The Spirit of Prophecy in the Advent Movement


Unpublished Counsels

And beyond all this, in measuring the contributions of this gift to the advent movement, are the countless letters,—or testimonies, as they were called,—written to general and local leaders, to ministers, teachers, doctors, workers of all kinds, to conference committees, boards of institutions, which were never put in print. All the seventy years of that ministry these communications were a source of help and inspiration to burden bearers in the cause. The letters in that rolling handwriting that brought the messages impressed on the writer by the Spirit were as signals of deliverance to many a worker meeting perplexity. And in these communications the same strong Bible expositions abounded, the same fine and uplifting paragraphs that readers are impressed with in the printed volumes. SPIAM 36.2

This unprinted material must measure a good fraction of the mass of instruction put in books. SPIAM 36.3

In view of the nature of these writings, and having regard to the lack of any special training for literary work, there is but one explanation of it all,—with the call to that young woman in 1844 to take up this burden, there came strength and gifts to do the work required. SPIAM 36.4