The Light Still Shines


3. Spiritual/Devotional Blessings

Following the counsels God has given us through Ellen White results in positive lifestyle blessings. Let me start with some spiritual/devotional examples. LSS 4.7

Some years ago the North American Division conducted a church growth survey. One of the survey questions asked about the extent of one’s regular study of Ellen White’s books. From their answers, 2,848 were classed as “readers,” and 5,375 as “non-readers.” Later the data was re-analyzed to see what impact regular reading of Ellen White exhibited in the lives of members. 1 LSS 4.8

Let me share some of the findings with you. LSS 4.9

*Strong relationship with Jesus Christ85%59%
*Assurance of being right with God82%59%
*Daily personal Bible study82%47%
*Give regular financial support to local soul winning76%46%
*Engaged in witnessing during past year73%49%
*Have daily family worship70%42%
*Held Bible studies with non-Adventist during past year5%26%
*Meet regularly with small study fellowship group40%20%

There were eleven other categories. In every single one, those who read Ellen White regularly ranked considerably higher than did the non-readers. So another reason why I find Ellen White’s writings valuable in my own life—as was borne out by the survey results—is that my walk with the Lord and my experience as one of His followers will be the richer for having spent time with God’s counsels as given through Ellen White. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I need that! LSS 4.10