Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



The Adventist Conference About to MMM 590.2

Close a Remarkable Successful One MMM 590.3

—Election of Officers Yesterday. MMM 590.4

The Adventist general conference is rapidly drawing to a close. A large number of delegates departed for their homes and new field of labor last night, and the remainder will disperse at the close of the meeting which convenes Sunday morning. According to the testimony of the delegates, the present conference has been not only a significant one as regards the amount and character of the business done, but it has been unusually animated. Opinions have been freely expressed and discussed, perhaps with a little more freedom than customary. And yet the utmost harmony reigned, and all go away feeling that much has been accomplished. The business will all be finished to-day. After that till adjournment this exercise will be of a devotional order. A portion of the delegates will reassemble at Battle Creek next week and there finish up some business matters that come under their own jurisdiction. They express themselves as highly pleased with Minneapolis and their treatment here. The quiet and seclusion of their headquarters on Lake street was especially pleasing to them. MMM 590.5