Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



Yesterday Observed by the Visiting
Adventists as the Day of Rest.

The Adventists celebrated their Sabbath yesterday in the manner peculiar to themselves, and at sundown they again resumed the week-day programme. The day was characterized by large attendances from the country. At the morning services Mrs. White preached the sermon. In the early afternoon Elder Underwood spoke to the people and at 4 o’clock Mrs. White again took the platform and spokes [sic] to the Scandinavians through an interpreter. The church was crowded to the doors. It was a tedious process, speaking through an interpreter, but there seemed to be no lack of interest on the part of the hearers. At the evening session, Dr. Kellogg, of the Battle Creek sanitarium, spoke on the subject of “Health Reform.” Dr. Kellogg is a disciple of a vegetable diet, and even goes farther and entirely eschews butter. He says that he has eaten no meat or butter for a quarter of a century, and, though descended from a race of consumptives, he is still a hale and hearty man and growing more healthy every year. After his lecture he answered a long list of questions on diet that were handed him by people in the audience. He affirms that meat is almost unknown among nine-tenths of the inhabitants of the globe. Pork he would eat only as an alternative to starvation. MMM 588.2

n. a. “Adventist Officers” St. Paul Pioneer Press, (10/30/1888), p. 6. MMM 589.1

The Adventists Elect Officers MMM 589.2

Adventists Officers

At the Adventist conferences yesterday the educational association elected these officers; MMM 589.3

President, George I. Butler of Battle Creek, Mich.; secretary, W. W. Prescott, president of Battle Creek college; directors, Uriah Smith. J. H. Kellogg, W. C. Lisley [sic] and C. Eldridge. MMM 589.4

The publishing association elected the following: MMM 589.5

President, George I. Butler; directors, Uriah Smith, A. R. Henry, H. W. Kellogg, W. H. Edwards, C. Eldridge and F. E. Belden. MMM 589.6

The establishment of branch publishing houses at Battle Creek, London, Toronto, Chicago and some Southern point was voted. MMM 589.7

n. a., “A Successful Conference” St. Paul Pioneer Press, (11/2/1888), p. 6. MMM 590.1