The Ellen G. White Writings


How the Light Came to Ellen White

Numerous references have been made to the visions as the basis for Ellen White’s writing in the field of history. A knowledge of how this light came to her helps us to understand certain features of her work and provide answers to some questions that naturally emerge, especially in regard to the sources of her knowledge of the things concerning which she wrote, sometimes referred to as “Mrs. White’s sources.” EGWW 117.4

As an eyewitness she seemingly viewed the transpiring of the events of history. This experience must have been much in the manner Moses just before his death was permitted to view in advance the history and fortunes of Israel referred to in Chapter 1. The quotation is taken from Patriarchs and Prophets, 472-476. EGWW 118.1

Enthralled, Moses watched the events take place, seemingly seeing, hearing, and participating. In this vivid manner the history of the future was opened to him. Probably dates were not given him. It is not likely that all the cities he saw were named. Those were inconsequential details, not essential to the unfolding theme. (See pages 24, 25 for description.) EGWW 118.2

The records would indicate that in just this manner history past and future was presented to Ellen White, history on which was woven the tapestry of the great controversy theme. Because of the deep interest in the sources of Ellen White’s information in historical lines we will probe the subject quite thoroughly and in detail. EGWW 118.3