The Spirit of Prophecy in the Advent Movement


A Word About These Books

Explaining the selection of books, Mr. Palmer added: SPIAM 35.2

“Not all the writings of Sister White are in this collection, for thousands of pages have been published in the Review and Herald, the Signs of the Times, and in other papers. Each of these sixty-five volumes is a distinct publication. There are some duplications of matter, for several of the books are compiled in part from the ‘Testimonies.’ Each book, however, represents much labor and earnest effort, quite equal to the writing of a new book, and any duplication will be more than made up by the subject matter in periodicals which could not be included in this collection shown in the picture. SPIAM 35.3

“These books, [some] in many languages, have gone to the ends of the earth, and wherever they are read, both within the church and without, they have left a deep impression upon the hearts of men. Thousands of people, to whom Sister White was personally unknown, have expressed their confidence, simply from the reading, that these books were produced under the special influence of the Spirit of God.”—The Review and Herald, July 19, 1928. SPIAM 36.1