The Ellen G. White Writings

Work Done in Europe

Ellen White’s contact in Europe with the environs of the Reformation aided her in making more vivid descriptions of Reformation history. It should also be noted that while she was in these environs, many of the scenes were repeated to her in vision. Of this experience she wrote: EGWW 116.2

While writing the manuscript of Great Controversy I was often conscious of the presence of the angels of God. And many times the scenes about which I was writing were presented to me anew in visions of the night, so that they were fresh and vivid in my mind.—E. G. White Letter 56, 1911,. EGWW 117.1

The work of revising and enlarging the book was carried well along while she was in Europe. Her access to Elder J. N. Andrews’ library was helpful to her, for in presenting historical description she at times drew quotations from well-known authors. Not until she was back in her home in Healdsburg, California, however, was she able to bring to completion her work on this volume. Her enlightening “Author’s Preface” carries the date April, 1888. EGWW 117.2

The new volume bore the title The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan During the Christian Dispensation. The words “Revised and Enlarged” appear on the title page. The text extended to page 678 in place of the 492 pages of the earlier book. The page size was enlarged. The 1888 printing contained 26 full-page illustrations, and the appendix materials were expanded from 14 pages to 26 pages. This became the book known so well as The Great Controversy. Its pagination is standard today. At the outset several sets of printing plates were made, which were put into use in the United States and overseas. This edition of The Great Controversy was used until 1911, when a revision took its place. EGWW 117.3