The Light Still Shines

10. Self Authenticating

Let me share one last reason why I find Ellen White’s messages personally valuable. Admittedly, it is a very subjective reason, but that doesn’t lessen its validity. When I read her writings, I hear the voice of God speaking to my soul—in other words, her writings are self-authenticating. LSS 8.8

When I read The Desire of Ages, I do not just read about Jesus, I actually meet Him in the pages of that book. In her chapter “Gethsemane,” or her description of Christ’s trial and crucifixion, I don’t find myself just being a bystander. On the contrary, I am drawn into the story. I am there with the sleeping disciples in the Garden. Christ is asking me to watch and wait with Him. It’s not just Peter who is standing by the fire, I am there too. In the judgment hall, I mingle with the shouting mob. And on the terrible mount of crucifixion, I am pounding the nails into the innocent hands of Christ; I am there railing on Him as He hangs broken, bloodied, and bruised on the cross. But as I read, someway the light dawns in my sin beclouded mind that it was for me that He died. And in my mind’s ear I can hear Jesus praying, “Father, forgive Jim, for he doesn’t have a clue what he is doing.” LSS 8.9

Likewise, in reading the Testimonies, I am driven to my knees, just as were the people to whom the messages were originally addressed one hundred or more years ago. Tragically some people get all hung up on what they view as the “don’ts” in Ellen White’s writings. Those very same “don’ts” that some people see, Ellen White viewed as opportunities to draw even closer to God as in love we do those things that He as our creator knows will bring us the greatest amount of happiness. LSS 8.10