EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)


Ungodliness - Universe


Ungodliness, Bible contains no sanction of 4T 624

gains of, hands profaned by 5T 116

prevailing, tends to paralyze and destroy true faith and piety SD 54

See Worldliness

Ungodly person, Ungodly persons

Ungodly person, Ungodly persons, Christians forbidden to marry 5T 363

deceptive harmony among 5T 101

united in opposing God’s will and truth while divided on every other point 5T 101

See World, people of


Unhappiness, censure and faultfinding only produce 4T 256

Christ offers contentment to those with TMK 225:3

countenances on which, is stamped 3T 382

failure to meet conditions of God’s promise brings TMK 85:3

hatred and strife bring 5T 243

no reason for HP 124:2

prevented if spouses would continue early attentions 1MCP 158:0

striving for own way brings HP 216:2

sure result of cherishing sin 6T 53

time too short for TDG 238:3

unwise speech often causes AH 437

vanishes with determination to overcome UL 47:6

See also Discontent

Unhealthful practice, Unhealthful practices

Unhealthful practice, Unhealthful practices, lay aside MH 227


Uniform, particular color and shape of, SDA not required to wear TM 130


Uniformity, kingdoms of nature and of grace do not follow TDG 67:2

set, grace and beauty lost by 1SM 22

thoughts in Bible not in; otherwise monotonous PM 100:2


Unify, instead of separating 9T 198

Unifying power

Unifying power, truth’s, revealed 1SM 168

Union, Unions

Union, Unions, among men of varied dispositions, strongest witness for Christ 8T 242

between believers: Christ’s love must cement and render eternal DA 660

encourage 2T 225

hinders Satan in opposing gospel AA 87-8

union with Christ strengthens SD 286; 7T 171

between Christ and His people, is fruit of indwelling of Spirit SD 293

resembles that between Him and Father SD 293

between Christianity and paganism in first centuries EW 210-2; GC 42-3, 45; SR 322-4

between parents, needed in home discipline 2T 698-700

between Roman Catholics and Protestants to exalt Sunday GC 578

binding us together, to be close and tender OHC 181:2

bond of, believers find in Bible their 5T 389

Christ’s name to be Christians’ AA 28; DA 826

bonds of indissoluble, inhabitants of earth and heaven bound in DA 26

essential to church’s prosperity 3T 445

form no, of which God is not approver FE 347

God wills that, should exist among His people PP 520

in church, strongest witness in favor of Christianity AA 549

inseparable, gospel ministry and genuine med. miss. work are to be joined in MM 250

labor See Labor union

lack of, between parents in disciplining children 2SG 254

most tender, true religion unites hearts in 9T 145

of action is important in religious crisis 3T 446

of all strengthens work of each 1SM 84

of all believers in Christ in one body, gospel plan of AA 185-6

of believers is most enduring bond upon earth 5T 47

of churchcraft and statecraft weakens power of churches 4BC 1168-9 See also Church and state

of different nationalities among God’s people 2BC 1029; 9T 180-1

of gospel workers, benefits of Ev 104

in demanding larger wages 2SM 197

of heart and action, Spirit gives us 9T 188

of people with papal power to oppose God’s people 7T 182

of Protestant churches on common points of doctrine GC 444-5

of purpose, great importance attached to 3T 429

sole bond of, Scriptures are to be Christian’s 1SM 416

strength in 1SM 85; 4T 19; 5T 30, 236, 488, 535; 8T 240; TM 56, 252; WM 296

strength of, according to measure of grace and truth enjoyed 5T 537

strength of God’s people lies in 6BC 1083; 3T 435

threefold: of papists, Protestants, and worldlings GC 588-9

of Protestantism, Romanism, and spiritualism 5T 451

opposed to God’s law Ev 226-7

under which USA will trample on rights of conscience GC 588

trades See Labor union

unholy, See Confederacy

with apostate church, decision of the faithful to dissolve SR 324

with brethren, safeguards against delusion 1T 311-2

with Christ: closer now than when He was personally on earth SC 75

costs something 5T 231

how to form 5T 46-7

how to preserve 5T 47, 231

importance of 7T 13

is one of utter dependence 5T 47, 49

living faith is condition of enduring 5T 231

man must act his part to preserve 5T 47

must be as close as limb to body or branch to vine GC 73

privilege and duty of maintaining close SL 83

results in union of believers 5T 47

results of GW 142; SC 73-5; 4T 405; 5T 47

sin in all forms must be overcome by 5T 231

submission to His yoke of restraint is required by 6T 476-7

transformation of character produced by SC 73

wide difference between real and pretended 5T 228

with Christ and one another, only safety of God’s people is SD 286; 7T 171, 239; 8T 240

renunciation of self-will results in 5T 94

with God, strongest bonds of 8T 31

with God, Christ, and Holy Spirit is needed to endure persecution AA 85

with opposers of God’s truth, fear and shun PK 660

See also Concert; Harmony; Unity

Union College

Union College 6T 139, 210; 8T 134-5 See also College View, Nebraska

Union conference, Union conferences

Union conference, Union conferences, delegates chosen by, Gen. Conf. officers are chosen by 8T 236

division into; light given PM 146:2

division of Gen. Conf. into, was God’s arrangement 8T 232-3

God is accessible in every place and to every church in TM 375

youth of each, to be trained nearer home FE 491

Union conference leader, Union conference leaders

Union conference leader, Union conference leaders, purpose of SDA schools should be faithfully studied by CT 203-4

Union conference officer, Union conference officers

Union conference officer, Union conference officers, delegates chosen by conferences are to choose 8T 236

Union conference plans

Union conference plans, no less than five able men besides president should consider 9T 270

Union conference policies

Union conference policies, no less than five able men besides president should consider 9T 270

Union conference president, Union conference presidents

Union conference president, Union conference presidents, exercise of too much authority by, caution against 9T 270

no less than five counselors of wisdom and experience needed by 9T 270

Unit, Units

Unit, Units, collection of independent, church on Day of Pentecost was not AA 45

God designs that His people be 3T 361; TM 471

gospel workers should stand as, in educational, ministerial, and med. miss. lines 9T 169-70

truth is 8T 174


United, believers harmoniously, Spirit works mightily through 9T 196

God’s people are to be, as parts of one great organism 8T 174

United action (effort)

United action (effort), Christ’s soldiers must put forth 4BC 1146

God calls for TM 399

God has blessed TM 27

lack of, complications and difficulties from Ev 651

strong, needed under divine leadership TM 485

success the reward of Ev 329

United Brethren

United Brethren, origin of, as church in Bohemia and Moravia GC 119

United front

United front, church should present, against enemy’s attacks 3T 435; 6T 401

to world AA 91; CW 76

victories gained by presenting TM 505

United States Congress

United States Congress, some leaders in, worked to favor Southern States during Civil War in USA 1T 256

United States Constitution

United States Constitution, action that will be contrary to GC 442

amendment to, effort to secure Sunday law by 5T 753

move to restrict liberty of conscience by 5T 711, 719

guarantees made by GC 441

principles of, as Protestant and republican government will be repudiated 5T 451

sacrificed in suppressing religious freedom 2SM 370

religious freedom under GC 295-6, 441

safeguards to liberty in GC 442

twice quoted GC 442

United States Government

United States Government, civil and religious liberty under GC 441

failure of, in duty to Negroes freed from slavery 9T 205

legislative power of, rests with people GC 443

principles of, enactment of Sunday law will be abjuration of 5T 712

pure and republican principles of, persons at variance with 1T 534

United States Legislature

United States Legislature, fanatics who petitioned, during Civil War in USA 1T 357

God will intervene when, abandons Protestant principles TM 206

laws will be framed by, to exalt Sunday 7BC 976

Roman Catholicism will be supported by, in limiting religious liberty TM 206

United States of America

1. Eastern States of

2. Northern States of

3. Pacific Coast of

4. Southern States of

5. Western States of

6. Miscellaneous

1. Eastern States of

believers in, discipline and organization needed among 1T 411

means withheld by 5T 153

cities in, evangelism needed in Ev 394

plea for greater evangelism in LS 419

evangelism needed in Ev 394

fanaticism in, desolating effects left by 1T 409

fruit scarce in 3T 21

God’s work in 1T 146-53, 389, 409-22

large cities in, need of evangelizing Ev 397

large company of believers will be raised up in 1T 414

message will in future be presented in, with power 1T 149

more power needed to move people in, than in the Western 1T 146-7

pioneer SDA work in 9T 98-9

2. Northern States of

from Maine to Nebraska, represented at national camp meeting in 1878 4T 301-2

punished for not opposing slavery 1T 359

punished for their overreaching and overbearing influence 1T 264

unprepared for Civil War 1T 253

3. Pacific Coast of

great work for God may be done on 3T 434

health institute needed on LS 210

help needed in God’s cause on 3T 503

paper should be published on LS 210

publishing house established on 8T 237

publishing house needed on LS 210

4. Southern States of

all kinds of miss. work greatly needed in 9T 200

best talent needed in God’s work in 9T 214

books needed for educated classes in CW 146-7

books should be prepared in style essential for CW 146

centers of influence in 7T 231-4

centralizing of SDA work in Battle Creek led to neglect in 8T 59

churches in, will have spiritual resurrection 7T 237

churches needed all through 7T 222

cities in: gospel work needs special attention in Ev 33-4

little done to evangelize Ev 402

many unworked Ev 381

medical institutions are to be established in 7T 99

need to be evangelized Ev 398

restaurants are to be established in 7T 56

EGW given vision of gospel work needed in 7T 231

color line in 9T 213-22

conference of their own needed in LS 386

establishing large enterprises and new centers in 7T 234

food stores are to be established in cities of 7T 56

God was not with, in Civil War because they favored slavery 1T 359

gospel work in TM 252-3

appeal for TM 255

discretion is better part of valor in 9T 205

must be conducted on different lines LS 386

should be done without noise or parade Ev 400

sinful neglect of 8T 60

white men must be chosen as leaders of 9T 202

gospel workers in 7T 235-41

encouragement for 7T 238, 242-5

promises to 7T 230

great work is to be done for God in 7T 236

health-food business in 7T 57

health-food industries are to be established in 7T 128

health-food stores are to be opened in many places in 7T 234

hundred gospel workers needed in, where now there is one 7T 224

illiterates in, gospel work is to be done for 7T 227

kinds of gospel work needed in 7T 227-8

large cities of, need to be evangelized Ev 397, 401

light of present truth must be presented in 9T 100

literature work in LS 381

many lines of business will open up in LS 381

mingling of whites and Negroes in social equality in, do not encourage 9T 206

mission field in 9T 225-6

miss. work in Ev 400-1; 9T 200

Nashville, Tenn., should be center of Ev 398; 7T 232-3

miss. work needed among all classes in ChS 218

more evangelistic work needed in 7T 224

nearly ruined in freedom from slavery SW 44:2

needs of 7T 220-30

Negro believers in, SDA duty to 9T 223

Negroes in 9T 199-203

education for 9T 200-2

mission Sunday schools are to be established for 9T 201

missionaries should work quietly for Ev 400

SS are to be established for 9T 201

SDA should do something for 8T 150

See also Negro

opportunities for gospel work in, during loud cry 9T 209

passions of mob in, avoid stirring up Ev 400

plans of, to rebel 1T 253

present truth must be proclaimed in 8T 34

publishing is to be done in CW 146

punished for sin of slavery 1T 264, 359

race antagonism in 9T 204-12

restaurants are to be opened in many places in 7T 56, 234

Sabbathkeeping families called to move into 7T 227

sanitariums are to be established in many places in 7T 56

sanitariums needed in 7T 222, 227

schools are to be established in many places in 7T 56

schools needed all through 7T 222

SDA work in 7T 56-8

special literature should be prepared expressly for CW 146

treatment rooms are to be opened in many places in 7T 234

EGW’s experience in WM 72-3

white people and Negroes cannot with profit to either party worship in same building in 9T 206-7

white people in, missionaries should work quietly for Ev 400

world of its own CW 146

5. Western States of

believers in, should meet expenses of God’s work there 1T 250

fruit scarce in, in 1872 3T 20-1

God’s cause in 1T 146-53, 250-1

less power needed to move people in, than in the Eastern 1T 146-7

urgent call from 5T 86

See also California; Oregon

6. Miscellaneous

apostasy of, when religious liberty surrendered Mar 216:2

asylum for conscience-suppressed servants of God 5T 714

authority of, will enforce observance which will be homage to papacy GC 442

beast with lamblike horns: represents or symbolizes 7BC 975; GC 439-50, 578-9; SR 381

points unmistakably to GC 440-1

blessed most; God saw blot of slavery SW 42:0

boasted of liberty while cherishing slavery 1T 258

bulwark and glory of GC 252

church and state will unite in GC 445; SR 381-2

to persecute people who keep God’s law GC 605

church employing power of state in, result of GC 581

contempt of nations for, during Civil War 1T 259-60

cornerstone of, civil and religious liberties are GC 295

decree by which, will disconnect herself fully from righteousness 5T 451

decree enforcing papal sabbath by, will be warning to leave large cities 5T 464-5

defender of religious freedom GC 605-6

denoted in prophecy GC 443

destiny of, in God’s hands 1T 264

enactment of Sunday law by, principles of government abjured by 5T 712

significance of 5T 712

enforcement of Sunday observance by, significance of 7BC 977; GC 449

foreign nations will follow example of 6T 395

founders of, separation of church and state by GC 442

sought to prevent use of civil power by church GC 442

freedom of religion ends in LDE 144

fundamental principles of, republicanism and Protestantism are GC 441

German and Scandinavian conferences not needed in 9T 195-8

God, has done great things for 7BC 975

has done more for, than for any other country Mar 193:4

has worked for, in marvelous manner TM 206

provided for freedom of worship in Mar 179:3, 193:3

God’s law tampered with in Mar 179

God’s law will be made void in, in special sense 7BC 977

home of freedom and light; churches to be warned 3SM 386:3

image of beast is to be found in SR 381-2

image to the beast will be formed by GC 443

lamblike horns of Rev. 13 represent two things in Mar 193:3

large cities in, must hear message LS 209

leader in final crisis 6T 395

leading churches in, will unite on common points of doctrine GC 445

liberties of, religious aggression subverts WM 137

liberty of religion struggled for in 3SM 387:2

light in, turned to darkness 3SM 387:3

movement in, to secure state support for church institutions GC 573

national apostasy of, will be followed by national ruin 7BC 976-7

will end only in national ruin 7BC 976

papacy will be followed by, in trampling on rights of conscience GC 588

persecution in, foretold GC 442

pioneer SDA workers labored for foreigners in Ev 571-2

power and prosperity of, secret of GC 441

prediction that, will speak “as a dragon” GC 442

predictions re, that have been pronounced absurd GC 605

Protestant principles will be abandoned by TM 206

Protestants of, will be foremost in grasping hand of spiritualism GC 588

will clasp hands with Roman power GC 588

punished by God for high crime of slavery 1T 264

religious intolerance will gain control in GC 605-6

religious liberty will come to end in Ev 236

rise of: Edward Everett’s comment on GC 440-1

from virtually uninhabited territory GC 440-1

G. A. Townsend’s comment on GC 440

risen to place among most powerful nations GC 441

rising into power in 1798 GC 440-1

Roman Church’s triumph in, measures that will assure GC 581

rulers and legislators in, will yield to demand for Sunday law GC 592

Sabbath keepers will be oppressed by 7BC 977

Satan has designs on God’s purpose for Mar 193:5

spirit of intolerance in, foretold GC 442

Sunday law passed by LDE 128

Sunday laws will be enforced by legislative enactments of 7BC 977

Sunday observance will be enforced by GC 579

threatened by success of papal policy GC 564

threefold union under which, will trample on rights of conscience GC 588

under shield of Omnipotence TM 206

under special shield of God 7BC 975

union of church and state in, image of beast will be formed by GC 443

impending danger of GC 581

voters in, have some voice in making laws GW 387

when iniquity of, will be full 5T 451

will not be alone in giving homage to papacy GC 579

will be humbled into the dust 1T 259

Wolff (Joseph) visited, in 1837 GC 360-1


1. Among God’s people

2. Miscellaneous


1. Among God’s people 8T 239-43

according to gospel plan AA 185-6

accusers of brethren destroy 3BC 1162-3

carries powerful conviction to world that they have truth 1T 327

Christ’s credentials to world that God sent Him 5T 94

Christ’s prayer for AA 20; CS 47; CW 37-8; DA 678; GC 379; LS 327; PP 520; 1SM 84-5; 1T 327; 5T 94; 3T 361-2; 5T 236, 488-9; 8T 174, 239-43, 269; 9T 145, 198; TM 30, 55

church organization essential to AA 91-2, 95-6

courage and strength as result of 7T 22

diversity of gifts and governments used by God to achieve TM 29-30

evidence of DA 678; PP 520

floating rumors often destroy 3BC 1163; TM 504

harmonious action under, and its results 8T 183, 251

hindrance to TM 30

how, will be experienced in all parts of world FE 208

how to attain CS 47-8; GC 379; 8T 174

importance of 1T 207

in world of general discord 7T 182

is convincing proof of Christ’s virtue 5BC 1148

is essential 1T 417

is testimony to world that Christ has sent us ML 252

keep bond of, unbroken 7T 22

lack of, terrible results of 7T 240; 8T 240-1

living testimony is essential to TM 48

maintain, by golden cords of love FE 479

meaning of 5T 488-9

must be preserved under Spirit’s guidance Ev 105

need of, as they approach last crisis 7T 182

nothing short of miraculous power can effect 9T 194

of different nationalities 9T 179-83, 198

on day of Pentecost 9T 196

order needed for preservation of EW 97

plan that strengthens CT 315

power and strength resulting from SD 286

preserve TM 44

“Press together” in 6T 292-3

prevents Satan from taking advantage 1T 210-1

protects them against fanaticism 1T 327

renunciation of self-will is essential to 5T 94

requires renunciation of self-will 5T 94

results of DA 678

revealed to world by their unity with Christ SD 293

Satan seeks to destroy EW 97; 8T 165

Satan’s plan to destroy EW 266-7

seek 5T 348; 8T 12, 80

should bear the test of trials TM 30

show to world by, that we bear divine credentials SD 293

success in gospel work requires 9T 196

sure result of Christian perfection SL 85

tendencies that work to destroy 9T 257-61

terribly shaken 6T 242

testifies to their connection with God 7T 156-7

testifies to world that we are His 9T 188

tremendous consequences to world depends on SD 295

truly converted heart will strive for 5T 101

unity with Christ establishes 5BC 1148; 6T 139

unity with Christ is essential to Ed 86; 1SM 259

will accomplish wonderful things for them 9T 70

will be seen in their ranks as trials thicken 6T 400-1

will end controversy LS 327

witness for truth by 5BC 1135

witnesses to Christ’s saving power 9T 194

witnesses to power of truth 1SM 84; 9T 194

2. Miscellaneous

all departments of God’s cause should work in, as perfect whole 9T 136

among church members, as object of prayer 3T 429

among early Christians: after Christ’s ascension Ed 95; AA 45

after Pentecost AA 45, 65, 90-1; 8T 20, 241

Satan sought to destroy AA 87

among gospel workers LS 302-3; 9T 193, 259

although their ideas may not be exactly the same on all points CW 82

does not destroy individuality TM 29-30

of different nationalities 9T 180-1, 198-9

plea for TM 485-505

possessing diversity of gifts 9T 144-5

should be perfect 9T 196

Spirit pervading souls leads to CW 82

vitally important as we approach last crisis 7T 182

among men of varied dispositions is strongest witness for Christ 8T 242-3

among Millerite Adventists in 1844 EW 75

among ministers brings blessed results to God’s cause 6T 50

angels work to bring God’s people into, into one body 1T 326

believers of different nationalities should draw close together in 9T 198

between Christ and His followers DA 675-6; MH 422; 8T 269

does not destroy personality of either 5BC 1148; MH 422; SD 286; 8T 269

between Father and Son 5BC 1148; MH 421-2; 8T 269

does not destroy personality of either 5BC 1148

between God and man, Satan sought to destroy 6T 236

between med. missionaries and other SDA workers, need of 6T 235-42, 288-93; 8T 161-2

between med. miss. workers and workers in gospel ministry, need of 8T 46, 166-7

between physicians and ministers, need of MM 46-7

between pub. houses 7T 171

between san. workers and school workers, need of CT 522

bonds of Christlike, God’s people must blend together in 1SM 168

Christ’s efforts to secure, among His disciples Ed 86

Christian 5BC 1143; 5T 236-48; TM 485-505

does not mean that one mind should be controlled by another 8T 212

does not mean that one person’s identity must be submerged in that of another 8T 212

gospel workers must remain united in bonds of AA 90

is mighty agency ML 276

men entrusted with responsibility should counsel and pray together in 7T 236-7

truly converted souls press together in 9T 147

Christians laboring in, could move world 9T 221

closest and happiest, parents should bind their hearts in AH 316

co-operate with God in bonds of, for salvation of souls 7T 30

does not mean uniformity in everything 5BC 1143

evidence of discipleship PP 520

exercise of practical love that draws God’s people together in CS 344

God does not call for, on wrong practices 1SM 175

God purposes that His people shall blend in 8T 240

God’s people should move in, with third angel TM 488

God’s people working in, results of 4BC 1154

golden bonds of, brothers bound together by golden 8T 243

gospel draws men together in 6T 11

gospel workers should learn how to labor in 9T 145

gospel workers should press together in 7T 38

gospel workers should work together in Ev 109, 474

gospel workers’ refusal to act in, is not good sign 9T 258; TM 490

great need of, in God’s work 6T 300

great work must be carried on in CW 79

healthy increase of, when God’s people shall see among them 8T 211

illustrated in parable of vine and its branches 6BC 1090; DA 675-6; 7T 171

in Christ 9T 184-8

power of usefulness of God’s people lies in Ev 101

in church 3T 434-59; 5T 477-90

argument which worldlings cannot controvert 5T 620

burden of Testimonies is TM 56

Christ’s prayer for 5T 279

convincing evidence that God sent Christ as Redeemer 5T 620

credentials of Christ to world 5T 94, 279

enlarges her influence 1SM 84

importance of 5T 478-9

makes her stronger 1SM 84

more important than sermons and arguments Ev 342

preserve GW 499; TM 25

Satan works constantly to prevent 5T 620

Satan’s efforts to destroy TM 48

secret of true AH 179

strive for 8T 243

warning against persons who would disrupt TM 56

what is essential to AA 549

in diversity 5BC 1148; 6BC 1083, 1090

among God’s people SD 286

importance and value of 1SM 21-2

pervades whole creation 5BC 1143

in faith and doctrine, how early SDA workers sought TM 24-5

in family, first work of Christians is to foster AH 37

secret of true AH 179

in God’s work, need of 7T 131; 8T 166

in gospel work 6T 235-42

essential to harmonious whole Ev 104

in His work, God calls for MM 241

in home: more important than sermons and arguments Ev 342

parents should strive for AH 178

in home government, need of AH 310; 2T 698-700

in SDA churches, when we shall see 9T 33

lack of: among institutional workers 5T 553

among Millerite Adventists rejecting truth EW 68

among opponents of Sabbath EW 68

life and power in 7T 237

that can be obtained in no other way SD 286; 7T 237

love and constant prayer for, Spirit leads to 5T 243

ministers should work in, of heart 6T 50

miracle of, that world needs to see 9T 188

need of, between med. missionaries and ministers 1SM 199; 8T 239-43

between minister and physician 7T 111

needed in: evangelizing large cities Ev 42

God’s work EW 74

plans for publication of books and periodicals 9T 70

no, with great masses of mankind 8T 27

not always apparent in Scriptures 1SM 20

not to be secured by compromise of truth and righteousness GC 45; SR 324

of action: among apostles AA 20

between teachers and students is essential to success 6T 139

essential at this time TM 228

in diversity of labor must be maintained MM 203

in gospel work is important 1T 649

need of, in work of church 2T 168

needed in various departments of God’s work 5T 534-5

of feeling among apostles AA 20

of man with nature and with God Ed 100

of purpose, should be revealed in diversity of minds CT 531

of religious faith, love of Christ brings men into 4T 65

of the faith 1T 323-5

angels strive to bring God’s people into 1T 326, 332

God calls His people to come into 4T 17

God’s people are coming into EW 68

order in church is essential to EW 100

of the Spirit, results of 1SM 385-6

of thought among apostles AA 20

on doctrinal matters needed among God’s people 1SM 175

on Scriptural basis, God’s people need 1SM 175

on third angel’s message, God’s people need 2SG 99

on wrong practices, God does not call for 1SM 175

perfect: God’s people are to stand in 4T 17

God’s people need to come together in 9T 193

should exist in ranks of God’s people 7T 14

perfect and complete strength in TM 277

praying and working in, results of 4BC 1154

preserve, in every plan 6T 215

purchased too dearly at sacrifice of principle SR 324

required by God must be cultivated daily 8T 174

secret of, found in equality of believers 1SM 259

SDA should show, in their ranks 9T 133

should pervade whole church SR 247

Spirit in hearts creates 5T 28

Spirit is to bring, into SDA ranks 9T 189

spirit of, SDA need self-control to bring them into 8T 239

should prevail among God’s workers TM 491

should prevail in publishing work CW 15

Spirit pervading soul leads to CW 82

spiritual, existing in Scriptures 1SM 20

state of, that God’s people should aim constantly to reach PP 520

strength in SD 286; 1SM 168; 2SM 69, 374; 2T 165; 5T 30, 236; 6T 151, 252, 293

strength of church 2SM 159

strict, apostles felt need of 4T 19

strive and pray and work earnestly for 9T 188

strong, should exist among SDA physicians MM 48-9

subject of, needs greater attention 2SM 159-60

talk 1SM 181

things that do not produce 2SM 79

voices of God’s people should be heard in Ev 107

walking in light of truth leads to GC 379

with brethren, determine to be in TM 500

self-confidence leads one to feel no need of 3T 445

with Christ 8T 239-43

with church body, God calls men into 4T 246

with one another, lose no time in seeking perfect 8T 212

wonderful, love of Christ brings men into 4T 65

workers for Christ should strive for TM 502

writers for SDA periodicals should preserve, among themselves 7T 156

See also Union


acceptance of truth and Christ abiding in hearts brings OHC 171


by accepting Christ’s command UL 358:8

by studying and obeying John 17 UL 141:5

in love of truth as it is in Jesus UL 265:5

actions (striking) do not produce, Holy Spirit does OHC 169:4

angels work to help us achieve UL 68:2

argument for Christ’s mission OHC 170:4

army illustrates the need for 3SM 24

assembling of God’s children brings OHC 166:2

attempted through concession and compromise OHC 329:3

call of our Instructor to stand in TDG 78:6

cemented by Christ’s love HP 110:2

centers in union of Jesus with Father OHC 169:4

character of, needed to bear trial CET 203:2

Christ foresaw danger of variance and prayed for RC 277:3

Christ prayed for, but some think they know enough TMK 172:2

Christian, OHC 170

is consolidation with Christ PM 142:3

Christians professing, not to act like sinners HP 182:4; TDG 332:4

Christ’s prayer for,

answered; LHU 321:4; TDG 274:3

by cultivating forbearance OHC 237:3

in life work TDG 15:2

put away suspicion TDG 74:3

churches to seek to answer TDG 88:2; LHU 321:4

echoed RC 199:3

written on the heart TDG 170:5

Christ’s work for His followers shown by UL 31:6

church members have pledged UL 143:2

close to others in, by coming to cross TMK 246:5

complete, necessary for perfection of believers RC 200:5

conference president to bring (avoiding outside printing) PM 122

counters Satan’s work OHC 185:2

created by God’s spirit ruling in the heart RC 300:2

criticism put away and drawing together in UL 366:3

depends on yielding to the Spirit of God OHC 169:3

disorder and fanaticism overcome and restoration of 3SM 376:4

diversity with, HP 287:3

among Christ’s followers OHC 169

parts of machine illustrate OHC 182:3

divine credentials in TMK 172:2

drawing apart from, is plan of the artful foe TDG 74:4

each must perfect his character and have, with Christ TDG 182:3

effort and patience in answering Christ’s prayer for 3SM 167:5

encourage, in faith and judgment LHU 309:2

evidence by,

that Christ came to save sinners UL 271:2

to convince the world TDG 135:5

fails if not based on love of Christ UL 279:6

feelings of jealousy, evil-surmising and envy spoil TDG 19:2

fellowship brings HP 281:6


of abiding in Christ 3SM 20:2

of the living vine UL 295:3

genuine only in the cross UL 279:6

giving up own way for, with Christ UL 153:4


desires, of believers TDG 295:3

has promised, with His workers TDG 209:2

is dishonored by lack of; study John 17 3SM 21:1


for, in this life if we expect life hereafter TDG 372:4

to transform hearts for, by assimilation to Christ 3SM 20:3

harmony of, with Bible truth UL 149:2

hearts sanctified by the truth are in, with Christ TDG 298:2

heaven will have, so we must have it here LHU 309:6

Holy Spirit ruling in hearts creates OHC 170:3

hope centered in Christ brings UL 36:4

ideal the Bible holds for the church 3SM 18:3

importance of, LDE 92:1

but not with worldly policy and churches 2MCP 559:2

whether talents are many or few TDG 345:6

impossible between worldly ones and God’s servants HP 310:3

impressions on non-SDAs made by power of LHU 263:2

increase of,

and love testifies of redemption through Son TDG 311:3

when Holy Spirit controls, showing what God did RC 219:4

keep, although expression may vary under the Holy Spirit PM 102:4

lack of,

among Christians gratifies world UL 358:2

and unsanctified remarks; divided on doctrine (1888) 3SM 167:2

dishonors God UL 271:2

Ellen White,

saw herself standing before people with TDG 35:2

shown evil of, as in argument on Galatians 3SM 175:1

fruit of an unholy spirit working on the mind TDG 150:3

is devising of unsanctified minds 3SM 21:2

taken advantage of by Satan TDG 141:3


brings, with believers, Christ, and the Father OHC 173:4

love of Christ blends soul with soul in OHC 183:3

minds differ and should work in, looking to God for duty 2MCP 427:2

nationalities may be different but Christ prayed for 2MCP 426:4

need for, UL 149

but not with those apostatizing 3SM 412:2

doctrines assured RY 124:1

Ellen White attempted to show TDG 372:4

in ranks of God’s people UL 369:5

in workers UL 286:2

presses work in many lands PM 395:3

obedience important in attaining, with God through Jesus OHC 170:2

opinions held persistently prevents CET 203:2

possible and necessary TMK 173:2


in Christ’s prayer for HP 76:4

of truth seen by UL 136:4

powers of the being work in, when Christ is in the heart TDG 23:2


brings, with each other and with God Mar 85:3; OHC 177:4

for, then live so God can answer RC 200:3

principles of,

created by Christ UL 104:5

with fellow believers; not sentimentalism HP 110:2

rebellious ones in, to make war with the Lamb 3SM 423:3

resistance to spirit of, by speaking evil of one another 2MCP 639:2


for, with people and God OHC 184:2

found by each one in UL 157:2

rumors frequently destroy TMK 184:3

Satan opposes UL 69:5


because the Bridegroom is coming RC 219:8

by those who are doers of the Word TDG 356:4

of mind, judgment and speech with brethren 1MCP 40:3

shows that God sent Jesus UL 157:3

sign of discipleship UL 104

spiritual growth of the disciples required UL 110:2

strength in, OHC 170:3

of spirit and action HP 349:4

press together 3SM 352:1

truth to be shown in members of Christ’s body 3SM 15:2

study group after disappointment sought CET 193:2

success in the work by, HP 328:3

as between Father and Son RC 200:4

temple stones to have, in diversity, each emitting light RC 273:6

testimony for Christianity OHC 173:4


brings, OHC 329:4

among nationalities OHC 171

possessing the soul TMK 129:4

is God’s basis for OHC 329:3

supported in 3SM 23:1

unbroken front in; strong in the Lord TDG 369:3

unconverted influenced by, in the church TMK 153:5

use skill to be in, with one you feel injured you TDG 121:4

walk and work in perfect HP 349:4


Christ and believers OHC 182

Christ forever, promise of, amazes heavenly host HP 282:4

God prevents variance with each other OHC 170:3

one another and Christ is fruit on the branches HP 72:5

one another and with Christ RC 200:2

those who have no connection with God HP 310:2

Word of God contains a superhuman 1MCP 53:1

words calling for, to be repeated and fulfilled TMK 173:2

work advances by, but world defines it differently PM 142:3

work for; learn of Christ’s meekness daily 1MCP 40:2


for Christ must labor in, blending their efforts TDG 297:2

will have, by relationship with God and the work PM 85:1

working in,

blending mind with mind 2MCP 429:1

in Christian fellowship UL 271:2

under Christ as Head TDG 311:3

with God as center LHU 292:3

worshiping in HP 288

See also Christ, unity (with one another); Enmity; Harmony; Hatred; Misunderstandings

Universal empire

Universal empire, disciples expected Christ to take throne of GC 25


Universalism, reaction to doctrine of eternally burning hell has turned thousands to EW 219; 1T 344-5

Universalist, Universalists

Universalist, Universalists, converted under Miller’s (Wm.) preaching GC 332

Universalist teachings

Universalist teachings, re dead sinners GC 537-8, 548; 1T 344


Universe, affairs of, God rules over all SC 100

all things throughout, Christ holds in orderly arrangement and tireless activity Ed 132

Christ’s hand sustains AA 472

all treasures of, will be opened to study of redeemed Ed 307; GC 677

astonished by the manner of Christ’s death TMK 339:3

atonement by Christ demonstrates to, that justice and mercy are foundation of God’s law and government GC 503

Christ, adored and praised by every heart in unfallen TMK 319:4

glorified before, in the resurrection LHU 102:2

has demonstrated before worlds of, that God’s law is unchangeable GC 503

opened graves to show to, His power over death FW 74

revealed principles of the law to 2MCP 564:3

voice of, was the keynote of HP 248:5

Christ’s work of purification of, from sin PP 358

creative energy is still exerted in up-holding CT 185

entire harmony pervades LS 87

erroneous idea that, is governed by fixed laws excluding divine freedom GC 525

everything in, calls on God’s people to proclaim truth of third angel’s message 9T 25

evidence to, by obedience honors God TMK 297:2

evidences of God’s: miraculous power in creating and sustaining 8T 328

wisdom and power in creating and sustaining PP 602

extolled God as righteous after Satan’s conflict TDG 14:6

final purification of, from sin and sinners GC 678; PK 684-5; PP 358

for good of, God did not destroy Satan when he sinned GC 499; PP 42

God executes justice upon the wicked GC 541-2

God finally will destroy impenitent in mercy to GC 543

God is in communication with every part of DA 356

God is Owner of 6T 387

God is Source of life, light, and joy to SC 77

God to be honored, vindicated and glorified before TDG 296:5

God’s character revealed to, in the gift of His Son TMK 18:5

God’s people are on trial before 6T 445

good of, God executes justice on the wicked for GC 541-5

Satan made it appear that he was seeking PP 42

happiness of, unaffected if God had left world to perish TMK 367:5

harmony throughout, as long as all beings worshiped God TMK 366:2

heavenly: astonished at apathy of God’s people 9T 42

give evidence to, that Christ is Author of our religion 6T 21

God’s people work in view of CSW 141

inhabitants of, expect Christians to shine as lights in world 9T 22

mystery of godliness is marvel of SD 22

waits for channels through which God’s mercy may flow 6T 480

waits for consecrated channels through which God can communicate 1SM 117

world will give account to God before TM 132

humans seen by, as God’s temples when bodies preserved RC 165:5

includes more than earth and mansions above TMK 367:3

inhabitants of, expect Christians to shine HP 327:3

interest of, in commandment keepers TMK 342:3

in consistent walk of Christians OHC 179:4

in our world because of price Jesus paid Mar 341:3

law of God made for all of TDG 114:5

law of, heaven not for those without respect for OHC 141:2

liberty of, Satan sought to appear as working for RC 60:2

love of God expressed by 1MCP 249:4

made eternally secure by Christ’s death DA 764

manifestations of God’s power in, philosophers often fail to appreciate GW 18

meeting deciding wages watched by PM 149:2

miracle and mystery of Ed 99

never-ending routine of, not stopped on Sabbath DA 206-7

nothing can happen in any part of, without God’s knowing it 3BC 1141

operation of, changing the law would have affected FW 118:2

plan of redemption vindicates God’s character before PP 68

principles of God’s kingdom are to be manifested by God’s people to 6T 13

questions, about God’s government answered before TDG 14:2

of, answered through controversy with Satan RC 58:3

rest for, Christ will continue to send messages until TDG 91:5

Satan pretended to work for liberty of TDG 14:4

sin’s malignity shown to, by Christ’s wounds TMK 255:3

tried to help humans appreciate God’s gift TMK 81:2

work performed as in sight of TMK 89:4

See also Worlds, other

remember that individually you are working in full view of 8T 164

resources of, men can be linked with Him who has at His command MB 24

reveal to, that there is forgiveness with God FE 370

Satan’s rebellion is lesson to GC 499; PP 42-3

scepter of, God sways 5T 337

sin can never again enter DA 26

throne of, before His incarnation Christ sat on GW 111-2

God is on GC 476

unfallen, unconditional pardon of sin would fill with consternation PP 522

unselfish love is atmosphere of SC 30

well-being of, depends on conformity to principles of righteousness MB 48

whole (entire): eternal life that would imperil happiness of SC 62

God carries with Him sympathies of, in fulfilling plan of redemption PP 79

God is rightful Owner of 4T 477; 9T 245

God’s purpose to demonstrate His attributes of justice and love to PK 461

interested in world COL 176

marveled that Christ would humble Himself to save fallen man PP 69-70

Satan’s machinations will be unmasked before GC 670

watched testing of Adam and Eve 1BC 1083

watches closing scenes of great controversy PK 148; 5T 526; 6T 145

watches controversy on earth 1SM 415; TM 114

will be cleansed of sin and sinners GC 678; SR 433

will declare God’s ways true and just GC 671

witnessed scenes at Sinai PP 335-6

witnesses to nature and results of sin GC 504

work as if you were in full view of CW 113

whole loyal, toiling soldier of Christ has sympathy of TM 148

working of infinite power in, susceptible mind recognizes Ed 99

world is dark blot in SD 11

world is lesson book of DA 19; PP 154