The Spirit of Prophecy in the Advent Movement


A Monument Of Books

Speaking of this fact in a church in the city of Washington some years ago, with a little pile of books by Mrs. White on the stand beside the pulpit, I remarked that I would like to see some one build up in one column the different books given us by this gift, and photograph the monument of books. These writings are their own unanswerable monument. They bear their own credentials. SPIAM 33.3

In response, the late Mr. E. R. Palmer, manager of the Review and Herald Publishing Association, came over to the General Conference office next day and said, “Let us do it.” One copy of each different book was searched out from the General Conference library and vault and from the publishing house treasures. They were built into a monument on the floor, and a photograph was taken, with E. R. Palmer standing beside the tall column. The photograph, shown herewith, reveals a monument of books higher than the manager’s head. The manager wrote the description of the picture: SPIAM 33.4

There are, he said, sixty-five volumes in the monument, containing 29,084 pages. This is a complete list of the books as photographed: SPIAM 34.1

Volume of articles in the Review (ten years). SPIAM 34.2

“The Desire of Ages,” 2-volume edition.
“Patriarchs and Prophets.”
“Prophets and Kings.”
“The Great Controversy.”
“Ministry of Healing.”
“Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene.”
“Christ Our Saviour.”
“Christ’s Object Lessons.”
“Acts of the Apostles.”
“Testimonies for the Church,” Volumes I-IX.
“Early Writings.”
“Christian Education.”
SPIAM 34.3

“Fundamentals of Christian Education.”
“Counsels to Teachers.”
“Counsels on Health.”
“Testimonies to Ministers.”
“Gospel Workers,” old edition.
“Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing.”
“Steps to Christ.”
“Life Sketches.”
“Special Testimonies,” Series B.
“Healthful Living.”
“Gospel Workers,” new edition.
“Sketches From the Life of Paul.”
“The Spirit of Prophecy,” Volumes I-IV.
“Christian Service.”
“Sabbath Readings for the Home Circle” (collected by Mrs. White), four volumes.
“Experience and Miscellany.”
“Special Testimonies,” six volumes.
“Bible Sanctification.”
“Manual for Canvassers.”
“The Colporteur Evangelist.”
“S. D. Advent Library” (Miscellany), Volume 3.
“Child’s Poems,” selected by E. G. W.
“Special Testimonies on Sabbath School Work.”
“Spiritual Gifts,” Volumes I-IV.
“Appeal to the Youth.”
“Life of Christ” (French).
“Index to the Writings of Mrs. E. G. White.”
SPIAM 35.1