“I'd Like To Ask Sister White ...”


Did You All Stay In The Methodist Church?

The Adventists held meetings at this time in Beethoven Hall [in Portland, Maine]. My father, with his family, attended them quite regularly. The Second Advent was thought to be in the year 1843. The time seemed so short. LASW 13.7

Our family were all deeply interested in the Lord’s soon coming. My father had stood as one of the pillars of the Methodist church. He had acted as leader of meetings held in homes at a distance from that city. However, the Methodist minister made us a special visit, to inform us that our faith and Methodism could not agree. LASW 14.1

The minister advised us to quietly withdraw from the church, and avoid the publicity of a trial. We answered that we preferred a regular trial. LASW 14.2

Not long after, we were notified to be present at a meeting. There were but few present. LASW 14.3

My father in his defense received the blessing of God, and we all left with free spirits, happy in the smile of Jesus. LASW 14.4

The next Sunday the elder read off our names, seven in number, as discontinued from the church. Many believed, but dared not confess their faith, lest they should be turned out. But some left soon afterward, and joined the company of those who were looking for the Saviour. 14 LASW 14.5