The Light Still Shines


1. Uplifted Christ

Ellen White constantly uplifted Christ, and pointed people to Him. One cannot read far in her writings without coming across references to Jesus and comments that reveal her deep love for Him, and her strong desire for others to come to love Him also. Several of her most beloved books deal directly with Christ: Steps to Christ, The Desire of Ages, Christ’s Object Lessons, Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, and The Great Controversy Between Christ and His Angels and Satan and His Angels. LSS 4.2

To me, Ellen White’s constant uplifting of Christ, and pointing people to Him, are very persuasive evidences in favor of her claim. Would Satan continually urge people to go to Christ? The very thought is ludicrous. So, as a sinner, realizing my own deep need of Christ, going to a time-proven source of help in this area is one reason I find Ellen White’s writings so valuable in my own life. LSS 4.3