Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



At the business meeting yesterday the following officers for the ensuing year were elected: MMM 590.6

President, O. A. Olsen of Christiania, Norway, secretary, Dan J. [sic] Jones, St. Louis; corresponding secretary, W. H. Edwards, Michigan; home missionary secretary, George B. Starr, Chicago; foreign missionary secretary. W. C. White, Oakland; educational secretary, W. W. Prescott, president of Battle Creek college; treasurer, Harmon Lindsay. MMM 590.7

Executive Committee—O. A. Olsen, S. N. Haskell, U. Smith, W. C. White, E. W. Farnsworth, R. M. Kilgore. MMM 591.1

Book Committee—W. C. White, U. Smith, R. M. Kilgore, W. W. Prescott, A. T. Jones, C. Eldridge, J. H. Kellogg, E. W. Farnsworth, J. G. Matteson, F. E. Belden, A. T. Robinson, C. H. Jones. MMM 591.2

General Conference Association—George I. Butler, U. Smith, A. R. Henry, Harmon Lindsay. MMM 591.3

Labor Bureau—A. R. Henry, C. Eldridge, H. W. Kellogg. MMM 591.4

The International Tract and Missionary society elected officers as follows: MMM 591.5

President, S. N. Haskell; vice president, W. C. White; recording secretary, T. A. Kilgore; corresponding secretary, M. L. Huntley. MMM 591.6

Resolutions were passed yesterday authorizing the establishment of the following schools, etc.: MMM 591.7

German missionery [sic] school at Milwaukee, English missionery [sic] training school at Chicago, French missionery [sic] school at St. Louis, mission at Hamburg, mission school at Basle, Switzerland; branch offices of Review and Herald at London, England, and Ontario; and a branch office of Pacific Press at New York. The various managers of these institutions were also appointed at the same time. MMM 591.8