EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)


Seventh-day Adventist Church - Shoes (boots)

Seventh-day Adventist Church

Seventh-day Adventist Church, denominational name of 1T 223-4

denouncement of, as Babylon does not come from God 2SM 66

distinctive name of 2SM 384-6; 1T 223-4

be all that, signifies 2SM 367

beware of fanaticism bringing reproach upon 2SM 46

brought into disrepute by fanatics 2T 553-4

carries true features of SDA faith in front 1T 224

given by God 2SM 384

is standing rebuke to Protestant world 1T 223

like arrow from God’s quiver 1T 224

name that is not suitable as 1T 224

never be ashamed of 2SM 384

proposal to drop use of, in The American Sentinel CW 96

SDA institutions should not hide 2SM 385

use of, in evangelistic advertising GW 119

distinguished from other denominations by position and faith 5T 138

do not call, Babylon 2SM 63-4

doctrine that, is Babylon is satanic TM 42, 58-9

erroneous idea that, is Babylon TM 53

failure of, following emancipation of Negro slaves 9T 205

falsely denounced as Babylon 2SM 63-4; TM 43

fanatics who separated from 2SM 65-6

Gen. Conf. of See General Conference

Gen. Conf. officers of, approved plan of electing 8T 236-7

general features of, there is to be no change in 6T 17

God has not set any kingly power in 8T 236

God’s continual guidance needed by 2SM 47

God’s people are not to be called out of 2SM 63-4

headquarters of, Satan’s chief work is at 4T 210

is to be weighed in balances of sanctuary 8T 247

judged according to privileges and advantages she has had 8T 247

leader of, Kellogg (Dr. J. H.) was never to be 8T 237

EGW never claimed to be 8T 236-7

leadership of: no controversy between Kellogg (Dr. J. H.) and EGW over 8T 236

responsibilities of, should be distributed among large number of competent men 8T 236

should not rest upon a few men 8T 236

loud cry is not to call God’s people out of TM 23

man power is gaining ascendency in 9T 270

management at headquarters of, whole body of believers is affected by 4T 210

may appear about to fall but does not 2SM 380

misconduct of members stigmatizes 5T 138

needs to be careful re persons claiming to have great light 2SM 69

organization and administration of, principles to be followed in 8T 233

organization and development of TM 24-6

organization in, reasons for establishing TM 26

organization of, approved plan of 8T 236-7

outpouring of Spirit upon, in 1893 TM 23

pamphlets that denounce, as Babylon TM 23

people outside of, do more to win TM 128

persons who declare that, constitutes Babylon TM 20, 23, 36-7, 42-3, 44-5, 50, 53, 56, 58-9; 2SM 66-8

persons who denounce, warning against TM 36, 56

persons who would call you out of, warning against TM 36, 58-9

prosperity of, secret of TM 27

ruin of, council of devils to plot TM 472-5

shortcomings of 8T 247-8

teachings of, greatest minds will criticize Ev 69

should be critically examined and tested by Scriptures Ev 69

weighed in balances of sanctuary 8T 247

whole, education should be subject of interest to 6T 162

will be judged by: light bestowed and opportunities given her 8T 247

privileges and advantages given her 8T 247

See also Remnant church

Seventh-day Adventist faith

Seventh-day Adventist faith, conversion to, does not make men fanatics or extremists 5T 642

makes men well-balanced Christians 5T 642

do not hide 6T 144

established faith in strong points of, should not be given up 3T 447

foundation of, ministers should present prophecy as GW 148

give no occasion to unbelievers to reproach 1T 420, 456

individual right to talk what you please re, result of asserting 3T 446-7

is unpopular at best 3T 462

one great platform of, God is leading out a people and establishing them on 3T 447

peculiar and prominent features of 1T 223

avoid giving wrong impression re 7T 108-9

persons who will stand as defenders of 1T 493

point after point of, man who was doubting 3T 447

wide contrast between, and faith and practices of other denominations 3T 462

Seventh-day Adventist family, Seventh-day Adventist families

Seventh-day Adventist family, Seventh-day Adventist families, moves of, that do not please God 2T 633

Seventh-day Adventist headquarters

Seventh-day Adventist headquarters, every pulsation from, felt by members all over field 1T 596

gospel workers need not wait for orders from, for every movement they make Ev 97

great heart of God’s work is at 4T 210

influences whole body 1T 596

management at, whole body of believers is affected by 4T 210

Satan’s chief work is at 4T 210

Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association

Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association, organized and incorporated in 1861 LS 164; 1T 101 See also Review and Herald Publishing Association

Seventh Day Baptists

Seventh Day Baptists 1T 337

Seventieth week

Seventieth week See Seventy weeks; Two thousand three hundred years (days)


Seventy, council of, in Israel Ed 37-8

Seventy disciples

Seventy disciples, charge given by Christ to DA 489

return of, after first missionary tour DA 490

sent forth by Christ AA 32; CH 34, 557; COL 308; DA 488-9; MH 139; MM 253; 4T 225; 6T 292

from Perea DA 488

to cities of Samaria DA 488

two and two in miss. work DA 350

supernatural endowments given to, as seal of their mission MH 94

See Disciples, seventy

Seventy weeks

1. As a whole

2. First sixty-nine weeks of

3. Seventieth week of

1. As a whole DA 233-5; GC 323-9, 345-7, 410; PK 698-9; SL 48-9

allotted to Jews GC 326-8

began in autumn of 457 B.C. DA 233; GC 326-8, 410; PK 698-9

beginning of, decree of Artaxerxes I (Longimanus) at DA 233; GC 326-8, 410

Christ’s disciples mistaken re kingdom to be set up at end of GC 353

end of: Christ’s disciples mistakenly expected Messiah’s kingdom to be set up at GC 345, 353

gospel preached to Gentiles at DA 233-4; GC 328; PK 699

Jewish nation sealed its rejection of Christ at GC 328, 410; PK 699

Paul converted shortly after DA 233; GC 328; PK 699

Stephen stoned at DA 233; GC 328; PK 699

ended in A.D. 34 DA 233; GC 327-8, 410; PK 699

form part of 2300 years of Dan. 8:14 GC 326-9, 351, 410

Jews were privileged to understand DA 234

Miller’s (Wm.) arguments from, found impregnable GC 340, 411, 457

Miller’s (Wm.) interest in GC 323, 325-8

no error found in reckoning of, by Millerite Adventists GC 411

not interpreted rightly by all DA 31; PK 700

outlined to Daniel by Gabriel PK 556

pertain especially to Jews GC 326, 410

prophecy re, apostles did not fully understand GC 345

represent 490 years DA 233; GC 326-8, 410; PK 698-9

See also Two thousand three hundred years (days)

2. First sixty-nine weeks of DA 31, 98, 233-4; GC 323-7, 410

began in autumn of 457 B.C. DA 233; GC 326-7, 410; PK 698-9

beginning of, decree of Artaxerxes I (Longimanus) as DA 233; GC 326-7; PK 698

Christ’s preaching re DA 233; GC 327

end of, Christ’s baptism and anointing by Spirit at DA 233-4; GC 327, 347, 410; PK 699

Christ’s public ministry began at DA 233; GC 327; PK 699

ended in autumn of A.D. 27 DA 233; GC 327, 410; PK 699

nearly ended when John the Baptist: preached DA 133

was born DA 98

preaching of apostles re GC 345-6

represent 483 years DA 233; GC 327, 410; PK 699

3. Seventieth week of DA 233-4; GC 323, 326-8, 410; PK 699

began in autumn of A.D. 27 DA 233; GC 327-8, 410; PK 698-9

beginning of, Christ’s baptism and anointing by Spirit at DA 233-4; GC 327, 347, 410; PK 699

Christ’s public ministry began at DA 233; GC 327; PK 699

end of: gospel preached to Gentiles at DA 233-4; GC 328; PK 699

Jewish nation sealed its rejection of Christ at GC 328, 410; PK 699

Paul converted shortly after DA 233; GC 328; PK 699

Stephen stoned at DA 233; GC 328; PK 699

ended in A.D. 34 DA 233; GC 327-8, 410; PK 699

first half of, Christ preached to Jews during DA 233; GC 327; PK 699

last half of, apostles preached to Jews during DA 233; GC 327; PK 699

midst of: Christ was crucified at DA 233-4; GC 327-8, 410; PK 699

in spring of A.D. 31 DA 233; GC 327-8; PK 699

sacredness and significance of sacrificial service departed at DA 233; GC 327-8

time for sacrifice and oblation to cease DA 233; GC 327-8

veil of temple was rent at DA 233

Seventy years

Seventy years of Babylonian captivity PK 430-1, 552-4

Babylon’s fall was sign that, had nearly ended PK 551-3

began when Daniel was taken to Babylon PK 479

ended with first year of reign of Cyrus PK 556-8

history of God’s people during PK 558

Jeremiah’s prophecy re PK 430-1, 552-4; SL 46

Daniel’s study of PK 554; SL 46

third decree issued in favor of Jews after close of PK 610


Severe, do not be, in trying to be faithful 7T 265 See also Harsh

Severe expressions

Severe expressions, do not speak, to children CT 116


Severity, arouses combativeness 3T 108

better to err on side of mercy than on side of Ed 294

Christ sometimes reproved with 4T 66

cloak of, never put on FE 275

erring souls are cut off from faith and hope by TM 185-6

firm, authority must be maintained by PK 236; 5T 45

God’s, persons who complain of 5T 631

guard against undue, toward wrongdoer AA 503-4; GW 31

hearts of children are weaned from parents by 4T 362-3

home is needed without 5T 568

in family government 2T 253-61

in home circle, results of Ev 342

mild measures, soft answers, and pleasant words are better than 4T 65

never employ, against opponents 9T 240

not necessary to secure obedience AH 308

prevail by love rather than by 7T 265

rebuke, as Satan’s working 5T 609

sin of, toward people whom God approves AA 504

spirit of, in teachers should change to spirit of love 5T 654

stern and unbending, teachers cautioned against 5T 653

terrible, that commanded respect for Elisha PK 236

too much, repels erring 4T 66

too much of, gospel labors should not savor 3T 417

treating children with, stirs up their worst passions CG 286

while they are young AH 362

treating people with, warning against 7T 265

undue, do not treat children with AH 307; CT 114

weed, from your conversation TM 225

See also Harshness


avoid; preach the love of Christ 1MCP 40:3

Severn River

Severn River GC 96


Sewage, fish diseased by feeding on MH 314-5


Sewing, daughters should be taught, by mothers CG 351; FE 74

knowledge of, missionaries to foreign lands need CT 313

mother should not overtax eyes and nerves with MH 381

mothers excessively given to CT 129; MH 294

schools should teach Ed 218; 3T 156

unnecessary, should give way to Bible study CSW 42

See also Mending

Sewing circle, Sewing circles

Sewing circle, Sewing circles, mothers’ duty re AH 246

Sex, Sexes

Sex, Sexes, barriers of reserve should exist between CH 363-4

children and youth of both, engage in moral pollution 2T 347

warning re free mixing (mingling) of 2T 482-3; 4T 95-6

clothing of both, distinction should be made between 2SM 477-8 See also Clothing

erroneous teaching re association of, from health standpoint 4T 95

that opens door of temptation to lust 4T 95

free and improper mingling of, door opened to temptation by 4T 95

mischievous work done by 2T 482

improper association between, warnings against MM 141-6; 2T 439-89

mysteries of life as related to, few youth have definite knowledge of CT 126; 2T 536; 7T 65

parents should properly instruct their children re CT 126; 2T 482, 536; 7T 65

opposite, woman who was too fond of 2T 248

youth are not sent to college to flirt with FE 62

undue familiarity between 2T 248, 322, 455; 5T 602 See also Familiarity

when association of, can be nearer harmless for children and youth 2T 482-3

women should be educated as physicians to their 9T 176

See also Adultery; Courtsehip; Familiarity; Gender; Lust; Masturbation; Petting; Pollution, moral; Sexual privilege; Sexual relations

Sex habits

Sex habits, children’s, many parents blind to 5T 60 See also Self-abuse

Sex knowledge

Sex knowledge, mother’s duty to instruct daughter re 2T 482

Sex problem

Sex problem, among youth 1T 401

Sexual excess, Sexual excesses

Sexual excess, Sexual excesses, by husband and wife, warning against AH 124-5; 2T 472-3, 477

love for devotional exercises is destroyed by 2T 477

takes from brain substance needed to nourish system 2T 477

vitality exhausted by 2T 477

wife’s duty re 2T 475-6

See also Husband and wife

Sexual organ, Sexual organs

Sexual organ, Sexual organs, babies born with natural irritability of 2T 391

unnatural action of, irritation produced by 2T 391

Sexual privilege

abuse of,

by the rule of animal propensities 1MCP 224:5

harms men and women; no fear of God TSB 115:3

wrongly charged by unmarried women TSB 109:2

excess in, TSB 110

harmful; wife has responsibility TSB 113:1

sinful 1MCP 221

reason controls, when regarded as sacred 1MCP 219:3

See also Marriage; Propensities, animal; Sexual relations

Sexual relations

Sexual relations, abuse of, in marriage privileges strengthens animal passions 2T 391

beastly indulgence of animal passions by, married persons warned against 2T 391

between husband and wife AH 121-8; 2T 472-80 See also Husband and wife

corrupt passions indulged by, under union of marriage AH 53; 2T 391, 472-3

erroneous idea that marriage permits man and wife to be controlled by animal passions in 2T 480

excesses in, husband and wife should abstain from 2T 472-3, 477

giving loose rein to lustful passions in, married persons warned against 2T 472-3

gross habits in, some persons have formed CH 373

husband who allows his animal nature to predominate over the intellectual and moral in 2T 381

indulgence of baser passions in, marriage does not sanctify 2T 472-3

licentiousness practiced in, under cover of marriage relation 2T 480

married persons who lower themselves beneath brute creation by means of 2T 472-3

persons who debase their bodies by, under union of marriage 2T 391, 472-3

privilege of, sanctified principle should be basis of every action in 2T 380

Satan seeks to debase minds of married persons by means of 2T 480

unholy practices in, some married persons have formed CH 373

woman whose fine and tender sensibilities were outraged in, by husband 2T 381

See also Sexual privilege

Shackle, Shackles

Shackle, Shackles, habits as 2BC 1024

Shadow, Shadows

Shadow, Shadows, across prodigal son’s home COL 203

another person’s: do not be MH 499

God does not intend that one man shall be 5T 725; 9T 222

young gospel workers should not be 6T 415

beautiful, Satan sometimes comes in form of MYP 59; 1T 296

cast no, on lives of others MH 488

on path of others MH 513

cast sunshine instead of CG 147

chilling, causing souls to droop and die GC 528

Christ as, of rock in weary land DA 103

class who chase 4T 584

class who grasp at, and lose eternal life 1T 132

in preference to substance 7BC 917; 1SM 163

coming events cast, on SDA pathway CG 557

constant, people whose life is in MYP 280

dark, you can be 2T 563

events that already cast their, before PK 537

expecting others to be your 2MCP 428:1

fitful, spiritual and eternal things should not be LS 279

gloomy, that Satan casts between man and God FE 177

human is not be be, of another; work in unity 2MCP 429:1

learn to trust God in, as well as in sunshine MYP 102; SD 323

look up to God when encompassed by PP 657

never lifted from home of one united with enemy of God 5T 363

of another man’s thoughts and directions, do not be Ev 650

of favorite minister, do not be Ev 630

of leaders, gospel workers should not be TM 303

of people whom they think about right, class who are merely 2T 130

of person he admires, gospel worker should not be CSW 106

of uncertainty, do not wait for removal of every 4T 27-8

of unspeakable woe, upon Christ DA 410

of your trials, do not darken path of others with CT 233

on dial of King Ahaz, turned back PK 342

passing, persons who cannot distinguish the true and real from CS 218

real life has its AH 111

sad and depressed person casts, upon others 2T 356

Satan’s dark: cast athwart Christian’s pathway GW 265-6; 1SM 156; 2SM 157

cast between man and God 1SM 372

cast upon interpretation of God’s word MH 116

faith must cleave through TM 387

faith should pierce GW 266

God’s word will cleave through Ev 587-8

press your faith through MYP 198

Satan’s hellish, cast athwart pathway of men ML 91; PK 687; TM 387

shed light instead of casting 4T 37

sin casts its, over men CS 166

song we can sing amid MH 472

substance and, failure to distinguish between LS 325; TM 467

trees cast, in new earth AH 542; GC 675; SR 431

See also Darkness; Depression; Sadness


Shadrach, Daniel’s companion See Daniel’s companions


Shaken, everything that can be shaken will be Ev 363; MYP 30; 2SM 162, 218, 392; 1T 355; 9T 15-6


Shakers, deceptive arts among 2T 272

Shakespeare, Wm.

Shakespeare, Wm. CW 172-3


Shaking LDE 172

among the people, faithful temperance work would cause 6T 111

blows multitudes away like dry leaves 4T 89

church must soon be purified by 2SG 284

class who stand firm during MYP 30; SD 183

false theories will cause TM 112

God’s people must be sealed and prepared for 4BC 1161

has begun already 4BC 1161; EW 50

members leaving church during, will be replaced by other people 1T 182

mighty 1T 179-84

effects of, upon church 1T 181-2

God’s people after EW 270-1

has commenced and will go on EW 50

of European powers is not shaking of powers of heaven EW 41

of everything that can be shaken will occur 1T 355; 9T 15, 62

of God’s people EW 269-73

class who will be shaken out by EW 50

erroneous ideas re 2SM 13

meaning of EW 270

misuse of Testimonies re 1SM 179

not present truth for churches 1SM 180; 2SM 13

rejection of Laodicean message causes EW 270

results of LS 92-3

straight testimony to Laodiceans causes 1T 181

there is to be 1SM 180; 2SM 13

of heavens and earth, by God’s voice EW 34, 41, 272, 285; GC 637; LS 102; 1T 184

when God utters His voice from His holy habitation PP 477

of powers of earth now taking place EW 41; 1T 361

of sun, moon, and stars by God’s voice EW 41


Bible understanding needed to withstand UL 101:2

caused by rejection of the Testimonies LDE 177

chaff separated from wheat in LDE 172

church leaders included in LDE 178

converts replace those who leave in LDE 182

policy cannot save from; 3SM 384:3

it involves Satan’s power UL 356

sanctification by truth to avoid 1MCP 238:4

standing in the time of, requires faithfulness now OHC 354:5

time of Mar 200; 3SM 422

See also Sifting; Unbelievers, uniting with

Shaking time

Shaking time, has come 7T 219

men are now in 1T 429; 6T 332

will disclose that God has faithful servants 5T 80


Shalmaneser, king of Assyria PK 291

Sham, Shams

Sham, Shams, in pulpit preachers 4BC 1170; 2SM 147

religious, insults God 4BC 1149


Shame, how some professed Christians put Christ to DA 439

deeds of, seldom equaled in sacred history PK 204

rejoice to endure, for Christ’s sake DA 440


Adam and Eve realized CC 20:3

Christ suffered, saving us from eternal shame TMK 287:3

law need not give, for we may be cleansed by Christ TMK 140:5

living humbly before God we will not feel RC 351:2

reproof not appropriate for those who feel OHC 295:4


Shamgar, judge of Israel PP 545


Shaphan, scribe PK 393


Shaphat, Elisha’s father 2BC 1035; Ed 58; PK 217-8, 220; SD 93


lion’s, not sought; talents not considered more important 1MCP 241:2


Sharing, blessings and privileges, SDA should be DA 152


Sharon, plain of PP 513

Sharper, Sharpers

Sharper, Sharpers, class of men whom world calls CM 97

commandments of God are not kept by CM 97

do not do business in way to make men call you a Ev 90

doing business with 7T 163-4

colporteur warned against becoming CM 97


Sharpness, glorying in, danger of 5T 288

mark of, mistaken idea of 4T 445

petty, in business is unworthy of Christian 4T 540

rebuke with, persons guilty of gross evils GW 30

Sharp practices

Sharp practices, of world, we are not to imitate PK 651-2

Sharp speech, Sharp speeches

Sharp speech, Sharp speeches, ask God’s pardon for Ev 633-4

Sharp thing, Sharp things

Sharp thing, Sharp things, sometimes must be spoken 2SM 371

Sheaf, Sheaves

Sheaf, Sheaves, gathered, inexpressible joy of seeing 2T 669

harvest of, requires sowing and tilling TMK 281:3

wave See Wave sheaf


Sheba, far from Jerusalem PK 67

Queen of, Solomon visited by PK 66-7


Shechaniah, Ezra encouraged by PK 622


Shechem, vale of, Abraham lived in PP 127, 204, 499

apostles learned lessons at DA 193-4

Jacob’s well at opening of DA 183; PP 499-500

ark of covenant at PP 523

covenant made by God with Abraham at PP 522

covenant made by Israel with Joshua at PP 524

covenant of loyalty to God renewed by Israel at PP 499-500

described DA 183; PP 127, 500

Israelites assembled at, by Joshua PP 522-4

Jacob buried idolatrous images under oak in PP 500

Jacob lived at PP 204-5, 499

nearly 50 years before his death PP 205

Jacob purchased field in PP 499

Jacob’s stay at, violence and bloodshed ended PP 204-5, 210, 235; 3SG 136, 171

Joseph was buried in PP 499

Joseph’s brethren pastured flocks at PP 210

laws read to Israel at PP 499-505

14 centuries before Christ’s birth MB 1

location of DA 183; PP 127-8, 210, 499

Rehoboam at PK 87

See also Sychar


Shechemites, Levi and Simeon murdered Ed 148; PP 204-5, 210, 235; 3SG 136, 171


1. Lost

2. Miscellaneous


1. Lost

cannot find its way back COL 187

church’s duty to search for LS 187-9; 6T 22, 124-5

from God’s fold are scattered in every place 6T 315

God’s people must go out and search for 6T 70

good shepherd’s efforts to find COL 187-8; GW 181-4

in pastures east of Jordan COL 186-7

know not how to recover themselves Ev 462

knows it is lost COL 193

lost, parable of See Parable

lost world as COL 190-1; DA 693; FE 283; 6T 124

many, will return to Christ when storm of persecution breaks ChS 166

many poor souls misunderstood as MH 168

most helpless of all creatures COL 187; GW 183-4

people in large cities who must be sought as GW 364

sinner is as helpless as GW 183-4

sinner represented as COL 187-8; FE 283; GW 181-4; 1SM 390

straying GW 183-4

2. Miscellaneous

amid wolves, God’s people are to be as 9T 236

befouled, borne by Sin Bearer 6T 124

bleating of, heard at temple DA 155

Christ drove, from temple DA 158

Christ knows each of His followers individually and by name as His DA 479

each, in flock had its name DA 479

responded to shepherd’s call DA 479

Eastern shepherd does not drive his DA 480

Eastern shepherd’s care for his DA 478

famine destroyed thousands of, in Australia 1SM 102

goats and, parable of See Parable

in new earth EW 18; 2SG 53

ministers who put crib too high for 6T 205

most timid and helpless of all creatures DA 478

time of shearing, season of hospitality PP 664

wolves stealing, gospel workers should not give impression they are Ev 143-4 See also Wolf

See also Shepherd


Christ cares for His, everywhere, whether low or high HP 25


admission of being HP 116:3

attitude toward erring as Christ’s was toward HP 289:4

burden for LHU 209:4

Christians need to be enfolded like OHC 178:2

Christ exalted the world in bringing back LHU 209:3

Christians need to be enfolded like OHC 178:2

Christ’s actions were to seek our world as LHU 208:2

come close to and help, rather than condemning 2MCP 771:4

heaven sympathized with, but Pharisees didn’t LHU 207:4

help required for; they do not return alone LHU 210, 212

Moses learned to search for SW 23:2

parable of, elaborated HP 25

rejoicing in heaven over the ransom of LHU 212:2

self-denials are steps in the return of TDG 212:6

sheep in the fold to rescue HP 329:3

study parable of; have you brought back sheep? LHU 206:4

other TDG 67:5

scattering of, by diverting minds from important subjects 3SM 415:3

shepherd helps the most needy TMK 53:2


object of Christ’s special care TMK 51:3

patience with, as Christ had with Peter TDG 260:3

Sheep and goats

only two classes two classes: obedient and disobedient FW 44:1

parable of, describes ones claiming sanctification FW 45:0


Sheepgate, sacrificial animals led through, into Jerusalem DA 576

Sheep stealer, Sheep stealers

Sheep stealer, Sheep stealers, ministers should not give impression that they are Ev 143-4


Sheet, dripping, in treatment of disease MM 228

linen, Christ’s body wrapped for burial in DA 774


Shekel, half, required yearly of every Jew DA 155; PP 526

of temple DA 155


Shekinah, above mercy seat 4BC 1139; PK 18; PP 349; 6T 221; 8T 284

above the ark of covenant PP 349, 584

Christ’s glory dwelt in COL 288; PK 18; 6T 221

cloud of glory manifesting God’s presence EW 32; GC 412; PP 349; 4aSG 8, 101; SR 155-6, 183, 194

clouds of incense veiled, from high priest’s view 8T 285

departed from first temple and stood on Mount of Olives DA 829

departed from sanctuary before Christ was born DA 52

high priest alone could enter before GC 414

man could not look upon, and live 8T 284

not in second temple GC 24; PK 597

unspeakable glory of PP 584

visible glory of God 4BC 1139

visible manifestation of: God’s glory GC 414

God’s presence PP 349

visible pavilion of Jehovah 4BC 1139

visible symbol of God PP 584

visible token of God’s presence PP 367; 4aSG 101; SR 183

within inner veil of temple DA 757


perpetual reminder of God’s presence TMK 101:2

Sheldon, Gilbert

Sheldon, Gilbert, archbishop of Canterbury CT 255


Shelf, golden, in houses of the redeemed EW 18; 2SG 53; 1T 68


Shell, tiniest, declares God’s handiwork 5BC 1143

God’s superscription seen on Ed 100


Shelter, man’s, is purchase of Christ’s blood Ed 139


Shem, descendants of, bright future foretold for PP 117

Canaanites became bondmen to PP 118

filial respect shown by PP 118

Jehovah the God of PP 117

line of: Abraham was of 1BC 1092; FE 504; PK 687; PP 117, 125

Christ was to be of PP 117

God’s chosen people were to be of PP 117

God’s covenant was to be of PP 117

lived 500 years after Flood PP 120

revelations of God’s will preserved through PK 682-3


Shemiah, Nehemiah’s opponent PK 655-6

Shepherd, Shepherds

Shepherd, Shepherds, abomination to Egyptians PP 232

ancient, hardships and dangers experienced by DA 479; PP 190; 3SG 122

watched flock at peril of his life DA 479

call of, every sheep in flock responded to DA 479

care of, for his sheep MH 162

case in which sheep had to care for 3T 234

chief, Christ as See Christ

Christ as, of His people PP 190-1; 3SG 122-3

Christ used, as object to illustrate truth DA 254

Christ’s birth announced by angels to, of Bethlehem 5BC 1115; DA 47-8, 62; EW 153; GC 314, 339-40; MH 477

custom of, to carry slings and staves PP 644

David as 2BC 1018; DA 47, 479; MH 148; 4aSG 78, 85

Psalm 23 reflects experience of Ed 164

lessons learned by PP 637-42, 746

devourer permitted by, to enter flock 1T 232

discovery of, that one of his sheep is lost COL 187-8

does not depend on force or fear to direct his sheep DA 480

Eastern: does not drive his sheep DA 480

gives untiring and incessant care to flock DA 478

goes before his sheep DA 480

efforts of consecrated, God sanctions CH 537

Egyptians despised PP 234

faithful: Christ is to be seen in each DA 476

does not study his own ease and convenience 2T 341

lesson husband and father should learn from MH 374

parents’ duty as 6T 94, 205

faithful teachers represented as, of God’s flock 6T 323

false EW 123-5

convictions of people quieted by TM 235

God’s word warns against FE 450-1

Pharisees as DA 478

will be punished by plagues EW 124; GC 654-5

flock should be led by, in paths of peace and holiness 5T 227

flock that was being led to ruin by 2T 454

foreign, Egyptian laws against PP 130

gentleness and care of tender, God unites His omnipotence with 8T 10, 39

God will take charge of flock when, are untrue 5T 80

going before his sheep, first meets the perils of way DA 480

good: Christ as CT 198; DA 476-84; PP 190-1

minister’s duty as CT 198; FE 273

parable of See Parable

qualifications of Ed 62; 2T 220

having college education, who do not feed God’s flock 1SM 16

however large his flock, knew every sheep DA 479

Israel’s, great sin of 5T 346

Jacob’s experience as DA 479; PP 190-1

Jacob’s sons were 3SG 139

Joseph as Ed 52

life of, in Palestine SD 277

ministers as 3SG 123-5

ministers should learn to be 3T 228

Moses as 1BC 1099; Ed 62; GW 333; MH 474-5; PP 247-8, 319, 396, 399; 3SG 187, 220, 278; SR 110-1; TM 262-3

lessons learned by CT 407-8; FE 343; PP 247-8

occupation of, regarded by Egyptians as degrading 3SG 169

of God’s flock, should understand voice of Chief Shepherd 1T 232

perfect unity among, need of maintaining EW 61-2

position of, important and responsible 2T 220-1

sheep must be guarded by, against wolves 1T 314-5

teacher as FE 273

tenderness of, in Christ DA 826

true: minister’s duty as 2T 650

privations and hardships are lot of 2T 339

qualifications of 3T 228

work of GW 190-1

wise and careful, rough manners disqualify man for making a 2T 220

work of: great care and tenderness needed in GW 183

much patience and perseverance needed in GW 183

Pharisees did not do work of DA 478

See also Pastor; Undershepherd


angels calmed before opening eyes; picture in hearts RC 373

Christ as, cares for us as His sheep HP 25:2


condemned finally by those they deceived Mar 290:4

corrupted in lust by TSB 205:1

slain by followers LDE 248:2

transgressors will not be shielded by FW 33:3

feeble sheep are known and helped by TMK 53:2

following the Lamb as sheep follow, confidently 3SM 424:2

friendly hand of, needed to lift from crevices 2MCP 772:0

heavenly, knows where to find lambs TDG 67:4

light first attracted, at Jesus’ birth TDG 360:3

lost ones sought by, induced by true religion SW 39:1

needed by many UL 91:6

voice of true, understood by followers of Christ TDG 320:5


Sherbet See Ices

Sherman, Kansas

Sherman, Kansas LS 240; 4T 304-5


Shewbread, acknowledgment of dependence upon God for temporal and spiritual food PP 354

arrangement of, on table in sanctuary PP 348

called “bread of the presence” because it was ever before God’s face PP 354

David ate, at Nob DA 285; PP 656

frankincense placed upon PP 354

kept before God as perpetual offering PP 354

lesson from, re mediation by Christ PP 354

part of daily sacrifice of sanctuary PP 354

pointed to Christ as living Bread PP 354

removed from sanctuary was eaten by priests PP 348

renewed each Sabbath PP 348, 354

set apart for holy use DA 285

table of: glittered like gold GC 414; PP 349

on north side of holy place GC 412; PP 348

in heavenly sanctuary EW 32, 251; LS 100


Shield, Christ as His people’s, against Satan 2SM 245

Christian’s, graces that are SD 32

fear of God as, covered Joseph’s heart 3SG 145; SR 103

God extends, over all who fear Him PP 300

God’s, over His people 5T 714

God’s wings as, for His people 2SM 238

God’s word is, against Satan’s deception GC 465

of faith needed for defense 1T 407

of grace can preserve Christian against temptation 3SG 145

of holy light which Satan cannot pass COL 172

Omnipotence’s, go forth in faith under AA 29

Omnipotence’s broad: commandment-keeping people stand under 8T 120

know for certain that you stand under SD 192

over His people 2SM 373

over the faithful in time of testing and trial 5T 525

SDA not in minority when they stand under SD 195

stand under AA 590


Shiftlessness, do not indulge 7BC 953

how children become addicted to CG 122


Shilling, every, can be used in God’s work WM 267

See also Dollar; Money; Penny


“Shiloh,” name of, means “peace giver” DA 52, 103


Shiloh, Christ as DA 212, 578

in Genesis 49:10 DA 34, 205; PP 236; 3SG 171-2


Shiloh, Ahijah the prophet at PK 108

headquarters of Israel at PP 514

Jeremiah’s reference to PK 415; 4T 166

location of PP 514

Philistines destroyed, more than 100 years before prophecy of Jer. 26:4-6 was given PK 415-6

ruin of, Jerusalem warned by PP 514

sanctuary at 2BC 1010; Ed 41-2; PP 514, 518-9, 547, 569, 571-2, 656; 4aSG 105-6; SR 186-7

300 years PP 514

yearly feasts celebrated at Ed 41-2; PP 537, 569-70, 572


Shimei, Benjamite, David cursed by 2BC 1024-5; PP 736; 4aSG 90-1, 96


David’s patience with curses of TSB 175:2


Shinar, captives exiled by Nebuchadnezzar to PK 422

plain of, by Euphrates River PP 118-9

evil for Judah from PK 409

large plain 3SG 97; SR 72

tower of Babel erected on 1BC 1092; PP 118-9; 3SG 97-8; SR 72-3; 8T 213

two great rivers of 4BC 1166; TM 113

Ship, Ships

Ship, Ships, angels protected LS 229-30; 4T 289

because of praying passengers aboard Te 35

at sea without: anchor or rudder 3T 437

compass or anchor CH 38

brought safely to port 2SM 390

dream re Bro. M’s desire to leave right, to sail on worm-eaten and deceptive one 5T 571-2

dream re strong, sailing on rough waters 5T 571-3

God does not leave, one moment to be steered by ignorant pilots CW 42

home without God is like, without pilot or helm AH 350

in tempest 1BC 1114

literature should be distributed judiciously on 9T 123

man cannot steer his own, straight and safe into harbor AA 199

meeting iceberg in fog 1SM 205

one poor timber will sink 4T 606

relief, fleet of 8T 24-5

shattering an iceberg, vision of 1SM 205-6

sinking of, in tempestuous ocean 2SM 315-6

small leak will sink 8T 158

small leaks have sunk many 7T 207

Solomon used, in trade and commerce PK 72

steering, into harbor 6BC 1109

tempest-tossed, angels often have allayed fear of persons on SD 37

thousands of, will be hurled into depths of sea MYP 89

tract distribution on 1T 552

truth as, not left to be steered by ignorant pilots TDG 93:2

wind increasing as Ellen White was traveling on TDG 362:2

with living cargo will be entombed in great deep 7BC 967

worm-eaten plank of, secret sin compared to 4T 90

worm-eaten timber of 4T 322

wrecked by striking rock at sea 2SM 128

See also Boat; Steamboat; Steamship; Vessels

Ship mission work

Ship mission work, in San Francisco, Calif. WM 112

Shipwreck, Shipwrecks

Shipwreck, Shipwrecks, as judgments of God 5T 234

awaiting people who travel on the deep 5T 234

intoxicating drink has often caused MH 331; Te 35

lighthouse keeper not responsible for, when lights burning RC 167:3

of faith: how to avoid 5T 275

persons who will make 4T 233; 5T 675-6

where thousands of people will make 4T 246

Paul’s experience in AA 441-5; ML 334

Shirker, Shirkers

Shirker, Shirkers, laurels of victory can never be worn by 3T 272


Shishak, king of Egypt PK 94-5


Shittim See Acacia tree


Shittim, vale of PP 453-4, 456, 483


Shock, paralytic See Paralysis

Shoes (boots)

1. Figurative

2. Literal

1. Figurative

gospel, ministers should learn to wear Ev 174

SDA must wear Ev 639; 9T 48

lie goes round world while truth puts on 1T 463

2. Literal

American costume, were most sensible part of 1T 459

burnt, food that makes stomach like Te 158

do not black and brush, on Sabbath CG 528

fanciful theory that, should not be worn in church GW 313

gaiter, children dressed with thin-soled 2SM 470

girls’, for cold weather 2SM 471

priests did not wear, when ministering at altar of burnt offering PP 350

priests left, in court before entering sanctuary GW 173; PP 350; 4aSG 62

reform dress was to reach somewhat below top of 1T 462-3

See also Gaiter boot