The Light Still Shines


2. Great Controversy Theme

Ellen White’s teaching of the Great Controversy Theme makes sense out of our troubled world. Rather than the view of many people that God is angry with us, Ellen White’s understanding was that the real struggle is between Christ and Satan, not between Christ and me. That insight permeates all her writings. LSS 4.4

When bad things happen to God’s people, thanks to our understanding of the Great Controversy that is going on between Christ and Satan, we can keep our perspective. Although not able to explain the whys and wherefores of every specific thing that happens, we realize that there is a larger battle raging. LSS 4.5

This to me is another positive reason for accepting Ellen White’s writings. Her understanding of God, His controversy with Satan—including both the origin and the ending of the sin problem—are so persuasive, why would I want to adopt something else, especially since her entire understanding is based upon Scripture? LSS 4.6