EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)



Ukiah, Calif. - Unfortunate person, Unfortunate persons

Ukiah, Calif.

Ukiah, Calif. 1883 LS 267

Ulai River

Ulai River, great river of Shinar 4BC 1166; TM 113

Ulceby, Eng.

Ulceby, Eng. Ev 417

Ulcer, Ulcers

Ulcer, Ulcers, calomel causes 2SM 449

poisonous drugs cause 4aSG 135; 2SM 452

poisonous medical preparations cause 4aSG 139

Ulysses, Pa.

Ulysses, Pa. 1T 164


Unappreciated, persons whose efforts seem MH 472-3

Unapproachable people

Unapproachable people Ev 464


Unbelief, acts as canker 5T 96

among Christ’s apostles DA 380

among God’s people, Satan seeks to arouse PP 423

there are causes for 3T 381

another person’s, individual judgment should not be sacrificed to GC 597

antediluvian, did not hinder coming of event predicted by Noah GC 338

atmosphere of: danger of breathing 5T 288

is heavy and oppressive FE 457

parental influence counteracted by PP 169

persons who will be left in cold 4T 233; 5T 675-6

rise above chilling CSW 62

what happens when a person voluntarily places himself in PP 169

apostles determined to atone for, by bravely confessing Christ before world AA 36

baleful influence of, on minds and hearts PK 170

battle between faith and, in every soul SD 328

bears downward always to darkness and death 1T 144

bewilders and bewitches mind 1SM 46

bigotry and, leprosy and palsy not so terrible as DA 271

bondage of, chains soul 4T 213

times when many people are brought into PK 162

breath of, is contagious 2SM 166-7

Cain’s, re plan of salvation SR 52-3

caution that savors of AH 394

cherishing: danger of 1T 430

no one excused in judgment for FE 251

people may become unhappy by 6BC 1080

peril of 2T 640

results of DA 241; TM 290, 410

Christ could not do mighty works in some places because of DA 825

Christ denounced SC 12

fearlessly DA 353

Christ dishonored by 1SM 351; 8T 67

Christ never praised 4T 233

Christians constantly surrounded by CT 136

church leaders warned against TM 461

church separated from Christ by DA 825

churches kept in feebleness by GW 304

close door to 5T 572

confidence in Spirit’s work undermined by 5T 295

conquer inclination to express, in Christ TM 516

controversy seldom overcomes DA 808

creeps in: and fastens grasp upon minds 4T 203

as result of doubts 4T 147

criminal: among SDA LS 213

an “if” that showed SR 132-3

Israel’s PP 298; 3SG 250; SR 127

cruel, that dishonors God 1T 544

current of, how to press your way up against WM 316

danger of falling because of 8T 134

dark, close your mind to 3T 226

dark dungeon of, be lifted out of and away from TM 516

dark mountains of, some people have stumbled on 5T 349

David’s, God dishonored by PP 672-3

deed that would confirm any man in, do no 6T 122

demanding perfect knowledge will never yield to evidence God gives 3T 258

deterrent to, affliction used by God as 4T 83

disappointment often leads to AA 265

do not give place to 5T 632

do not let, come in MM 335

do not let cold, hold your soul away from God 5T 590

do not make God ashamed of you because of 6T 472

do not pain Christ’s heart by 5T 317

do not shrink from maintaining truth in midst of 5T 183

do not utter one word of ChS 136; 9T 167

door of good closed by, to many lepers in Christ’s time PK 253

evidence of faithfulness of God’s promises should check 6T 473-4

evil heart of: beware of 5T 234, 674

holy plans and consecrated effort thwarted by 6T 420

Israelites seemed to possess 3SG 249

expression of, injures both speaker and others ML 14

restrain your 6T 462

facts are not changed by 5T 66

fear in time of danger that revealed DA 336

fears and conjectures as cause of 7T 211

feelings of, results of cherishing 3T 313

fetters of, people who help to forge TM 281

finds excuse for doubt DA 386

fine art of 4BC 1170; 2SM 147

first generation of Israel perished in wilderness because of PP 417-8

forms of, are varied 6BC 1080

give no place to 5T 266

giving expressions to: results of openly GC 526

terrible results of SC 119

warning against 7T 183

gloomy shadow cast by PP 388

God cannot do for His people many mighty works because of their CT 374

God never honors CSW 26

God does not compel men to give up 1BC 1120; DA 458

God would not have His people live in 1T 405

God’s love changes, into faith MB 77

God’s people kept in this world so many years because of Ev 696; 1SM 69

God’s people too often grieve Christ by ML 12

God’s rebuke upon His people for their 5T 190

God’s work for Israel limited by their 4T 149

gospel worker made hesitating and halting by 3T 498

habit of careless and irreverent criticism fosters DA 323

harvest of, one tiny seed sown in schools produces 7BC 916

sowing seeds of doubt produces Ev 633

heart hardened by DA 407

hearts filled with, when thoughts are engrossed with troubles and trifles of earth CT 234

how some people become confirmed in DA 808

how to keep Satan from binding your soul in 5T 573

how to meet 5BC 1151

in all ranks of society 5T 79

indulged, presence of devils encouraged by 1SM 122

indulging in, angels driven away by 1T 428

devils attracted by 1T 428

influence of 5T 285-9

is not humility DA 535

Israel could not subdue her enemies because of PP 391

Israel failed to become light of world because of PP 476

Israel kept out of Canaan by PP 423

Israel led to hide their light because of PP 370

Israel limited God’s power by PP 388

Israel separated from God by GC 458

Israel sought by, to test God DA 126

Israel unprepared to enter Canaan because of PP 464

Israel’s 8T 119

at Kadesh PP 413-4

at Red Sea SR 122-3

illustrates that of God’s people today SR 128

insulted God 4T 162

on meeting difficulties SR 126-8

Israelite minds blinded by GC 24

Jewish nation controlled by, in Christ’s time DA 241

judgment perverted by 4T 147

King Saul’s, at Gilgal PP 617

leaders warned against, under great provocation PP 420

leaven of, that is curse 3T 313

leprosy not so terrible as DA 271

leprosy of, Christian service made weak and inefficient by 8T 46

let no word of, escape your lips TM 391

like pall of death, surrounding churches ChS 37

likened to leaven 5T 68

line of, in communication with God’s church 5T 295

stretches across continent 5T 295

Lot’s, resulted in loss of his wife 4T 111

make it a rule not to talk 3T 96-7

malaria of, diffusing its deathly atmosphere TM 342

malice bred by DA 239

man’s course of, arrested by sickness 4T 217

men made ignorant by, of their true condition 5T 674

men strengthen themselves in, each time they refuse to listen to message of mercy COL 237

manifest, doubt that is CT 511

means failure Ed 151

meshes of, Satan uses sophistry to entangle men in 4T 585

midnight of, men in 1T 431

ministers should put away all 2T 516

ministers warned against toying with 2T 513

mire of, Christ did not allow Satan to pull Him into 7BC 927

mists of, God will lead His people above LS 319-20; TM 460

more bold and defiant as intellectual knowledge and acuteness are acquired 5T 528

Moses met, with patience PP 384

must be overcome 5T 474

nature of, is to make itself felt and heard TM 290

never talk CT 360; FE 436

because appearances are against you 7T 244

no encouragement given for 7BC 928

no greater sin than ML 14

now is no time to yield to 5T 754

nursery lessons teaching 5T 79

occasion for, God does not propose to remove all 3T 255

of Christ’s time prevails today TM 109

of persons who ought to have faith, churches kept in feebleness by CW 38

palsy not so terrible as DA 271

parent of, Satan is 1BC 1087

path that leads to 4T 231

Paul was honest in his, before conversion 6BC 1057

people blinded by their own 3T 441

people kept from accepting Christ because of COL 341

people of Nazareth controlled by DA 241

people who cast, by a partially expressed sentiment TM 291

persistent controversy puts, on self-defense and seldom weakens it 5BC 1151

person in state of 5T 629

person who follows path of duty will sometimes be assailed by PP 437

person yielding his powers to, led by Satan to do his work 5T 288

persons who do not walk circumspectly cherish 1SM 45

pitfalls of, danger of stumbling into 1SM 169

positive, suggestions that lead to 4T 207

power to satisfy demands of, Christ does not impart DA 407

prevailing, among God’s people 2T 196

believers in Noah’s message overcome by PP 95

professed Christians who manifest, re Christ’s transforming power COL 99-100

professed Christians who sow 4BC 1142

querulous, put away CM 47

questioning, Jewish nobleman’s DA 198

persons who love to dwell in atmosphere of 4T 232

re God’s word, He will never remove all GC 527

in all ranks of society 5T 79

re God’s work, danger in giving place to 3T 328; 5T 672

re second advent, Christ foretold GC 338

re Testimonies: God does not propose to remove all occasion for 3T 255; 5T 675

results of admitting 1SM 46

shuts away light from God’s people 5T 674

re your personal salvation reflects against God’s character 5T 631

reasons away most positive proof DA 386

refuse to think or talk 8T 53

repress and do not cultivate 4T 245

results of 4T 233-4

in Israel’s history Ed 45

Sanhedrin controlled by DA 241

sanitarium workers must constantly guard against 7T 71

Satan constantly encourages 5T 286

Satan exults when he can lead men into SC 116

Satan insinuates COL 44-5

Satan whispers, to persons under trial PP 151

Satan will stir up 3T 343

Satan’s falsehood seconded by SC 116

seed(s) of: beware how you sow CT 402

once sown is not readily rooted up 1T 429-30

sown by Pharaoh produced harvest of its kind COL 84-5

sown by stifling admonitions of conscience COL 84-5

sown in Christian families 4T 204

sown in SDA institutions 1SM 195

terrible results of sowing 4BC 1174

that bore fruit in misunderstanding and defection DA 385

warning against sowing 1T 378

will produce a sure harvest COL 84-5

seldom overcome by controversy DA 808

sensibilities blunted by 4T 234

settled, expressed in many ways 5T 295

SDA must expect to meet 6T 120

shadow cast over Christ’s early life by DA 325

shuts church members away from God 2T 149

side of, some think it virtue to stand on GC 526

sinful, Israel’s PP 292-3

nothing mars peace of soul like 4T 213

sinfulness of, among God’s people LS 207

some people lose much because of DA 819

sound faith should take place of 6T 437

Spirit’s sword cuts its way through ML 61

stolid gloom and, woman who gave herself up to 3T 60

strengthens as it is encouraged GC 527

stronghold of, Spirit can pierce SD 280

stubborn: darkness that wrapped Jews in MB 91-2

Jerusalem doomed because of GC 26

of Jews 6BC 1096

suggests that individual independence increases a person’s importance 4T 19

takes place of faith 5T 74

talking: because of unfavorable surroundings 2T 514

cease sinning against God and 6BC 1097

cease your 1SM 88

danger of 1T 430; 3T 225

do not engage in 7T 273

evil results of 1T 378

need of less 7T 211

warning against 2T 513

taught in most schools 5T 79

temptations of enemy are encouraged by 2T 640

tendency of this age is to 5T 288

theories of, Satan instigates MYP 54

thinking, evil results of 1T 378-9

Thomas’s experience with DA 807-8; 4T 233

thought of, do not harbor 5T 379

truthfulness of Testimonies is not affected by 5T 674

unfaithful SDA’s, no excuse for 2T 109

vision distorted by 5T 705

warning against GW 261-2

warning not to encourage, by your words 5T 286

what to do when your mind is clouded by MYP 108; MH 250

whispers, “Let us wait till obstructions are removed” PP 290

widespread 4T 308

with bewitching power fastens itself upon minds CT 136

word of, do not breathe 5T 379

word that would confirm any man in, speak no 6T 122

yielding to, by men in responsible positions 4T 150

men come under control of Satan by PP 389

See also Doubt


acceptance of, wrong to try to convince someone UL 168:4

anxiety and questioning show UL 312:3

avoid expressing OHC 291:3

bewitching when cherished; continue battling FW 17:2

brought into church UL 38:4

call to repentance, shut out by LHU 371:2


inexcusable UL 312:4

suspicion and UL 114:2


bore burdens without OHC 57:3

grieved by RC 354:4

by Philip’s RC 354:2

hindered by, from doing mighty works TMK 55:4

robbed by, of His glory in work of saving us OHC 136:5

Christ’s incarnation should have made, impossible TDG 268:6

confidence to be encouraged instead of TSB 51:3

confirmed by disgust with church members’ behavior UL 63:4

contentment offered by Christ for those with TMK 225:3

conviction brings confession of FW 17:1

danger of opening heart to OHC 26:3

degradation brought by UL 321:2

destroys godliness like cancer TMK 167:2

discouragement reveals UL 282:4

distrust of God is seen to be, if mercies recounted TDG 58:4

doubt sowed by word of RC 109:6

doubts lead to TDG 24:5

Ellen White not to try to clear, but to speak with authority 3SM 75:2

evil angels as believers bring 2MCP 504:3; 3SM 410:2

excuse for, impossible with promise of John 3:14-19 TDG 223:2

faith and works used equally to combat NL 38:2

faith to soar above HP 96:5


becoming flesh stops; preach Christ VSS 315:2

cannot fulfill His desires for us because of our TMK 227:2

dishonored by UL 72:5

hands folded in, feeling unable to work for God TDG 26:5

Holy Spirit dispels RC 114:3

imperfection because of, shuts us away from God RC 307:2

impressions of, not to be trusted UL 337:3

leaders who express, unsafe TDG 248:3

leads to resistance to truth RC 199:3

lips tarnished with words of UL 190:6

loss results from; battle lost without faith 2MCP 673:5

moderation may be the sin of PM 43:1

others may be unable to escape your suggestions of OHC 319:4

plants of, die for lack of nourishment FW 17:2

pressuring people to accept your ideas brings PM 133:2

protection against, by looking to Jesus RC 352:6

questioning who told Sister White 3SM 63:1

raising of the dead would not convict those encased in FW 68:1

recover those in the mist of UL 277:5


accept that Christ helped you as a sinner TSB 50:1

to speak a word of UL 132:4

resisted only by constant effort OHC 205:3, 276:3

satanic influences stirred by 3SM 416:3

separates from Christ HP 122:2

separates from God TMK 254:4

shadows of,

dispelled by Sun of Righteousness TMK 228:4

not from God’s lack of facilities TMK 273:3

shamed by possibilities through the Word becoming flesh TDG 373:4

shown by not encouraging faith and hope UL 266:2

society permeated by HP 313:3

soul flourishes amid, with tendrils about God OHC 63:2

spies leavened whole congregation with TDG 13:5

subdued by Christ’s grace AG 259:4

sure harvest from OHC 26:4

surprise at what Christ said about TDG 361:4


belittling God’s power in your life by RC 352:3

inexcusable HP 122:2

is wrong because Christ’s sacrifice is complete HP 276:4

no time for; busy glorifying God 2MCP 676:2

thoughts of,

and talking, wrong UL 337:5

cannot be afforded HP 120:5

not to be in our experience UL 30:5


religion overcomes RC 346:4

to principle amid RC 305:4

truth banishes TMK 208:2

watch and pray as Satan brings temptations of OHC 126:3

words of,

enshroud others in darkness FW 60:4

not to be spoken UL 185:2

pledge before God not to speak TMK 228:2

put away VSS 156:2

working without TMK 89:4

wounded especially by HP 269:5

See also Belief; Confidence; Doubt; Scoffing; Trust

Unbeliever, Unbelievers

Unbeliever, Unbelievers, affiliation with, in publication PM 224:1

afflicted, will require SDA to work a miracle 4aSG 151

all on one platform whether high or low RC 217:3

alliance with, warning against LS 330

SDA are to separate themselves from any FE 483

Solomon came to ruin by CH 290

amusement among, keep SDA children away from AH 472

are God’s property COL 326

assertions may silence, but will not convince 1T 448

association with, close, and help; not condemning 2MCP 771:4

dangers of 1BC 1088

evil results of 3T 39-40

for winning them, LYL 26:4

protection OHC 300

without adopting their ways 3SM 231:2

believers and, so little difference in character between TM 442

believers need to be instructed how to approach, in kindly and winning way 9T 87

bound in intimacies with HP 168:3

business partnership (enterprises) with Ev 245

do not enter into CS 38; 9T 19

carefulness of behavior when among UL 342:2

children not to be in hands of 3SM 210:1

Christ represented before, so avoid cheap talk OHC 300:3

company of, not to be chosen OHC 258:2

concord with, provokes God’s displeasure 5T 76

confederacy with: Christian influence must not be bound up with GW 396

form no LS 321-2; TM 462

God’s work must not be bound up in FE 484

connection with, identifying SDA with them is forbidden FE 482

consequences of God’s warnings not prevented by RC 54:3

counsel and plans suggested by, SDA are not to follow TM 463

courtship with, warning against 3T 44

darkness to, is light to those who obey God TMK 356:4

deal with, as reformers not as bigots 2MCP 436:2

to be clear in judgment TMK 308:5

definition of, as concerns marriage 5T 364

desire to give message to TMK 344:4

disgusted with uncourteous ways of some believers 1T 416

divulge no secret to CH 341

do not acquaint, with church problems 2T 54

do not lead, to think SDA more odd and singular than necessary 1T 420

do not make yourself disgusting to 1T 413

do not vehemently charge, with their errors Ev 173

do not wait for, to come close to SDA Ev 474-5

donations from, are to be received TM 202-3, 210; WM 278-9

propriety of receiving ChS 167-77; TM 197-8

doubts of, Scriptures furnish arguments for meeting 3T 374

employment of, to be temporary PM 77:1

extremists in health reform are stumbling block to 2T 387

faith, not to be corrupted by those who are UL 269:4

we hold to be seen by, as reality OHC 305:3

fruits of gentleness, meekness, etc. not present in TDG 291:2

give no occasion for, to reproach SDA faith 1T 420, 456; 5T 361

God has placed His goods in hands of TM 203

God’s people are not to unite themselves with GW 394; PP 563

gospel workers need to come close to Ev 474

grace for those compelled to be in company of HP 311:2

having never heard reasons for SDA faith, be careful not to offend 9T 244

health and temperance principles will appeal to CH 545

hearts and consciences of, means that God uses to convict MM 182

how, turns God’s truth into lie GC 539

how to have SDA religion honored by 5T 134

how to present truth to GW 119-20

identification with, when choosing world as judge 3SM 302:3

impressed by attitude of workers PM 87:3

in high places, believers with special aptitude should work for CS 189

influence, of discourtesy on OHC 229:3

of opinions of UL 300:3

interest in, determines the life of the church TDG 242:5

invite, to Bible studies 6T 68

Israelites forbidden to intermarry with 5T 363

kindness in meeting accusers and LHU 323:4

laugh of, does not move those affected by truth TMK 312:5

linking up with, warning against 7T 107

links which bind believers to 2T 48

marriage of believers with AH 351-2; 4T 504-8; 5T 361-8

forbidden by God Ev 617; FE 500; PP 175; 5T 328

one of greatest dangers 2BC 1000

places one on Satan’s ground 5T 364-5

sin of AH 351-2

tends to lead away from God PP 174

young woman who entered into 2T 99-100

See also Marriage, unbelievers joined in

message intensity to impress, that God is with us HP 338:4

money in hands of, is God’s WM 279

noble-spirited, what makes Sabbath-keepers detestable to 1T 480

opportunity to interest, make the most of ChS 169; CS 190

Sabbathkeepers should not be in 1T 200

peculiar points of SDA faith should not be unwisely pressed upon 7T 109

plans suggested by, God’s work is not to be conducted after LS 322

pleasure and entertainment with, danger of seeking 2T 222

power of reformed lives on OHC 230:5

present Christ to CH 556

presentation of truth to: Bible is to be used in 1T 119; 5T 669

Testimonies misused in 1T 119

what to do first in CH 545

professed Christians who disgust 1T 416

professed Sabbathkeepers who disgust 1T 419

proof for SDA faith for, Bible is to be used as 1T 119; 5T 669

prudence used with, without sacrificing principle OHC 95:3

publishing manufacturing work not to be given to PM 120, 121:1

response of, to self-denying Christians CME 25:0

responsibility to represent Jesus in community of TMK 154:2

SDA physicians must not unite with, in med. work MM 45

sensible, what makes Sabbath objectionable to 1T 413

sentiments of, educational institutions must not use CT 26

slow to hear and swift to speak TDG 291:2

society of, Christians will not choose and cultivate FE 295

that is not harmful 5T 113

Spirit’s aid promised to help in presenting truth to 1T 121

state of, before second advent GC 444

in first centuries GC 444

surety for 1T 200-1

testimony for Christ which, cannot gainsay or resist 5T 167

treat, with kindness and courtesy 2BC 1000; 7T 108

unfaithfulness in Sabbath observance is stumbling block to 4T 250

union with, SDA are to have no GW 394

uniting of believers with, sin of TM 277

uniting with, in the time of false miracles 3SM 407:6

unity impossible between faithful one and HP 310:3

wealthy, usury received from 1T 534

what, have a right to expect of SDA 1SM 122

watch for in Christians AA 550

when dealing with, do not haggle over small sum Ev 90

do not show contemptible spirit of littleness Ev 90

whole truth should not be spoken to, on any and every occasion Ev 125; GW 117

withdrawal from, to breathe holy atmosphere OHC 300:2

workers for God controlled by PM 71:2

See also Sinners; Truth, opposers of; Wicked


Uncertainty, boundless ocean of, men upon 3SG 93

brings disquietude UL 99:6

Christ removes, for those who come to Him OHC 97:2

do not let your soul’s destiny hang upon 6T 405

false theories bring, to people of God TDG 325:2

fearing God keeps from TDG 334:3

hearers but not doers build on TDG 215:3

honest souls in, waiting to hear the message TDG 282:2

hope to be grasped by one with 2MCP 451:3

indolence that binds in VSS 156:3

many people cannot endure PP 687

mist and darkness of, Paul did not live in 7BC 917

pray and study at every point of UL 171:4

refusal to believe until every possibility of, is removed 1SM 28

truth and righteousness are to replace TDG 198:3

turn heart of, to God; He accepts contrite heart TSB 259:2

walking in light not in TDG 92:2

Uncircumcised person

Uncircumcised person, death penalty for, who entered temple’s inner courts AA 407


Uncircumcision, Paul believed and taught that, is nothing AA 204

Uncle, Uncles

Uncle, Uncles CG 288-9


Unclean, clean with, do not dishonor God by linking 1T 118

distinction between clean and, in Israel MH 277

Gentiles regarded as, by Jews DA 150

ignorant and careless multitude regarded as, by Jewish leaders DA 498

leper and anything he touched was considered DA 262

majority of Jews regarded as, by Jewish leaders DA 150

See also Animal; Food; Unclean person

Unclean animal

Unclean animal See Animal

Unclean body, Unclean bodies

Unclean body, Unclean bodies, God does not like to see people have CH 103

Unclean fish

Unclean fish See Fish

Unclean food (meat)

Unclean food (meat) See Animal; Food (unwholesome)


Uncleanness, any kind of, God looks with disfavor on CH 101; ML 129

ceremonial, sacrifice of red heifer for cleansing from 4T 120-2

cleanliness should take place of MH 196

every form of, tends to disease MH 276

God is offended at 1T 275

in home, great mistake of CG 106

Israel’s, displeased God 6T 170

Israelite who had personal, shut out of camp till evening CH 62-3

put away; overcome defects of character 1MCP 105:3

tobacco habit branded as CH 83

truth never places her delicate feet in path of CH 101; ML 129

See also Cleanness; Defilement; Hygiene

Unclean person, Unclean persons

Unclean person, Unclean persons, forbidden to enter Israel’s camp CH 81; PP 375

Gentiles are not to be regarded as AA 141; SR 290

Gentiles or heathen regarded by Jews as AA 133; COL 376; DA 150; SR 282, 285

ignorant and careless multitude regarded as, by Jewish leaders DA 498

leper pronounced as, by ritual law MH 67

leper was considered DA 262

majority of Jews regarded as, by their leaders DA 150

person who touched a leper became MH 70

poor peasants and laborers shunned by rabbis as DA 217; MH 34

Samaritans regarded by Jews as COL 376

tobacco user is CH 81; FE 428

Unclean things

Unclean things, trivial exactions of Jews re DA 617

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Uncle Tom’s Cabin, by Harriet B. Stowe CT 136; 5T 516, 519


Unconsecration, years of, ask God to pardon you for CM 47 See also Consecration


See Unbelievers

Unconverted man

Unconverted man, ideas of God held by 1SM 183

Unconverted person, Unconverted persons

Unconverted person, Unconverted persons, are subjects of Satan 5T 172


Uncourteous, gospel doctrines never make man 7T 67 See also Courteous


Uncourteousness, pricks like chestnut burs 5T 605 See also Courtesy

Uncourteous person, Uncourteous persons

Uncourteous person, Uncourteous persons, do not be less courteous to GW 122

professed Christians who are MYP 349

Uncourteous way, Uncourteous ways

Uncourteous way, Uncourteous ways, children’s FE 157


Uncouth, God would not have His people be COL 336


Unction, efforts of persons who have, from on high 1T 649

preacher without divine; dry and Christless discourses 3SM 184:2

Underphysician, Underphysicians

Underphysician, Underphysicians, what God requires of 2SM 201


Underpinning, taken out of home by indulgence of appetite Te 292


See Deprivation; Needy; Oppressed; Poverty


Underselling, that is condemned 4T 494

Undershepherd, Undershepherds

Undershepherd, Undershepherds, Christ’s work on earth is left in hands of 5T 237

faithful in all duty, will enter into Christ’s joy 2T 152

lesson that should be learned by CT 198

ministers as AA 514-28; PP 191; 4T 393

See also Pastor; Shepherd


Understand, what you cannot, commit to God TM 518


adapts itself,

to comprehension of things with which it is familiar COL 41; CT 441; 1SM 244

to dimensions of subjects dealt with TMK 8:3

to the familiar OHC 35:5, 106:5

all need our HP 290:5

ask God to open your, to comprehend truth FE 183

Bible study brings vigor to GW 100

Bible study quickens FE 433-4

Bible study strengthens CT 452; GW 100

Bible was given for disciplining FE 395

Christ, opened, of disciples after resurrection TMK 340:2

reproached disciples for slowness of LHU 115:5

teaching of, limited because disciples lacked OHC 211:2

Christ’s love sanctifies AA 273

Christians should constantly grow in GW 25


and heart brought into harmony OHC 203:3

by becoming humble and teachable OHC 211:3

by divine agencies; and sanctified TDG 195:2

by prayerful study of the Scriptures 1MCP 95:1

for those who ask in faith OHC 99:2

for true seeker; Holy Spirit enables mind LHU 181:3

let Jesus open it TMK 191:4

to Scripture to prepare for immortal life TDG 169:2


after opening heart to the Word of life OHC 36:3

by appreciating God’s love TMK 104:2

by communicating truth to others AG 260:3

by connection with God TDG 361:4

by grand Bible themes RC 163:8

by Scripture study 1MCP 98:1

for those learning at Jesus’ feet 3SM 187:4

darkened, God enlightens SL 49

Spirit enlightens 4T 441

darkness clouding, removed by truths in life 1MCP 98:2

depth of, sense of God’s claims upon men can give CG 189

differences of, among ministers 1SM 183

distorted, unless conscience is subdued by Christ 1MCP 323:2

divine power needed for UL 53:3

do not lean to your own 4T 361

dwelling on commonplace things weakens 1SM 244

enlightened, how God’s people may have CW 81

entrusted to men to test their honesty CS 116-7

error degrades TMK 188:4

exercise of, expected in searching truth OHC 310:5

eyes of, Spirit opens CT 430

finite, some things are not plain to 5T 675


by God, UL 278:5

when fully connecting with His work TDG 345:3

by Holy Spirit if Word studied prayerfully OHC 205:4

to those participating in God’s cause OHC 332:4

God, is the source of TMK 124:4

is unable to open many things to TMK 365:2

meets us in our own, regarding His covenant TMK 262:4

quickens, of people who study His word MYP 260

will give, to gospel workers Ev 686

works constantly to open men’s 1SM 183

God’s leading opened to our, in heaven UL 46:2

hearts enlightened by; compassion for souls TDG 80:2

how, becomes darkened GC 378

how to avoid having Scriptures clouded to 5T 703

human, God owns HP 221:4

idleness perverts TDG 133:5

improve in FE 496

lack of, disregard of own ideas does not mean 1MCP 43:3

in one teaching truth; speculation loved 1MCP 103:2

incomplete, but Christ clarifies it in heaven Mar 317:7

now but revealed hereafter LHU 361:4

light of truth radiates RC 164:6

limited capacity of, God withholds things from men because of their Ev 202

means obedience to God’s commandments COL 112

measure of, how to increase your 1SM 338

men constantly growing in, world needs GW 505

men of clear, needed now TM 514

minister should seek to carry people’s, with him Ev 177

most darkened, divine word pours light into 5T 133

must ripen day by day ML 109

obedience comes from UL 103:2

of God’s word, gospel workers are not all alike in 2SM 155

own, rather than conforming to God’s will FW 52:0

people of, needed 1MCP 51:1

perusal of God’s word strengthens MM 88

perverted judgment darkens 4T 147

powers of, need cultivation 3BC 1160

prayer quickens, to discern truth from error HP 75:3

preaching for VSS 216:3

prejudices and wrong opinions blind LS 326

promised by God to His workers 5T 553

refined and purified, need of FE 302

rejection of light darkens 1BC 1100

Scriptures compared gives true TDG 43:3

seek, in spiritual as well as temporal matters TDG 253:3

selfish prejudice darkens DA 242

sinful act benumbs SC 33

Spirit must quicken 5T 743

Spirit’s ministry in enlightening GC 9


advancement in TDG 135:3

by learning from Christ HP 320:4

daily increase in AG 303:2

gained by prayerful study of Scripture TDG 150:6

improves as will is submitted to God HP 186:5

lacking but your Saviour reigns TSB 47:4

no excuse for lack of ML 96

resolve to advance in 1MCP 105:1

seek decided advancement in 1SM 224

small without the Holy Spirit UL 85:2

strong by yielding minds to Spirit of God LHU 91:5

study of the Word of God calculated to increase OHC 35:4

superiority in, Christians should show COL 358; MM 200

takes level of things with which it becomes familiar FE 130; HP 133:4

taste perverts, and beclouds spiritual sky TMK 313:3

temporal and spiritual, enlarged by Scripture study HP 139:5

trials, enlighten HP 176:2

lead us to look to God for HP 269:2

true Christian’s, light of truth irradiates 7BC 909

truth must control, in work in institutions PM 156:0

unity in, for God’s glory TMK 246:5

unsafe for men to lean upon their own 5T 409

weakened by consideration of the finite OHC 35:5

weakness of, people who are most willing to admit 4T 338-9

yield, to Christ to be purified TDG 64:3, 322:2

See also Enlightenment; Knowledge; Mind; Vision


Underwear, young woman’s lack of MH 290


Uneasiness, absence of Saviour revealed by 5T 487

restless, gone when Christ accepted as personal Saviour 1MCP 125:0

Uneducated person, Uneducated persons

Uneducated person, Uneducated persons, call for, as for the humble fishermen TDG 115:2

Christ sees qualifications in Mar 122:2

consecrated, God can use COL 333

learn from Christ and teach educated ones TMK 50:5

miss. work can be done by 6T 433

truth made plain to, by Christ UL 80:2

understand difficult Scripture passages when some of the educated do not 5T 704

Unemployed person, Unemployed persons

Unemployed person, Unemployed persons, finding work for WM 112

how to help MH 183-200


Unexplainable, when things seem, what to remember MH 487


See Injustice


Unfaithfulness, cannot be hidden from eyes of God 4T 310

greater the responsibility the greater the ruin as result of 1T 678

habits of, result of 4T 452

in life’s minor affairs, God will not overlook GC 620

in little things reacts upon one’s self PK 219

of God’s professed people recorded in heaven 3T 199

of His people, God often employs His bitterest enemies to punish PP 585

one, leads to another 1BC 1109

one of condemning sins of this age 4T 576

prevalent in this degenerate age 4T 576

slimy track of, seen everywhere 4T 576

tens of thousands carried to perdition by 4T 576

See Disloyalty

Unforgiving person, Unforgiving persons

Unforgiving person, Unforgiving persons, lessons for, from parable of unforgiving servant COL 244-8

people who are, warning to MB 113

to be, is to lie against truth 7BC 936

we dare not repeat Lord’s Prayer from heart and dare to be 3T 95

Unforgiving spirit

Unforgiving spirit, grievous in God’s sight TM 186

indulgence of, one of most common sins 5T 170

nothing can justify COL 251

warning not to cherish SD 144

Unfortunate person, Unfortunate persons

Unfortunate person, Unfortunate persons, be God’s helping hand to WM 239

Christ did not neglect 2T 75

Christ’s legacy to His church 6T 261

Christ’s regard for 2T 467

Christian’s duty to 1T 273; 3T 511-21

compassion is to be shown to WM 199-200

courtesy for, God demands SD 271

do not despise WM 209

God is friend to 3T 516

gospel work for, promises to church re 3T 519

how God teaches men to have tender love for 3T 415

indifference to, God will not bless people who show WM 312-3

recorded in books of heaven 3T 513

large outlay of means in work for, caution against 6T 293

love and sympathy to, do your part in giving 2T 534

manifest tenderness and compassion toward COL 247-8

must overcome their sins 3T 516

need of being God’s helping hand to, great and pitiful ML 243

neglect of: man’s accountability for 3T 534

no assurance of eternal life for people guilty of 3T 524

unfeeling and heartless 2T 570

warning against WM 223

people indifferent to, idols of 3T 524

people who pity, how Christ considers 3T 512-3

pity for, need of 5T 113

practical demonstrations of benevolence to, by sympathy and compassionate acts 4T 60

refined and sacred love should be exercised for MM 310

regard that is to be shown for Ed 268

SDA, duty of church members to 3T 511-2; WM 168

how God looks upon neglect of 3T 518

SDA need to be far more pitiful and considerate of 3T 516

special consideration made by God for PP 534

study to know how to help WM 85-6

thoughtful consideration due to WM 85

warning not to despise CS 160

See also Needy person; Outcast