The Light Still Shines


4. Health Advantages

Besides the spiritual benefits that come from reading and adhering to the counsels found in Ellen White’s writings, there also are health advantages. During recent years there has been considerable discussion regarding what Mrs. White said about health. Some critics have claimed she obtained her teachings from other nineteenth century health reformers. She said her health principles came from God. LSS 4.11

In the late 1860s and early 1870s, a number of health reformers in America were advocating that no salt at all should be used. Ellen White saw things differently. But it is her reason for doing so that is of special interest to me. LSS 5.1

“I use some salt, and always have, because from the light given me by God, this article, in place of being deleterious, is actually essential for the blood. The whys and wherefores of this I know not, but I give you the instruction as it is given me.”—Counsels on Diet and Foods, 344. 2 LSS 5.2

I’m not here today to rediscuss from where she acquired her health message. Rather, I am sharing with you why I find her counsels still relevant. However, I must say that I do find it very odd that now, when in so many areas of health the world is mirroring what God showed Ellen White 140 years ago, some Adventists are abandoning her counsel. LSS 5.3

Why do I say this? Well, Time magazine phrased it better than I ever could. In their October 28, 1966, issue, reporting on the initial results of the first Adventist Health Study done in California, the findings were so phenomenal that Time described them as “The Adventist Advantage.” Obviously we do not have time to cite that study in great detail, but even a few facts from it, and subsequent health studies, are worth noting. LSS 5.4

The first Adventist Health Study was conducted between 1958 and 1965, on California Adventists. The researchers did not differentiate between Adventists who ate meat daily, weekly, monthly, or not at all. Nor did they distinguish between lacto-ovo-vegetarians and total vegans. Even so, Seventh-day Adventists (including the non-vegetarians) had significantly fewer deaths from a number of common killers as compared to the general California population. It was found that Adventists had only LSS 5.5

• 20 percent, lung cancer

• 5 percent, mouth, throat, and larynx cancer

• 32 percent, bronchitis and emphysema

• 28 percent, bladder cancer

• 34 percent, esophageal cancer

• 13 percent, cirrhosis of the liver 3

According to a subsequent study started in 1974, Adventist men live on the average 8.9 years longer than the general California population; Adventist women, 7.5 years longer. Vegetarian Adventist men live 3.7 years longer than their non-vegetarian “brothers.” 4 LSS 5.6

Similar studies in other countries yielded comparable results: LSS 5.7

In 1982 Denmark’s Cancer Registration Office in Copenhagen reported, after a thirty-five year study, that only one in ten Adventists developed cancer, whereas the rate for the Danish population was one in four. LSS 5.8

In 1983 a Dutch study reported an 8.9-year life expectancy advantage for Adventist men, and a 3.7-year advantage for Adventist women compared to their general population. LSS 5.9

A Polish study reported in 1985 that Adventist men had an advantage of 9.5 years, and Adventist women a difference of 4.5 years. LSS 5.10

And the statistics just go on and on. I don’t know about you, but for me, such facts make me sit up and take notice regarding what Ellen White says God told her about health issues. Is she still relevant to me? I should say so! In a world gone crazy over new health diets, programs, and fads, the messages God gave our church through Ellen White are right on target—they have borne the test of time. LSS 5.11