EGW Children’s Stories

Angel Over Her Tent
Angel Over Her Tent presents Mrs. White as a person all youth would enjoy knowing. We share the loneliness of her separation from her boys during her trips in the service of the church, her concern for people in desperate need of food and help, her quiet sense of humor, her enjoyment of Sabbath afternoon picnics. The reader watches as she struggles with danger and visits faraway places. This book will give every young person a new insight into Mrs. White’s life.

Campfire Junior Stories from the days of S.D.A. Pioneers
God’s providences in the history of our church can well form a very valuable part of the story presentations made to our boys and girls and our young men and young women. Emphasis was given to this in the 1961 North American Leadership Training Camp conducted at Lone Star Camp, Athens, Texas

His Messenger
The stories in this volume are all true and are taken from Mrs. White’s books, letters, and articles printed in various periodicals. Not only are the stories true, but in many cases we have used the very words that Mrs. White used in speaking and writing.

“I'd Like To Ask Sister White ...”
This book answers common questions you may have about Sister White. They will be answered in her own words, taken from her diaries, letters, articles, and books.

Over My Shoulder
When Ella White Robinson was well along in years, she finally had time to look back over her shoulder, and describe for us the panorama of her life from the perspective of being the grand-daughter of Ellen White.

Sister White
A collection of interesting childrens stories about the life of Ellen G. White

Stories of My Grandmother
True stories from accounts of the visions of Ellen G. White that were verified by hundreds of reliable witnesses, some of whom have left written reports of the events and circumstances accompanying them. Detail and conversation are based on Mrs. White’s personal correspondence and diary records, upon her own stories and those of her son, William Clarence White, who was my father, and upon information gleaned from her relatives and friends. Some stories are based upon my own 33 year intimate acquaintance with my grandmother--Ellen White.

There Shines A Light
A collection of stories for children drawn from the life of Ellen G. White