EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)


School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist (Part 1 of 2)

School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist

1. Boarding

2. Church

3. Home (family)

4. Intermediate

5. Negro

6. Training

7. Miscellaneous kinds of

8. Activities in

9. Amusements in

10. Industrial training in

11. Lands of or for

12. Personnel of

13. Purpose (object) of

14. Students in

15. Subjects to be taught in

16. Work of

17. Miscellaneous

1. Boarding

children of isolated families sent to 6T 198

most sound and healthful principles re diet should be brought into FE 226

not all children of parents residing near the school should have to live in CG 330-1

sending all SDA children to, is not necessary CT 159-60

some resident students would be better off living in CG 330-1

unnecessary and arbitrary rules should not be made by CG 331

2. Church CT 165-200; 6T 193-205

accounts of, should be examined yearly by men of financial ability 6T 217

aid parents in preparing children for future CT 167

are true miss. undertakings 6T 217

better to close, than to run it into debt 6T 217

Bible should be taught in CG 315

building for: church members should help to erect CG 315-7

expense of erecting, all believers should share in 6T 109

for training children and youth CG 315-6; 6T 203

money needed for erection of CG 315-7

need of erecting CG 310

should have been erected years ago 6T 203

building of, at Crystal Springs, Calif. CG 315-7

cannot do for child what can be done at home CT 162

character of 6T 200-2

cheap and shoddy service in, Christ does not accept CT 151

children who do not improve in manners at, what to do re CT 155

children in: med. miss. work can be done by 6T 203

need instruction in practical miss. work 6T 203

prepare, to be workers for God CT 165

train, to be missionaries CT 167-9; 6T 198, 201

will be witnesses for Christ 6T 202

will do work older church members cannot do CT 166-7

children of isolated families of SDA need CT 158; 6T 109, 198-9

children will be converted in CG 310

church members should give financial support to 6T 217

church which has responsibility of CT 165-7; 6T 204

churches newly organized need GW 435; 6T 108

conduct: on sound financial basis 6T 217

so that Christ can honor it with His presence CT 151

without blot of debt 6T 217

conducted in basement of church building and aboveground GW 435; 6T 108

conducted properly, lifts up standard of truth 6T 202

confinement of children for long hours in, warning against 3T 135

countries having compulsory education especially need 6T 199

defective home training of children affects CT 155

discipline in CT 152-5, 170

home training should be supplemented by 6T 200

education in, God’s word must be foundation of CT 166; 6T 195

education in common branches in, must be thorough 6T 198

erection of, extended from city to city GW 435; 6T 109

establish 6T 195

for children in cities CG 306

in America, Australia, and Europe 6T 109

in different localities CT 168

in many places 6T 199

to save SDA children CT 167; 6T 193-7, 199

to separate SDA children from worldly associations 6T 109, 193

to teach truth to SDA children 6T 193-4

where there are no more than six children 6T 199

established in follow-up work after camp meetings 6T 108

establishment of: criticism and suspicion hinder 6T 202

God has people to engage in 6T 109

SDA far behind in 6T 199-200, 203

every SDA church should have CT 168; 6T 109, 198

expense of operating, all believers should share in 6T 109, 217

families patronizing, SDA faith should be rightly represented by 6T 204

financing of, believers having means help in GW 435

principles for 6T 216-7

first lesson that should be taught in CG 316

God’s law should be taught in CG 310

God’s purpose for CT 167

godliness should be maintained in 6T 200

good influence of, spirit of disunion undoes 6T 202

home CT 158-62

children of isolated SDA need CT 158

resultant blessing of CT 158

teacher for, selection of CT 160-1

home school should prepare children to attend CT 150

how teacher should conduct CT 151

in church basement in San Francisco, Calif. WM 112

lesson books that should be used in CG 310

lessons in, made plain by use of objects 6T 205

means of winning souls for Christ 6T 203-4

minds should be led by, from nature to nature’s God 6T 205

miss. work to be done in CG 310; CT 157

never give up, unless God plainly directs that it be done CT 157

newly converted souls willingly help to establish GW 435

older students in, teachers should be assisted by CT 200

open, each morning with prayer CT 151

ordained of God to prepare children for His work 6T 203

order in, should be model of heaven 6T 201

parents should give wholehearted support to CT 155-6

parents to unite in providing, for children 6T 198

parents who are not interested in sending children to AH 406

pattern, after schools of prophets CT 168

poor families should be helped to send children to 6T 217

practical and all-round education should be given in 6T 198

prayers should be offered to God in CG 315

promotes permanence and stability in God’s work 6T 108

reformatory work in, blessings of CT 157

responsibility of church members to CT 165-7

rooms for, needed as much as church building 6T 109

SDA children should be given true education by CG 310

should be permanent establishments 6T 108

simplicity should be maintained in 6T 200

small 6T 200

smaller churches need 6T 198

some SDA youth should be trained to take charge of CT 493

special truths for this time should be taught in 6T 203

study in, Bible must be foundation of 6T 109, 198

success of, depends much on teacher CT 200

unity of church members is essential to 6T 202

teacher of See Schoolteacher

textbooks used in, God’s law should be brought to children’s attention by 6T 203

two or three churches may unite in establishing 6T 109

vision re GW 435; 6T 108-9

work of, once established should not be readily abandoned CT 157

results of 6T 202-3

work of highest order is to be done by 6T 200

youth from world will be converted as result of 6T 203-4

youth from world will come to 6T 203-4

3. Home (family) CT 107-62; CSW 48

Abraham’s encampment as PP 141

among Israelites Ed 41

best school for language study is Ed 235

best talent needed in CT 107

child receives his first and most enduring lessons in FE 65

child should learn lessons of respect, obedience, reverence, and self-control in CT 107

child should receive his first lessons in CT 146; FE 416

child’s first industrial school should be Ed 217-8

child’s first school is CT 107; MH 400

children receive first grade in CG 19

children should be prepared by, for church school CT 150

children should be taught in, how to perform practical duties of life CT 122-3

children should be trained and disciplined in fear of God in CG 328-9

Christian home as, with parents as underteachers DA 515

education in, original plan of Ed 20-2, 33; PP 50-1

family as, in God’s plan of education Ed 33

family co-operation needed in Ed 285

first, established in Eden Ed 20-2, 33

foundation for life of service should be laid in MH 400

manual training needed in CT 122-3; Ed 217-8; FE 416

mother is head teacher in CT 122

mother should be teacher in FE 416

older children should help parents in Ed 285

one of best schools in which to exercise Christian graces 3T 337

parents as instructors in CG 19; CT 107-62

perpetual, every family may be 3T 337

teach children in, re God’s everlasting love CG 26-7

where angels can come and bless CG 481-2

work of, husband and wife must be closely united in CG 24

See also Home

4. Intermediate CT 203-26

church members should give, their hearty support CT 210

counsel against spending years of study in, does not apply to young boys and girls CT 219

do all possible to make, blessing to youth CT 210

do not try to operate, as colleges CT 206, 213

education in, Bible should be basis of CT 205-6

God’s word should lie at foundation of CT 203, 208

great aim in, should be thorough work CT 210

great parade should not be made by, before world CT 205-6

highly essential CT 203, 209

instruction should not be promised by, that they will not permit students to take CT 206

let, prove itself CT 206

mistake of trying to operate, as larger school CT 213

needed because child training is neglected at home CT 204-5

number of advanced studies taught by, does not make it a power CT 213

part of each day in, manual training should be given CT 211

pattern, after schools of prophets CT 208

pretentious display of learning in, is worthless CT 207

power for good in: does not lie in calling it a “college” CT 206

does not lie in number of languages it teaches CT 206

does not lie in telling how big it is CT 206

publicity that is best for CT 206

publicity that should not be given to CT 205-6

saving of souls in, worth far more than intellectual training CT 207

send children to, for education based on Scriptural foundation CT 205

SDA need CT 203, 209

should give instruction in: correct use of English language in reading, speaking, and writing CT 207-8

fundamentals CT 205

manual labor CT 208

neatness, order, and thoroughness CT 211

silence that is good for CT 206-7

size of buildings does not make, a power CT 213

small, God will open ways to establish CT 204

should be established in retired places CT 204

students finishing, SDA colleges established for CT 203

students in, should be shown true dignity of labor CT 203

students will go out from, as colporteurs CT 203

as gospel workers in various lines of evangelistic work CT 203

thorough work must be done in CT 203, 210

why SDA establish CT 204-5

work of, God’s word should lie at foundation of CT 203

See also Academy

5. Negro

be interested in establishing 9T 207

best teachers needed in 9T 207

establish 9T 207

in Southern States of USA 7T 231-2

outside of cities 9T 201

many, needed in Southern States of USA 7T 231

open, in cities 9T 201

See also Huntsville, Ala.

6. Training FE 488-91

all SDA institutions should be MM 175

camp meetings as 9T 120-1

Christian family should be AH 547

city mission as, for training gospel workers GW 364-6; MM 303, 308, 322-3

connected with missions, need of Ev 107

establish, in islands of sea 9T 51

every SDA church should be MH 149

financing of, principles for 6T 216

for training miss. workers, S. N. Haskell conducted Ev 470

gospel workers connected with FE 108

home as MYP 329-30

home circle as AH 182

instruction re med. miss. work should be given in CT 519-20

larger SDA churches need GW 75

med. miss. men with deep knowledge of Scriptures are needed in CT 484

mission, gospel workers connected with FE 108

study of Bible should be of primary importance in FE 108

needed for gospel workers in New York City Ev 385-6

needed in connection with evangelistic efforts in cities 9T 111

needed near health institutions 9T 178

our schools should be FE 114; 6T 152

sanitariums should be MM 156, 175

should be family schools 6T 151

should train youth as: Christian businessmen FE 489

evangelists FE 489

small local sanitariums should be connected with 7T 59-60; 9T 178

union conf., essentials for entrance into med. college should be given by larger CT 479; FE 489

work of, needs to be strengthened year by year CT 493; FE 483

youth preparing to be physicians should attend CT 520

7. Miscellaneous kinds of

academy See Academy

Bible training, conducted by S. N. Haskell in New York City Ev 111

camp meetings as 9T 120-1

for church members 9T 82

for gospel workers Ev 473; 9T 82

when conducted properly 6T 49

children’s, women must be prepared to teach Ev 475

church as, to educate youth to control appetites Te 165

college See College

conference CT 215

cooking See Cooking school

day: isolated SDA should unite to provide 6T 198-9

should not be held where God’s people worship on Sabbath CG 543

sternness and faultfinding should find no place in CSW 152

teachers of FE 263

distant, children and youth who should not be sent away to 8T 224-5

established and controlled on principles of God’s word, need of FE 99

following principles given in God’s word, will not accumulate debts CS 271

health See Health school

higher: needed for SDA children in cities CG 306

primary schools should prepare youth for TM 299

proper ventilation needed in Ed 208

students in, sufficient exercise for Ed 208

in foreign lands, best teachers should be sent to 6T 137

industrial, at Graysville, Tenn., and Huntsville, Ala. 7T 231

home should be child’s first Ed 217

island, needed to train youth of islands of sea as gospel workers among their own people 9T 51

large: families who desire to settle near 6T 198

not desirable 6T 211-2

teachers in, should be workers in churches CT 534

larger: instruction in med. miss. work should be given by CT 519-20

several Bible teachers needed in CT 432

small sanitariums should be connected with MM 323; 7T 232

lower, proper ventilation needed in Ed 208

students in, sufficient exercise needed by Ed 208

medical See Loma Linda University; Medical school

med. miss. training See Medical missionary training school

mission, printing plants should be connected with 7T 169

missions needed in every city as, for training gospel workers MM 303

nearest home, youth should be sent to 8T 224-5

of different nationalities, gospel workers who should be connected with FE 111

of scholastic philosophy, SDA should not institute 8T 305

preparatory, mistake of allowing students to choose their own studies in CT 215

primary: God’s purpose for CT 170

health habits should be taught in CT 520

needed in different localities TM 299

order and government needed in CT 170

should prepare youth for higher SDA schools TM 299

what angels should see in CT 170

Sabbath See Sabbath school

sanitariums as, giving instruction in med. miss. lines 9T 168

small, manual labor in many lines should be taught in CT 204

needed throughout Southern States of USA 7T 235

small agricultural, Review and Herald publishing house should be located near LS 392

smaller, better than large ones MM 322; 6T 137

teaching health reform, conduct Ev 534

teaching that greatness consists in knowing God, need of MH 440

that will not disappoint students and patrons CT 206

where converted teachers may educate youth in Scriptures, need of CT 204

where God’s word is basis of education, need of FE 541

8. Activities in

chapel services morning and evening at CT 502

should not be dry and formal CT 502

close of, program for FE 487

exercises of See School exercises

festivals of rejoicing unto God should be held at CT 371

gymnasium exercises in 5T 523

holidays observed in CT 343-8

lectures on prophecy needed in 3T 160

miss. work should be done by teachers and students in 6T 189-90

miss. work to be done in, lines of CT 545-6

offering prizes and rewards in, does more harm than good CT 270

reading of Bible in, benefit of 5T 84

regard due to 5T 84

religious exercises in, should not be dry, unsocial, and uninteresting FE 115

should not be prolonged to weariness FE 115

Sabbath meetings at FE 116; 6T 174-5

should be well planned 6T 174-5

should not be dry and formal CT 502

social meetings at FE 116

Sunday should be given to miss. work by, when Sunday laws are strictly enforced CT 550-1; 9T 233, 236-8

threefold daily program that should be followed in FE 73

9. Amusements in CT 338-42, 348-54; FE 220-30; 1SM 129-133

athletic games in, objections to Ed 210-1

ball playing See Ball playing

baseball See Baseball

cricket See Cricket

distinction between, and recreation Ed 207

exhibitions that are improper in CT 58

football See Football

games and exercises should not be planned by, to educate pugilists FE 220

games in, door opened to flood of temptation by 8T 65

that are objectionable FE 228

hours of recreation in, teacher should be with pupils during Ed 212

love of amusements in, perplexity caused by FE 512

match games in, warning against FE 378

pugilistic performances See Pugilistic performance

recreation in CT 336-7

regulate amusements in, with reference to health 3T 137-42

simplicity of amusement in, maintain FE 288

sports in: door opened to flood of temptation by 8T 65

perplexity caused by love of FE 512

that disgrace FE 72

See also Sports

tennis in See Tennis

which devils attend CT 350

worldly entertainments in, lack of wisdom shown in providing 6T 143

See also Amusement; Recreation; Sports

10. Industrial training in 6T 176-80, 208-9

competent teachers should be employed to give instruction re FE 72-3

definite aim needed in Ed 218

essential 6T 191

experienced workmen should guide and teach students in 6T 176

given in Australia CT 310

importance of CT 310, 317; Ed 218; MH 402; 6T 191

is objective most often opposed Ed 218

is of great value to missionaries CT 313-4

means are well spent in providing Ed 218

objection most often urged against Ed 218

plans for, schools should encourage CT 317

provide best facilities for Ed 218

reproof for slowness in developing 6T 177-8

school managers’ duty re CT 310-1

schools should give 3T 142

skilled instructors should direct Ed 218

spiritual lessons should be linked with 6T 177

subjects in, that should be taught CT 310; 6T 182

teachers’ duty re CT 211, 310-1

thorough, need of Ed 218

unseen advantages in CT 317

valuable for students planning to be missionaries 6T 176-7

worthy of its cost Ed 218

See also Industrial training

11. Lands of or for

nearby, sale of CS 240

use, for school purposes 6T 181

needed for: cultivation COL 87-8; CT 186-7; Ed 212; FE 322; GW 457; 5T 23; 6T 181-4, 187

growing fruit and vegetables FE 322; GW 457

orchards and gardens WM 184

providing work for students 6T 177

students to cultivate CT 312

portion of, should be made into park 6T 187

private dwellings should not occupy 6T 181-4, 187

purchase of CS 240; GW 457; 9T 271-2

secure, at distance from cities 8T 215

secure enough, to carry out God’s plans GW 457

to keep people from building near it GW 457

should be more faithfully cultivated FE 512

should not be disposed of for people to build private dwellings on 6T 184

12. Personnel of

best ministerial talent should be brought into CT 431; Ev 475; 6T 134-5 See also Teacher

consecrated med. miss. teacher’s influence in, is invaluable MM 63

cook of See School cook

false shepherds in, warning re FE 450-1

heads of CT 522

leader of See School leader

man in responsible position in, cannot be too careful re his words and acts CT 256

men of principle needed in Te 268

manager of See School manager

many persons officiating in, need to learn meekness in school of Christ FE 284

physicians in, great responsibility rests on MM 79

physicians should give instruction in 6T 136

president of See School president

principal of See School principal

sower of tares should not be brought into CT 30; FE 184

teachers need regular meetings frequently in, to unite in Bible study CT 433

teachers of See Schoolteacher; Teacher

teachers should be sent by, on excursions with students Ed 212

too many lords in, who love to rule over God’s heritage FE 224

uniting of ministers, SS teachers, and schoolteachers needed to save youth in FE 117

workers of See School worker

13. Purpose (object) of CG 306; CT 153, 532-3

consider, thoroughly CT 203-4

freedom from debt essential to accomplishment of 6T 207

high and holy CT 497

is not to make money 8T 215

is that they should be: asylum for sorely tried youth CT 269

city of refuge for tempted youth Ed 293

educating schools FE 114

important factors in temperance cause MM 266

model of heaven in maintaining order 6T 201

object lesson to community 6T 188

training schools CT 501; FE 114; 6T 152

is to: aid parents in education of children Ed 46

awaken in youth burden for world’s suffering millions Ed 269

bring youth directly under saving influence 4T 295

educate SDA youth 6T 440; 8T 216

enable youth to discern and glorify God 4T 422

fit people to stand in day of God’s preparation 6T 152

fortify youth against temptation CT 495

give instruction in great principles of God’s word 5T 25

give training different from that given by common schools CT 501

impart knowledge of truth FE 206

meet advancing wants of this time of peril and demoralization 5T 22

mold students’ minds for higher school CT 208-9

prepare people for future, immortal life FE 383

provide opportunity to learn requirements of God’s word 5T 21

provide opportunity to study sciences 5T 21, 25

safeguard SDA against infidel sentiments CT 45

save souls FE 206; 4T 427

send out missionaries as pioneers CT 251

separate SDA children from corrupting influences of world’s schools FE 89, 99; 4T 426-7; 6T 193

separate SDA children from people who do not keep God’s commandments 6T 195

serve as object lesson LS 374; 6T 188

set before world example honoring God CT 57

supplement home training FE 288; MH 401; 6T 200

teach children the way of truth FE 285

teach youth that greatness consists in honoring God MH 440

train youth according to God’s plan of growth and development 6T 126-7

is to train youth as: active workers for Christ CT 493

Bible workers CT 546

colporteurs CT 493, 546

evangelists CT 493; FE 489

gospel workers CT 546; FE 545; MM 323; TM 195

med. miss. evangelists CT 546

ministers CT 493, 546; 3T 160; 5T 156; 6T 440

miss. workers TM 43

missionaries FE 231, 273, 337, 529; LS 374-5; 4T 426; 9T 58

missionaries for distant lands CT 549

missionaries for islands of sea and other lands LS 374

miss. nurses 6T 136

nurses CT 493, 546; MM 226

SS officers 6T 136

SS workers 6T 136

teachers CT 493

workers FE 463

workers for God’s cause CT 354

is to train youth for: all departments of SS work 6T 136

business lines 7T 248

Christian service CT 394; 6T 133-4

evangelistic work CT 494; 9T 170

God’s kingdom CT 540

God’s service CT 413, 495; 9T 170

God’s work FE 334-67

gospel work FE 545; 5T 27; 6T 133; 7T 232; 9T 51

higher grades of school above FE 397, 512

med. miss. work 9T 170

miss. work CM 30-1; CT 149, 264-5, 493; FE 368, 517; TM 43

practical life TM 242

service in SDA institutions 6T 133

special lines of Christ’s work FE 231

usefulness CT 44

usefulness in this world CT 495; 4T 425

various branches of God’s work CT 43

various branches of miss. work CT 493; FE 489

various lines of miss. work Ev 23-4

is to train youth to: advance truth 3T 407

be blessing to world 5T 33

develop symmetrical characters 4T 425

do best work for God CT 42

do evangelistic work Ev 24; 8T 229

engage in mission work FE 512

fullest and noblest development of character 5T 23

give gospel message to world SD 207

habits of self-control, application, self-reliance, respect for superiors, and reverence for God FE 64

influence for God on earth FE 289

know Christ 6T 152

maintain respectable and virtuous standing in society 5T 23

make best use of their powers CT 265

obey God and His law CT 264

obtain moral fitness for immortal life 4T 425

practice of humility CT 56

reach highest attainments in science 4T 425

reflect more fully light of knowledge of Christ’s glory Ed 22

reveal God’s will FE 512

spread truth 8T 215

take hold of any line of gospel work FE 512

14. Student(s) in

all, should work whether they are able to pay or not FE 423

all-important lesson that should be learned by FE 340

amusements of, must be well regulated 3T 137-43

association of young and immature, forbid unprofitable and unwise CT 101

Christ’s Object Lessons should be carefully studied by 9T 77

coming from other schools, should first be examined in elementary branches CT 215

companies of, should engage in organized miss. effort CT 546

confined to close study cannot have sound health FE 146

diet of FE 226

disorderly elements among, how to cope with CT 153

do all possible to save 4T 423-4

educate, in practical Christianity FE 231

employment of, must be well regulated 3T 137-43

entertainment for, do not join with God’s enemies to provide 6T 143

errors of, do not make public CT 267; FE 277

expulsion of CT 268-9; FE 277-84

be careful re FE 282

grounds for CT 102, 265; Ed 293; FE 54; 4T 205-6, 422

necessary at times CT 268

should not be done publicly Ed 293

girl: clothing worn by Ed 247

disobedient, mother of 4T 496

who was troublesome, impudent, and defiant 2T 559

given too long and elaborate preparation CT 409

great diversity of character among CT 264

John 6 contains important lessons for FE 456

knowledge of God should be regarded by, above everything else FE 415; MYP 191

lacking home discipline 8T 224

men, should not do work of women FE 322

many, better prepared for God’s work on entering than when graduating CT 415

message to FE 220-30

Ministry of Healing should be carefully studied by 9T 77

miss. work by CT 545-55

money can be earned by, by sale of SDA books CT 526

most difficult among, to control CG 241-2

must have opportunities to become conversant with Bible 4T 425

need of, like Daniel CT 283

need plenty of: good and substantial food 6T 209

physical exercise FE 60

need to: advance in every essential branch of knowledge 6T 152

bear burdens for God CT 538

do miss. work in nearby communities CT 545

make school what God designed and signified it should be FE 292

remember that school of Christ has claims on them FE 543-4

seek to make school the most orderly, elevated, and praiseworthy institution on earth FE 292

need to be: educated to be masters of labor and not its slaves FE 314; LS 352

made acquainted with peoples and needs of all lands Ed 269

masters of labor LS 352

quickly prepared for God’s service CM 30-1; CT 404-19, 493; FE 334-67, 489, 545; 9T 170

trained to habits of self-control, application, and self-reliance FE 64

no lawlessness should be tolerated in CG 335

not sent to school to: be sunk out of sight in variety of studies FE 337

start lovesick and sentimental life 5T 109

older and younger, should not be treated alike CT 101

older, may be granted some privileges not accorded to younger CT 101

one earnest and conscientious and faithful, is inestimable treasure 4T 432

part of each day should be spent in useful work by FE 538

permit, to advance as fast and as far as they can CT 394

playing truant, what can be expected by Ed 108-9

plenty of wholesome food should be provided for 6T 209

poor, churches should help CT 69

precious talents among CT 545

problem: children undisciplined at home are 5T 38-9

never expel, until every effort has been made to reform him Ed 293

never helped by being humiliated openly FE 277

who go to school to spoil it CG 126

who would do better to return home CT 102

whose influence is demoralizing 4T 206

withdrawal of, arrange with parents for Ed 293

public exposure of wrongs done by, has no beneficial effect upon them CT 267

questions each, should ask himself on entering school FE 301

rebellious, how to deal with CG 323-4

shield, from temptation FE 63

should be trained to be gospel workers FE 463

should have their own seasons of prayer FE 293

should leave school with educated efficiency CT 308

should never disparage institution FE 293

should not bring reproach upon schools FE 246

something deeper than formal religion is needed by CT 540

speedily prepare, for God’s service CM 30-1; CT 404-19; FE 334-67, 489, 545; 9T 170

Spirit coming into, result of CT 373