EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)
Waterbury, Vermont - Wealth (riches)
Waterbury, Vermont
Waterbury, Vermont 2SG 144
Water-cure establishment
Water-cure establishment, best, in USA in 1865 1T 490
Water-cure institutions
Water-cure institutions, popular: obedience to God’s commandments was difficult for patients in 1T 489-90
SDA should not have to go to 1T 489-90
wealthy people should not be left to go to 1T 553
Water spring
Water spring See Spring
Water treatment, Water treatments
Water treatment, Water treatments, give, skillfully 2SM 288
given wisely and skillfully, many lives may be saved by MM 57, 227
ignorance or indifference re use of, no excuse for MH 237
invalid may be benefited more by physical exercise than by 4T 94
more effective than drug medication 7T 76
not appreciated as they should be MH 237
simple, EGW treated the sick by using WM 326
skillful application of, requires work that many persons are unwilling to do MH 237
Waterville, Maine
Waterville, Maine LS 277
Watrousville, Mich.
Watrousville, Mich. 2T 14
Watts, Isaac
Watts, Isaac, hymn “At the Cross” by, quoted 1SM 332
poetic passage by, quoted 4T 590
Waukon, Iowa
Waukon, Iowa LS 160; 2SG 217-22
Wave, Waves
Wave, Waves, formed by pebble cast into lake CH 413; COL 340
in terrible commotion, speak of infinite Power controlling them AA 572; SL 73
no restless and murmuring, in new earth 7BC 988
of blessing, widen and deepen SC 83
of great deep, obey Christ’s voice ML 336
of ocean, fearful beauty in LS 229-30
Wavering, by parents, there must be no AH 434
failure in religious life because of 2T 263
in God’s service, no need of PK 387
in prayer, warning against 2T 130-1
Pilate’s, proved his ruin DA 732
position of: is source of weakness MYP 28
is stone of stumbling to others MYP 28
wrong decision that is more excusable than to continue in 3T 497
there must not be the least appearance of, in SDA opinions and faith CW 95
Wave sheaf
1. Antitypical
Christ as 6BC 1092; DA 77, 785-6; GC 399; 1SM 305
Christ rose from the dead as DA 785; GC 399; 1SM 305, 307
first fruits of righteous dead 6BC 1092; DA 785-6, 834; 1SM 305-7
presented to Father by Christ DA 834; 1SM 305, 307
righteous persons resurrected with Christ as DA 834; 1SM 305-7
2. Typical
acknowledged that all was God’s 6BC 1092; PP 539
barley sheaf as, offered on second day of Feast of Unleavened Bread DA 77, 785-6; PP 539
ceremony of presenting, observed more than 1,000 years DA 786
first fruits of year’s harvest 6BC 1092; DA 77, 786; GC 399; PP 539
presented as thank offering 6BC 1092; DA 786; 1SM 305
presented before harvest began 6BC 1092; DA 786; PP 539; 1SM 305
represented harvest DA 786; GC 399
See also Barley sheaf
Wax, melting into any form, do not be as impressible as 2T 102
taking impression of seal 7BC 970; 1SM 337; 4T 587
that may become granite FE 51
youths’ hearts are as impressible as FE 51
Way, Ways
Way, Ways, amid bypaths and dangerous passes, Christ does not leave us to guess His ML 74
best, God’s way is CG 233; MM 168; WM 279
broad, peril of persons traveling in MB 138-41; 1T 127-31
Christian, impressive figure of MB 138
commit your, to God Ed 267
God depends on those who know, to show it to others 5T 568
God has thousand, to provide for us DA 330; MH 481
God’s, always closely follow CT 353
men choosing their own, placed themselves in controversy with God MB 52
narrow: dream re traveling in LS 190-3; 2T 594-7
persons who travel in, described 1T 127-8
which leads to life MB 138-41
right, Christ will guide us in LS 447
rugged and narrow, God has not smoothed or widened 5T 172
to heaven, SDA are inexcusable if they miss ML 25
two, vision re 1T 127-31
See also Path; Road
appointed by God, Christ could not be induced to leave UL 39:3
as we follow where Christ leads 1MCP 320:4
by light borrowed from the glory of Christ TMK 253:4
while advancing in Christ HP 130:6, 258:4
in opposite direction from narrow way TMK 303:2
Satan makes, attractive UL 39:4
self and dress and pleasure occupy those in TMK 303:3
cast up for ransomed, Jesus is OHC 11:4
choice of OHC 8:2
narrow path and, both represent TDG 140:5
has pressed down thorns in FLB 249:3
marked out our UL 69:2
offers to fill, with light TMK 320:3
opened, of obedience FW 46:2
complaining of, and withdrawing hand from Christ 2MCP 811:1
considered prayerfully when mind open to Word of God TMK 251:3
made plainer for others to err in RC 235:4
of others not to alter our piety or habits TMK 237:5
darkness of,
cannot deter when acting from principle TMK 257:2
may indicate that it is the right way TDG 212:2
death or life in the choice of; (roads) OHC 8:2
difficulty of, Christ experienced greater, than you OHC 59:3
direction for, when knowing God is our first business 1MCP 358:4
downward, flowers at gate of RY 154:4
dreary, bright way when motive is to exalt Christ TMK 176:4
making void the law of God FW 46:0
those seeking, to meet with disappointment UL 139:6
error of, leave, and obey God; Christ left heaven for us TDG 162:3
evidence of right, is often difficulties and darkness TDG 212:2
evil, one step to begin walking in TSB 150:1
church members to guard against leading into UL 274:3
leading into TDG 193:5
made through unsanctified desires UL 310:6
truth held by those who do not make TDG 311:4
feet long in, leading to perdition; not overcoming TSB 63:3
following in,
for the ransomed of the Lord HP 142:3
strange, God accepts repentance for TDG 255:2
forbidden, colleges of the land offer, but can be safe 3SM 231:1
God will make, as you (Edson) surrender your will TDG 323:6
Holy Spirit always leads in right TDG 281:3
inquire for God’s; keep Christ in view TDG 96:5
Kellogg, J. H., warned to consider his UL 119:3
kept in, by prayer and study LHU 237:2
knowing right,
no one can tell (Edson); God needed TDG 184:2
trust God to help in; (course) TDG 82:4
leaving, which God has chosen causes suffering TMK 248:5
light of heaven shines on, where victorious ones walk TMK 239:5
light with Christ although it may seem dark HP 275:5
make straight UL 275:3
Christ leads us in LHU 106:6; RC 114:5
determination to follow Christ in TMK 41:6
illuminated by truth 1MCP 140:4
Man of sorrows has opened TMK 303:2
obstacles and temptations in OHC 8:4
safety along, with Christ as guide TMK 253:3
self-denial at every step in Mar 110:2
selfishness etc. laid aside in following OHC 8:2
teach others to follow, to the holy city TDG 108:5
unacceptable to many professing godliness TDG 155:5
using our talents to help one another in OHC 182:2
walking in, required to share heaven with Christ TMK 254:3
widens after passing through the strait gate TMK 304:4
Word of God has not widened OHC 288:5
See also Holiness, way of
neglecting duties in, by moaning over what can’t be changed TDG 233:3
opened as you do what you can; endeavor to win souls TDG 155:2
angel seen by Ellen White often at side of one choosing TDG 188:2
bitterness in judgment of one following LYL 68:2
call to come into line with others after following TDG 35:4
clinging to, transformed instead of 2MCP 600:3
conscience seared by, but God in heart means tenderness PM 131:1
cooperation refused by one demanding 3SM 334:1
danger of choosing; influence of evil associates LYL 25:4
darkest hour of life FW 46:0
desire for, when feeling left out RY 75:2
difficulties from choosing LYL 44:1
experiencing results of TSB 63:1
happiness does not come from following OHC 29:2
independent from believers CET 201:1
leads to,
complaint of galling yoke TMK 121:3
sorrow and destruction TDG 35:5
not desirable HP 270:2
persistence in, with others TDG 225:4
pursuing; Satan wants victory TSB 59:3
result of persisting in having HP 228:5
Satan controls those exalting, until under his spell PM 175:1
seeking, at the expense of others TDG 192:7
seems wise when following selfish motives UL 310:6
stubbornness of a man determined to have 2MCP 725:1
students cannot have, in learning 3SM 225:4
study to have God’s way, not TMK 249:5
tired of beating air after following LYL 42:3
to be overcome HP 147:4
workers will not want, when having spirit of Jesus 2MCP 428:1
working in, at cross purposes with God TDG 65:4
youth to trust God instead of following TMK 251:4
See also Selfishness; Will, own
plain by earnestly seeking God HP 328:4
reproof of, by God for one not improving capabilities TDG 16:5
right, Christ alone can place us on TMK 67:3
safe, wisdom needed to choose, because it is right TMK 251:3
shadow of Satan on, cleaved by prayer at Christ’s baptism 1MCP 185:1
slipping in apparently safe, if walking alone HP 258:6
smooth, Ellen White did not ask for, but for increase in faith TMK 170:3
smoothness of, waiting for NL 35:1
stay on, even in appearance; be immovable TSB 48:4
strait, all are to make; be one with Christ TDG 74:4
truth and life—all essential, and all in Christ OHC 16:4
upward, opened through Bible study FLB 20:8
Word of God guides HP 132:4
wrong, God arranges circumstances to turn us from HP 265:3
See also Behavior; Will
Waymark, Waymarks
Waymark, Waymarks, great, guard carefully 2SM 101
making SDA what they are, preserve CW 52; 1SM 208; 2SM 110
of love and compassion, go through life leaving Ev 629
of truth, Satan seeks to tear down GW 103
passed by SDA are immovable Ev 223; LS 278
set up by God in dealings with Israel 6T 364
showing SDA bearings, do not root up 3T 440
in prophetic history 2SM 101
See Signs
Wayside hearers
Wayside hearers COL 43-6
Waywardness, children’s, many parents responsible for AH 187
years of, jeopardizing influence LYL 42:1
Wayward soul, Wayward souls
Wayward soul, Wayward souls, confessions of, Christ waits with pitying tenderness to hear GW 210
pitied and loved by Christ ML 300
Weaker, every generation of human family has been growing 1T 304
Weakest believer, Weakest believers
Weakest believer, Weakest believers, bound by chain of sympathy to Christ’s heart TM 19
persons who think themselves strongest will prove to be DA 414
relying on Christ, can repulse Satan successfully MYP 51; 1T 341
Weakest point, Weakest points
Weakest point, Weakest points, guard your, by watchfulness and prayer GW 126
minister’s, can become his strongest points GW 126; MM 41; 2T 511
See also Weak point
Weakest saint, Weakest saints
Weakest saint, Weakest saints, crown of glory may be worn by AA 313
Satan and his hosts cannot destroy PK 513
who is more than match for Satan 5T 293
Weakest soul
Weakest soul, that is more than match for Satan GC 530
Weakling, Weaklings
Weakling, Weaklings, accepting erroneous theories as truth CW 48
religious, church members looked after and labored for become 7T 18
this is no time for God’s people to be 2SM 141, 383; 8T 42
Weak-minded people
Weak-minded people, argument that only, keep seventh day as Sabbath Ev 240
Weak-minded person, Weak-minded persons
Weak-minded person, Weak-minded persons, consecration to God’s service does not make MYP 190
Greeks regarded Paul as AA 245
world is full of CD 165
Weakness, Weaknesses
Weakness, Weaknesses, another person’s: love should fill our hearts with sorrow over 5T 169
show sweet compassion of Christ toward 5T 246-7
taking advantage of, God’s law forbids PP 309
children’s, is result of bad habits in most cases 4T 96-7
Christ connects man’s, with source of infinite power PP 184
Christ pities our 3T 516
church’s great, depending on men has been 6T 249-50
common to humanity, John had GW 55-6
constantly brooding over your, warning against 5T 741
Daniel overwhelmed with sense of his, when he beheld glory of heavenly messenger SC 29
discord results in 2SM 374; 5T 488
division results in SD 286; 2SM 374; 5T 236, 488
do not look to your, when temptation assails you DA 123
do not talk of your COL 363; MYP 105
flee to Christ in your 2T 93
God brings us near to Him to show us our AA 574
God invites us to take our, to His strength MB 84-5
God knows our 3T 293
better than we do AA 524
God makes men strong while uniting their, with His might PP 553
God permits enemy to attack some souls that they may understand their own SD 73
God pities our 5T 96
God will leave us to our own, if we hide our light 5T 527
gospel workers should overcome their MH 498
greatest strength is realized when we acknowledge our 5T 70
human: Christ did not censure DA 353; GW 117
must be united to divine strength in overcoming sin MYP 114; GC 470; SL 93
no, for which God has not provided remedy MH 249
some people mistaken in their estimate of 5T 478
human strength is 5T 158
humanity’s, how Satan takes advantage of DA 120-1
indecision and, encourage Satan’s assaults 5T 104
inherited, Rehoboam little by little gave way to PK 93
Jacob’s, made his strength by wrestling with God PP 198
lack of firmness of character is, that must be overcome 5T 297
lay hold of infinite strength in your MH 513
lean upon Mighty One in your, for support 2T 228
man can show no greater, than to allow men to ascribe to him honor for Heaven-bestowed gifts PK 68
man’s, Christ did not censure SC 12
men go from weakness to, unless they become Christians indeed 5T 93
manifested by many who should stand firm for righteousness and truth 5T 104
no, of faith in person constantly advancing 6T 73
nothing seen in ourselves to recommend us to God but our MB 115
of God’s people, sin of exposing 2T 106
person who feels his, feels need of strength from above 3T 321-2
physical, ministers’ lack of physical exercise causes 3T 310
professing truth but not practicing it results in 4T 613-4
provokes assaults of Satan 5T 264
realization of our, should teach us to depend on power not inherent DA 493
repentant sinner’s sense of his own SC 28-30
Satan knows your, cling to Christ because PK 175
Satan studies our, in order to ensnare us 5T 97-8
Satan takes advantage of men’s 2T 675
Satan taunts angels with our 2T 106
seek to overcome all 5T 597
sense of our, should lead us with humility to plead Christ’s atoning sacrifice 5T 200
sin of, in time of crisis PK 458
sinner’s, Christ’s pity for DA 462; MH 26, 89
souls who feel their, Christ will strengthen and build up 2T 99
spiritual, many youth show deplorable 3T 379
unwillingness to bear burdens when and where one can help most results in 5T 114
supplement your, with Christ’s strength 4T 362
tears are not always evidence of 3T 459
time of greatest, Christ was assailed by fiercest temptations in DA 120
Satan assails soul with fiercest temptations at PK 173
unbelief results in COL 145
unconsecrated professors of religion are one of most serious causes of, in church MYP 357
unite your, to Christ’s strength GC 623; SC 70; 3T 472; 4T 16
what account can you render to God for your? TM 452
when God can use you despite your 8T 33-4
EGW’s prayer in her, during last illness LS 444-5
worrying about self encourages 5T 315
you may come to Christ in your, for help SC 52
See also Debility; Feebleness; Frailty
Weakness, Weaknesses (physical and other types)
(physical and other types)
advantage (financial) taken of TDG 337:3
avoided by obeying laws of health; feebleness HP 191:5
blood poverty rather than disease caused, for Brother John RY 128:1
grace not powerless against TDG 177:5
honest person will never take financial advantage of 2MCP 438:2
lack of exercise causes 2MCP 509:1
not evidence that God is not working for you TMK 285:5
privilege to rest in faith during suffering and 2MCP 512:5
purification from everything that brings TMK 115:5
some feel entitled to fret because of TDG 177:4
unnatural appetites indulged cause TMK 315:3
See also Sickness; Struggles
Weakness, Weaknesses (spiritual)
above human, when having Christ-like love 2MCP 607:0
admission of,
but subjects handled are great TDG 217:4
with determination to become complete in Christ HP 276:5
armed in, with might for victory HP 339:5
ascertain personal, and seek God’s grace HP 97:5
attacks of Satan provoked by OHC 279:4
look at Christ rather than AG 259:2
sing and talk of God instead of UL 132:5
chain of sympathy binds ones with, to Christ’s heart HP 284:3
children and youth have; Jesus understands and helps OHC 264:4
assists those with UL 296:4
can heal UL 141:3
can supply every need of our HP 50:2
failure to look at, brings AG 259:2
is acquainted with, of human nature OHC 337:4
is near whatever be your RC 356:5
sympathy of, never became HP 54:4
church members supply strength for, of other members 3SM 16
claim Christ’s power for your OHC 41:3
come to Christ despite,
in repentance daily feeling it FW 86:0
just as you are TMK 56:4
companionship of Christ offered to those who bring TMK 320:3
confess, claiming God’s strength in bereavement TDG 34:4
conscious, strength in OHC 82:5
conversion joins, to God’s strength HP 248:3
crises reveal, and need for God’s strength 2MCP 454:2
depending on God because of our TMK 304:3
disbelief in promises leaves souls in 2MCP 765:1
disobedience brings CC 20:4
doubt from, removed in one reaching to God TMK 262:4
Ellen White pled, and asked for God’s strength TMK 266:3
envy, etc. brings, to the church TMK 153:4
excusing evil habits because of TMK 247:2
experience in, sympathy to others by your OHC 184:4
experience with God needed to avoid TMK 332:4
feeling of,
brings blessing of the Holy Spirit UL 46:5
by those constantly learning of Christ UL 186:4
by those living closest to God FW 44:0
needed to reach up for help UL 27:5
privilege; claim God’s help TDG 209:3
bears patiently with; He forgives and heals them TDG 88:3
calls for people who cherish a sense of HP 314:4
does not expose our; avoid condemning ones in error AG 65:4; HP 291:3
has special care for ones with; (plants) AG 65:4
pities, and gives strength TDG 44:6; HP 71:2
work of,
by Ellen White showed what He can do through 3SM 77:0
strength perfected in UL 343:2
grace of God helps; Jesus guides steps 2MCP 451:3
one with, given strength by grace Mar 85:6
shown by leaving God out UL 81:5
guilty of, not taking truth into life TSB 91:1
help promised for, in conflict with evil UL 82:4
Christ conquered the foe because He pitied our TMK 269:4
Christ knew, and needed strength from the Father TMK 240
in prayer helped by inclusive prayer of Jesus TMK 261:4
imagining, glorifies Satan OHC 41:3
increases after sin; case of David TSB 174:3
learn to suffer and be strong not sinking into OHC 327:3
lost sight of by saying “I am saved” FLB 336:2
moral, from neglecting daily Bible study UL 138:4
Moses learned about, for 40 years SW 23:2
natural, power of, lost for those seeking heaven HP 95:5
neglecting Bread from heaven causes TMK 106:2
not pleasing to God UL 99:4
of those who have had great light UL 181:4
overcoming by feeling, and laying hold on God LHU 150:4
own, not understood OHC 316:4
Paul realized,
in looking at the law LHU 40:2
who then can feel self-confident? TDG 277:3
people of God have apparent, but He lifts them TDG 352:7
Peter fell not knowing; (frailty) TDG 260:4
points of, made the strongest to avoid punishment TDG 91:4
possibilities in Word becoming flesh put, to shame TDG 373:4
realization of,
by sanctified ones RC 61:5
needed for connection to God UL 361:3
taking hold of God’s strength OHC 362:5; TMK 115:3
trusting a power higher than self TDG 259:4
while not shunning responsibility LHU 267:2
reason for RC 208:6
respect not gained by OHC 260:3
safety in remembering 2MCP 728:2
attacks points of, OHC 14:5
Christian should not have any OHC 307:4; TDG 259:5
has no power over those who realize, and trust God OHC 307:3
learns our, from our words and actions TMK 279:4
takes advantage of, to press temptations OHC 88:3
tempts by showing us our HP 256:3
understands points of; silent prayer LHU 341:2
seen better as knowledge of Christ increases TMK 62:2
souls in, rich promises in the Word of God for 3SM 325:4
standard to be grasped more firmly by those developing TMK 170:5
strength for,
accepted TDG 151:6
available HP 309:5
by grace of Christ TMK 241:4
in prayer for convinced one LHU 368:5
through prayer and effort 2MCP 454:2
when feeling it, by trusting God AG 260:2
talking of, not praiseworthy HP 122:3, 276:4; 2MCP 777:2
temptation in,
God still loves those who are overcome by TMK 285:3
Jesus will not forsake one overcome by TDG 63:2
understanding own, enabled Peter to help sinners LHU 225:7
uniting our, to Christ by faith TMK 96:3
victory through Christ realizing HP 252:4
wicked suffer, without grace from a higher power OHC 9:3
See also Defects; Dependence; Mistakes
Weak person, Weak persons
Weak person, Weak persons, Christ did not shun 2T 75
encouragement for MH 174-5
physically, change at once when you see that you are becoming CD 204
provide for and train 3T 566
science in dealing with MM 209
set to work, become strong 6T 49
who is made strong 2SM 167
Weak point,Weak points
Weak point,Weak points, Satan attacks men at their PP 421; 2T 511
which Satan assails again and again SD 142
See also Weakest point
Weak soul
Weak soul, do not leave, to struggle alone GW 336
Wealth (riches)
1. Spiritual
Christ gives, beyond all computation CS 84
Christ offers, beyond power of angels to describe 2T 40
enduring, how to secure CS 126
for eternity, how to amass Ed 141
heaven’s, opened to man through Christ DA 57
heavenly, alone are really ours MB 89
imperishable COL 374
God endows human beings with MH 37
mind and soul culture as GW 25; MYP 33
of eternity, Christ came to give to man CS 346
share with others your CS 346
that earthly disaster cannot destroy 2BC 1026; SD 188
true, accumulated by bestowing to bless others 3T 383
truest, found through God’s grace PK 60
See also Treasure
2. Temporal (accumulation of)
ability for, God gives 5T 481
talent that is precious when consecrated to God CS 138
ambition for, warning against 1T 476
anxiety for, results of 3T 403
by hoarding brings retribution 2T 682
by neglecting wants of the needy brings retribution 2T 682
by overreaching in trade brings retribution 2T 682
continued, by one class results in poverty of another PP 534
danger of becoming absorbed in 5T 258-9
dangers attending 3T 113
desire for: deceitfulness of 1T 477
grasping, leads to idolatry 3T 403
is golden chain binding many to Satan SC 44
is sinful when men forget God 2SM 429
leads to intemperance in work 2SM 429
original affection of man’s nature CS 148
efforts for: health sacrificed in 1T 478
madness of men in 1T 351; 3T 402-3
risks and sacrifices men make in CS 90; 1T 541-2; 3T 479, 481
every species of dishonesty practiced in CS 137
for selfish use is dangerous 3T 399
God gives men power for COL 351; CS 138; Ed 138; MH 212; 6T 452
great, God’s plan to hinder Ed 44
principles that would hinder PP 536
haste in, contradicts faith and doctrines CS 231-2
head and hands constantly occupied in CS 20
honest, Bible condemns no man for 6T 452-3
how God is forgotten in 4T 82
in last days 9T 12-4
infatuating prospects of 3T 479
living solely for, folly of Te 140
madness for, injustices committed in 1T 351
man whose anxiety was 1T 698
mania for, evils and dangers attending 1T 350-2
passion for, can steadily increase until it overrules principle 5T 280
persons whose benevolence does not keep pace with 3T 403
robbing both God and man in COL 302
Satan engrosses minds in CS 218-9
Satan has more to do with, than God does 2SG 247
Scriptures do not declare that, is sin CS 138
that is not sin 6T 452-3
time worse than lost in FE 69
3. Temporal (classes of)
accumulated, God is not in all 2SG 247
will be reduced to nothingness Ev 27
acquired in God’s providence, no sin in possessing 1T 169
as curse 1T 536
competing with immortal treasure is dangerous CS 138
earthly, obey God’s word at whatever cost to your CH 589
gained by degrading human beings, God’s opinion of MH 341
given by God: man’s duty re CS 78
should make man humble 1T 170
to adorn Christ’s gospel CS 27
to prove, test, and develop character 3T 154, 403; 5T 261
to relieve and comfort His suffering children DA 639
greatest accumulated, smallest sin cannot be covered before God by 1T 537
hoarded: is curse COL 352; CS 157
worthless in judgment day COL 372
hoarded for self cannot be taken to heaven COL 266
hoarded in bank stock CS 38
in England, means greatness and power Ev 417
increased by God’s blessing, brings increased obligations CS 139; 1T 170
inherited, more often a snare than blessing 3T 122
laid up by parents that injures children 2T 240
lifetime’s accumulated, may be destroyed in few hours CS 212-3
obtained by: crime during Dark Ages SR 334
dishonesty 1T 539
every species of robbery 6T 15
fraud today PK 650
oppressing hireling in his wages 2SG 247
oppression of widows and orphans brings retribution 2T 682
overreaching 1T 539
unjust dealing brings retribution 2T 682
of all ages, treasure more precious to child than PK 245
offered by Satan, Christ preferred poverty to 1T 286
purchased at loss of vigor of health CD 20; 3T 150
regarded as: blessing CG 342; 2T 529
means of glorifying self MH 212; 9T 90
retained covetously because agreeable to do so 2T 432
rich man’s, poor people in danger of coveting 1T 481
that cannot command true respect and admiration SD 132
that moth devours and rust corrupts will be swept away COL 374
that will not ensnare CS 158
transient and unsatisfying 3T 549
used rightly: blessing of CS 22
source of continual gratitude 4T 620
will accomplish great good COL 373
world’s: as unrighteous mammon 2SG 268
belongs to God ChS 168
Christ’s unsearchable riches are thousandfold more valuable than SL 17
not sufficient to redeem one perishing soul 2T 212
one soul saved is of more value than LS 206
things more valuable than all 2T 576, 600
will not avail in day of wrath CS 225
worldly: be especially guarded on love of 3T 478
Gehazi coveted base alloy of PK 250
meek and quiet spirit of more value than 3T 154
not essential in order to work for God 7T 144
used by Satan to allure and deceive CS 209-10, 214
4. Temporal (miscellaneous)
abundant in Sodom PP 156
appearance of, never think it necessary to give 7T 93
not essential to advance God’s work 7T 143
aristocracy of, Christ ignored MH 197
attendant temptations brought to Solomon by PK 54-5
avaricious greed for, bewitching influence of CS 142
belongs to God 3T 549
Bible religion ignores 9T 223
boasters of, persons more precious in God’s sight than 2T 682
bond of union with Christ cannot be formed by 5T 48-9
brings no relief in man’s greatest distress 3T 549
cannot take place of moral qualities 2BC 1031
career promising, may have to be abandoned to serve God PP 126-7
centralization of, danger in Ed 228
character approved of God and man should be preferred to 3BC 1158; SD 111
Christ’s disciples were without AA 77
Christ’s regard for 1SM 260
clear conscience and right esteemed of greater value than 1T 537-8
corruptive influence of 4T 138
coveting, warning against 1T 542
danger of 2T 229-32
that threaten the soul PP 746
to avaricious man CS 211; 4T 50
to humility and spirituality PK 59
deathbed assurance and peace cannot be secured by 5T 352
deceitfulness of 2SG 267; 2T 268-88
corrupts soul 2T 227
few persons realize 2T 183
leads men to flatter themselves 3T 113
many thousands ruined by 4T 468
perverts judgment 2T 658
poor woman ensnared by 2T 276-83
woman to whom God revealed 2T 278
deep sense of need that cannot be supplied by Ev 552
Demas forsook Christ for AA 455
desirable only for supplying present wants and doing good to others 3T 122
destructive influence of 4T 138
do not despise CS 133
do not secure, by conformity to world AA 331
Elisha’s home surroundings were those of SD 93
evils that accompany PK 306
fashionable idea re, that work is degrading CT 279
fears of coming to want increase with CS 150
fraudulent transactions used to add to TM 457
gift of, obligation that accompanies Ed 138
God does not estimate men’s value by their MH 477
God has not promised, to persons in His service 5T 42
God has provided people with 5T 736
God is giver of 1T 536
God is not in all, that men obtain 1T 175
God’s favor cannot be gained by AA 424
God’s plan for proper use of 1T 172
God’s signet is not placed on men according to their DA 437
great object of worldly men’s ambition 2SM 138
great responsibilities brought by 2T 682
greatest victories are not gained by PP 203
greed for, eclipses glory of eternal world 4T 552
happiness cannot be obtained by 2T 305; 4T 125
if health is lacking CD 20
heart cannot be satisfied by DA 454
hoarding of 2T 682
in expensive mansions CS 38
sinful and awful AH 398
that results in curse to children AH 398
homage to, foreign to Christ MH 31
hope of attaining, Christ does not present to man MB 29
how, can prove a blessing 6T 453
increase of, love for God decreases with 3T 479
resulting in less done for others 2SG 267
increasing passion for, affections are bound up with 3T 403
inheritance of, healthy body is worth more to youth than MH 366
inordinate desire for, health shattered by Te 140
insane desire for, intoxicates many people 3T 398
insane love for, warning against CS 214; 3T 479
is gift from God FE 464; 3T 549
is power 2T 682
Joseph of Arimathea used his, to protect Christ’s disciples AA 104
lay treasures of, as willing offering at Christ’s feet 5T 736
love of: as idol 2SG 241
bewitching power of 3T 478
can be cultivated till it absorbs powers of mind and being 4T 44
cannot dwell with love of Christ in heart 1T 173
Christ knew the danger of WM 172
deceitfulness of 3T 479-80
deceptive power of 3T 479-80
depraves and paralyzes the noble and godlike in man 2T 682
few persons realize strength of their 2T 680
infatuating and deceptive power of COL 52
love of Christ and, cannot dwell in same heart 2SG 243; 1T 173
love of God far surpasses 1T 173
makes men selfish, exacting, overbearing CS 151; 2T 682
many people brought to destruction by MH 211-2; 6T 256
must be overcome 2T 681-2
power of, over human mind is almost paralyzing 2T 680
ruinous to many souls WM 172-3
Satan secures man’s worship through 3T 479-80
truth crowds, out of heart CS 157; 1T 173
man cannot be: delivered from results of sin by AA 424
recommended to God by his 1T 540
man cannot take to heaven smallest portion of CS 212-3
men made selfish by 3T 548
men must not be judged or valued by their 1T 540
men who love, more than God 2SG 242
many people seek TM 457
may be used to: advance God’s cause 2T 668
relieve wants of widows and orphans 2T 668
misuse of 1T 351
rich man is condemned for COL 266
warnings against 1T 169
must be: imparted and not hoarded AH 398
secondary to truth 2SM 370
used properly 2SG 242
must be used to: advance God’s cause 2SG 242
bless the needy 2SG 242
Nabal used his, to indulge and glorify himself 2BC 1021-2
need of distributing, to bless the needy and advance God’s work 1T 172
never can save a soul from death DA 43
never make a god of 5T 261
never use, in selfish way CS 133
Nicodemus used his, to advance God’s cause AA 105
to protect Christ’s disciples AA 104
no amount of, can cover man’s smallest sin before God CS 153; 1T 537
no degree of, will secure God’s favor 3T 154
no influence in, to secure God’s favor 1T 540
no relief brought by, in man’s greatest distress 3T 549
no title given by, to inheritance of saints COL 394
not accepted as ransom for transgressor CS 153
not essential to advance God’s work MH 36
not one dollar of, can be taken with you at death Te 140
is yours 3T 549
not to be used as men shall fancy CS 133
one of world’s gods PK 177
only true use for 1T 542
peace and hope cannot be bought by 2T 576
people deprived of, to test them 5T 261
people who glory in 8T 127
people who love, more than they love God 2T 680
people who seek to make a heaven for themselves by PP 124
people whose aim is COL 302
perplexities caused by 2T 652
persons grasping for CS 231-5
persons greatly desiring, ruined by their possession CS 178
persons in whom passion for, had no room to strengthen SD 275
persons placing wrong estimate on, warning to 1T 540
persons to whom, is blessing MH 212
would become a cause of stumbling 1T 169
possession of: brings peculiar temptations CS 139
increased responsibility comes with CS 139; 1T 170
ruling passion of selfish nature revealed with CS 139
true happiness does not consist in SD 153
power for good or evil 4T 620
power of, tends to corrupt and destroy 2T 135
power to grasp, that is gratified CS 84
present value of, in light of eternity 1SM 259
professed Christians who make any sacrifice to gain CS 213; 3T 478-9
provision for, in God’s promise of grace MB 99
purest joy is not found in 3T 382
pursuit of, persons bewildered in 5T 261
persons insane in 5T 261
regard, as entrusted talent COL 52; CS 133
reprieve from guilt of sin cannot be purchased by COL 258
responsibility of rich people to use, rightly CS 133
rich man is not made more valuable by, than a poor man WM 171
rich men cannot keep, and enter heaven 2SG 242
safeguards against extremes of want and, in ancient Israel Ed 43; MH 185
Satan offers to men, for their homage DA 130
Satan promises, as reward for following his business methods CS 144
Satan uses: in playing game of life for man’s soul COL 55
in tempting God’s people 1T 142
to lure souls from Christ CS 213-4
security in, many people think to find SD 247
selfish use of, proves owner unfaithful to God 6T 391
SDA become more selfish as they increase in 2T 24
SDA work does not require MH 355
sought as highest good in Christ’s time Ed 75
soul cannot be satisfied by 6BC 1061; MH 210
souls of men are to be accounted of higher value than AA 71
steppingstone to, Balaam hoped to make God’s service PP 452
strength of 2T 680-1
talent of, duty of possessor of WM 15
given to man for wise improvement CT 513; FE 48; MYP 170
temptations of, many led astray by 2BC 1014
treasures of, given by God to men to test them PP 753
true generosity too frequently destroyed by 1T 482
true gospel workers will not be bribed by LS 302
valuable when used for good of others and for God’s glory 5T 261
value of, small when compared to soul for whom Christ died 2T 246
wealthy people too often forget that God gives power to get COL 52
wealthy persons warned against selfishly retaining 2T 683
will be employed in persecuting Sabbathkeepers PK 605-6
will not alter any man’s case in day of reckoning CS 162
wrong use of, warning against 6T 452
young man who chose, in preference to Christ COL 393
See also Mammon
ability to acquire, given to some more than to others OHC 194:4, 200:5
acquiring, neglecting salvation TMK 91:4
admittance to Christ’s kingdom not determined by AG 52:2
affections transferred from, to God; then money used right HP 301:3
blessing if rightly used OHC 189:4
blessings of God not given to bring FW 22:2
called “unrighteous mammon,” reason why UL 29:3
character not obtained by HP 47:3
choice between loving, and Christ proves souls HP 301:2
became poor that He might give us His HP 43:4
can set circumstances to sweep away or to provide HP 302:2
chose poverty over TMK 43:5
did not seek fame or His own pleasure or TMK 155:4
had union of poverty and RC 35:5
is the unsearchable TMK 58:5
owns, placed in your hands for His service RC 269:2
parted with TMK 83:4
poverty of, brings; in service and sacrifice HP 303:4
would be accepted gladly by coming with OHC 288:3
danger of, pointed out by Christ OHC 193:2
desire for,
(excessive) conquered by treasure in heaven OHC 195:2
is idolatry; (avarice) OHC 180:3
insignificant; joy unspeakable is offered LHU 376:4
no security in UL 355:5
entrusted talent OHC 118:2
contemplating, binds affections above OHC 340:3
God withholds nothing that secures TDG 162:6
not for those with their hearts on HP 301:2
possible by poverty of Christ TDG 242:5
father’s influence cut off through seeking RC 174:6
given to hold in trust UL 113:4
God gives,
greater, than worldly treasure HP 302:2
to test people RC 227:6
plan for, to bless the needy and advance His work HP 301:2
signet not granted by OHC 180:3
voice warns against accumulating TDG 30:3
greatest danger in gaining; (fortune) HP 243:3
Holy Spirit does not consider, when petition is brought RC 285:4
infinite (eternal life), on simple conditions 3SM 150:4
interest in quick, brings dissatisfaction TDG 280:5
interpreted as gift of prosperity OHC 189:3
judgment not affected by FLB 207:6
kindness not to be based on HP 287:4
lent from God to use in His service OHC 189:4
life’s best things not dependent on TMK 85:4
loss of,
Creator can repay faithful servants for OHC 193:6
possible in this world, or in both worlds OHC 195:4
love of, snare to those naturally selfish or covetous OHC 189:3
Paul turned from, to connect with Christ’s people OHC 363:2
plans to gain, center anxiety and interest on world TMK 223:3
poor people may have HP 367:3
poverty relieved by those with RC 227:3
principle as well as interest of, demanded by God’s cause RC 269:3
purpose in, not to be our trust, god or saviour RC 269:2
redeemed have, that the world cannot give OHC 39:4
Satan offers, on condition of yielding integrity OHC 153:3
Satan uses, to make broad road attractive Con 87:1
snare for many as zeal for truth is lost TDG 349:2
soul more valuable than all TDG 271:2
source of, created by God OHC 194:5
possible for all in evil world LHU 229:8
seen as advantageous; body full of light 1MCP 69:4
stewardship required of those with TMK 221:5
swept away by lava flows; gotten from underpaying workers 3SM 391:6
talent for, to be exercised for God OHC 194:4
temporal and eternal, lost by those not rich toward God OHC 195:4
temptation of OHC 93:3
temptation to be covetous and selfish opened by UL 113:2
transferring, to treasury in heaven OHC 195:3
genuine faith and love HP 173:5
missed by those seeking earthly treasure UL 355
understanding given those who are denied request for UL 369:3
used to get more wealth UL 113:2
value of,
(eternal) contrasted with earthly treasures OHC 195:2
from God Mar 349:2
work seen as degrading following in the train of; a curse TDG 133:5
working for, forgetting claims of God RY 95:3
worldly, life spent to gain, is poor investment TDG 152:5
See also Abundance; Income; Money; Prosperity; Treasure