“I'd Like To Ask Sister White ...”


How About Your Neighbors? Did They Like Your Religion?

Opposition to our faith increased in Portland. One evening as we were engaged in prayer, the window was broken in just above my head, and the glass came down upon me. I continued praying. One man in his blind rage was cursing and swearing while we continued to plead with God. The man’s voice hushed, and he was seen hastening from the place. He could not endure the sound of prayer or the thought of the judgment. LASW 14.6

One afternoon we had a season of prayer. While bowed before the Lord two of our most wicked neighbors entered the door, and broke in upon our worship, saying, “Up! and off your knees! For in fifteen minutes the workhouse cart will be after you.” We did not heed, but continued in prayer. In a few moments they entered again, repeating nearly the same words. A number of times we were thus broken in upon by these poor, wicked men. 15 LASW 14.7