies, to divert minds from the genuine work that will place men as laborers together with God. All who do not aggressively labor in the warfare where Christ, the mighty general of armies, leads, will be in the opposite party, composing the armies of the prince of darkness. They will lead the people away from the living issues that should occupy their minds and hearts and prepare them to distinguish between the voice of the world and the voice of Jesus Christ. We must ourselves be very watchful and prayerful, that we may be able to understand the voice of the deceiver from the voice of Him who always speaks the truth. Those who are worked by the Holy Spirit are not led by a feeling of enthusiasm, which soon goes out in darkness. The spell of Christ’s influence is abiding. ‘Be still and know that I am God.’ This is a solemn, abiding quietude in God.

“There is danger that all of us will have too much zeal, and too little of Christ’s sound wisdom and unquestionable prudence. Every one must stand individually as an active, working agency for the Master, beholding His work as it is given in His word for our practice. Individually, they must think for themselves. With an open Bible before them, they must study under the influence and presence of Jesus Christ, inquiring and knowing for their individual selves what is the way of the Lord.”—Letter 77, 1900.