EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)

Scripture alphabet - Sect, Sects

Scripture alphabet

Scripture alphabet, children at camp meeting can learn and recite 6T 107

Scripture commentary

Scripture commentary See Commentary

Scripture difficulty, Scripture difficulties

Scripture difficulty, Scripture difficulties, cannot be mastered by methods used in philosophical problems GC 599

Scripture evidence

Scripture evidence, presentation of important truths of SDA faith should be well fortified with 1T 447-8

Scripture lesson, Scripture lessons

Scripture lesson, Scripture lessons, adapt, to comprehension of children PP 504

to opening mind of children DA 69

children should be taught to apply, to their own lives CT 181-2

parents should see that children study their 3T 189

teach, in simple language PP 504

teachers who teach CT 181-4

use of object lessons and blackboards and maps in teaching CT 181

Scripture passage, Scripture passages

Scripture passage, Scripture passages, barricading your own ideas with 2SM 82

brought to remembrance in time of trial by angels 2T 268

certain, fanaticism based on extreme views of AA 348

misapplied and misinterpreted 2SM 101

one, which would be sufficient guide TM 370

public reading of COL 335

SS pupils should not try to see how many, they can learn and repeat CSW 182

true meaning of, how to find ML 22

See also Scripture, Section 18

Scripture reading

Scripture reading, duty of persons who give in church services Ev 508

use of, in family worship CG 521-2

See also Scripture, Section 20

Scripture story, Scripture stories

Scripture story, Scripture stories, great principles of God’s law may be made plain by CT 181


Scrofula, blood filled with 2SM 431

flesh foods cause CD 388

swine’s flesh causes CD 392; 4aSG 146; 2SM 417; 2T 96

victims of 3T 311

Scrofulous humor, Scrofulous humors

Scrofulous humor, Scrofulous humors, blood filled with, transmitted by parents to children 2T 379

flesh food fills blood with FE 140; 3T 563

flesh food fills system with 2T 62

Scrofulous swelling, Scrofulous swellings

Scrofulous swelling, Scrofulous swellings, chilling of ankles causes much 2SM 477; 1T 459

on children’s face and neck 2SM 471

Scrofulous tendency

Scrofulous tendency, children born with, in double sense 2T 379

Scroll, Scrolls

Scroll, Scrolls, being unrolled to world through God’s messengers Ev 19; GW 470; 6T 133

heavens will be rolled together as, at second advent GC 641

of prophets: Christ learned of heavenly things from DA 70

Christ’s mother taught Him from Ed 185; MH 399; 8T 222

John the Baptist studied GW 54; 8T 331

of Scripture, studied by Christ in His youth MH 366

prophetic, Christ’s first advent foretold by COL 229

John the Baptist searched DA 103

sacred, in priests’ hands described Christ’s mission DA 164

it was Israel’s pride to be keepers and expounders of COL 186

scribes carried, to which they made frequent reference DA 610

unrolling of, not all prophecy will be understood until 6T 17

not all re mark of beast will be understood until 6T 17

See also Parchment roll

Scruple, Scruples

Scruple, Scruples, be careful not to offend, of persons weak in faith AA 316-7


See Observation


Sculptor, mother’s work compared to that of MH 378

parents’ work compared to that of CG 476-7

working on stone, illustration of CG 476-7


Sculpture, Egyptian, in Moses’ time PP 248

Sea, Seas

1. Figurative

2. Literal

3. Special

1. Figurative

boundless and shoreless, God’s word as Ed 171

dark and stormy, without Christ men are adrift on DA 393

of life, living faith in Christ will smooth DA 336

ship sailing, needs divine Pilot FE 348

2. Literal

accidents by land and See Accident

calamities by land and See Calamity

caves of, God’s treasures revealed by CT 54; MH 411-2; ML 175

destruction on, in coming calamities 3SM 417:3

disasters by land and See Disaster

elements of nature in, kept in bounds by God’s power PK 134

expression of God’s thoughts Ed 120

friends are divided by 7BC 988

full of truth and is our teacher COL 107

in terrible commotion, invisible hand controls SL 73

lashed by winds, God’s wrath represented by AA 572; SL 73

law of Christ obeyed by 4T 288

music of, God’s voice may be heard in DA 281-2; Ed 120

navigation in open, in Paul’s time AA 439

no, in new earth 7BC 988

rivers emptied into, before Flood PP 97

roaring of, John was shown TM 445-6

second plague poured out upon GC 628

sepulchers of, voices crying to God from 5T 451

seventh plague will lash, into fury GC 637

boiling like a pot EW 34, 285; LS 102; 1SM 75

significance of, class who can appreciate SC 87

speak of God’s love ML 294

students should taste delights found by Ed 247

travel by See Travel

waters of, Christ holds in hollow of His hand the ML 336

waves of, are roaring Ev 18

Christ has absolute control over MH 91; 1SM 83

God controls AA 572

wonders of, child should become acquainted with Ed 101

See also Lake; Ocean; Sea of Galilee; Tidal wave

3. Special

before God’s throne, in City of God GC 648

of glass, redeemed assembled upon EW 16; LS 66-7; 2SG 34; 1T 60-1

of liquid fire, earth will be purified by 7BC 986

Seal, Seals

1. Of God

2. Miscellaneous

1. Of God 7BC 968-70; 5T 207-16; TM 444-6

affixed to God’s law as evidence of its authenticity and binding force PP 307

angels place: upon faithful believers PK 591

upon God’s people 5T 475

upon the righteous SD 369

company having, John saw 6T 15

decision to receive, or mark of beast or his image GC 605; 6T 130

divine decree that stamps 5T 216

faithful souls will have, placed upon them in a little while 7BC 969

few persons sealed with 5T 50

fourth commandment of Decalogue contains GC 452, 640; PP 307; 6T 350

God’s people will have trials individually after receiving TM 446

God’s servants distinguished from world by 7BC 969; MH 37; 7T 144

great work must be done to prepare people to receive 2SM 73

how a person receives GC 605

is a settling into truth both intellectually and spiritually 4BC 1161

law of God presented as 2T 468

living righteous receive, prior to close of probation 1SM 66

lukewarm and halfhearted believer will not receive 7BC 970

many people will not receive, because of disobedience 7BC 970

mark of redemption 4BC 1161; 7BC 968

mark which: angels can read 4BC 1161; 7BC 968

destroying angel must see 7BC 968

med. miss. work is to be sealed with Ev 517; WM 121

message that SDA bear has CT 459; 6T 166

mightiest angel has, in his hand TM 444-5

mind filled with other things to exclusion of EW 58

not placed on all who profess to keep Sabbath 5T 213-4

not placed on person who: covets his neighbor’s wife TM 446

does not grieve over his own spiritual declension 5T 211

does not mourn over sins of others 5T 211

has deceitful heart 5T 216

has false tongue 5T 216

has unclean hands TM 445

is ambitious and world-loving 5T 216

is enlightened member of secret organization Ev 622; 2SM 140

is fornicator or adulterer TM 446

is impure 5T 216

is impure in mind TM 446

is planning sin and acting it TM 445

not placed on person whose: character has one spot or stain 5T 214

heart is not pure TM 445

works do not correspond to light received 5T 214

not visible to human eyes 4BC 1161; 7BC 968, 980

now is time to prepare for receiving 5T 216

octogenarians who had, in 1899 7BC 982

on Christ’s work and His claim to divinity DA 529

on God’s people during time of trouble 5T 213

on 144,000 during time of trouble EW 15; LS 65; 2SG 32; 1T 59

passport to City of God 7BC 970

people on whom God will set His, that they are His ML 341

person preparing to receive, described 5T 216

person refuses, who rejects light re Sabbath and Sunday Ev 235

persons who have, protected in time of trouble EW 71

sanctification of Spirit characterizes 7BC 980

persons who would have, must keep Sabbath 7BC 970, 981

placed on persons: conscientiously keeping Sabbath 7BC 980

faithfully waiting and watching for second advent TM 445

like Christ in character 7BC 970; CG 182

morally clean SD 342

overcoming world, flesh, and devil TM 445

reflecting Christ’s image fully EW 71

repenting and confessing their sins TM 445

sighing and crying for abominations done in land 5T 210-2

who love Him SD 51

without spot before God 5T 216

presentation of God’s law as 2T 468

received: by settling into truth intellectually and spiritually 4BC 1161

during latter rain GC 613

just before time of trouble 7BC 968

prior to close of probation 1SM 66

when Christ blots out His people’s sins at close of His mediatorial work EW 48

revealed in Sabbath observance 7BC 970; 8T 117 See also Sabbath observance

Sabbath as Ed 250; GC 640; 6T 350 See also Sabbath

sacrifice that truth may go to people in need of EW 49-50

set upon His royal requirement of Sabbath observance 6T 352

some people who teach truth to others will not receive 5T 214

test God’s people must have before receiving 7BC 976

token of allegiance to God’s authority GC 605

trials prepare God’s people to receive EW 67

unexpected tests brought to show who are worthy to receive 5T 382

EGW’s statement re, misunderstood 1SM 66

woman who died with, upon her 2SM 263-4

you cannot be saved without 7BC 969

you must learn in school of Christ in order to receive 5T 502

your own course of action determines whether or not you receive 5T 212

See also Mark; Sabbath


angel soon to place, on foreheads of His children Mar 211:7

angels hold destructive influences waiting for 3SM 409:2

claiming, without giving His law preeminence TDG 237:6

contrast between those with, and with mark of beast Mar 191:3

deeds and books written in humility receive PM 41:3

found in the fourth commandment FLB 287:5

four winds held until His servants receive Mar 63:5

placed on penitent when demand to obey human edicts Mar 213:7


in forehead when perfection of Christ’s character reached HP 335:5

when God’s Word is heard and done exactly FLB 288:4

Sabbath is LDE 220:5

Sabbath test comes before Mar 164:4

Satan’s terrible power forbidden until giving Mar 175:2

SDAs might claim 3SM 258:1

work done to His honor bears PM 89:3

See also Destiny, fixed

2. Miscellaneous

book of seven, opening of 7BC 967-8

Christ’s, Peter’s words before Sanhedrin had AA 65

fifth, of Revelation 9 7BC 968

moral image of God attained as wax takes the counterpart of OHC 71:5

of apostles’ mission, supernatural endowments given as MH 94

of identification, gospel workers should have GW 116

of God’s law, in fourth commandment of Decalogue GC 452

of heaven, on door of Noah’s ark PP 98

of minister’s ministry AA 328

papal attempt to take, from God’s law by changing Sabbath GC 452

rainbow is, of God’s promise OHC 314:3

Roman, Christ’s tomb sealed with DA 778, 794

sanctification received gradually like wax taking impression of HP 66:4

wax taking impression of 7BC 970; MH 494; 1SM 337; 4T 587

Seal of Christ

sign of obedience UL 285:5

Seal of the divine image

received contemplating heaven HP 36:5


Sealed, fanatics who claimed to be, and unable to sin 2SM 27


Sealing, of book of Daniel AA 585

of God’s law among His people 6T 332

of God’s people: answering questions re 7BC 918

by Spirit 6BC 1055; 3T 267

by third angel’s message EW 89, 118

depicted in Ezekiel 9 3T 266-7; TM 445-6

ends with close of third angel’s message EW 279

of gospel workers for their work by Spirit AA 30

of ministers with blood of consecration AA 361

of treasure given to God with His immutability AA 345

of your destiny by life of holy endeavor and firm adherence to right 5T 213

of your property with God’s immutability CS 49


God holds winds for; pray while pleading for freedom 3SM 415:2

reaching for perfection of Christ’s character 3SM 427:2

time of,

angel declares “It is finished” at OHC 150:6

delayed by failure to follow counsel FLB 288:2

tobacco use prevents 3SM 273:1

Sealing approval

Sealing approval, mark of God’s, persons who will never receive 3T 267

Sealing message

Sealing message, EGW given view of, at Dorchester, Mass., in 1848 LS 125

Sealing time

Sealing time, of 144,000 in closing work for church 3T 266

passing of, Satan tries to hold men in sin until EW 44

prolonging of, by Christ’s mercy EW 38; LS 118-9

soon will be over EW 58

this, Satan seeks to draw God’s people away in EW 44

Satan’s activity in EW 43

very short EW 58

Sealing work

Sealing work, close of EW 279-80

angels hold forces of evil in restraint until 7BC 967

four winds restrained until EW 38, 58; LS 118-9; TM 444-5

outpouring of Spirit before 1SM 111

ends: before last great battle 6T 14

before seven last plagues are poured out EW 48, 279-80; 5T 212; TM 445-6

when Christ’s mediatorial work ends in heavenly sanctuary EW 48

with close of third angel’s message EW 279

fanatical concept of 2SM 27

people of every nation included in CT 532

probation is given for EW 38

EGW given vision re, at Rocky Hill, Conn., Jan. 5, 1849 EW 36-8; LS 116-9

Sealskin, Sealskins

Sealskin, Sealskins, roof curtains of sanctuary made of PP 347

Seamstress, Seamstresses

Seamstress, Seamstresses, girls should learn to be AH 91

miss. work by MH 194; 9T 36-7; WM 75

position of CD 252; 2T 370; 3T 158

See also Dorcas

Séance, Séances

Séance, Séances, modern, mysteries of heathen worship replaced by Ev 608; PK 210; 5T 193

Sea of Galilee

Sea of Galilee See Galilee, Sea of

Seaport, Seaports

Seaport, Seaports, wicked, swallowed up by waves GC 637


“Search,” means to look diligently for something lost MYP 259


truth fragments linked by OHC 207:6

Sears, Barnabas

Sears, Barnabas, quoted GC 82


Seashore, sands of, God’s blessings are more in number than SD 116

tiniest shell on, God’s handiwork revealed by 5BC 1143

See also Seaside


Seasickness, severe, tea used by EGW as remedy for 2SM 301-2

EGW’s experience with LS 230; ML 336; 2SM 301-2


Seaside, Christ chose, for instructing people ML 294; 2T 579-80 See also Seashore

Seaside resort, Seaside resorts

Seaside resort, Seaside resorts, great, med. miss. work should be done in 7T 56

Season, Seasons

Season, Seasons, change of, birds observe 4BC 1155; CT 189

diet should be suited to MH 297

instant in, what it means to be GW 186

rainy, sleeping in 4aSG 144

recurring, beautiful order of AA 180

teach lessons of trust and faith 4T 579

theme for study 4T 581

renewing, speak to man of God’s love CS 17; SD 17

unfolding mysteries of Ed 101

unvarying succession of, before Flood GC 338; PP 96

varying scenes of, speak of God’s glory, power, and love FE 61

warmer, use of leftover food in CD 258

prepare less food in CD 258

wet, dampness in house during AH 149

sleeping rooms become damp in 2SM 463

Seasoning, Seasonings

Seasoning, Seasonings, high, swine’s flesh eaten with CD 393

in food, physician who would use no CD 344

not all, should be eliminated in preparing food CD 203-4

See also Condiment; Food; Mustard; Pepper; Salt; Sugar; Spice; Vinegar


Seat, people seeking highest, will find themselves at last in lowest 5T 502


Seclusion, Christians cautioned against DA 152

ministers cautioned against GW 337-8


Christians may show, but Christ’s life did not TDG 249:4

Second advent

Second advent Christ’s See Advent

Second Advent Library

Second Advent Library, Tract No. 39, by Robert Adkins, quoted GC 388

Second Advent Review and Sabbath Herald

Second Advent Review and Sabbath Herald See “Review and Herald”

Second angel’s message

Second angel’s message EW 237-40

accomplished its work SR 373

angels helped honest in heart to understand EW 248

application of: to churches of USA GC 389

to churches represented as Babylon TM 59

to Protestant churches GC 389

applied more directly to churches of USA in 1844 GC 389

churches that rejected, spiritual fall of GC 389

clearer understanding of, faithful Millerite Adventists received GC 432

condition described by, when churches will have fully reached GC 390

did not reach complete fulfillment in 1844 GC 389

erroneous idea that, is still in future Ev 613

erroneous ideas re EW 257

essential to repeat, now CW 26-7

events transpiring under, seven thunders uttered 7BC 971

fall of popular churches announced by EW 273

give to world, in publications and discourses CW 27

given at right time GC 405; SR 373

God’s children separated from popular churches by EW 249-50

God’s people called out of Babylon by EW 241-3

God’s people called out of nominal churches by EW 243

importance of proclaiming EW 188

is: most solemn message given to mortals CD 76

terrible denunciation 7T 140

large company brought out of fallen churches by EW 238

light of, rejecters of first angel’s message could not see EW 237

shed everywhere EW 238

location of, no human authority has right to change CW 26

manner in which, was given Ev 435

many churches rejected EW 238

many people in popular churches received, and came out from them EW 237-8

many popular churches opposed EW 238

midnight cry connected with LS 59

midnight cry gave power to EW 238-9, 277

midnight cry given near close of EW 238

midnight cry of, given in 1844 EW 277

midnight cry united with, in 1844 GC 402

must be proclaimed second time GC 603; TM 59

must extend to islands of sea Ev 19; GW 470

must lighten darkness of every continent Ev 19; GW 470

not a peg or pin of, is to be removed CW 26

not all who proclaimed, are to give third angel’s message EW 62

not completely fulfilled in 1844 GC 389

opposition to EW 239

perfect fulfillment of, is yet future GC 390

persons having had no experience in, duty of EW 188

persons rejecting first angel’s message could not be benefited by EW 249, 260

popular churches rejected EW 237

power attending, attends third angel’s message 2SM 109

present, in connection with first and third CD 209

proclaimed far and wide in 1844 LS 59

proclaims downfall of Babylon TM 59

proclamation of EW 237-40; GC 381-90; SR 364-8

angels interested in effects of EW 239, 246

by church today PK 715

date of 7BC 971; CW 26; EW 277; GC 368, 381, 389, 603, 611; LS 59; 2SM 104; SR 365; 1T 53, 78-9; 9T 98

effects of EW 238-40, 247-9

fanaticism under SR 368

health institutions are to co-operate in Ev 20

illustrated in visions EW 245-9

institutions of learning are to cooperate in Ev 20

located by word of Inspiration CW 26

many people left fallen churches under LS 59

prophecy fulfilled in EW 245; SR 373

pub. houses are to co-operate in Ev 20

SDA given work of 9T 19

work of SDA is to sound 7T 107-8

rejecters of: could not appreciate third angel’s message EW 260-1

fate of 1SM 74

left in darkness 1SM 63

midnight cry could not benefit EW 260

relationship of passing of time in 1844 to CW 30

religious world’s terrible condition described by GC 603

repeated in: loud cry of third angel’s message 7BC 985; EW 277

message of Rev. 18:1-5 7BC 985; EW 277; 2SM 116, 118; TM 59

results of rejecting, Revelation 18 foretold GC 390

SDA faith in reference to, was correct LS 278

sound, by pen and voice CW 26-7

still to be proclaimed CW 26

testing message comprehended in Ev 613

there cannot be third angel’s message without CW 27

third angel’s message embraces 7BC 980; CW 26, 29-30; Ev 196; 8T 197

truths contained in, all should understand CW 29-30; Ev 196; GW 470

must go to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people Ev 19; GW 470

will be proclaimed to every nation PK 187

will be repeated in message of Rev. 18:1-6 GC 390

Second coming

Second coming, Christ’s See Advent, second


Secrecy, God hates all deception and TM 274

mortal mind cannot penetrate, in which God dwells and works MH 438

mysterious, Satan began his rebellion with GC 495

Secret, Secrets

Secret, Secrets, Christ can read, of your life DA 189

Christ would not betray, poured into His sympathizing ear DA 92

church’s, should not be betrayed to enemies TM 269

communicate no, that would disparage God’s people CH 341

confess your soul’s, to God and not to man GC 418

divulge no, to unbelievers CH 341

do not confess your soul’s, to man GW 418-9

every, revealed to Searcher of hearts 2T 520

God is acquainted with, of every soul MYP 247

God reads, of every heart PP 396

of every soul CH 375; 3T 211

God’s, Satan seeks to lead men to pry into 3SG 40; SR 33

gospel’s gifts are not to be enjoyed in MH 100

guilty, of men’s lives are known to Christ MH 88

heart’s, revealed in judgment CG 560

human science cannot search out, of the Most High PP 113

not plainly revealed by God, danger in trying to pry into 2T 694

of another’s life, man cannot read CH 373-4

of teacher’s power over pupils Ed 282

revealing of, separates soul from God 2T 185

Satan seeks to excite desire to penetrate, of divine wisdom and power GC 523; PP 55, 686-7

sin loved and practiced in 5T 536

tell Christ your heart’s AH 299

tell God all, of your soul GW 418

there are, which man cannot penetrate Ed 133

things that it is unnatural for any to keep as COL 125

you can confide to God all your soul’s CH 628


actions in, as in God’s presence 1MCP 239:0

Ellen White shown, about a certain courtship TSB 212:2

family, discuss, with Christ not minister even when with wife 2MCP 767

God knows, OHC 139:4

which others do not TDG 104:3

known to God UL 17:5

less attitude of; show confidence not selfishness 2MCP 436:1

marriage, revealing HP 205:2

Satan exercised artful RC 60:5

Satan’s agents work in; be ready for final crisis 3SM 414:4

See also Confidentiality

Secret act, Secret acts

Secret act, Secret acts, all, are open to God, Christ, and angels 2T 292-3

angels keep faithful record of every, that we commit 2T 300

Secret association

Secret association See Secret organization


Secretiveness, children’s, scolding tends to develop CG 248

Secret life

Secret life, man’s, will be revealed in judgment CG 560

Secret order

See Secret organization

Secret organization, Secret organizations

Secret organization, Secret organizations Ev 617-23; 2SM 121-40

affiliation with: is breach of covenant with God Ev 618

is forbidden union with unbelievers Ev 619

makes it impossible to keep God’s law aright Ev 620

Annas thought to accuse Christ of establishing DA 699

apparent advantages of, satanic agencies concealed behind 2SM 131

associations in (of), child of God will never choose Ev 619-20; 2SM 127

detrimental to soul’s interest 2SM 124

atheists and infidels in, association with Ev 621; 2SM 124

atmosphere of, earnest Christian cannot prosper in Ev 619

conversation in, favorite subjects of 2SM 126

deception awaiting persons binding themselves together in 6BC 1106

do not unite with 2SM 143; 7T 84

enlightened members of, seal of God will not be placed upon Ev 622; 2SM 140

entertainments of, expense of 2SM 134

fraud runs all through 2SM 131

Freemasonry is, with which it is not safe to affiliate Ev 622

gatherings of, Christ’s presence unknown in 2SM 125

God will break up all 2SM 131

hilarity and witticism in 2SM 126

indulgence of, in wit, merriment, and feasting Ev 619

intemperance in 2SM 126

investment of money in 2SM 133

joining, man sells his soul for naught by 2SM 131

judgment of, when books are opened 2SM 131

language of, is not language of Canaan Ev 219-20; 2SM 127

linking up with, is dangerous 7BC 985

man cannot be loyal to, and loyal to God 2SM 132

many people laying up their treasure in 2SM 135

many transactions of, are contrary to justice and equity 2SM 130

money given to, that should be used in God’s cause 2SM 134

much in, that appears to be good 2SM 124

not controlled by love and fear of God 2SM 130

of modern sorcerers replace mysteries of heathen worship Ev 608; PK 210; 5T 193

offer some advantages from human point of view 2SM 131

people under Christ’s banner cannot unite with 2SM 140

persons joining, pay homage to idols 2SM 131

Satan works in persons binding themselves together in 7BC 911; 8T 28

Satan’s traps to ensnare souls 2SM 131-2

sever ties that bind you to 2SM 132

that have no connection with God 2SM 126

tobacco devotees in, association with 2SM 124

true Christians cannot unite with Ev 622

trusting in, is trusting in staff that will be broken 2SM 132-3

turn minds away from God’s word 2SM 125

vows imposed by, requiring taking of human life when ordered 2SM 130

vows of, Christ never leads His followers to take Ev 620

vows taken by, to clear the guilty from deserved punishment 2SM 130

winebibbers and tipplers and drunkards in, association with Ev 621; 2SM 124

See also Mason; Masonry


Christian does not unite with HP 168:3

Faulkhead’s connection with, would cost his soul 3SM 85:3

Free Masons, Ellen White could not relate all shown her about; sign shown 3SM 85:5

humans bound in, under influence of Satan 1MCP 28:3

opposition from, in working for colored SW 68:1

persecution of colored by; avoid prejudice SW 75:1

Secret sin

Secret sin See Sin


captivating power of FLB 312:2

Secret society

Secret society See Secret organization

Secret thing, Secret things

Secret thing, Secret things, life’s, men must meet again 2T 564

Secret vice

Secret vice CG 439-56; 2T 346-53, 360-2, 390-411, 468-71, 481-3

1. Ill effects of

2. Miscellaneous

1. Ill effects of

animal passions strengthened 2T 409-10, 470, 481

backache 2T 481

baser part of nature in ascendancy 2T 392

blinded understanding 2T 347

body enfeebled 5T 91

brain impaired CG 444; 2T 391

brain nerve power destroyed 2T 347

brain paralysis 2T 409

brain subjected to great draft 2T 392

brilliancy of intellect dimmed 2T 392

one half or one third 2T 361

broken-down constitutions CG 444; 2T 469

cancerous humors CG 444

children dwarfed mentally and physically 2T 402

children led into crime 2T 406

children made idiotic 2T 402

children made ready victims for evil associates to lead into crime 2T 404

children puny and dwarfed 2T 391

children rendered melancholy, irritable, and jealous 2T 392

children’s health undermined 4T 96-7

conscience hardened 2T 404, 406

deadening of sensibilities of mind 2T 347

death CG 444

debased mind 2T 402, 404, 481

deficiency and exhaustion of brain CG 444

deficient memory 2T 391, 469

destruction of: brain nerve power 2T 347

God’s image in children 5T 78

high resolve and earnest endeavor CG 445

moral sensibilities 2T 347

strength of will to form good character CG 445

vital forces of system CG 444

disease of almost every description CG 444; 2T 391, 404

diseased body and mind 2T 469

dislike for work 2T 481

enervated system 2T 347, 402, 470

eyesight weakened 2T 404

fatigue 2T 481

faulty imagination 2T 469

fine nerves of brain benumbed and to some extent paralyzed 2T 470

fine nerves of brain excited to unnatural action 2T 470

flabby muscles in children 2T 402

great drain on system 2T 391-2, 470

headache 2T 481

health destroyed CG 457

image of God destroyed in man 5T 78

imagination controlled by impure thoughts 2T 470

increased inability to concentrate thoughts on study 2T 402

intellect weakened 2T 402, 404

intellectual powers weakened and benumbed 2T 409

keen suffering from feelings of remorse 2T 392

kidneys diseased CG 444

lack of power to control passion 2T 469

less reverence for sacred things 2T 392

lessening of strength of vital powers 2T 347

liver trouble CG 444

loathing for religious things 2T 392

loss of: healthy tone of sensitive nerves of brain 2T 347

power of self-restraint 2T 392

lung trouble CG 444

melancholy, irritability, and jealousy 2T 392

mental sensibilities deadened 2T 347

mind debased 2T 404, 481

mind enfeebled 5T 91

mind fascinated by impure thoughts 2T 470

mind given up to low passions 2T 470

mind seriously injured 2T 392

mistakes 2T 469-70

moral and intellectual faculties overborne by baser powers 2T 470

moral powers weakened and benumbed 2T 409

moral sensibilities benumbed 2T 404

moral sensibilities unable to appreciate spiritual things 2T 470

mortification and regret 2T 470

neuralgia CG 444

not the same on all minds 2T 392

numerous pains in system CG 444

on children 2T 347-52, 360-1, 392, 404, 406, 481; 5T 91

on children’s minds 2T 361

on girls 2T 409-10

on teen-agers CG 444

power of self-restraint destroyed 2T 392

recovery from, nearly hopeless in some cases 2T 402

relish for spiritual things destroyed 2T 392

restless mind 2T 481

rheumatism CG 444

ruin of soul and body 2T 402

self-respect destroyed CG 458; 2T 392

shattered nervous system 4T 97

sievelike memory 2T 402, 469

small eyes, which appear swollen at times 2T 402

soul destroyed CG 457

soul tainted 2T 481

spine trouble CG 444

tens of thousands killed 4T 97

transformation of man into beast 2T 347

treacherous memory 2T 402

unnatural desire for sensual indulgence 2T 347

utter shipwreck of body and mind 2T 347

vital energy sapped from: brain 4T 97

whole body 2T 470

weakened brain 2T 470

weakened mind 2T 361

weakened moral and intellectual faculties (powers) 2T 392, 406, 470

2. Miscellaneous

almost universal among children 2T 478

among babies 2T 481

among children: idleness encourages 2T 349

parental blindness re 2T 360-1, 481-2

parental responsibility for 2SM 434, 436-7; 2T 391

symptoms of 2T 349

among overindulged children, frequent illness caused by 5T 91

hinders their advancement 5T 90-1

among small children 2T 391

appetite for, feverish diet strengthens in children 2SM 434-5; 2T 365, 400, 404

boys practicing, capable of poisoning entire neighborhood or community 2T 406

called solitary vice 4T 96-7

children addicted to, eggs should not be used by CD 204-5; MM 287

children debase themselves by 2T 402

children from 5 to 15 years old are often given to 4aSG 132

children learn, from corrupt associates 2SM 434, 436-7; 2T 392, 402-3, 481-3; 3T 148; 4T 95-6

children led into, by unsupervised association of boys and girls 2T 481-3

children naturally inclined to, labor is great blessing to 2T 403

children of Sabbathkeeping parents ruin soul and body by 2T 402

children practicing: are on road to perdition 2T 402-3

dangerous and virtue-destroying habit 2T 406

food that should not be freely eaten by 2T 362

lie to and deceive parents 2T 401

parents’ duty re 2T 403

warning to parents of 2T 391, 471

children should be prepared to detest CG 457

children who practice: diet of 2T 400

may resort to falsehood CG 458; 2T 401

one rule cannot be followed in every case of CG 458

parents’ duty re CG 457; 2T 402-3

crime of 2T 404, 409

curiosity leads children into 2T 392

disgusting habits of, children who almost invariably take to 2T 391

does not affect all minds alike 2T 392

enslavement to, results of 2T 469-70

farm work as safeguard against, for youth 2T 402-3

few children or youth are ignorant re 2T 392

flesh food encourages, in children CD 399-400

girls who practice 2T 409-10

habit of, hard to break 2T 350-1

habit that debases 2T 392

heart not fortified against, messages from heaven cannot forcibly impress 2T 347

hellish practice 2T 402-3

how children learn 2SM 436-7

how mothers can protect daughters from 2T 370

how to fortify mind against 2T 470

idleness and indolence lead children to 2T 349, 481; 3T 148

in children, parental responsibility for 5T 78

in Sabbathkeeping families 2T 391-2

indulgence that is terrible, debasing, and soul-and-body-destroying 2T 470

intemperate eating that fosters 2T 352

is: base, corrupt, and vile indulgence 2T 470

corrupting practice 2T 402

debasing vice 2T 347, 470

favorite and bewitching sin 2T 469

hellish practice 2T 403, 410

pernicious habit 2T 469

soul-and-body-destroying practice 2T 347, 392, 410, 470

soul-debasing 2T 347

steadily increasing 5T 529

terrible indulgence 2T 470

unnatural desire for sensual indulgence 2T 347

vicious practice 2T 402

love stories that foster, in children 2T 481

man who practiced, from childhood 2T 349-52

man who was a self-murderer because of CG 451-2

marks of, placed upon children 2T 406

married man who practiced 2T 350-3

middle-aged man who had practiced, from boyhood 2T 350-3

notable case of 2T 349-52

not all feeble youth are guilty of CG 445

novels foster, among youth 2T 410

parental responsibility for, by abuse of marriage privileges 2T 391

passed from child to child 2T 392

penalty for, how persons from ages of 30 to 45 pay CG 444

pernicious habit 2T 349

person cannot be Christian and practice 2T 410

persons fully established in, impart it to associates 2T 392

persons of apparently good deportment practice 2T 469

persons practicing: appetite for unhealthful food clamors for indulgence in 2T 470

are secretive 2T 469

cannot be Christians unless they stop it entirely 2T 410

duty of 2T 469

take unwarrantable liberties with other sex 2T 469

photographs and pictures that encourage, among the young 2T 410

physical exercise protects youth from 2T 348-9

practice of, increases with growth of children 2T 391

practiced from ages of 15 years and upward, effects of CG 444

practiced nearly whole lifetime by some people 2T 469

prayer for freedom from CG 452

prayer for person practicing 2T 350-1

prevalence of, among children 4T 97

reading of novels that encourages, in children 2T 481

remedy for CG 458-9

sin of 2T 404

affects others besides the guilty 2T 469-70

degrades 2T 347

sinful habit of, force of 2T 469

sinfulness of 2T 347, 469, 564

slaves to awful crime of, seem devoid of power to control passion 2T 469

some children begin, in infancy 2T 391, 481

stamped on features of boys and girls 2T 483

stand forth clear and untainted from 2T 347

stimulating food fosters 2T 352

symptoms of 2T 402

teeming on every hand in church 2T 361

terrible sin of, practiced while most solemn meetings were in session 2T 469

useful work as safeguard against, for children 2T 349, 481

very prevalent among children 4T 97

vice that is: bewitching CG 463

degrading 2T 347

hellish and soul-and-body-destroying 2T 409-10, 392

soul-debasing 2T 347

vile books incite imagination to, in children 2T 48

vile practice 5T 91

what Satan tells youth about 2T 409

youth and children of both sexes practice 2T 347, 481-3

youth who practice, children should avoid 2T 407

See also Masturbation

Sect, Sects

Sect, Sects, conflicting, term “Babylon” as representing PP 124

different, candor manifest by Ev 543

Jewish, disputes between DA 261

light of truth should not be withheld from any COL 418

new, leading men from truth Ev 358

people of all, invited to SDA med. institutions 7T 109

Protestantism divided into almost innumerable GC 383