Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis



The Seventh Day Adventists Will Devote MMM 553.2

Today to Devotional Exercises. MMM 553.3

Yesterday was the last work day of the week for the Seventh Day Adventists, as according to their belief today is the Sabbath, and it will be given up to rest and worship. MMM 553.4

The main business of the forenoon yesterday consisted of hearing the reports of the missionaries from Southern fields. Elder G. G. Rupert gave a very interesting account of his work in the West Indies and South America. He described the natives, and said that, as a rule, they were very eager for religion. C. W. Olds represented Alabama. S. H. Lane Georgia and Florida, J. P. Henderson Arkansas, T. H. Gibbs Louisiana, and J. M. Reese [sic] Tennessee. MMM 553.5

The matter of purchasing a missionary ship to cruise about in the waters of the Pacific, was again taken up. It was decided to await developments and ascertain whether the ship now on its way to Pitcairn Island was a suitable one or not. If it is, a committee appointed for the purpose will be authorized to purchase it. The vessel is owned by Elder H. Culney [sic], president of the Nebraska conference. It was purchased by N. F. Burgess, of Honolulu, expressly for Elder Culney and is represented to be peculiarly fitted for cruising. MMM 553.6

In the afternoon the general conference gave way to the International Tract and Missionary Society. S. N. Haskell, of London, the president, presided, and occupied most of the time in speaking about the distribution of tracts all over the world. Missionaries were sent out to every portion of the globe with tracts printed in every language, and their success, according to Elder Haskell, is simply phenomenal. MMM 553.7

This morning at 10:30 Elder Haskell will preach, and at 2:30 in the afternoon Mrs. E. G. White will occupy the pulpit. In the evening A. T. Jones, of California, will lecture on “The Church and State.” MMM 554.1

n.a., “A Female Oracle” Minneapolis Tribune, (10/21/1888), p. 5. MMM 555.1