The Ellen G. White Letters and Manuscripts: Volume 1
Ms 8, 1859
October 10—November 20, 1859 1EGWLM 651.1
Diary, October to November. 1EGWLM 651.2
Portions of this manuscript are published in Ellen G. White, Manuscript Releases, vol. 3, pp. 144, 145; vol. 7, p. 218.
[Tuesday, October 4]
[See Lt 19, 1859, and An Appeal to the Youth, pp. 50, 51, written on this date.] 1EGWLM 651.3
[Roxbury, Vermont]1 Monday, October 10
We were awake quite early. Brother Pierce [Stephen Pierce]2 came for us quite early. Was obliged to shut myself up to write. The brethren are scattering to their homes. We rode to Brother Pierce's, three miles [five kilometers]. Climbed a mountain half a mile [.8 kilometers] high. The house is full of company, but had no time to visit. Shut myself in the chamber to write. 1EGWLM 651.4
[See also Lt 22, 1859, written on this date.] 1EGWLM 651.5
[Roxbury] Tuesday, October 11
Left Brother Pierce's for Brother Grant's [Harrison Grant].3 Took dinner at Brother Grant's. Brother Howard [Daniel Howard] waited for us to pack and then took us to his house. It was climb, climb the mountain. They have a very pleasant place on the top of the mountain. There is a level space and excellent tilling land. They are at some distance from neighbors. Sister Howard [Clarissa Howard]4 is afflicted with asthma. Her husband and children help her do her work. 1EGWLM 651.6
[En route to Bakersfield, Vermont] Wednesday, October 12
We awoke at three o'clock and arose at four o'clock. Took breakfast at half past four. Attended prayers, then prepared for Brother Howard to take us to Northfield [Vermont]. Left Brother Howard's at five a.m. Rode seven miles [11 kilometers] to Northfield, waited one hour. James sent a draft home and a little book to Willie. We are now on our way to St. Albans5 [Vermont]. Shall meet Brother Bourdeau [Augustin Cornelius Bourdeau]6 there. 1EGWLM 652.1
[See also Lt 30, 1859, written on this date.] 1EGWLM 652.2
[Berkshire, Vermont] Friday, October 14
P.M. Left Brother Agustin [Augustin] Bourdeau's. Have been very unwell. It has been very stormy. Feared we must go to the meeting in a storm. The distance is about ten miles [16 kilometers].7 But the clouds disappeared and we had a pleasant time and started for the meeting. Had a much better time than we feared. Stopped at Brother Martin's [John Martin].8 We are very weary and retire early. Met at Brother Martin's many friends who are dear to us. 1EGWLM 652.3
[Berkshire] Saturday, October 15
It is snowing very hard. We feel very thankful that we came on our way Friday. Many were coming to the meeting in the storm.9 We gathered at the meetinghouse—a large, commodious house. Met Brother Daniel Bourdeau [Daniel T. Bourdeau]10 on the steps of the meetinghouse. We were glad to meet him. He is very dear to us.11 James preached in the forenoon and afternoon. I bore my testimony. The Lord gave me liberty and power. The people seemed to feel. A Brother Howlett [John Howlett],12 an old Methodist minister, spoke. He spoke with fervor and intelligence. He was but a babe in the truth, but a big stream of truth poured from his lips and his whole being talked. Brother Stone [Albert Stone], Brother Buck [Harry G. Buck],13 and other brethren bore testimony. 1EGWLM 653.1
[See also Lt 11, 1859, written on this date.] 1EGWLM 653.2
[Berkshire] Sunday, October 16
The storm is over. We tarried at Brother Martin's. Last eve we had a conversation with a brother who is in trouble. He has once kept the Sabbath but was so persecuted by his own family he ceased to keep it, yet believed it. Now he feels God has left him. We tried to comfort him. He related to us that when he came to the meeting, his wife told him unless he would promise that he would not keep the Sabbath she would not live with him. He would not promise, and they lodged separately. Poor man, he has been much troubled. His wife's father was very violent. Would strike him. His children joined them. But after his wife's father had made a passionate threat against him, he suddenly fell sick, and he was called from the field to witness his sudden death. It is believed that the Lord removed him in His anger. We tried to comfort the poor, trembling brother. We know not how it will turn with him. He has, as it were, to deal with demons in his own family. Sunday night went with Brother Austin [Horatio Nelson Austin].14 1EGWLM 653.3
[Madrid, New York] Tuesday, October 18
Had a blessed season of prayer with Brother and Sister Taylor [Charles O. and Matilda W. Taylor],15 and his mother, and Brother and Sister Whipple [John G. and Sarah B. Whipple],16 and Czechowski [Michael Belina Czechowski].17 After dinner Brother Taylor took us to the [railroad] cars. We rode from twelve o'clock to five p.m. At Madrid [New York] met Brother Henry Hilliard [Henry Hilliard].18 He took us to his own comfortable home. A good warm supper was prepared for us. We met warm friends here. We are very weary but can rest. 1EGWLM 654.1
[Madrid] Wednesday, October 19
It is cold and stormy. We sent to the village to get some cotton flannel to make us comfortable. Brother Haskell, his wife and daughter [Lewis and Salina Haskell and Jane Haskell], Sister Claflin [Nancy Claflin], and Sister Matthews came in from Norfolk19 on their way to attend the meeting. We took dinner together and then all together we started for the little meetinghouse at Bucksbridge [Buck's Bridge]. We were somewhat disappointed. The house is well filled.20 Brother W[hite] had liberty and with earnest, comforting, strengthening words, cheered the little company. I had freedom talking of faith, showing the difference between faith and feeling. After the meeting closed, we returned home and sewed some. Am so unwell I cannot eat. 1EGWLM 655.1
[Madrid] Thursday, October 20
Finds us at Brother Hilliard's. 1EGWLM 655.2
[Mannsville, New York] Friday, October 21
We rose at about four a.m. It was cold and snowy. We took a luncheon and started out in a storm for Madrid depot. Waited one hour for cars. Then took the cars for Potsdam [New York] depot. Waited there one hour for the cars. While waiting a little boy was brought in who was afflicted with inflammation of the eyes. He bore his affliction very patiently. His eyes were screened with a shade and a thick, lined veil. They were taking him to the doctor's in Rochester to get aid. 1EGWLM 655.3
We journeyed about 25 miles [40 kilometers] and the engine pump broke down, and we were obliged to wait two hours before starting again. By this delay we failed to make connection at Watertown [New York] and were obliged to wait in the depot eight hours. This was a great disappointment to us, for we should be out over the Sabbath; but others were also disappointed. There was one woman and her two brothers who were filled with grief. Their mother was dying; letters had been sent them, but were not received. Oh, what a world of sorrow, disappointment, and affliction we are living in! 1EGWLM 655.4
While waiting in the depot we became acquainted with a couple directly from Waukon [Iowa]. They bring sad news from Brother Thomas Meade [Thomas B. Mead]. They give a sad report of him; he is failing fast.21 1EGWLM 656.1
Sabbath commenced. We tried to call our thoughts from the things around us to sacred things. We took the cars at about eight and rode 25 miles [40 kilometers], and within two miles [3 kilometers] of the depot Brother Ballou [James Madison Ballou]22 met us on the cars. They have been worried about us, fearing we could not come. He stepped on the cars, rode out two miles, and then found us and went back again. There was Brother Miles [Alonzo Miles]23 waiting for us to take us to his house. 1EGWLM 656.2
[Mannsville] Sabbath, October 22
It is pleasant weather. We had a season of prayer. Brother and Sister Miles once joined the Messenger [Party], and turned from us and sought to injure us, but now they sob out their repentant prayers and beg God to forgive them.24 Brother Miles took us to the meeting. The new house25 was filled. Some were obliged to stand in the entry. The Lord blessed us with liberty and freedom. James preached with freedom and I had freedom in exhortation. Our meeting was free all day. At noon we ate our luncheon at Brother Wilcox's [Henry H. Wilcox]26; took supper at Brother Miles’. After Sabbath quite a number came in to spend the evening. 1EGWLM 656.3
[Mannsville] Sunday, October 23
Again we repaired to the meetinghouse. The house was crowded again. Brother White preached with freedom; I followed with exhortation. The Lord gave me perfect freedom. The Spirit rested upon us. One aged sister gave vent to her feelings by shouting praise to God. Brethren Chase [Lewis Chase]27 and Bailey also opened their mouths and glorified God. In the eve Brother White was free again and our meeting closed with victory. We tarried that night at Brother Janks’.28 He and family have embraced the truth since we were last there. 1EGWLM 657.1
[Friday, October 28]
[See Lts 16 and 17, 1859, written on this date.] 1EGWLM 657.2
[Sunday, October 30]
[See An Appeal to the Youth, pp. 53-56, for a letter to Henry and Edson White, written on this date.] 1EGWLM 657.3
[Wright, Michigan] Sabbath, November 1229
It is stormy. We left Brother McPherson's [Samuel A. McPherson]30 for Brother Root's [Ephraim Henry Root].31 Arranged ourselves for meeting. The meetinghouse was well filled.32 Brother John Loughborough preached in the forenoon, James in the afternoon. I followed in exhortation. Had freedom, speaking upon faith. 1EGWLM 658.1
[Wright] Sunday, November 13
The storm continues. We went to the meetinghouse. Brother Loughborough preached in the forenoon. Brother White in the afternoon. I followed in exhortation. Was free. 1EGWLM 658.2
[Grand Rapids, Michigan] Monday, November 14
We rode to Grand Rapids, 14 miles [22 kilometers]. The road is very rough and it is tedious to ride.33 Arrived at Grand Rapids about noon. Brethren Rumery, Day, Lay, Gray, Jones,34 and Loughborough are in company with us. A refreshing dinner was prepared for us; after dinner we visited Sister Cramer [Sarah A. Cramer]. In the eve the brethren all came to Brother Cramer's,35 Identities: See note under Jan. 19 diary entry (Ms 5, 1859) regarding the James I. Cramer and Christopher G. Cramer families, both belonging to the Grand Rapids band at this time. Christopher Cramer appears to have been a widower, according to the 1860 census, so “Sister Cramer” would be Sarah, wife of James Cramer. Whether Christopher or James Cramer is the “Brother Cramer” with whom the group met in the evening has not been determined.
[Monterey, Michigan] Tuesday, November 15
It is a beautiful day. We rose early and took our breakfast. Had a season of prayer and then started on our weary journey. The going is very rough. We broke one of the traces36 and were delayed a while. Changed carriages, and about noon tarried to rest the horses. Then took a little luncheon, and in one hour were on our way again to Monterey. The plank road is very rough, but for ten miles [16 kilometers] the road is very bad.37 Log ways, mud holes, and yet on we go, singing, “The road may be rough, but it cannot be long,”38 etc. As we came up to Brother G. Lay's [George T. Lay] he stopped us and urged us to go in. We complied with his request and tarried with him over night. 1EGWLM 659.1
[Monterey] Wednesday, November 16
We rose weary, lame, and sick. The journey was too much for us. Yet we wrote much of the day, and there we met my father, whom we have not seen for three months.39 Toward night we rode to Brother Day's [John S. Day].40 Tarried there over night. 1EGWLM 659.2
[Monterey] Thursday, November 17
Took breakfast at Brother Day's, and took dinner at Brother H. Pierce's [Henry Harlow Pierce].41 We then looked over Brother Bates’ [Joseph Bates] house.42 Returned to Brother Day's and found Sister McClellan there. She has sold out and come to buy in Monterey. She will take one of two places, either Brother Leander Jones’ [Leander M. Jones] or Brother H. Pierce's. 1EGWLM 659.3
[Monterey] Friday, November 18
Rose languid and weary. Took breakfast at Brother Orrin Jones’ [Orrin B. Jones].43 Left soon after prayers, for Brother Day's. James and self took a wet sheet pack.44 I wrote until near noon. Took dinner at Brother Day's; just before the commencement of the Sabbath we went to Brother Leander's; tarry with them tonight. 1EGWLM 660.1
[Monterey] Sabbath, November 19
Brother Loughborough preached. A large congregation assembled at the Monterey meetinghouse. The house was full—crowded. Our earnest prayer this morn has been, Give us the living testimony; let us feel the burden of Thy work, the weight of Thy cause, the worth of souls. Then will Thy people be renewed and strengthened, and those not right, those not in union with Thy church, will be reproved, corrected. 1EGWLM 660.2
Brother White preached in the p.m. on the work, the success of the three messages. He was clear and free in his discourse. The Lord gave me liberty in speaking and referring to the travail of Elijah. Elisha would follow the man of God. Elijah said, “Go back, Elisha;” but, “No,” said he, “as the Lord liveth and as thy soul liveth I will not leave thee.” He would see the end of the matter. He followed on and he saw the fiery chariot and the glory and the mantle of Elijah fall upon Elisha. So those who will follow on with the people of God, suffer trials with them, press on with them, when the mighty angel descends from heaven, clothed with the panoply of heaven and gives strength to the third angel, the power of the message is felt by them. The heavenly showers fall on them. The latter rain drops in their vessels. 1EGWLM 660.3
[Otsego, Michigan]45 Sunday, November 20
It is pleasant today, and there was a large gathering at the meetinghouse. They could not all get into the house. Brother John prayed. Brother White preached, finishing his subject upon the Messages. After he closed there was five minutes’ intermission. The house was so crowded it was very uncomfortable.46 Brother Loughborough is now preaching from the parable concerning a man going into a far country to receive to himself a kingdom, and return, etc. Many are standing, for they can find no seats. 1EGWLM 661.1