EGW Reference Works

A Gift of Light
It is impossible to tell the story of the beginning and subsequent development of the Seventh-day Adventist church without telling the story of one of its cofounders, Ellen G. White. While she herself preferred the designation “special messenger,” it is significant that she never contradicted anyone who happened to refer to her as a prophet.

A Prophet Among You
This book has been prepared primarily for use in college classes in the Gift of Prophecy, it should be useful to Seventh-day Adventist ministers and others who wish to make a careful study of the place of the prophetic gift in the Seventh-day Adventist church today.

Believe His Prophets
A revision and expansion of the studies and themes by the author of "Divine Guidance, Denton E. Rebok."

Divine Guidance in the Remnant of God’s Church
The identifying marks of the “remnant of God’s church” are obedience to the commandments of God, and the presence of the testimony of Jesus Christ, which is the Spirit of prophecy. We are members of the remnant of God’s church only when we are found obeying His commandments and having or possessing or clinging to the Spirit of prophecy.

Ellen G. White and Her Critics
A collection of factual evidence regarding the life and work of Mrs. Ellen G. White for answering charges made by her critics.

Ellen G. White — Messenger to the Remnant
A series of articles about the work of the White Estate trustees after the death of Ellen White in 1915. Four additional articles explain the various phases of Mrs. White’s life, work, and ministry.

Messenger of the Lord
A comprehensive study of Ellen White's life and her gift of prophecy will give you a complete look at her ministry and the time in which she worked.

The Abiding Gift of Prophecy
The prophetic gift has been God’s chosen method of revealing Himself to the human race after man had been ruined through sin. This prophetic gift was to abide with the church from Adam to the second advent of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, when He comes to take His redeemed people to Paradise. It did not cease with the apostles, but is traceable through the centuries until the final days of earths history.

The Ellen G. White Writings
Arthur White, was for many years secretary of the Ellen G. White Estate. He was also the grandson of Ellen White. This book exists to pass onto the readers his intimate knowledge of the operation of inspiration and the writing of the prophetic message as seen in the experience of Ellen G. White.

The Great Visions of Ellen G. White
A selection of 10 of Ellen White’s most significant visions and examines them in the greater light of their immediate historical context.

The Spirit of Prophecy in the Advent Movement
A look back at the many experiences and tokens of God's special care and guidence over the work of Seventh-day Adventist movement through the gift of the Spirit of Prophecy and His messenger--Ellen G. White.

The Voice of The Spirit
A study on how God Has Led His People Through the Gift of Prophecy

The World of Ellen G. White
This volume of short, descriptive essays attempts to provide the essential historical background for understanding Ellen White’s writings. The authors have chosen to explore selected elements of American nineteenth century history that were either of significance to this shaper of Adventism or place her concerns within the context of the larger society. Thus the writers respectively address such subjects as eating and drinking habits, travel conditions, and entertainment, among other things in society.

What Ellen White has Meant to Me
In these short essays Adventist pioneers share their inmost thoughts and convictions about Ellen White as God’s appointed messenger to the Seventh-day Adventist church.We share in their personall experiences and effects that her inspired counsel had upon their lives and the life of the church.

Why I Believe in Mrs. E. G. White
Some Reasons Why Seventh-day Adventists Believe That Ellen G. White Possessed the Gift of “the Spirit of Prophecy”

Understanding Ellen White
Basic to any understanding of Ellen White is her own walk with God. Everything she did must be understood and interpreted within this context. To open a window of understanding to Ellen White’s heart, readers need to know and even experience her passions. There are two braided golden threads that weave through her entire life and experience that are central to who she was and what she accomplished—the love of God in Christ and a focus on Scripture. Her orientation toward the love of God and the Bible were integrally interwoven with her prophetic ministry. Her writings, which were guided by prophetic revelation through visions and prophetic dreams, must be read and understood with this perspective.

101 Questions - About Ellen White and Her Writings
If you could ask one question of Ellen White, what would it be? Elder William Fagal, associate director of the Ellen G. White Estate, provides thought-provoking answers to 101 of the most frequently asked and often most controversial inquiries. He exposes many of the myths that have developed and introduces readers to the real truth about this inspirational author.

The Gift of Prophecy
The Gift of Prophecy in Scripture and History provides an exhaustive approach to this subject from a Seventh-day Adventist perspective.