“I'd Like To Ask Sister White ...”


What Did The Methodists Think When You Accepted The Message Of Jesus’ Soon Coming?

One evening my brother Robert and myself went to [Methodist] class meeting. When it came my brother’s turn to bear testimony, he spoke of the necessity for fitness to meet our Saviour when He should come in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.... LASW 13.2

When I was called upon to speak, I arose and expressed my joy in the tidings of the soon coming of my Redeemer. LASW 13.3

I expected that my Methodist brethren and sisters would rejoice with me, but I was disappointed; several sisters groaned and moved their chairs noisily, turning their backs upon me. I could not think what had been said to offend them. LASW 13.4

When I had ceased speaking, the elder asked me if it would not be more pleasant to live a long life of usefulness, doing others good, than to have Jesus come speedily and destroy poor sinners. I replied that I longed for the coming of Jesus. Then sin would have an end. LASW 13.5

After the meeting closed, I was treated with coldness by those who had formerly been kind and friendly to me. 13 LASW 13.6