EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)


Youth (Part 3 of 3)

angels try to arouse 1T 161

appeals and warnings made to, will rise up against them in judgment 3T 363

backsliding of, how fond parents cause 5T 40-1

parental responsibility for 5T 38

becoming less susceptible to influence of God’s grace 4T 200

brought to feel power of God’s word at times Ed 259

cannot be: happy in indulgence of sin 4T 364

off guard safely for a moment MYP 271

too guarded in words and deportment 3T 378

truly happy without Christ’s love GW 209-10

carnal heart of, must be changed 1T 162

characters of, become warped and one-sided without religious element 5T 416

Christ has left example for CSW 54; CT 178-80; ML 299; 5T 42

Christ knows, by name SD 98

Christ longs to save CT 48; ML 320

Christ loves ML 56; SD 82

Christ loves to have, give their hearts to Him SD 99, 256

Christ’s life as perfect pattern for CT 537; SD 130; 1T 496

Christian home’s influence as sure safeguard of, against corruption of world AH 19

conflict and warfare before 1T 408

contend against Satan that he may not take FE 89

conversion of: great burden of parents and teachers should be CSW 50

EGW’s early labors for LS 41-2

daily companion and friend of, Christ is to be 8T 320

deciding their eternal destiny now AH 302

deny self little for religion 2SG 252

dislike religious services because conscience condemns them 5T 42

do not hinder, in coming to Christ 1SM 319

do not leave path of holiness all at once 5T 41-2

elevated standard is presented before MYP 24

enthusiasm of, can find its true object in Christ Ed 297

erroneous impressions of, re religion 3T 374-5

eternal things have little weight with 1T 505

every, God is testing 4T 623

failure of, to exercise faith 1T 161

faith of, strengthens as they work with Christ 3T 370

firm principles may be had by, to resist temptation 3T 472

first consideration of, should be to honor God 3T 195

foolish nonsense of, drives holy desires from heart 1T 392

genuine religion should be represented before CSW 95-6

genuineness of faith of, will be proved 1T 269

God calls for MYP 333, 408

God is ready to help CT 223

God is willing to teach, today 2SM 228

gospel truths that should be constantly kept before FE 370

great need of, religion is 1T 504

great work for, God will do MYP 66

guide of, Christ desires to be 2T 312

have: all-powerful Helper in Christ MYP 95

daily cross to bear CT 330

hearts of: most susceptible to divine impressions SD 78

most susceptible to teachings of Christianity 4T 142

not hardened as in older persons 5T 33

how: lose susceptibility to religious influences CSW 80

may avoid severe trials 1T 509

may be written as man in book of God SD 335

should meet temptation SD 211

how conversion affects 4T 625-6

how narrow path to life may appear to 4T 364

how temptation can be resisted by 3T 378

lack just what they have not—religion 1T 504

lack of: godliness among 2T 289

holy living condemns 1T 154

large share of, need Christian experience 3T 199

many, appear shy of religious conversation 6T 114

will volunteer to stand with Christ SD 245

may be power for Christ if they maintain simplicity SD 266

may become partakers of divine nature 9T 176

may bring to Christ their burdens and perplexities MYP 123

may stand firm for God under unfavorable circumstances PK 490

minds of, should be firmly balanced by religious principle 4T 140

morning prayer that should be offered by 3T 363

neglect of prayer by, recorded in heaven 3T 364

neglect of sacred duties by, result of 3T 373

not one in 20: has experienced separation from world that God requires 1T 510

knows what experimental religion is 1T 496, 504

professing present truth heeds Bible teachings 1T 498

only safe pattern for, Christ’s life is SD 132

only safeguard for, fixed principle of truth is 3T 194

love and fear of God is SD 162

religion of Bible is 5T 24

only safety of: amid perils of last days SD 136

is in unceasing watchfulness and humble prayer 3T 374

is to make God their trust 2T 409

lies in watchfulness and prayer MYP 247; PK 82

living connection with God is FE 232

parents should teach, love of Christ CG 487

prayer by, is needed 3T 370

precious victories over sin could be won by 3T 373

preparation needed by, to be saved 1T 155

privilege of, to seek to become what God would have him be PP 573

promise to, made on condition of obedience 1T 510

questions that should be asked by, in examining his heart MYP 122

religion that is worth nothing to 1T 162

religious experience of 1T 159

Satan ever seeks to wrest, from Christ 5T 41

Satan seeks to wrest, from Christ’s hands 5T 41

serious and religious impressions in, influence of evil associates dispels 3T 125-6

sinning by, in no wise releases them from their obligations to God 3T 365

Spirit gives power to, to overcome wrong habits MYP 369

Spirit loves to address COL 132

spiritual weakness of many, is deplorable 3T 379

strength found by, in God MH 450

stumble especially over phrase “A new heart” SD 100

successful life cannot be lived by, without making God center of affections 4T 623

unconsecrated lives of, are reproach to Christian name 1T 496

why: are backward in religion 2SG 251

are dwarfs in spiritual things 3T 379

are easily led into temptation and sin MH 458; 8T 319

25. Talents and capabilities of

capabilities of, given them by God for wise improvement 4T 434

cleverness in, that God cannot use MYP 43

faculties of, properly cultivated would qualify them for almost any position of trust 3T 367

intellectual faculties of, are God’s heavenly endowment 8T 65

God claims due cultivation and exercise of 4T 434

must render account for improvement of their abilities 3T 222

physical and mental endowments of, God is giver of CT 99; 4T 434

talent(s) of: churches need GW 211

Satan seeks service of SD 336

should be consecrated to God’s service FE 231

See also Capability; Endowment; Talent

26. Temptations and trials of

exposed to many trials and temptations FE 100

how Satan entraps FE 103-4

how Satan leads, to impure associations AH 81

how Satan works to steal march on 1T 501

inexperienced feet of, Satan lays snares for 5T 34

love of music in, how Satan exploits 1T 497

love to pose again and again for photographs 1T 500-1

love world and things in world decidedly 1T 499

meet temptations on every hand MYP 88

not left to fight unaided against tempter MYP 95

obedience to God’s word is best shield for, against temptation CT 438

objects of Satan’s special attacks GW 207

one of Satan’s cunning devices to destroy MH 446-7

Satan allures, by ambition, indolence, skepticism, and self-indulgence 5T 41

Satan comes as angel of light to MYP 454

with specious temptations 4T 623

Satan exerts every energy to control, with hellish cunning 5T 23

Satan has alluring charms to engage interest and excite imagination of 3T 84

Satan is untiring in efforts to secure service of 5T 28

Satan is vigilant foe intent on his purpose of misleading 1T 511

Satan loves to secure, as soldiers in his ranks SD 177

Satan presents many temptations to MYP 95

Satan redoubles temptations for, in order to hold them MYP 82

Satan studies to lead, into sin MYP 454

Satan works to secure, in his own ranks 2T 102

Satan’s efforts to corrupt and debase every CT 47

Satan’s efforts to corrupt thoughts of, in last days CG 440

Satan’s efforts to unsettle, re Bible FE 88

Satan’s most powerful temptation can be resisted by 3T 472

Satan’s power over, is fearful today CD 243; 4T 140

seed of doubt sown in hearts of, harvest of infidelity is reaped from FE 542

Satan nourishes every FE 542

shield, from Satan’s devices 5T 34

snares for, Satan is laying 5T 28, 34

world is full of MH 371

surrounded by temptations on every hand 4T 421

surrounded with allurements to self-indulgence Te 155

swept away by popular current 9T 90

temptations surround, on every hand Ed 293

temptations which specially appeal to 1T 502-3

tempted to be ambitious for self COL 53

tempting pleasures that look inviting to, downward road is strewn with 4T 364

terrible scenes just before 1T 508

time of special danger for, this is 4T 421; 8T 223

time of trial for, this is CT 327

time of trouble will test 1T 508

trial before, which they have not anticipated 1T 269

trials and temptations of, Christ knows by experience ML 317

troubled especially by suggestions of skepticism SC 105

what Satan tells, about sin and vice 2T 409

will be: brought into most distressing perplexity 1T 269

See also Temptation; Trial

27. Things that endanger 1T 390-405; 3T 221-7; 5T 508-16, 521

amusements CT 325-30

association with the ungodly 2BC 1001

attending worldly schools CT 374

being reared in idleness AH 137-8

business practices that, should be taught to shun Ed 236

city life 2SM 358

coaxing and indulging are one of worst evils which can come upon PK 236

connection with large sanitarium 8T 228

corrupting influences at work among 5T 23

counselors of, whom Satan uses to lead astray SD 211

enticements of world are alluring to MH 396

entire lifetime of, lack of correct discipline may result in failure of 3T 148

erroneous ideas re use of money 6T 214

every inducement that Satan can invent is pressed upon 3T 379

false glitter and tinsel of world attracts 3T 375

fiction writers’ influence upon Ed 227

flattery SD 73

follies of, leave impress on adult 2T 322

follow impulse blindly and without reference to principle 4T 651

following own inclinations 3T 373

following their own inclinations, results of 3T 557

greatest danger of, lack of proper training and discipline is 4T 140

greatest, lack of self-control is CD 243

idleness is curse to 2T 349

improper reading CM 143; 7T 165, 203

inaction is greatest curse that ever came upon 3T 151

influences that are, in world today Ed 226-8

keep, as far as possible from contamination of cities AH 136

life in cities endangers usefulness and spirituality of 9T 89-90

life(s) of, how sowing of wild oats affects 4T 622

rebellion works out bitter results in CG 179

making shipwreck of faith and happiness FE 100

mind(s) of: must not be leavened with skepticism FE 542

Satan has thousand ways and plans to creep into and unsettle 5T 519

why it is dangerous to sow seeds of skepticism in MH 440

worldly influences leave impress upon 5T 543

music used by Satan to ensnare 1T 506

nets finely woven to entangle, Satan has many CT 325

parental criticism of sermons heard at church ill affects 5T 497

parties for, that are oblation to Satan 8T 66

path diverging from rectitude is fraught with peril and disaster for MYP 22

perils of city life to PP 168-9

perils of last days will bring trial before, which many have not anticipated CT 327

present state of society SD 316

rejecting counsel against entering into unwise marriage 5T 106

restless energy often is DA 640; Ed 213

see in skepticism independence that captivates imagination FE 542

sentimentalism CH 294-5

skepticism allures, from path of holiness 5T 41-2

society influences, to follow natural turn of their own mind CT 325

souls of, sowing wild oats imperils MYP 164

things that exert almost irresistible power upon MH 364

unfortunate age for, we live in CT 325

vision re 4T 364

whole life of, one act of disobedience has blighted 5T 125

worldly influences of so-called good society 5T 78

28. Training of 8T 221-30

aim for mental discipline in FE 115

church must make more liberal efforts for CT 43

churches should undertake, to do miss. work 5T 556; 6T 213

disadvantages of, in institutions MM 178-9

great mistake made by parents in 1T 403

home, principle of co-operation is invaluable in Ed 285

vital importance of PP 578-9

in schools of prophets PP 592-602 See also Schools of prophets

is important and solemn work 4T 418

lines of miss. work for which SDA schools should give CM 30-1

Luke 6:31 should be rule of all who undertake Ed 292-3

magnitude of work of, parents and teachers do not estimate CT 166

matter of highest importance CT 145; FE 416

modern, important things neglected in PP 594-5

noblest work given to man is, to become true soldiers of Christ CT 166

parents’ bad example hinders Ed 259

practical, is worth far more than any amount of mere theorizing MH 450

right, Satan’s intense hatred for 4T 421

religious, great lack in CSW 77

should encourage pure devotion for God in His house 5T 496

system of, that is wholly deleterious FE 114-5

that would lead them to hate sin PP 601

value of, in habits of industry Ed 218

what teacher should know re Ed 292

29. Work activities and habits of

active minds and hands of, need employment CG 341; SD 140

cultivation of soil is good work for CT 186

encourage some, to enter colporteur work 9T 78

faithfulness required of, in home duties 3T 79-81

habits of industry aid, in resisting temptation FE 322; LS 354

habits of industry encourage in, spirit of self-reliance PP 601

habits of industry shield, from many evil and degrading practices PP 601

life of industry and obedience is favorable to formation of good character in SD 131

majority of, averse to work CG 440; CH 112

pent-up energies of, habits of industry give vent to LS 354

physical labor by, importance of 2T 348-9

poverty prevents, from being ruined by inaction 3T 151

proud of their ignorance re useful labor are blot on society CG 347

sure safeguard for, useful occupation is AH 284

surest safeguards of, useful occupation is one of CT 122; Te 210

useful work is blessing to CG 124

See also Manual labor; Work

30. Miscellaneous

account book written daily by MYP 44

acts of, record is made of all 2T 564

advice for 5T 520-9

all, exert influence for good or evil on minds and characters of others 3T 363

are: Christ’s precious possession CSW 158

God’s heritage 8T 62

God’s property 3T 365

miniature men and women 4T 398

our hope for miss. labor FE 320

pupils in school of Christ SD 78

purchase of Christ’s blood 5T 34, 91

younger members of God’s family Ed 293; FE 90; 4T 398; 5T 91

arms and hands of, should be trained in doing good AH 510

baneful theory that, must have their jolly times FE 455

becoming: bolder and more defiant 4T 200

camp-meeting work for 6T 105-9

camp meetings as school for 6T 49

character and education among, great diversity of 5T 88

character building by MYP 15-8

character called pliable should be shunned by ML 73

character(s) of: development of Ed 288

that God approves MYP 163-5

that is associated with vain peacock 3T 367

time of trouble will test 1T 508

warped by indulgence, flattery, and indolence 3T 364

Christmas gift for, Life of Joseph Bates recommended as AH 479

conversation of: foolish, that withers noble and devotional thoughts and feelings 1T 392

frivolous, angels record 2T 180

frivolous, attracts devils around them 1T 505

not always choice and elevated 1T 388

subjects of 1T 505

that is disgusting 2T 180

that turns angels away in sorrow 1T 505

trifling, reproved 2T 177

correct and virtuous habits formed by, how afterlife is affected by CH 113

correct habits in, importance of forming 5T 415

deeds of, are written in book 1T 158

delinquency of, as sign that end is near 1T 217

denunciatory spirit in, is unbecoming and positively disgusting 2T 134

erroneous idea of, that early life is to be frittered away in idle sport, jesting, joking, and foolish indulgences 3T 222

every influence surrounding, needs to be on right side 5T 112

evil increases faster in, than good does CT 119

faithfulness by, is needed 3T 370

form habits which in nine cases out of ten will decide their future 4T 426

frivolity of, is not pleasing to God CT 366; 8T 65

God does not estimate, by their outward appearance SD 130

God has given to, ladder to climb ML 156

God loves to make, happy AH 497

God marks deportment of, to parents and in family circle SD 130

God pities and loves 4T 43

God the Father loves CT 223

God waits to inspire, with power from above MH 405

God wants, to become earnest of mind MYP 21

to do their very best MYP 164

God will accept, if they consecrate themselves to Him FE 48

God’s commands are briers and thorns to some 4T 626

God’s will re, many passages of Scriptures show 1T 498

good character as capital of, is more valuable than gold or silver 4T 656

greater portion of, spiritual lack that will shut out 1T 155

guiding principles for MYP 407-10

guilt of, is proportionate to light and privileges received 3T 365-6

habits formed by, affect their future usefulness 5T 545

have but one youth and must make it useful 4T 623

home influences that affect, for good or for bad CH 100

hope of church is its 1SM 319

how, can be strong in integrity and wisdom 5T 321-2

idle hands and brains of, ready for Satan to control 1T 395

independence in, that is praiseworthy 2T 308

influence exerted by, is written in book of records in heaven 3T 363

influence of residents of Battle Creek upon 5T 186

influence of SS on CSW 10

influence of worldly professed Christians is injurious to 1T 403-4

influences surrounding, should be of holy character 5T 479-80

injurious impressions are received by, far more readily than are divine impressions 5T 544-5

innocent laugh from, persons who are chilled by 1T 565

intellect of, dwarfed by neglect of high responsibilities 3T 370

education of, to neglect of physical and moral nature 5T 522

it rests with, whether they become persons of trust, integrity, and real usefulness 4T 655

lack of stability in, EGW mourned 3T 379

language of, generally is to gratify self 2SG 252

life history of, determined by his choice CG 196

life’s narrow path may appear to, to be destitute of attraction 4T 364

literary societies’ influence upon CT 541-4

malice and rebellion of, parents responsible for 4T 203

many mistakes will be made by CT 269

may be blessing in home MYP 333

may become vicious or virtuous as they choose CG 196

meeting(s) of CSW 69-70

leadership of CSW 70

meetings needed for, at camp meetings 6T 105-6

memory of, most essential points of SDA faith should be stamped on FE 547; LS 448

mental and physical powers of, should be set to task of improvement SD 78

mind(s) of: are impressionable CT 192

compared to enduring rock 5T 545

effects of wrong impressions upon 5T 545

how, are educated to familiarity with sin 3T 471

how seeds of doubt are sown in COL 41

impressions made on, are hard to efface 4T 198

love of world predominates in MYP 367; 1T 499

narrowed by frivolous things 3T 370

naturally given to folly 1T 401

Satan generally controls 2T 460

Satan has almost complete control of 1T 217

mistakes made by, in their life discipline SD 117

mistaken impression received by 3T 222

much opposed to order and discipline CG 111; Ev 651; SD 114

must render account for good they might have done 2T 179

neatness and thoroughness should be required of MM 175

neglect of duty by, is marked in book of God 3T 364

no man can tell which, would be most promising 6T 197

no one can do more for temperance cause than CH 441

not all, can grasp ideas quickly CT 552

not free to choose what they will without consulting God’s will 5T 85

not one in 100, feels his God-given responsibility 5T 115

old age is no more respected by many 1T 217-8

one act of disobedience has blighted lives of many 5T 125

one of greatest deceptions that fastens upon 3T 375

pathway of, bright beams of heaven’s light shine on MYP 32

Paul exhorts, to sobriety 1T 499

pearl of great price is offered to 4T 625

persons qualified to mold character of, must be learners in school of Christ FE 191

Peter exhorts, to be clothed with humility AA 527-8

placed on trial in world MYP 409

powers of, are mostly dormant MYP 256

powerful influence for good can be exerted by 1T 485

precious grace rarely seen in ML 56

prevailing influence in world is to let, follow natural turn of mind 1T 403

pride and folly of, guilt of parents who flatter 2T 180

pride in 2T 173-83

principles adopted by, affect their future usefulness 5T 545

principles to be cultivated by, must be kept before them in their daily education 5T 525

probation of, will soon close 1T 511

reason and judgment of, blind impulse often controls 5T 110

ready to pass lightly ever hasty and impatient speech Ed 236

reap as they have sown FE 191, 542; 3T 363; 4T 117

resolve of, should be to put his strength, time, and intellect to highest use Ed 57

restless prodigal, looked upon his father as stern and severe COL 204

reverence due by, during church services MYP 265-7

right temperance principles should be implanted in 3T 567

ruin of, divided state of will is ML 73

SS offers precious opportunities and privileges to CSW 52-3

sacred music is not congenial to taste of many 1T 506

Satan claims, as his property MYP 407

Satan is more sure of the man when he gets the 4T 421

second consideration of, should be to be faithful to humanity 3T 195

self-indulgence allures, from path of holiness 5T 41-2

self-restraint and purity in, urgent demand for Ed 228

sin is alarmingly prevalent among MYP 23

skepticism and infidelity in, foremost cause of Ed 260

some seek something to enliven and divert their mind MYP 368

sowing in field of life 4T 117

spare time of, use of 1T 503

spirit of independence and self-confidence in, rebuked 2T 307-8

study countenances of others 4T 621

sunshine may be brought to hearts and lives of the aged by MH 204

tears caused to flow by 1T 512

themes of meditation for 1T 504

true ideal for FE 541-5

true motives of service should be kept before FE 543

truths of God’s word will judge, in last days 1T 498

unsanctified hearts of, words that find response in 4T 654

unwilling to submit to proper authority because of defective home training FE 62

victories over, Satan exultingly displays his FE 52

voices of others influence 4T 621

ways in which God is dishonored by 1T 499

warned against: debasing thoughts SD 78

evils of beer, wine, and strong drink 5T 510

forwardness in conversation CG 144

frivolous conversation 2T 180

indulgence in carelessness and levity 3T 374

love of dress for display 3T 370

needless repining and unhappy discontent 3T 222

EGW’s labors for LS 260

EGW’s last message to FE 547-9; LS 448

why skepticism is captivating to MH 439

why so many grave mistakes are made by CT 223

why teaching of Scripture has no greater effect upon Ed 259

wicked deeds of, not forgotten or overlooked by God 5T 523-4

wild and reckless character of, is heart-sickening 4T 435

words and actions of, attending angel records 3T 363

that make angels weep 1T 505-6

words of, are written in book 1T 158

recording angel writes down 2T 460

world’s, special work needed to save 6T 254-5

wrong habits formed by, cannot be easily and suddenly changed later PP 622

See also Child; Student; Young man; Young woman


abilities of, development of physical and mental OHC 59:4

adultery has corrupted; sin regarded lightly in the church TSB 248:2

age and authority to be respected by RY 44:2

aged and, friendship between; case of Samuel and Eli RY 49:3

aim of, should be high in preparation for lifework 1MCP 366:1

angels sent to guard and protect FLB 269:7

appeal to,

to know Jesus and make eternal interests first OHC 202:5

to pattern life after Christ TMK 233:2

associations of, See Youth, friendships of

army of,

may do much if directed and encouraged CET 204:1

work could be finished quickly by HP 217:6

army of the Lord to be enlisted in, by OHC 29, 219:4; TMK 59:2

attention of, diverted from God, unaware that He watches OHC 283:3

benefited by record of Daniel and companions RC 141:6


made most attractive book to TMK 194:5

study of,

closely by HP 215:5

recommended to FLB 20:8

blessing in home OHC 264:5

blind leaders will lead unprepared, before final conflict 3SM 398:1

bodies of female, handled by a pastor (Ellen White letter) TSB 125

called to serve God OHC 306:2

calling and election to be made sure by OHC 76:2

canvassing work to be done by PM 280:2

care about, talk with and help UL 28:4

carelessness of, regarding health is proverbial RC 147:2

character formation of HP 216:3

characteristics of, valuable in the Lord’s service OHC 306:2

children and, See Children and youth

choice of, between following Holy Spirit or inclination OHC 269:5; TMK 251:2


desires, for His service FLB 247:4

did duties of LHU 77:6

left a perfect example for RC 37:3

(life of) to be keep before FLB 114:4


and desires them to reach high standard TMK 236:5

and longs to have them possess peace TMK 121:4

met thoughts and dangers of OHC 57:4

pattern of FLB 219:4

to be invited by, into the heart TMK 307:4

waits for cooperation of humans to impress HP 219:5

was an influence from His; youth today may also be RC 185:5

will give wisdom to, as He did to Daniel TMK 310:3


confession before the Father looked forward to by OHC 368:2

example is light to, and to the mature TMK 27:2

obedience an example for OHC 264

church members to take interest in OHC 121:4; RC 250:4

claims of God on LYL 53:5

consecration of,

made vessels of honor and given oil of Spirit FLB 247:4

to God OHC 275:6

conversation of,

evil of foolish, to be realized OHC 292:4

frivolous instead of on Christ HP 218:5

converted, depart from iniquity OHC 306:5

cooperation of, with God; everywhere OHC 142:3

corruption of,

easier than training in truth HP 195:4

protective of ideas about love LYL 53:3

couples formed by, stopped success of meeting TSB 202:1

Creator has conquered all powers of evil on behalf of OHC 14:3

crimes by, because parents neglect Christ’s direction 2MCP 567:0

critical period of, Christ does not overlook OHC 57:4

Daniel as example for HP 261:2

Daniel’s diet experience recorded as warning for HP 261:5

dealing with, sunbeams of Christ’s righteousness in UL 23:4

decision to be cultivated by OHC 341:2

defiled unless barricaded with truth; practices of Sodom TSB 120:1

demoralizing, easier than helping them form good character Mar 229:4

development of thoughts and feelings of, to be understood 1MCP 190:0

discipline lacking in, cause of failure as a teacher 1MCP 200:2

disrespect of, RY 44:2

early, character building and obedience to law in OHC 309:5

education of,

in crime; evil reading LHU 353:2

lacking in principles of gospel TDG 18:3

prayer, praise and obedience most important in OHC 76:4

elevated by devotion, study and labor OHC 261:3

Ellen White,

instructed to take, as her son PM 94:1

rejoiced to see, with softened hearts among converts TDG 211:2

yearned over, realizing possibilities TMK 310:3

encouragement of,

in good thoughts UL 28:4

in handclasp UL 117:4

to improve talents, and correct mistakes RY 47:3

error in life from not starting out right in OHC 243:2

example for,

by festal gatherings Con 68:1

in picking flaws UL 28:4

in practical godliness RC 41:4

wrong by those following own tastes 3SM 254:5

exercise important for 1MCP 117:4

faithfulness and thoroughness to be exercised by OHC 261:2

father of, was unbeliever; Ellen White letter TMK 309

fear of God lacking in, at Battle Creek LYL 54:1

firm and true as Daniel, privilege to be OHC 269:6

fitness for work of God gained during OHC 261:2

fitness of, by devotion to God and study of sciences OHC 261:3

friends of, to be aroused OHC 346:5

friendships of,

pure and holy; only safe course HP 172:5

with opposite gender; idle conversation TSB 245:2

with old people RY 50:0

gatherings of, Jesus not named at HP 218:5


accepts and uses consecrated, today as He did Samuel RC 251:8

calls for,

homage of OHC 14:3

the strength of OHC 282:2

enjoins, to search for truth TMK 204:4

honors, who follow course Daniel took OHC 269:6

is waiting to inspire, that they may lead others OHC 309:6

loves and understands every OHC 19:2

growth of,

in grace and truth OHC 14:3

in Jesus through the Scriptures TMK 161:2

in preparation for crisis OHC 356:4

guard, from iniquity in cities CL 12:2

guidance for, parents should see importance of LHU 127:2

hand of power to be grasped by FLB 9:6

happiness of, requires Christ’s love OHC 14:2


laws followed by, make perceptions clear TMK 313:4

promised to, with firm principles CC 248:6

hearts of, to be clear; thoughts sanctified 1MCP 366:0

Holy Spirit to come upon, to win other youth OHC 282:6

hope of better life for, whose affections placed on Christ OHC 306:7

ignorant of Satan’s devices HP 218:3

impressions on, by our association OHC 175:3

indifference of, to spiritual things UL 138:4

indolent, prayerful consideration needed in working with TDG 79:4

indulgence of, prevents firm stand in time of trial AG 278:3

industry is a blessing to OHC 222:2

infatuation between; spiritual things neglected PM 73:2

influence of,

for good when they can govern self LHU 127:4

in this solemn time TMK 346:3

on other youth OHC 14:4

through rules of 2 Peter 1 OHC 60:6

who practice 2 Peter 1 TMK 160:3

influence on,

by associates HP 172

lost by intimacy with Sister S TSB 182:3

that would ruin them to be pressed back AG 258:6

wholesome; (surrounding) UL 138:2

interest in,

needed UL 117:4

would save from peril OHC 287:4

interest of, in truth, Ellen White expresses concern for OHC 204:2

involvement in well-organized plan for helping other CET 204:1

issues facing this generation of, most momentous ever TMK 194:2

Jesus loves and died to save HP 218:6

knowledge gathered by, remembering eternal realities HP 217:4

labor for, every way you can RC 247:2

laborers wearing Christ’s yoke TDG 253:3

lamps of, trimmed and burning OHC 346:7

law of God to be understood by FLB 84:8

lectures from “great” men are dangerous for 3SM 232:3

life of Christ to be considered and copied by TMK 158

light imparted by, from searching the Word TMK 28:4

living for two worlds and need common sense TMK 209:2

loss of, reason for FLB 269:3

maturity felt by, at 12 to 16; want to choose own course HP 218:5

minds of, trained and developed HP 242:2

mistakes expected in; they can improve from reproof RY 47:3

moral and spiritual power for, by grace in the heart AG 278:3

moral corruption of, worse than death TSB 127:2

music and indulgence of, help for those allured by TMK 314:2

need for, to work for God TDG 190:2

needed for God’s work OHC 282:2

novel ideas not to be object of CC 344:5; OHC 309:3

nursing field needs RC 254:3

object of, usefulness for God should be OHC 261:3

office as school for; workers to care for souls PM 91:1

other youth helped by, to a higher Christian experience RC 248:4

parents cruel to, by permitting their own will CC 49:4

possibilities/opportunity for,

open before them AG 35:1

to help in gospel work Mar 122:2

with grace and effort TMK 325:4

practical education for; omit useless knowledge 1MCP 53:0

precious plants, after the divine model FLB 221:3

preparation of,

for death UL 138:2

important; leadership soon to be theirs TDG 190:3

to represent grace and power of Christ HP 210:5

probation granted to, for forming character TMK 200:4

publications used to destroy PM 376:2

purification of, to live eternally HP 218:6

regularity and order would bring many improvements to OHC 228:2

reminder to, that God sees and hears everything TMK 234:3

repression of evil by, when under control of God’s will TSB 98:1

responsibility of,

before God to be felt LHU 91:8

having great light for associates TMK 346:3

righteousness to be longed for by PM 88:0

salvation worked out by, with older workers; canvassing PM 295:1

Samuel as, when placed in Eli’s care RY 49:3


controls, when they cease guarding themselves HP 218:3

works to,

charm and interest TSB 98:3

corrupt thoughts of OHC 337:3


efforts against, repulsed; Christ rejoices FLB 269:7

inventions lead, from God HP 215:3

scolding does not form desire in, to accept Christ RC 186:4

seeing, in heaven we led from temptation RC 247:3

self-confident, walk in darkness FLB 323:3

self-denial and sacrifice for the truth needed by OHC 199:4

self-improvement for OHC 219:2

service of, from godly homes HP 210:5

simplicity of Godliness may be maintained by RC 249:3

sins of, not easily given up OHC 81:3

Solomon’s life warns those in RY 178:2

souls to be turned to truth by; youth not to be deceived 3SM 232:4

sowing by, determines harvest TMK 236:3

spirit of Christ’s ministry caught by, ready to help needy TDG 283:3

standard set for, to be high UL 138:2

standards of, in office need improvement PM 87:4

strength of mind and body of,

by overcoming difficulties 1MCP 365:2

God desires, in His work RC 251:3

submission of, to parents and loving Christ HP 216:2

suggestions to, in preparing for kingdom OHC 206:5

surrender of, to Christ because of home influence HP 210:5

talents of intellect, time and means committed to TMK 194:3


best defended by God-fearing TMK 314:2

increases physical stamina and endurance of OHC 269:3

required of, in mind and body 2MCP 433:4

temptations imperil,

but angels sent to guard them RC 184:5

but the Saviour cares FLB 269:7

thought habits cultivated early by 2MCP 657:1; OHC 113:4

time of,

for consecration; attachments should be delayed PM 74:1

inward adorning to take TMK 312:3

training of,

God to be thanked for provision for CET 204:3

to cleanse their souls HP 196:4

trust in God to be learned in practical lines by TMK 251:4

unconverted, form attachments as workers in the office PM 73:2

ungodly, influence of one, powerful in hands of Satan TMK 319:3

unhappiness of, self-pleasing causes OHC 263:2

unpromising, God may use, for a great work RC 300:6

unrest and peril for TMK 194:2

vacillating, half a lifetime lost by, deciding lifework OHC 261:3

vanity, carelessness, etc. in many, professing truth TMK 325:3

violence (crime stories) lead, to plan to escape detection OHC 277:3

ways of, they are to consider TMK 200:2

witness of, to other youth OHC 282:6

Word of God, See Youth, Bible

words and deeds,

of kindness needed by VSS 132:0

sowed during, bring like harvest TMK 236:3

work of God for; right principles and self-control needed LHU 127:3

workers who are; many do not know Christ TDG 17:3

See also Children; Christ, youthful disciples of; Man, young; Woman, young

world loved by, leaving no room for loving God OHC 283:2

worship services in institutions to be attended by PM 87:4

See also Children; Christ, youthful disciples of; Man, young; Woman, young