EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)


Shoemaking - Signs of the Times


Shoemaking, schools should teach CT 310; 6T 182


Shop, work in, seek to save souls during ML 219

Shop, Shops

Shop, Shops See Market; Store

Shopkeeper, Shopkeepers

Shopkeeper, Shopkeepers, English, evangelistic work for Ev 416


Shore, many gospel workers hug FE 121-2

See also Beach; Coast

Shortcoming, Shortcomings

Shortcoming, Shortcomings, desire clear eyesight to discern your 1T 707

do not be discouraged because of your 1SM 337

other people’s, cease to dwell upon 5BC 1093

persons discouraged because of their SC 64

you will often have to weep because of your SC 64

See also Defect; Mistake


Shorthand See Phonography


Shortsightedness, Solomon’s PK 72

Shortsighted person, Shortsighted persons

Shortsighted person, Shortsighted persons, God’s ways and works not comprehended by 2T 258

Shoulder, Shoulders

Shoulder, Shoulders, baby’s, need to be properly clothed 2SM 467

children’s, inactivity causes ache in 1T 687

need to be properly clothed MH 382

should support weight of clothing MH 382

pain in LS 340

skirts suspended from, by dress reform 4T 635

to shoulder, believers should stand TM 186

woman’s dress should be suspended from 2SM 473

youth’s, need to be properly clothed 2SM 467


Shouting, by fanatics 2SM 36

not evidence of: sanctification 2SM 35

Spirit’s descent 2SM 35


called moving of the Holy Spirit, before close of probation Mar 234:2

Spirit of God not evidenced by wild NL 52:4


Shovel, youth at Australian school learned to use TM 244


Show, God would not have His people spend means extravagantly for 2T 257

humble people who do not make great, often do work that counts most MH 477

inclination for, guard against MM 167

love of: evil influence of 2T 175

leads to wrong expenditure of means 3T 83

warning against 2T 397

of world, children should not be led to compete with 6T 451

outward: Christ’s kingdom came not with DA 506-10

erroneous idea that, gives influence MM 160

gospel work will not be accomplished by Ev 559

people of Christ’s time valued things by Ed 77

real greatness can dispense with DA 242

sin of expending means needlessly for 2T 281

spending means for, warning against 2T 279

thoughts of, weighed by angel 1T 124

vain, pride and position are made apologies for 2T 668

value of gospel work does not consist in making DA 331

world is crazy after 4T 647

See also Display

Show, Shows

Show, Shows, demoralizing amusements FE 318

farmers spend for, money needed to improve farms FE 327

lead to love of world CT 325

pleasing, used to ensnare God’s people 1T 551

poverty of people increased by FE 318

professed Christians who attend CT 326

Satan seeks to make men long for Ev 266

set in operation to divert attention from truth SD 280

true Christians will discard 1T 288

See also Circus; Theater


Shower See Rain


Shrewdness, in business, essential when under proper control 4T 540

in worldly dealing, development of 4T 359

Shrine, Shrines

Shrine, Shrines, desecrated, soul temple filled with MYP 66

erection of, to secure God’s favor SR 332

hearts must be made AH 19

heathen See Heathen shrine

idolatrous, arranged in expensive and alluring manner 3T 263

See also Idolatrous shrine

in high places, Jehoshaphat’s destruction of PK 190

manufacture of small, at Ephesus AA 292

outward, idolatry practiced without PK 177; 5T 173

Roman Catholic, object of painful journeys to GC 75

Satan’s, how life is offered on CS 134

thousands of people worship at PK 210


Shroud, Christ’s, left in tomb DA 789

Shrub, Shrubs

Shrub, Shrubs, blessing in, man should avail himself of MM 234

budding of 3BC 1155

choice, brought from foreign lands by Solomon 3BC 1165; ML 167

never seen peering above unsightly and poisonous weeds AH 468

different kinds of, miraculously preserved during Flood 3SG 77

each: answered to Creator’s purpose when created 6T 358; 7T 87

given for man’s benefit SD 241

God’s wisdom revealed in PK 33

testifies of God 3BC 1141; 8T 260

earth’s landscape dotted by God with CT 185

element essential to life of man and beast is poured forth by each DA 20

God causes, to bud and blossom 1SM 294

God used, to make waters of Marah pure and sweet MH 248

graceful, on earth in beginning PP 44

in Eden MH 261; 7T 81

interpreted by Christ, lessons of truth in CT 179

lessons for study in each 8T 326

life of, man and animal minister to DA 20

lowly, as symbol representing Deity DA 23

point children to CT 188

speak of God’s love CS 17; SC 87; SD 17

in mute language 1T 19

views of, as picture of loveliness AH 154

See also Bush


Shrubbery, around home AH 149; CH 58; MH 370; 4aSG 144; 2SM 463

beautiful, sanitariums should be surrounded by 7T 78

yard beautified with, care of 2SM 463-4

Shunammite woman

Shunammite woman, Elisha befriended by PK 237-9


Shunem, Elisha befriended by woman at PK 237-9

plain of, King Saul’s army defeated on PP 681

location of PP 675, 681

Shut door

Shut door, doctrine of: as held by Millerite Adventists after disappointment of 1844 GC 429; 1SM 63, 74

charges made against EGW re 1SM 61-4

sense in which EGW was believer in EW 42-3, 86, 250; GC 429-31, 435; 1SM 63-4, 74

vision re, given to EGW EW 42-3, 86, 250; 1SM 74

EGW’s belief re, before receiving her first vision GC 429; 1SM 63, 74

for rejecters of light in: Abraham’s time 1SM 63

Christ’s day 1SM 63

1844 1SM 63-4

last days 1SM 63

Noah’s day 1SM 63

Shutter, Shutters

Shutter, Shutters, sunlight should not be shut out by 2T 527


Sick, it is sin to be CH 37

persons deceived into thinking that they are MM 107

persons never, cannot sympathize with those who are 2SM 237

teach people how to treat themselves when Te 88

when soul is, body is made sick MM 238

See also Sick person


Sickbed, Christ’s footprints may be found beside DA 640; MH 106


Christ’s footsteps beside TDG 68:5

Sickbed attendant, Sickbed attendants

Sickbed attendant, Sickbed attendants, ventilation of sickroom by CH 56

Sickbed conversion

Sickbed conversion See Conversion

Sick children

Sick children, care of MH 385

mother ought to know how to minister to MH 385

Sick church member, Sick church members

Sick church member, Sick church members, church’s duty to care for its 2T 435; WM 181

neglect of, how God looks upon 3T 517-8

smaller churches’ duty to 4T 510

treatment of, at SDA medical institutions 1T 643

worthy, church’s duty to care for 4T 510

needing sanitarium care, church’s duty re 4T 510

See also Church member

Sickle, Sickles

Sickle, Sickles, in Christ’s right hand at second advent EW 16; LS 65-6; 2SG 32-3; 1T 60

prayers as, in harvest field Ev 86; ML 220; 2SM 156; 2T 642; 5T 162

SDA should be as, in God’s harvest field 5BC 1089; SD 30


Sickle, opposed views published in Signs of the Times CW 78-9

Sickly body, Sickly bodies

Sickly body, Sickly bodies, man cannot glorify God with CD 18

Sickly Christian

Sickly Christian, described CD 39-40

Sickly experience

Sickly experience, how to avoid 9T 155

Sickly people

Sickly people, need to become health reformers CD 39


Sickness, all, is result of transgression CH 37

all people should know what to do in case of 2SM 290

among ministers, eating too much causes 4T 408

insufficient exercise causes 4T 408

among poor people, generally caused by their sins, follies, and wrongs 1T 642

antagonistic power’s work in MH 113

author of, God is not CH 563; GW 239

best remedy in many cases of, fasting for a meal or two as MH 235

boisterous song cannot cheer man’s heart in 5T 509

cause of, ascertain MH 127

first duty is to remove MH 235

cheer for heart in time of 5T 509

chronic, church’s duty to members suffering from 4T 510

common cases of, mother ought to know what to do in MH 385

deathbed repentance in, not genuine in many cases 1T 81-2

desire for recovery from, leads to earnest prayer 5T 315

devil’s power to cause 2SM 53

dieting in, people need to know benefits of 2SM 290

dissatisfied feelings and discontented repinings cause 1T 566

does not come without cause AH 22; CH 63; 2SM 461

duty in case of, definite instruction given by God re 5T 196

eating flesh of unhealthy animals causes 2T 153 See also Flesh food

eating too much often causes CD 136; CH 576

erroneously charged to dispensation of Providence CH 62; MM 297; 3T 141

errors in child management often cause MH 385

God dishonored when sorcerer’s power is sought in 5T 197

God is our refuge in 5T 315

as in health MH 225

God will be Helper of His people in, when human help fails 5T 196

God will remove from men by, much more than they obtain by oppression of the poor 2T 158

God’s guiding hand may be seen in ML 12

God’s plan to preserve Israel from MH 283; MM 277

on condition of obedience 1SM 277-8

how to avoid CH 37

at camp meeting 2T 602

while preparing to attend camp meeting 2T 602

ignorance re nature’s laws causes MYP 218; WM 126-7

imprudent exposure results in 3T 19

in home CH 61-3

intemperance causes 2SM 441

intemperate eating causes MH 235; MYP 218; WM 126-7

is: nature’s effort to correct unhealthful conditions MH 235

of less consequence than salvation of souls 2T 540

physical penalty of disregarding nature’s laws Te 143

result of transgression CH 37; CT 467; 3T 492

Israelites immune to, in wilderness 4aSG 41

lessons EGW learned during LS 265-6

lingering, Elisha died after PK 263-4

makes people remember God MH 225; 5T 315

mental See Mental disease

mental conditions that tend to MH 241

merry company cannot cheer man’s heart in 5T 509

mortal, turns some people to God 3T 378

nine out of ten cases of, will recover if knowledge of health reform is put into practice 2SM 288

no, in new earth ML 355

in world to come 7BC 988; ML 349

of body, sickness of soul nearly always accompanies MM 238

of soul: nearly always accompanies sickness of body MM 238

pray for persons afflicted with 6T 277

selfishness that causes 3T 528

which no earthly balm can heal COL 418; WM 71

opportunities given to Christians in, to confess their faith 1SM 117-8

originating in mind, much 3T 184

overwork causes MH 236

parents should know how to prevent MH 385

persons impoverished by, provision made in Israel for PP 531

persons who bring upon themselves, impose weary tax on friends 3T 164-5

physicians should teach people how to prevent 2SM 282

poor cooking causes 2T 373

prayers for immunity from, when God will not answer 4aSG 144

prevention of: attention to laws of health would result in CH 389; MH 146

education needed in MM 221-2

medical institutions should teach people re 1T 553

patients at medical institution should be instructed in 1T 494, 561

people should be instructed in 1T 489

regulation of appetites and passions would result in 6T 224

right habits of eating, drinking, and dressing would result in WM 127

sick people should be instructed in 1T 638

protracted, JW afflicted with 1T 103, 570

provision made for, in God’s promise of grace MB 99

reckless habits result in CD 121

recovery from, ways to save time and money in MH 240

remedies for, it is not denial of faith to use MH 231-2; 2SM 286

repining hinders recovery from 5T 315

restoration of mind to health alone can cure some cases of 3T 184

robbing God brings, upon many believers 2T 199

sanitariums should teach people how to prevent CD 444

by proper habits of living CD 303

Satan has power to cause and to heal MM 110

Satan’s power revered and exalted when sorcerer’s power is sought in 5T 197

save money for time of AH 396; 2SM 329-30

seek help of Great Physician in case of 5T 194

serious, at least two efficient nurses needed in MH 220

importance of care in little things in cases of MH 219

severe, guilty consciences aroused to confession by 2T 469

simple remedies for 2SM 295

stimulating drink cannot cheer man’s heart in 5T 509

teaches men their own weakness LS 266

teach people how to prevent CH 221; 2SM 281; 6T 224

transgression of natural law causes CG 361; 5T 194

transgression of physical law causes much CH 49

treatment of, people need to be taught re CH 451-2; MM 63

treatment of her, woman with set ideas re 3T 68

trusting in satanic agencies in, warning against 5T 196

unbelief arrested by 4T 217

violation of laws of health causes 3T 164

violation of nature’s laws causes CG 105; CH 24; MH 234; 3T 164

violent attacks of, erroneously attributed to dispensations of Providence MM 297

what would make, rare instead of common GW 385-6; 2SM 291

whole villages without moan of DA 241; SC 11

world is full of PK 232

world where, will never come LS 166

wrong habits cause much CH 49

See also Ailment; Disease; Infirmity; Malady


cases of, carried before we had institutions; prayer 3SM 295:3

childhood faith exercised by Edson White during TDG 310:2


carried, for others but did not have it Himself 3SM 133:2

did not become a sinner in bearing TMK 67:5

never seemed wearied by those with TMK 47:2

was spring of Ellen White’s hope during TMK 283:4

Christian subject to, yet prizes God’s approbation OHC 9:4

Christ’s footprints followed beside the bed of HP 225:3

confidence and rest in, after prayer TDG 310:2

disfavor of God not implied by UL 212:5

Ellen White,

grieved regarding, of an aged sister TDG 313:2

raised up from; no reason for complaint TDG 76:5

habits cause a large portion of Con 61:4

indigestion causes RC 152:5

lingering, cheerfulness to bear OHC 9:5

mental, See also Reason

prevented largely by attention to laws of health RC 246:4

protection from, to be sought HP 348:4

recovery from, power of the will in 2MCP 683:3

rest may sometimes help, but seldom for invalids 1MCP 119:0

Satan will bring, then remove it as a healing miracle Mar 148:4

spiritual, medicine cannot cure; bring bread of life CME 23:0

terminal; hope of resurrection contemplated OHC 9:5

thinking about own, until feeling useless; (ailments) 2MCP 683:3

treatment for, faith that Christ cooperates with 2MCP 409:4

wicked suffer, without mighty One to lean on OHC 9:3

See also Afflictions; Disease

Sick person, Sick persons

Sick person, Sick persons, abdominal muscles should be used by, in breathing MH 264-5

advantages of caring for, in sanitarium in country MM 233

air pure and invigorating is needed by 2SM 460

apostles given power to heal 1T 208

are not patient 4aSG 140

are to be healed WM 32

as Christ’s legacy to His church 6T 261

bedside of, how to do miss. work at 6T 428-9

no word of creed or controversy should be spoken at MH 120

blessings of natural surroundings to MM 234

can often do for themselves what others cannot MH 235

care of, parents should learn much about MH 385

care for, away from bustle of cities 7T 80

on Sabbath DA 207

Christ as willing now to heal, as when personally on earth DA 823-4

Christ can give sense of rest and quietness to GW 214

Christ commends people who visit 4T 225

Christ imparted His life to DA 823

Christ spoke words of tenderest pity to DA 91

Christ’s disciples commissioned to heal, as well as to preach 4T 225

church members should read Bible to 9T 129

city noise and excitement and confusion is wearisome to MH 262

communicating with devils through spiritualism AA 290

conditions under which, are doubly blessed MH 267

critically ill, watchers attending 2SM 459

cultivation of soil is good exercise for MH 265

debilitated by disease 2SM 305

despondent, bring sunlight back to WM 71

direct draft of air should be avoided by 2SM 455-6

do miss. work by treating 6T 433

do not compel, to wait when needing advice and relief MM 193

do not neglect, in work of third angel’s message 6T 290

earnest efforts must be made to heal 6T 83

encourage: to be much in open air MH 264; MM 232; 7T 82

to breathe deeply MH 264

to breathe fresh air MH 264

to claim God’s promises MM 227

food given to, vary CD 203; MM 287

fretful and gloomy, when shut up in house MH 265; MM 234; 7T 82-3

friends of, are impatient 4aSG 136; Te 83

God designs that His voice shall be heard by, through His people WM 22

God is willing now to restore, to health MH 226

God will heal, when we have faith to come to Him in right way MM 16

healed by combined efforts of God and man MM 12; 6T 243

help MH 201

help given to, at Battle Creek Sanitarium 3T 173

in hurry to get well 4aSG 136; Te 83

intemperate eating makes many MM 15

invigorating air needed by 4aSG 152; 2SM 305

kept out of doors, require less care MH 265

kindness to, access may be found to their hearts by MYP 217

knowledge of sin-pardoning Saviour helps, in nine out of ten cases 5T 449

learn to give treatments to Ev 50

many, do not suffer from disease CG 399

med. treatments for poor, question of paying for 1T 492, 640

minister to CS 162

mistaken kindness to 2SM 458

must rise above depression and gloom MH 229

need to: be in close touch with nature MH 262

become health reformers Ev 262

co-operate with God in work of restoration MH 113

needing quiet and undisturbed rest MH 222

needing to: be treated with greatest tenderness 3T 178

exercise will power 3T 76

not all, are healed by prayer MH 230

not one quarter of needed work of opening Scriptures to, has been done 7T 103

objects of Christ’s special care 4T 225

one in 20 healed, use made of benefits received by 3T 180

one out of ten, salvation of 3T 180

persons attending, must not neglect church services MH 511

plans needed to keep, out of doors MH 264

point, to Christ as Great Healer CT 467

to Christ’s compassion and tenderness MM 234-5

pray for CT 467; 6T 83

prayer for GW 213-5; MH 225-33; 2T 145-50; 9T 164

praying for healing must not neglect nature’s agencies for restoration of health MH 231

present, to Christ in arms of faith DA 824

principles of Bible religion needed by 3T 168

recovery of, centering of attention on themselves hinders MH 256

regulation of diet of, helps them more than do baths CD 408

results of depriving, of proper exercise 1T 557

same food should not be given over and over again to CD 203

sanitarium should not be required to treat, for nothing 4T 511

sick in heart, physician’s help needed by 4T 100-1

solemn obligation to care for MB 136

Spirit needed by those persons who deal with 2T 375

Spirit’s exalting influence is best restorative for 1T 556

success in ministry to, depends on spirit of consecration and self-sacrifice MH 511

suffering chronic disease, pleased to know he is kindly remembered MH 222

suffering from: condemnation of their own consciences MH 246

disordered passions MH 246

lack of mental and moral strength 1T 553

ungratified desires MH 246

suffering in more than one sense, many 3T 168

surroundings of beauties of nature benefit MH 265

teach: how to preserve health 1T 643

not to suspend all physical labor to regain health 1T 555

spiritual lessons from things of nature MH 266

they minister who relieve DA 822

treatment of: is not denial of faith 2SM 286

principles of hygiene need more attention as applied to Ed 197

remedies provided in nature by God should be used in DA 824

schools should give instruction in Ed 218

very, should not have visitors MH 222

violated conscience carried by many 3T 168

visit ML 233; WM 70

in miss. work 4T 75-6

visiting with MH 222; 2SM 458

be missionaries for God by 5T 176

blessing brought to Christian workers engaged in MM 252

caution against too much MH 222

waiting on, is necessary duty 3T 80

wearied by excitement of receiving callers MH 222

what unreasonable, expect of physicians 2SM 452

who become prey to their own sad thoughts MH 262-3

who ought to be in good health 2T 524

whom God cannot bless MH 224

why: impatiently change physicians 4aSG 136

seek change of medicines 4aSG 136

should be treated outside of cities MH 263

will always need help CH 34, 502; ML 230; WM 26

wise words need to be spoken to MH 223

without God and hope, many MH 246

work that is light and pleasant benefits 7T 82

work of relieving, in harmony with Sabbath law DA 206

work pleasant and easy should be provided for MH 264

worthy poor: charity fund needed for med. treatment of 1T 494, 560

church members should help to pay expense of med. treatment of 1T 640

giving aid to 3T 173

local church’s responsibility to 1T 494

med. treatment of 1T 641

unable to defray expense of med. treatment 1T 494

See also Church member; Sick church member


access to the people increased by ministry to RC 246:3

caring for discouraged and, in personal labor CME 23:0

Christ and His power to be pointed to for 3SM 296:1

Christlike nurses and physicians needed by CME 18:3

few, healed because of danger to self-esteem UL 375:7

healing of,

by lying wonders of Satan Mar 156:6

in false miracles; apostasy from the church 3SM 408:0

instructions for treating, thousands would be receptive to RC 246:5

intelligence in treating, needed by physician 3SM 52:4

physicians and nurses to point, to God for restoration RC 254:3

prayer for,

more; Christ would work in sanitariums 3SM 295:2

reaching people; signs (miracles) promised PM 305:0

suffering ones can unite in, confessing sin 3SM 296:1

promises of God are suited for TMK 213:4

restoration of, by Saviour; power to forgive and heal 3SM 296:1

See also Afflicted


Sickroom, air and light should not be excluded from 4aSG 152; 2SM 457

avoid noise and excitement in 2SM 459

bed and bedding of, need purification by periodic ventilation CH 57

care of 2SM 455-60

Christ desires to be present in MH 226

Christ is present in GW 215; 2SM 284; 6T 231

cleanliness is important in CH 61; 2SM 457

diseased air of, danger in breathing CH 56; 2SM 457-8

doors of, carefully open and shut 2SM 459-60

draft of air needed in, day and night CH 56

fresh air needed in MH 220; 2SM 456-8

night and day MH 220

God’s presence needed in CH 340-1

made a Bethel by faith and prayer MH 226

persons who minister in, duties of MH 219-24

poisonous atmosphere of, danger in breathing CH 56

Satan’s presence in CH 340-1

should be large, light, cheerful MH 220

temperature in 2SM 455

maintain even MH 221; 2SM 455

need of healthful 2SM 455

things that do not help in 2T 639-40

touching description of 5T 195

ventilation of CH 55-9, 61; MH 220; 2SM 305, 455-60

duty of nurses and attendants re CH 56

needed day and night 2SM 460

watchers in, universal custom of having 2SM 459

Sickroom attendants

Sickroom attendants MH 219-24

exercise needed in open air by 2SM 456-7

laws of health should be given attention by MH 219

must not be closely confined to sickroom 2SM 456-7

need of frequently changing 2SM 456-7

not good judges of healthful temperature in MH 221; 2SM 455

precautions to be taken by, in critical cases 2SM 456-7

should be unhurried, calm, and self-possessed 2SM 460

special care must be given by, to their own health CH 56-7

See also Nurse


Siddim, vale of, fires of vengeance about to be kindled in PP 159

people more guilty than inhabitants of PP 165

never to be built up or inhabited after it was desolated PP 162

See also Sodom

Side, Sides

Side, Sides, God’s: is ever the side of mercy, pity, and sympathy for the suffering 3T 518

know that you are fully on 6T 405

more is meant by being on, than saying so in meeting 3T 518

right See Right side


enemy’s, connection with those taking TDG 222:4

people on one of two, See People, two sides

winning, advancing in spiritual understanding 1MCP 105:1

Side, Sides

Side, Sides, aching, persons who should forget they have 3T 76

left, paralyzed LS 151; 2SG 186

Side ache

Side ache, among children, inactivity is greatest cause of 1T 394, 687

Side issue, Side issues, do not advance, until ideas entertained are thoroughly examined TM 229

Satan would divert minds from third angel’s message to 2SM 320

warning re CW 47-8; 1SM 171; 5T 292; TM 331

Sidetrack, Sidetracks

Sidetrack, Sidetracks, Satan leads minds off on GW 303


Sidon, called “Zidon” in OT Scriptures PK 114

gods of, worshiped in northern tribes of Israel PP 557

in Christ’s time DA 399

king of, Jeremiah warned 4T 169

location of DA 298; MB 4; PP 557

Paul at AA 440

Sermon on Mount heard by people from MB 4


Sidonians, called “Zidonians” in OT Scriptures PK 114

David’s friendship with 2BC 1026

Ethbaal king of, in Ahab’s time PK 114

idol worship forsaken by some 2BC 1026

territory of, in Joshua’s time PP 511


Sieve, gospel, sift everything you hear with 1T 490

is moving 1T 100

See also Shaking; Sifting; Sifting time


Sifting, mighty, soon to take place 5T 80

of chaff from wheat will be terrible ordeal 7BC 911

of church: by fiery trials 6BC 1065; Ev 361; 2SM 368, 380

world as instrument for 6BC 1102

of God’s people 3T 191; TM 163

as corn in sieve 1T 431

by heresies 5T 707

covetous and selfish will be sifted out in EW 269

from all their errors EW 62-3

in 1855 2SG 201

now taking place 1T 99; 4T 51

of nations in day of final awards PK 366

of Peter by Satan SD 91; 4T 246

of temptation reveals genuine Christian GC 625; 4T 246

See also Shaking

Sifting process

Sifting process, true child of God must experience 2SM 317

Sifting time

Sifting time, near 5T 80

just before us 1T 251

signs reveal nearness of 5T 80

Sigh, Sighs

Sigh, Sighs, not one, is breathed but throb vibrates to Father’s heart DA 356

pilgrimage of, life that is 5BC 1144-5; COL 162


Sighing will never make you great or good FE 87; ML 267


Sight, perversion of heart by 4T 108 See also Eyesight

Satan can pervert men’s 3T 351

See Vision


Sights, demoralizing, children are to be guarded from AH 406

enticing AH 406-9

fearful, of supernatural character soon will be seen in heavens GC 624


Sight-seeing, almost ungovernable propensity for 3T 26-7

time devoted to, SS lessons need 3T 189

Sigismund, Emperor

Sigismund, Emperor GC 104-8, 115-8

Bohemia attacked by armies of GC 115-6

Council of Constance convened by GC 104

made king of Bohemia GC 118

name of, branded with infamy GC 118

safe-conduct given to Huss (John) by GC 105

violation of GC 107-8, 153-4, 163

Sign, Signs

1. Of last days

2. Of second advent

3. Of times

4. Miscellaneous

1. Of last days

abuse of marriage relation as 2T 252

disobedience to parents as FE 101

modern marriages are MYP 460; 4T 515

present, clearly in tracts and papers EW 96

skepticism as 1SM 15

spirit of intense worldliness as 5T 365

trade unions as 2SM 143

2. Of second advent AA 535-6; CW 24; DA 631-6; GC 25, 37-8, 299-316

backsliding as GC 309

Christ bade His followers to watch for GC 308

Christ’s prophecy re CH 23; COL 325; DA 234, 631-6; GC 25, 393; PK 536; 3T 163

church’s condition as GC 425

class who know not Ev 613

Dark Day of May 19, 1780, as GC 306-8

developments in religious world as AA 265-6

disasters by sea as 6T 408

drunkenness and crime as Te 251

eating, drinking, and dressing excessively as Te 227

erroneous teaching re GC 321

fall of stars on Nov. 13, 1833, as GC 333-4

fast-fulfilling FE 355, 488; 8T 229; 9T 60

first of GC 304

fulfilled COL 227

fulfilling SD 354

indifference to, is sinful AA 260

John was shown 7BC 982

last, display of GC 334

Lisbon earthquake of 1755 as GC 304-5

men perverse in spirit and turning from truth to fables as 4T 594

oppression and extortion as COL 170

prophecy foretold GC 304

religious declension as GC 444

social conditions as GC 309; 9T 89-95

too plain to be doubted 1T 260

world conditions as AA 535-6; CD 17; CG 440; GC 38; 3T 164; 9T 13-4, 91

worldliness in church as GC 338-9

3. Of times

backsliding church closed eyes to GC 316

correspond to prophetic descriptions GC 323

disobedience to parents as CG 229

duty to discern 8T 28

earthquakes and volcanoes as PP 108-9; 3SG 79-81

failure to discern GC 315

warning against GC 315

faithful souls will discern 5T 10

false teachers misinterpret DA 635

fast-fulfilling CT 414, 494

Christ foretold 9T 167

declare second advent is near 9T 11

foretell second advent 9T 60

prophecy foretold 4T 307

few people understand 6T 426

floods, hurricanes, and other disasters as 7BC 950

fulfilling, call people’s attention to 7T 158

fulfilling all over world 1SM 93; TM 446

fulfilling of, do not disregard 8T 252

says plainly that end is near 8T 252

God’s people must take warning and discern 1T 260

harbingers of second advent GC 37-8

hearts should be humbled by 5T 18

honest souls troubled as they witness CT 507

Jews did not discern, in Christ’s time COL 212

men scoff at DA 635

mania on subject of marriage as 4T 503

many people close eyes to AA 260

ministers should keep, before minds of believers 5T 9

need of understanding CG 555

ominous DA 636

only the beginning of what shall be TM 444

people of other nations troubled as they witness LS 203

people should know that, are fulfilling CM 120

perception needed in discerning 8T 101

popular churches fail to discern GC 380

Protestant churches fail to discern GC 565

rabbis declared, to be judgments on nations holding Jews in bondage DA 628

rabbis misinterpreted DA 628-9

reveal that sifting time is near 5T 80

seen in world today CT 414

show that: end is near 9T 11

men are on threshold of great and solemn events Ed 179; PK 536

stupidity sealing senses of God’s people re 3T 255-6

subject of, Paul fully covered AA 259-60

unmistakable, point to second advent as near GC 391

unsettled state of nations as LS 203; 3T 202

4. Miscellaneous

angels use, in communications to men 1SM 17

be careful what, you hang out for world to judge of SDA faith MYP 347

bearing God’s, is an honor 7BC 969

between God and His people, Sunday cannot be PK 183-4

bringing resources for gospel’s advancement WM 281

by which the righteous are known, efforts to array men against PK 186

Christ’s preaching was, to generation of His day PK 274

circumcision as See Circumcision

disciples’ testimony confirmed by DA 821

distinguishing people: who love God from those who do not WM 242

who worship God Ev 212

distinguishing SDA from world 2T 205

fanatics’ exchanging of wives by 2SM 28

following preaching of God’s word DA 407

for God’s people to leave large cities 5T 464-5

foreboding disaster and doom for Jerusalem GC 29-30

from heaven: Christ’s mission attested by DA 406

Gideon asked for PK 342; PP 548

Hezekiah asked for PK 342

Moses pleaded for, in Midian PK 342

given by Christ when He first cleansed temple DA 164

God protects all who bear His 7BC 969

God wrought, in Egypt COL 287

God’s, no man will enter heavenly courts without 7BC 969

God’s people are to be, in world 2BC 1026; 1SM 113

great, satanic power will work EW 59-60

greater than all miracles, reliance on God’s word is DA 120

in sky, foretell weather COL 212

Jews did not need, in Christ’s time DA 406

Jonah’s preaching was, to Ninevites DA 406; PK 274

Jonathan and armor-bearer asked, of God SD 208

mighty, devils will work EW 60

Moses was given, of assurance by God PP 253-4

Moses was used by God to work, before Pharaoh EW 60

mysterious, will increase and spread EW 45

of allegiance to false rest day will be enforced by death penalty PK 189

of allegiance to power man chooses to obey instead of God GC 604

of allegiance to Roman Church, Sunday observance as GC 449

of Christ’s divinity See Miracle

of discipleship, obedience to God is true SC 60

of disloyalty and apostasy, disobedience is 7BC 908

of distinction between God’s people and world, Satan seeks to destroy 1T 274-5

of end of world, Christ has given GC 37

rapidly fulfilling AA 260

of God’s kingdom, duty of people who wear MM 125

of Jerusalem’s impending destruction GC 25-6, 29-30

of kingdom of rebellion, God’s people distinguished from people having 6T 353

of papal authority, Sunday observance as GC 573

of prophet Jonah DA 406; PK 474

of sanctification, obedience to God’s commandments is only 7BC 908

of Satan’s authority, Sunday observance as 7BC 977

of Satan’s working, written all over drunkard Te 31-2

of Son of man, small cloud as EW 15, 35, 286; GC 640; LS 65; 2SG 32; 1T 60

of submission to earthly powers, mark of beast as GC 605

of true church, Roman Catholics boast of having GC 588

people today want, as in Christ’s time 2SM 95

perpetual, temple as PK 46

Pharisees demanded, of Christ DA 406-7

promised to Christians of Jerusalem GC 30

Sabbath as See Sabbath; Sabbath observance

Satan’s agents will work 9T 47

selecting of, in making decisions 2SM 327

setting of, by which to decide one’s duty 2SM 28

showing God’s people to be His special possession 7BC 969

Sunday as See Sunday; Sunday observance

sundial’s shadow turned back 10 degrees as, to Hezekiah PK 342

that: angel of mercy is about to take her flight 5T 451

limit of God’s forbearance is reached 5T 451

iniquity of USA is full 5T 451

See also Mark of beast; Miracle; Seal of God; Wonder


and wonders precede sign of coming of Son of man 3SM 391:1

danger in the Jews’ demanding, when Christ’s divinity was evident TDG 52:3

declare the day of the Lord to be near HP 346:4

discern, instead of criticizing HP 97:4

disregarding Mar 39:2, 106:2

end time HP 342

fast fulfilling; canvassers and evangelists needed PM 278:3

gratitude for TMK 105:4

prophetic, led by, to prepare for second advent TMK 81:4

show the end is near TMK 354:2; UL 79:2

studying, LDE 14:5

that point out present times OHC 340:3

testify that the Lord’s coming is near Mar 175:3

unbelieving do not discern UL 96:3

See also Advent, second, signs of; Seal


Signal, for execution of God’s judgment PP 165

for flight, given to Christians of Jerusalem GC 26; 5T 451, 464-5

of advance, mark the 7T 13

Signboard, Sighboards

Signboard, Sighboards, pointing in several directions GC 598

pointing in wrong direction FE 387


Signet, person upon whom God places His DA 437

royal, Christian’s title to heavenly inheritance will bear 5T 333

Signpost, Signposts

Signpost, Signposts, pointed to cities of refuge PP 515

turned in wrong direction 4BC 1171-2; PK 179-80, 184-5

Signs of the Times

Signs of the Times, book written by JW in 1853 LS 150; 2SG 183-4

Signs of the Times

Signs of the Times, aid to persons giving Bible studies CW 112

argumentative and practical material combined will make good paper of CW 110

articles for, that should be rejected by editor CW 17

articles in: great care needed re CW 113

re Shakespeare CW 172-3

should be short CW 114

should not appear in fine print CW 28

should not be too long CW 28

that was fit for comic almanac CW 17

as pioneer SDA paper CW 111; 4T 598

as silent preacher where living messengers cannot go CW 111-2

blessing to many souls CW 110

both doctrinal and practical matter needed in CW 112

cheap paper at its full price 4T 598

church should raise money for subscriptions to, for poor members 4T 598

circulation of: let there be no selfish plans in CW 135-6

should be increased with as much interest as that of Review 4T 600

should be wide CW 111, 135

EGW encouraged CW 135

conflicting views held among SDA should not be published in CW 75

contents of: choicest material needed as CW 110

more real solid spiritual food needed in CW 113

too much common matter in CW 112

too much of, does not relate to vital issues for this time CW 112

contributors to: preach to thousands CW 111

should send in live articles CW 111

should speak words bearing holy unction CW 111

depending too much on pictures CW 112

differences of opinion among SDA should not be presented in CW 75

disseminating light in day of God’s preparation 4T 598

doing its work everywhere CW 110

earnest and living experiences needed in CW 28

editor of CW 17, 110-3, 172-6

needs to be faithful householder CW 112

every word of, should breathe spirit of Christ CW 110

feast to many people not of SDA faith CW 110

fewer pictures needed in CW 113

flimsy excuses given for not taking CW 133

good miss. experiences in, would be great help CW 114

if kept full of precious articles, every family should have CW 78

increasing in interest and moral worth 4T 598

keep, free from worthless matter CW 17

language of, should be chaste and elevating CW 110

long and dry articles not wanted in CW 111

long articles hurt CW 114

make, intensely interesting CW 111

many long articles should not appear in one issue of CW 110, 112

name of: meaning of CW 113

reasons for choice of CW 112

should express character of matter presented in it CW 112

needed periodical CW 78

needs to be full of life and plain practical truth CW 110

not enough sacred matter in CW 112

one issue of, do not try to crowd everything into CW 28

opening way for truth to be more fully presented CW 110

opposition of The Sickle to views published by CW 78-9

picture of Shakespeare and his birthplace on first page of CW 172-3

proposal to give right of way to, over The Watchman CW 135

recommended to parents and children CW 134

representation that appeared on first page of CW 173-4

Review and, should be one in interest 4T 598

send forth, on wings of prayer CW 111

SDA miss. paper CW 110, 134

SDA parents should subscribe to AH 415

SDA should be taught how to sell FE 521

sharp thrusts against other churches are out of place in CW 110

things that should not appear in CW 112

trumpet should be given certain sound by CW 113

truth re second advent should be presented by CW 112

truth should be made as attractive as possible in CW 110

truth should be presented in its simplicity by CW 110

women can do miss. work by judiciously distributing ChS 28


distribution of; women called for PM 348:1

diversity of editorial skill needed for PM 103:1

improvement possible for; new paper will hurt it PM 104:2