The Light Still Shines


5. Uplifted the Bible

Another compelling reason why I personally find Ellen White’s messages authoritative is that she gave us no new Bible. Throughout her long life Mrs. White continually pointed people to the Scriptures. In her first 64-page book originally published in 1851, now reprinted in Early Writings, the 23-year old author closed by saying, LSS 6.1

“I recommend to you, dear reader, the Word of God as the rule of your faith and practice.”—Early Writings, 78. 5

Toward the close of her long life, the nearly 82-year-old servant of the Lord attended the 1909 General Conference session held in Washington, D.C. As it turned out, it was the last session she ever attended. Elder W. A. Spicer, secretary of the General Conference, recalled Mrs. White’s last talk to the delegates. LSS 6.2

“She came to the platform, on the last day of the session, to speak a ... few words of good cheer and farewell, and then turned to the pulpit, where lay a Bible. She opened the book, and held it out, with hands that trembled with age. And she said: LSS 6.3

“‘Brethren and sisters, I commend unto you this Book.’ LSS 6.4

“Without another word, she closed the book, and walked from the platform. It was her last spoken word in the world assembly of the remnant church.” 6 LSS 6.5

Throughout her long life, Ellen White constantly uplifted the Bible. Nowhere can one find her claiming that her writings supersede the Bible. On the contrary, she always said that her writings are to be tested by the Scriptures. Not once does she say that the Bible is to be tested by her writings. This makes her unique among those who claim to have been given new light. LSS 6.6

Ellen White wrote: LSS 6.7

“Little heed is given to the Bible, and the Lord has given a lesser light to lead men and women to the greater light.”—Colporteur Ministry, 125. 7

Thankfully our doctrines are not based on Ellen White’s visions, but rather upon deep study of the Word of God. Still, history records that during the Sabbath and Sanctuary Conferences of the late 1840s, as well as several other times, God chose to confirm and help our pioneers settle into Bible truth through the visions. Knowing this to be true, I find Ellen White’s doctrinal insights to be more than just devotional; for me they hold authority. I did not say, as some of our critics charge, that she is an infallible commentator. But for me, I invest her doctrinal statements with more authority than those of other writers because of the Source (capital “S”) of her insights. LSS 6.8